Dart double "bitwise not" is giving different result (~~-1 != -1) - dart

So I am running dart on DartPad And I tried running the following code:
import 'dart:math';
void main() {
Which resulted in the following outputs
As you can see inverting the bits from 0 results in the max number (I was expecting -1 as dart uses two's complement) and inverting from -1 results in 0, which creates the situation where inverting 2 times -1 does not give me -1.
Looks like it's ignoring the first bit when inverting 0, why is that?

Dart compiled for the web (which includes DartPad) uses JavaScript numbers and number operations.
One of the consequences of that is that bitwise operations (~, &, |, ^, <<, >> and >>> on int) only gives 32-bit results, because that's what the corresponding JavaScript operations do.
For historical reasons, Dart chooses to give unsigned 32-bit results, not two's complement numbers. So ~-1 is 0 and ~0 is the unsigned 0xFFFFFFFF, not -1.
In short, that's just how it is.


Dart: split an arbitrarily precised number onto a sequence of bytes

Assuming I have a declaration like this: final int input = 0xA55AA9D2;, I'd like to get a list of [0xA5, 0x5A, 0xA9, 0xD2]. It is easily achievable in Java by just right shifting the input by 24, 16, 8 and 0 respectively with subsequent cast to byte in order to cut precision to 8-bit value.
But how to do the same with Dart? I can't find sufficient information about numbers encoding (e.g. in Java front 1 means minus, but how is minus encoded here?) and transformations (e.g. how to cut precision) in order to solve this task.
P.S.: I solved this for 32-bit numbers using out.add([value >> 24, (value & 0x00FFFFFF) >> 16, (value & 0x0000FFFF) >> 8, value & 0X000000FF]); but it feels incredibly ugly, I feel that SDK provides more convenient means to split an arbitrarily precised number into bytes
The biggest issue here is that a Dart int is not the same type on the VM and in a browser.
On the native VM, an int is a 64-bit two's complement number.
In a browser, when compiled to JavaScript, an int is just a non-fractional double because JavaScript only has doubles as numbers.
If your code is only running on the VM, then getting the bytes is as simple as:
int number;
List<int> bytes = List.generate(8, (n) => (number >> (8 * n)) & 0xFF);
In JavaScript, bitwise operations only work on 32-bit integers, so you could do:
List<int> bytes = List.generate(4, (n) => (number >> (8 * n)) & 0xFF);
and get the byte representation of number.toSigned(32).
If you want a number larger than that, I'd probably use BigInt:
var bigNumber = BigInt.from(number).toSigned(64);
var b255 = BigInt.from(255);
List<int> bytes = List.generate(8, (n) => ((bigNumber >> (8 * n)) & b255).toInt());
From the documentation to the int class:
The default implementation of int is 64-bit two's complement integers with operations that wrap to that range on overflow.
Note: When compiling to JavaScript, integers are restricted to values that can be represented exactly by double-precision floating point values. The available integer values include all integers between -2^53 and 2^53 ...
(Most modern systems use two's complement for signed integers.)
If you need your Dart code to work portably for both web and for VMs, you can use package:fixnum to use fixed-width 32- or 64-bit integers.

Is that a bug, when I send zero to to funtion luaO_ceillog2?

I'a reading lua source code which version is 5.3. And i found the function
int luaO_ceillog2 (unsigned int x) in lobject.c file doest't take a special discuss for 0. When 0 was send to this fuction, it would return 32. Does this is a bug? I was confused.
luaO_ceillog2 is a function that's only used internally. Its name infers that it calculates ceil (maximum number that's not less than) of log2 of the argument.
Mathematically, logbx is only valid for x who is positive. So 0 is not a valid argument for this function, I don't think this counts as a bug.

Why can I go up to this number with an integer?

I am learning C and I read in the Kernighan&Ritchie's book that integers int were included in a set specific set [-32767;32767]. I tried to verify this assertion by writing the following program which increment a variable count from 1 to the limit before it fall in negative numbers.
#include <stdio.h>
int main(void){
int count = 1;
while(count > 0){
printf("%d\n", count);
return 0;
And surprisingly I got this output:
2147483647 -> This is a lot more than 32767?!
I do not understand, Why do I get this output? And I doubt M. Ritchie made a mistake ;)
You're on a 32- or a 64-bit machine and the C compiler you are using has 32-bit integers. In 2's complement binary, the highest positive integer would be 31 bites, or 2^31-1 or 2147483647, as you are observing.
Note that this doesn't violate K&R's claim that the integer value includes the range [-32768;32767].
Shorts typically go from -32768 to 32767. 2^15th - 1 is the largest short.
Ints typically go from -2147483648 to 2147483647. 2^31st -1 is the largest int.
Basically ints are twice the size you thought.

Bitwise operations, wrong result in Dart2Js

I'm doing ZigZag encoding on 32bit integers with Dart. This is the source code that I'm using:
int _encodeZigZag(int instance) => (instance << 1) ^ (instance >> 31);
int _decodeZigZag(int instance) => (instance >> 1) ^ (-(instance & 1));
The code works as expected in the DartVM.
But in dart2js the _decodeZigZag function is returning invalid results if I input negativ numbers. For example -10. -10 is encoded to 19 and should be decoded back to -10, but it is decoded to 4294967286. If I run (instance >> 1) ^ (-(instance & 1)) in the JavaScript console of Chrome, I get the expected result of -10. That means for me, that Javascript should be able to run this operation properly with it number model.
But Dart2Js generate the following JavaScript, that looks different from the code I tested in the console:
return ($.JSNumber_methods.$shr(instance, 1) ^ -(instance & 1)) >>> 0;
Why does Dart2Js adds a usinged right shift by 0 to the function? Without the shift, the result would be as expected.
Now I'm wondering, is it a bug in the Dart2Js compiler or the expected result? Is there a way to force Dart2Js to output the right javascript code?
Or is my Dart code wrong?
PS: Also tested splitting up the XOR into other operations, but Dart2Js is still adding the right shift:
final a = -(instance & 1);
final b = (instance >> 1);
return (a & -b) | (-a & b);
Results in:
a = -(instance & 1);
b = $.JSNumber_methods.$shr(instance, 1);
return (a & -b | -a & b) >>> 0;
For efficiency reasons dart2js compiles Dart numbers to JS numbers. JS, however, only provides one number type: doubles. Furthermore bit-operations in JS are always truncated to 32 bits.
In many cases (like cryptography) it is easier to deal with unsigned 32 bits, so dart2js compiles bit-operations so that their result is an unsigned 32 bit number.
Neither choice (signed or unsigned) is perfect. Initially dart2js compiled to signed 32 bits, and was only changed when we tripped over it too frequently. As your code demonstrate, this doesn't remove the problem, just shifts it to different (hopefully less frequent) use-cases.
Non-compliant number semantics have been a long-standing bug in dart2js, but fixing it will take time and potentially slow down the resulting code. In the short-term future Dart developers (compiling to JS) need to know about this restriction and work around it.
Looks like I found equivalent code that output the right result. The unit test pass for both the dart vm and dart2js and I will use it for now.
int _decodeZigZag(int instance) => ((instance & 1) == 1 ? -(instance >> 1) - 1 : (instance >> 1));
Dart2Js is not adding a shift this time. I would still be interested into the reason for this behavior.

How to define -1 as a uint64 in a match clause?

let myuint64 = 10uL
match myuint64 with
| -1 -> ()
| _ -> ()
How do I define the given -1 as a uint64 value?
> match 0UL-1UL with
- |System.UInt64.MaxValue -> "-1"
- |_ -> "???"
- ;;
val it : string = "-1"
Let me leave alone the fact that you can't really represent a negative value with a data type that can only store positive values (and zero of course).
If, on the other hand, you were storing it in a signed value, -1 would be stored as all bits set.
So basically, I will assume you want to find a way to represent -1 as a bit-wise value that will be compatible with -1 as a signed value.
The value would then be, in C# and C/C++ syntax, 0xffffffffffffffff. Exactly how to specify that in F# I don't know.
I don't know F# at all, but if it's anything like any other languages, a UInt64 can't be -1. Ever. UInt means unsigned integer, which means it can only represent positive values.
To expand on other answers:
When a type starts with a u it means unsigned. What signed/unsigned means is this:
Numbers are stored using a certain number of bits. In the case of int64 and uint64, 64 bits are used. If the number is signed, the 1st bit is not used as part of the number itself, only the other 63 are. That bit is used to say whether the number is negative. If the number is unsigned, then all bits including the 1st bit are used as part of the number and the number is always non-negative (ie: is positive or 0).
Well you could assign it -1 and on most architectures store the 2's complement in there. The signed and unsigned stuff are really only for the type checking. There is no negative sign in hardware.
I have no idea if f# type checker is smart enough to know that a lexical constant -1 is a negative number and should not be put in a uint64.
C definitely does not care.
#include <stdio.h>
#include <inttypes.h>
uint64_t x = -1;
printf("0x%x\n", x); // 0xffffffff
if F# will convert it for you then -1UL would work. If not then you can specify it as 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFUL and add a comment to remember that it's -1.
Don't have the F# tools installed at the moment so I cannot verify this.
If you want to go with a signed int:
-1: int64
but you can't match a negative number to a uint, as others have stated.
