SwiftUI Package dependencies isn't working in real iOS device - ios

I've implemented packages in SwiftUI using Add Package These packages are working fine in the simulator. But when I've tried to run on a real iOS device (iPhone 8 plus). It is showing the error. I've deleted Derived data and Clean Build Folder and Build. Even I've restarted Xcode, removed packages, and again re-added then also it's not working on real deivce.


React Native, iOS, trying `yarn run ios` and I get RCTAppDelegate.h not found

Trying to build a React Native iOS app, and while I got it running fine using Android, trying to get it running on iOS has been a bit of a nightmare.
I created this base react native app, back in Sept 2022, doing the typical npx react-native init <projectname> and was working on android mostly (I use a linux box, and I have to use Teamviewer to connect to a mac to build the iOS apps).
I had my app working fine in android and iOS, and then added the Zoom Video SDK and everything went to hell. Got it working fine in Android, and tried to take my changes and build them in iOS but I couldn't get it to work, and seemingly got my iOS project corrupted, so I tried to create a fresh iOS project, by basically created a same-named project in a different directory, and replacing the <projectname>/ios with the new base ios project.
Of course, I did this Jan 2023, so it's the new architecture, and the AppDelegate.h tries to import the RCTAppDelegate.h file instead of React/RCTBridgeDelegate.h
I do my usual yarn install go into the ios directory and pod install and then try to do a yarn run ios and it tells me it can't find RCTAppDelegate.h
Anyone solve this yet? The React-Native docs aren't up to date with their github repo
I got the same error, i solved it by opening the .xcworkspace instead of opening .xcodeproj
I also cleaned the build folder by
Product --> Clean Build folder
and then it successfully built the app.

Why is ios packaging inconsistent with using xcode run directly?

The react native project uses xcode to run on the simulator and real machine, and the image resources are displayed normally, but after being packaged into ipa, some images will not be displayed. I've tried cleaning the project, rebuilding, but the result is still the same

React Native Expo Managed App doesn't launch/start on iOS simulator

I've been having hard times with my old Windows laptop while developing React Native apps so I moved to MacOS laptop. I installed Android Studio and Xcode (including Xcode command line tools). Then I initialized a blank expo managed project. I started both on Android Emulator and iOS simulator. Android one worked out with an ádb´ error (or maybe warning). But on the other hand, iOS simulator did nothing. There's no Expo Go app installed on iOS device, so it can not launch my app using it. I don't get any error or warning related to this problem, so I can't trace the problem.
I have tried deleting global expo folder located at ´~/.expo/´, I also tried to give 777 (all permissions) on that folder to my current user.
I tried uninstalling and reinstalling expo package globally.
I made sure I have selected Xcode command line tools on ´Xcode -> Preferences -> Locations -> Xcode 13.2.1 (13C100)´
I tried to launch different iOS devices like (iPhone 6, 8, 13, iPod etc.)
I tried clearing cache and starting expo with ´sudo npm start --clear-cache´
I have been trying to solve this for at least 2 hours tried everything possibly related to my problem but none of them did work. There's one thing I don't understand though. Even though I used different iOS device simulators the Expo Metro Bundler showed this ´› Opening exp:// on iPhone 8´ output. I have tried iPhone 13, iPhone 6, iPod etc. but this was the same output for different devices. Here's some screenshot related to probem:
This tutorial video on YouTube helped me solve my problems. I think I was missing a few things:
I haven't granted required privacy permissions on my Mac for Xcode, Android Studio and VS Code. Open System Preferences > Security & Privacy > Go Privacy Tab > Give Full Disk Access to Xcode, VS Code, Android Studio, Terminal and Watchman (Watchman is not required, but I have also installed it for solving a problem before)
You should to launch both your Android and iOS simulators before starting your expo application. Simply go to Android Studio and launch your device. To launch iOS device use bash and type open -a simulator.
If you don't have Expo Go app installed on your iOS simulator then you should first install it before starting your expo app. To install it use expo client:install:ios command.
Start your app by using expo start command. Type i and a or click on Run on iOS simulator and Run on Android device/emulator buttons to launch your app on devices.
NOTE: If you app gets stuck at New update available, downloading... stage then you can start your expo app with cleaned cache using expo start -c command. It was helpful for me.
NOTE 2: You may need to use sudo command on some of the commands I've mentioned, I'm not sure which ones are required or not.
I run into the same issue every time when I tried to set it up on a new laptop.
Its fixed after the installation of xCode cli.
Take a look at this - https://docs.expo.dev/workflow/ios-simulator/
I fixed similar issue by hard restarting simulator
Top menu -> Device -> Erase All Content And Settings...

Xcode Simulator using cached files

I am running a Cordova app and when I open it using Xcode (iOS Simulator) it shows the updated code files in Project Navigator. I then run Product -> Clean and run the code on the simulator but it still uses a previous version of the HTML/JS files.
How do I get the simulator to build again from the updates source files? It seems they are somehow cached and I can't seem to get it cleared.
Use cordova build ios first and then run the app in simulator.

I cannot run my app on my iOS devices even though they are updated

Recently I've updated my software on my iPhone (iOS 12.1). I'm using Xcode 10.1 and my MacBook software version is MacOS Mojave 10.14. (MacBook Air)
The point is that all my software is updated and I can't get rid of an annoying bug that says:
"Could not locate device support files".
I have already tried to clean the project and to delete derived data, but nothing seems to work.
Ideally, you should update Xcode to the latest one (it might be Xcode beta).
but, if you can not update Xcode due to some reason follow following steps listed here: https://github.com/filsv/iPhoneOSDeviceSupport
Select and download the Support files which are missing for your Xcode (12.1 (16B5059d).zip):
Unzip it;
Close Xcode;
Copy and paste unziped folder by path: "/Applications/Xcode.app/Contents/Developer/Platforms/iPhoneOS.platform/DeviceSupport/"
Reopen Xcode;
