Is it better to use Serilog with or without Microsoft.Extensions.Logging? - serilog

I'm building an API using .NET 6 and plan to use Serilog as logger. According to there are two possibilities:
Use Serilog exclusively
Use Microsoft.Extensions.Logging as logging API + Serilog as logging framework
On the one hand, using Serilog exclusively has the drawback that everything in my codebase would take a dependency on Serilog, so using it in combination with Microsoft.Extensions.Logging should provide more flexibility.
On the other hand, on they clearly recommend to use for .NET Core projects:
ASP.NET Core applications should prefer Serilog.AspNetCore and UseSerilog() instead.
Does anybody know the reason for this recommendation which looks contradictory to me in terms of flexibility?

I think the recommendation:
ASP.NET Core applications should prefer Serilog.AspNetCore and UseSerilog() instead.
is not really talking about which ILogger abstraction to use in your application code -- Microsoft or Serilog. I think it's more about choosing between the low-level Serilog.Extensions.Logging package or the higher level Serilog.AspNetCore package (which depends on the former).
The Serilog.AspNetCore package brings in some useful features like a request logging and integration directly with the generic host. Things you're likely to want in an ASP.NET Core application. The Serilog.Extensions.Logging package is more suited for scenarios where you're not using a generic host, e.g. a console application.
Regarding whether to prefer using Microsoft's ILogger abstraction or Serilog's: It depends. In library code that you expect to share across diverse projects (or publicly), I'd probably stick to Microsoft's abstractions for maximum compatibility and to not force an unwelcome dependency on consumers. Similarly, if you think there's any chance you'll someday want to swap out logging frameworks, you'll probably have an easier time if you stick to using the Microsoft APIs.
On the other hand, you might prefer the ergonomics of Serilog's API over Microsoft's. For example, maybe you like the convenience of a static Log and LogContext APIs without all the ceremony of injected logger. And the IDiagnosticContext abstraction (along with the above mentioned ASP.NET Core request logger) is a really powerful logging pattern. Those would be good reasons to go "all-in" with Serilog.


How does AppDynamics (and programs alike) retrieve information

How does AppDynamics and similar problems retrieve data from apps ? I read somewhere here on SO that it is based on bytecode injection, but is there some official or reliable source to this information ?
Data retrieval by APM tools is done in several ways, each one with its pros and cons
Bytecode injection (for both Java and .NET) is one technique, which is somewhat intrusive but allows you to get data from places the application owner (or even 3rd party frameworks) did not intend to allow.
Native function interception is similar to bytecode injection, but allows you to intercept unmanaged code
Application plugins - some applications (e.g. Apache, IIS) give access to monitoring and application information via a well-documented APIs and plugin architecture
Network sniffing allows you to see all the communication to/from the monitored machine
OS specific un/documented APIs - just like application plugins, but for the Windows/*nix
Disclaimer : I work for Correlsense, provider of APM software SharePath, which uses all of the above methods to give you complete end-to-end transaction visibility.

When using a DI framework, how does a new service know what other services are available?

In a large project that is using a DI framework (such as Ninject in my case), what options exist when implementing a new "service" to find out what other "services" are available to be used as dependencies. Before using DI I have noticed a tendency in our code base to get a reference to a "god" object that pretty much gave access to all the available functionality and then Visual Studio's IntelliSense would become very helpful to discover what all was available (obviously this approach was only possible because of poor architectural decisions of having such an object in the first place).
I can some possible answers and am interested what has worked for others:
You should know the overall system you are working in well enough
to know what other classes/services exist (for example, if I had
static classes I would just have to know that they exist to be able
to use them).
You maintain good external documentation of your
code base so all classes/services are understand by all developers
(this imposes a large documentation burden, it would seem to me).
Create an API to query the DI container (Ninject kernel) for a list
of all bindings to see what services are available (perhaps only
Singletons). This could also be done as part of the build system to
generate a document automatically upon each build that developers
could reference.
Has this ever been an issue for other developers?
Usually you don't want to see all services exist in a system and then choose one of them. You want to access a functionallity. Structure your classes with namespaces in a way so that it is obvious where to look for it.
E.g. If I want to know what collections are available in .NET I type System.Collections.Generic. and the IntelliSense gives me a list of options.
I tend to organise my codebase so that I have a central 'Interface' project to which all other projects have a reference. Then my Logger is available only through the ILogger interface, and the logging module can choose which concrete ILogger to provide. You should not be requesting concrete classes - this defeats the purpose of DI.
In general when you are implementing a new service you should already know what dependencies you need. If you don't know what you should use, ask someone who does. This is the equivalent to having adequate documentation - relying on intellisense will give you a very shallow idea of what you should take as a dependency. Instead you should consult either the documentation or someone who understands the area.

EJB 3.1 or Spring 3.. When to choose which one?

EJB achieved many improvements in 3.x versions, Spring is also commonly used and version 3 is a good alternative.
There are many articles on web, but no exact comparison about ejb3x versus spring3x.. Do you have any ideas about them, in real world examples which one is better at which conditions?
For example, we want to separate db and server, which means our application will be on a server, our database will be in another server.. EJB remoting vs Cluster4Spring etc ?
Doing everyting #Annotation is always good? configuration never needed?
For your use case where the application runs on one server and the database runs on another, the choice between EJB and Spring is irrelevant. Every platforms supports this, be it a Java SE application, a simple Servlet container like Tomcat or Jetty, PHP, Ruby on Rails, or whatever.
You don't need any kind of explicit remoting for that. You just define a datasource, provide the URL where your DB server lives and that's it.
That said, both EJB and Spring Beans do make it easier to work with datasources. They both help you defining a datasource, injecting it in beans and managing transactions associated with them.
Of the two, EJB (and Java EE in general) is more lightweight and adheres more to the convention over configuration principle. Spring requires more verbosity to get the same things and depends a lot on XML files which can quickly become very big and unwieldy. The flip side of the coin is that Spring can be less magical and you might feel more in control after having everything you want spelled out.
Another issue is the way EJB and Spring are developed.
EJB is free (as in free beer), open-source and non-proprietary. There are implementations of EJB being made by non profit organizations (Apache), open source companies (Redhat/JBoss) and deeply commercial closed source enterprises (IBM). I personally would avoid the latter, but to each his own.
Spring on the other hand is free and open-source, but strongly proprietary. There is only one company making Spring and that's Springsource. If you don't agree with Rod, then tough luck for you. This is not necessarily a bad thing, but a difference you might want to be aware of.
Doing everyting #Annotation is always good? configuration never needed?
It's an endless debate really. Some argue that XML is hard to maintain, others argue that annotations pollute an otherwise pure POJO model.
I think that annotating a bean as being an EJB stateless bean (#Stateless) or a JPA entity (#Entity) is more cleanly done using annotations. Same goes for the #EJB or #Inject dependency injections. On the other hand, I prefer JPQL named queries to be in XML files instead of annotations, and injections that represent pure configuration data (like a max value for something) to be in XML as well.
In Java EE, every annotation can also be specified in XML. If both the annotation and the XML equivalent are present, the XML overrules the annotation. This makes it really convenient to start with an annotation for the default case, but override it later via XML for a specific use case.
The current preference in Java EE seems to be more towards (simple) annotations combined with a large amount of convention over configuration.
The real question you should be asking is CDI/EJB or Spring
It's often not Spring vs EJB, but Spring vs Java EE. EJB itself compares to Spring Beans. Both of them are a kind of managed beans running inside a container (the EJB container resp. Spring container).
Overall the two technologies are rather similar. Reza Rahman did a great comparison between the two a while back.
EJB's are more advantageous because of standardization. If you are working with a lightweight application I think going with Spring is fine but if you expect that your application will be big and will require lots of memory access and data connections access you may consider starting your development with EJBs. The main reason being clustering and load balancing are built into the EJB framework.
In an EJB environment, when an EAR ('E'nterprise 'AR'chive) is deployed, it may be deployed with multiple EJBs beans that each could have a specific purpose. Let say you wrote a bean for user management and another bean for product management. Maybe one day you find that your user services way exceed your products access services, and you want to move your user bean to a different server on a different machine. This can actually be done in runtime without altering your code. Beans can be moved between servers and databases, to accomodate clustering and load/data balancing without affecting your developers or your users because most of it can be configured at the deployment level.
Another reason for supporting a standard is knowing that most large third party vendors will likely support it resulting in less issues when integrating with new standard/service/technology - and let's face it, those come out like new flavours of ice-cream. And if it is in a public specification new start-up companies or kind developers can create an open-source version.
It is most unfortunate that even the most intelligent designers or programmers cannot predict which of their features may or may not be embraced by the development community which is the main reason software becomes bloated... Java EE is definitely that!
Choose one or the other, but not both.
My personal preference is Spring. I've used on projects with great success for the past six years. It's as solid as any software out there.
Spring can work with EJBs if you choose to have them in your app, but I don't believe the reverse is true.
I would recommend separate physical machines for web, app, and database servers if you can afford it.
Spring can work with several remoting options, including SOAP and REST web services. A comparison of Spring beans with EJB is beyond the scope of this question. I don't see what it has to do with your implementation. If you use Spring POJO services they're in-memory rather than requiring another network hop like remote EJBs. Think of Fowler's Law of Distributed Objects: "Don't". Only introduce latency with good reason.
I'd mention unit testing here.
In common web application (controller->service->data->...->view) EJB and Spring both provide similar result, but spring offers easier testing.
In my humble experience the way you develop is different in couple of aspects:
Unit test (spring wins). In spring its done pretty stright forward, while in ejb you have to use Arqullian with ShrinkWrap (sic!) which is slow to run on every build.
Persistence (ejb wins). In spring there is struggle around it, i.e. google "how to autowire persistence in entity listener"
Configuration (ejb wins). As newbie coming to spring from ejb I was surprised by swarm of annotations and .xml files.
EJB 3.1 is the best while being the standard for Java 6 EE applications.
Spring still does not support Java 6 CDI(weld) also still depends a lot on XML configuration. EJB 3.1 is powerful and smart.
I think that Spring 3.1 doesn't need any XML configuration. You have the option to use annotations for configuration.

Comaprison of Liferay ServiceBuilder to other Code generation tools like AndroMDA

I started digging into the liferay 6.x ServiceBuilder framework and really liked its code generation approach. A simple service.xml file can generate ready to use powerful services without even writing a single line of code.
I also tried looking into AndroMDA which can generate similar services from the UML model, which sounds even more interesting since it will link my business model directly without me needing to learn a new xml config for service.xml (in case of liferay ServiceBuilder)
now I am in the process of deciding which tool should I use. Based on your experience with any of these tools Please let me know what are Pros/Cons of using any of this library,
I am interested to know these aspects, along with your own thoughts
Which is better to keep my development more productive in long term.
If I use ServiceBuilder will I be able to use the services outside portal env (lets say running same service from a non-portal app server.
Is UML driven approach always good or there are some practical cons/challenges of it.
Do you know of any other code generation library which is better than these two for liferay 6.x development? I also checked these SO Threads
Do You Use Code Generators
Java Code Generation
Following few problems I have experienced with Servicebuilder (I am using liferay 5.2.3) :
Not able to make use ORM framework. There is no way to generate
relations among objects. Because of this I am effectively working
just object mapper. It is not generating onetomany kind of relations
Can not use basic object oriented things like inheritance with domain or services
It is quite hard to write unit test cases
I still didn't understand what is the need of complex domain structure
I feel the code it is generating can be quickly written using an IDE
But definitely it has its own benefits like Egar said, it is specifically made for Liferay. So it can quickly generate everything that is needed for liferay. I heard in latest versions of liferay few of above problems are fixed.
Overall it depends on your requirement. If you need more control over your ORM layer and you have complex business logic which needs quite a lot of unit testing, go for normal spring services which can be exposed as webservices or REST services to your portlets.
Otherwise service builder is also good for simple portlets. Other approach could be using both. All complex services as a separate project and simple ones with service builder.
There is an important fact that you should be aware of. ServiceBuilder has been used to help building the portal itself and it is tightly integrated into it. You cannot use it outside of Liferay...I mean it probably could be taken and modified for general usage, but I doubt it would make sense.
Most importantly because Portal and each plugin that you are developing have their own web application context in a servlet container - each has its own classloader. Plugins are using Portal classloader and portal services, etc. etc.
Simply put, ServiceBuilder generated code and spring context can exist only if there is a webapp/ROOT/ which is Liferay Portal with portal classloader etc.
AndroMDA is a MDA framework for general usage. I don't know it much, so that I'm rather not going to make comparisons. The power of ServiceBuilder is that it is not a framework for general usage - the more powerful it is for liferay plugin development.

IoC Container Configuration/Registration

I absolutely need to use an IoC container for decoupling dependencies in an ever increasingly complex system of enterprise services. The issue I am facing is one related to configuration (a.k.a. registration). We currently have 4 different environments -- development to production and in between. These environments have numerous configurations that slightly vary from environment to environment; however, in all cases that I can currently think of, dependencies between components do not differ from environment to environment, though I could have missed something and/or this could obviously change.
So, the ultimate question is, does anybody have a similar experience using an IoC framework? Or, can anybody recommend one framework over another that would provide flexible registration be it through some sort of convention or simplified configuration information? Would I still be able to benefit from a fluent interface or am I stuck with XML -- I'd like to avoid XML-hell.
Edit: This is a .Net environment and I have been looking at Windsor, Ninject and Autofac. They all seem to now support both methods of registration (fluent and XML), though Autofac's support for lambda expressions seems to be a little different than the others. Anybody use that in a similar multi-deployment environment?
If you want to abstract your container, and be able to use different ones, look into having it injectable in a way I tried to do it here
I use Ninject. I like the fact that I don't have to use Xml to configure the dependencies. I can just use straight up C# code. There are multiple ways of doing it also. I know other libraries have that feature, but Ninject offers fast instantiation, it is pretty lightweight, it has conditional binding, supports compact framework, and it supports Silverlight, 2.0. I also use a wrapper on top of it, in case I do switch it out for another framework in the future. You should definitely try Ninject when deciding on a framework.
I'm not sure whether it will suit your particular case, you didn't mention what platform you're working in, but I've had great success with Castle Windsor's IOC framework. The dependencies are setup in the config file (it's a .NET framework)
Look at Ayendes rhino commons. He uses an abstraction over the IoC container. So that you can switch containers whenever you want. Something like container.Resolve is always there in every container.
I use Structuremap to do the dirty work it has a fluent interface and the XML things and it is powerfull enough for most things you want to do. Each one has it's own pros and cons so a little abstraction so you can easily switch (you never know how long they are going to be around) is good. For the rest I think Spring.Net, Castle windsor, Ninject and StructureMap aren't that far apart anymore.
