App Passwords and BitBucket / TortoiseGit / Pageant - bitbucket

I had an email Atlassian today saying I must start to use App Password for linking with BitBucket.
I use:
Up until now I have always input a passphrase each morning I do my first commit and there after I get no prompts.
I have followed the instructions to create an App Password but I do not know how to change TortoiseGit / Pageant to use this new App Password.

You only need to use an AppPassword when you're not using an SSH key for authentication.
IIRC the AppPassword can just be entered as a password when you use an HTTPS-based remote.


GitHub pull request builder unable to connect to GitHub

Good afternoon.
I'm using plugin version 1.42.0.
Recently I receive a token deprecation notice in my mailbox. I regenerated the token and now I'm not able to connect to Github at all through this plugin.
I tried different types of credentials - email + password, secret text, email + password (where the token is the password), no luck.
Please note that credentials are valid, I'm able to connect to GitHub through other plugins.
Am I missing something very obvious here?
PS. No 2-factor auth is enabled for my account.
I'm not an admin account, but I'm able to read and write everything into the repo.
Well, my bad.
I was so tired, that I did not put a repository name into the field above.
Everything is working now.

Configure Jenkins to send gmail: What am I missing?

Trying to have Jenkins send an email to a Gmail account upon every build. I get:
Failed to send out e-mail
com.sun.mail.smtp.SMTPSendFailedException: 530-5.5.1 Authentication Required. Learn more at
530 5.5.1 9sm5733284oij.25 - gsm
Here's what I tried so far:
Made the gmail account accept emails from less secure apps
Generated an application password from gmail and used it in my Jenkins configuration - got the same error with and without the app password
Looked at at least a dozen answers (yeah) and all the screens showing the Jenkins gmail config look the same as mine
telnet 465 responds as connected
My Jenkins install is localhost using this URL:
My system admin email address exists and is entered in Jenkins
I've tried filling in the section on Extended E-mail notification and removing the entries - no difference
Turned off Windows Defender, thinking, just maybe???
Also tried to configure Outlook/Hotmail using those smpt parms but that gave different errors
Don't know if this matters but I have that 'It appears that your reverse proxy set up is broken' and I don't recall setting up a reverse proxy!
Any help would be greatly appreciated!
Set up Jenkins email notification as shown below:
To resolve this, create & use app passwords with 2-step verification turned on.
A less secure method is to allow less secure apps without 2-step verification.

Unable to Authenticate my Bitbucket server account with Sourcetree / How to register in source tree with Bitbucket Server credentials

I have a Bitbucket repository, which I'm able to logging in web browser with my credentials, Now I want to checkout it in Sourcetree, So I've installed Sourcetree 2.6.10, It requires authentication to Bitbucket server with Root URL & Username to continue, I'm providing input in below format...
Root URL :
Username : xxxxxx.xxxxxx
The error i'm getting is...
Failed to check login for user [xxxxx.xxxxxx]. You do not have permission to access URL ‘’ please check the user credentials associated with this account. The request returned with status code ‘Unauthorized’.
Any help would be appreciated, thanks !
To fix:
1-go to source tree window, clicked remote
2-little gear icon, clicked "settings"
3-double clicked on Bitbucket server, changed protocol from default HTTPS to SSH
To Perforce, Now, I m sharing another solution whether if the user prefers, BitBucket Cloud intergrated with SourceTree,(facing the above stated issue),
Since one of the steps of the upgrade process was to input your Atlassian account password, you should now have a password set (in addition to being able to use Google). You should be able to use your Bitbucket username and Atlassian account password to authenticate SourceTree.
If you need to reset your Atlassian account password, you can do so here:
Source :
I had a similar problem trying to register Sourcetree the first time I opened it, using my company's Bitbucket Server URL. Turns out I just needed to include https:// at the beginning of the URL.
Drop everything after ".com" and log in there.
e.g. log into
see also

login issue with hudson server after moving to new hardware

I am using hudson 3.3.3 and have just moved my hudson server to a new server and after movement. But i am not able to login to new hudson server. When i give my login credentials, hudson logs shows me successful login:
at hudson.tasks.BuildStepMonitor$1.perform(
at hudson.model.AbstractBuild$AbstractRunner.perform(
at hudson.model.Build$
at hudson.model.Build$RunnerImpl.doRun(
at hudson.model.AbstractBuild$
at hudson.model.ResourceController.execute(
Apr 12, 2018 5:19:02 PM successfulAuthentication
INFO: Login attempt successful for user
But the screen still shows login option on top right and not getting "Manage Hudson" option. I added anonymous user as admin in hudson-security.xml file and after restart i am able to see "Manage Hudson" option without login. So admin access is open for each user at this time. How can i solve this as security risk is too high with everyone having admin access :(
I assume that you have moved all needed plugins, secrets folder and users folder from your old server. I assume that you have used the initial admin password to unlock the new Jenkins server.
I suspect that after you login, there could be redirect, please double check the URL before and after the login.
There could be DNS issue. If the Jenkins URL is the same for the new and the old server try to login by IP.
Double check configurations, for example if you are using nginx as reverse proxy.

How to access bitbucket using app password

I have created an app password as explained here
But now, how do I access the repository using this app password?What will be the url?Can someone direct me to a page showing an example please?
The below is a code for github. How do I do it for bitbucket?
var githubToken = "[token]";
var url = "[username]/[repository]/archive/[sha1|tag].zip";
var path = #"[local path]";
using (var client = new System.Net.Http.HttpClient())
var credentials = string.Format(System.Globalization.CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, "{0}:", githubToken);
credentials = Convert.ToBase64String(System.Text.Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes(credentials));
client.DefaultRequestHeaders.Authorization = new System.Net.Http.Headers.AuthenticationHeaderValue("Basic", credentials);
var contents = client.GetByteArrayAsync(url).Result;
System.IO.File.WriteAllBytes(path, contents);
Go to Personal Settings and then App Passwords as shown below.
Since the question was "how do I access the repository" - maybe this is useful for somebody:
You can also use a Bitbucket "App Password" to use Git over HTTPS.
git clone
(Or, if you want to avoid storing the password in plaintext:
Omit :APP_PASSWORD in the URL above, and just provide the App Password when prompted by Git.)
This may be useful for CI (although Git over SSH might be better).
You can perform this request as follows:
curl -u "walery2iq:<appPassword>" "[yourRepo]"
Important thing here - use your username, not e-mail address.
Important because for login on bitbucket itself you are using e-mail and not username :D
You can find your username here:
Settings -> Account settings -> Username
See picture.
You need to create your "app password" on bitbucket console. Under your Avatar ->Personal Settings ->Access Management ->App Password. Create app password and note it down.
Once done, open your git bash and set the remote origin using -
git remote set-url origin https://<Your_Account_Name>:<App_Password><Your_Account_Name>/<Repo_Name>.git
If you have a 2-step verification I was able to clone but not to make a push. This worked for me using git instead of curl:
git push https://<username>:<GENERATED-APP-PASS><username>/<repo>.git
Generate an app password at
git remote set-url origin https://[app-label]:[app-password][your-repo].git
Git uses libcurl under the hood so one might keep password in ~/.netrc file:
machine login USER password PAZZ
and avoid leaking password to shell history:
git clone https://$$WORKSPACE/$REPO.git
This worked for me, check use credential helper from git settings.
That is, preferences-> version control-> To git -> use credential helper
