Roblox Look at mouse camera rotation problem - lua

The devforum was no help so I'm asking it here.
Im trying to make a Five Nights At Freddys game and I’m making the custom camera script, but its not facing the correct direction. Why is this happening?
if PlayerCharacter:WaitForChild("Player"):WaitForChild("isNightGuard").Value and not game.ReplicatedStorage:FindFirstChild("GameData"):FindFirstChild("inCams").Value then
Mouse.TargetFilter = game.Workspace.NightguardPosition
CurrentCamera.CFrame =
CurrentCamera.CFrame =, Mouse.UnitRay.Direction * 10)
The NightguardPosition part is in the correct position and orientation.
I’ve tried many variations of the camera script but they all have the same result, please help?

The issue here is that for the position, Vector3: lookAt) constructor, the second Vector3 is what the CFrame will point at in world-space and is not a direction vector, unless position is (0, 0, 0), the origin. To fix the issue, you must add NightguardPosition.Position to the where the mouse is pointing in the world since that unit ray of the mouse like an offset when having to set lookAt.
Modified code with some comments (changes made to RenderStepped are suggestions and do not need to be built around!):
CurrentCamera.CameraSubject = workspace.NightguardPosition --// The CameraSubject is the LocalPlayer's Humanoid by default, causing some funky movements. Make sure to revert this
--// when cameras are exited.
--// Small performance improvement, unless this is changed elsewhere. Either way, it is best to only set when necessary and not in a looping behavior.
Mouse.TargetFilter = game.Workspace.NightguardPosition
local nightGuardPos = workspace.NightguardPosition.Position
--// CurrentCamera.CFrame =
--// Can be removed as this is the same as getting the Position of NightguardPosition
CurrentCamera.CFrame =, nightGuardPos + Mouse.UnitRay.Direction * 10)


How can I make an object face towards a position in Roblox Studio?

I've been trying to get a part, to change rotation to point toward a specified point. Can't find anything googling, so I tried to make it myself.
I tried this: but instead of rotating anything, looks like the rotation just has the regular CFrame functions, and just teleports it to the position.
if (pos ~= nil) then
script.Parent.CFrame = script.Parent.CFrame.Rotation:ToWorldSpace(pos)
In Roblox's documentation, Understanding CFrames, there's a section on rotating to face a point.
Essentially, one of the CFrame constructors allows you to pass in two Vector3s. The first is the object's position, and the second is the point to look at. So just use the object's current position for the first value, and the target position as the second value.
if (pos ~= nil) then
local object = script.Parent
local position = object.Position
local look = pos
object.CFrame =, look)

I need help or atleast a pointer with collision in a game im making for fun

So I made a game, made a map, and everything is working fine. The problem is I made a very dumb collision system that worked first, but I am running into problems.
I am using player's X and Y positions to draw character, and using players tileX and tileY (x/32 and y/32) to detect collision. Heres a picture which explains my problem:
The Red box is players tileX and tileY cordinate.
Player still moves beyound the wall where the collision should happen.
The TileX doesnt let increases/decreases happen if they collide with a solid tile, BUT player's X and Y (sprite) still moves beyond that box for 31 more pixels. I have no idea how to fix this. My player image is not centered, its drawn on the top-right corner.
This is the current code im using:
for i=1, #lsx_map1 do
if math.floor(player.fx/32) == lsx_map1[i] and math.floor(player.fy/32) == lsy_map1[i] then
player.speedx = 0
player.speedy = 0
print("COLISSION DETECTED ON "..player.x.." "..player.y)
colVar = colVar+1
if colVar == #lsx_map1 then
player.x = player.fx
player.y = player.fy
lsx_map1 is the number of solid tiles, and colVar should equal to that number if collision doesnt happen. In case collision happens, that number doesnt increase by one, and then nothing happens. Ask for any more details you need if you want to help me but you need more information.
Any help or tips would be appreciated. Thank you.

Gravity not working correctly

My code for physics in my game is this:
-- dt = time after each update
self.x = math.floor(self.x + math.sin(self.angle)*self.speed*dt)
self.y = math.floor(self.y - math.cos(self.angle)*self.speed*dt)
-- addVector(speed,angle,speed2,angle2)
self.speed,self.angle = addVector(self.speed,self.angle,g,math.pi)`
when it hits the ground, the code for it to bounce is :
self.angle = math.pi - self.angle
self.y = other.y - self.r`
the function addVector is defined here:
x = math.sin(angle)*speed + math.sin(angle2)*speed2
y = math.cos(angle)*speed + math.cos(angle2)*speed2
v = math.sqrt(x^2 + y^2)
a = math.pi/2 - math.atan(y,x)
return v,a
but when I place a single ball in the simulation without any drag or elasticity, the height of the ball after each bounce keeps getting higher. Any idea what may be causing the problem?
Edit: self.r is the radius, self.x and self.y are the position of the centre of the ball.
Your Y axis is increasing downward and decreasing upward.
Making self.y = math.floor(..) moves your ball a bit upward every frame.
The solution is to store your coordinates with maximal precision.
You could make new variable y_for_drawing = math.floor(y) to draw the ball at pixel with integer coordinates, but your main y value must have fractional part.
I’ve managed to get your code to run and reproduce the behavior you are seeing. I also find it difficult to figure out the issue. Here’s why: movement physics involves position, which is affected by a velocity vector, which in turn is affected by an acceleration vector. In your code these are all there, but are in no way clearly separated. There are trig functions and floor functions all interacting in a way that makes it difficult to see what role they are playing in the final position calculation.
By far the best and easiest-to-understand tutorial to help you implement basic physics lime this is The Nature of Code (free to read online, with interactive examples). As an exercise I ported most of the early exercises into Lua. I would suggest you see how he clearly separates the position, velocity and acceleration calculations.
As an experiemnt, increase g to a much higher number. When I did that, I noticed the ball would eventually settle to the ground, but of course the bouces were too fast and it didnt bounce in a way that seems natural.
Also, define other.y - it doesnt seem to affect the bouncing issue, but just to be clear on what that is.

Making a rectangle jump? (Love2d)

I might be stupid or something. But, I'm having a hard time with this. I usually find examples of code but it just confuses me. Unfortunately there isn't any good tutorial for this. I been using Lua for almost a year so I kinda have experience. Help would be extremely appreciate!
Basically I want to learn how to make rectangle jump up and then go back down.
For a single block that you control, you essentially need to store it's gravity and figure out a nice acceleration for it.
currentGravity = 0;
gravity = 1;
Then in the loop, you have to check if it's on ground using some collision detection. You want to add the gravity acceleration to currentGravity:
currentGravity = currentGravity + gravity
Then, you add it to the current y axis of the block:
YAxis = YAxis + currentGravity
Once you land, make sure to set gravity to 0. Also be sure to keep setting it to 0 to ensure you don't fall through the ground (as you kept adding to gravity no matter what.)
if not inAir() then
currentGravity = 0
And, of course, to jump, set currentGravity to a negative number (like 20) (if that's how you made the gravity work.)
Here's a collision detection function I made for Love2D:
function checkCollision(Pos1,Size1,Pos2,Size2)
local W1,H1,W2,H2 = Size1[1]/2,Size1[2]/2,Size2[1]/2,Size2[2]/2
local Center1,Center2 = {Pos1[1]+W1,Pos1[2]+H1},{Pos2[1]+W2,Pos2[2]+H2}
local c1 = Center1[1]+(W1) > Center2[1]-W2
local c2 = Center1[1]-(W1) < Center2[1]+W2
local c3 = Center1[2]+(H1) > Center2[2]-H2
local c4 = Center1[2]-(H1) < Center2[2]+H2
if (c1 and c2) and (c3 and c4) then
return true
return false
It assumes the position you gave it is the center of the block. If the box is rotated it won't work. You'll have to figure out how to make it work with walls and the like. And yes, it's ugly because it's very old. :p

Changing a moving objects direction of travel in corona

I'm new to Corona and looking for a little help manipulating moving objects:
Basically I want a set up where when I can click on a moving object, a dialog box will pop up giving me the option to change the speed of the object and the vector of travel. I'm pretty sure I can figure out the event handling and the dialog but I'm stuck on simply changing the direction of travel to the new vector
in a simple example, I have a rect moving up the screen as follows:
obj1 = display.newRect(500, 800, 10, 40),{x=500, y = 100, time = 40000})
I know I can change the speed by adjusting the time, but if I use
to turn the object 30 degrees, how do I make it travel in the new direction?
Should I be using physics - linear impulse for example, instead of transitions?
Apologies if this is a stupid question but I have searched without success for a solution.
This sounds like what you are trying to do. You would have to modify bits to fit your code but this is a working example. So if you copy it to a new main.lua file and run it you can see how it works. (Click to rotate obj).
local obj = display.newRect(50,50, 10, 40)
local SPEED = 1
local function move(event)
obj.x = obj.x + math.cos(math.rad(obj.rotation)) * SPEED
obj.y = obj.y + math.sin(math.rad(obj.rotation)) * SPEED
local function rotate(event)
obj.rotation = obj.rotation + 45
Runtime:addEventListener("enterFrame", move)
Runtime:addEventListener("tap", rotate)
Basically I used the "enterFrame" event to 'move' the rectangle, by recalculating the x and y of the objects location using its rotation (which is easy enough to modify) every frame.
