Converting jpeg to bmp version 4 using imagemagick? - imagemagick

I can't seem to find a way to properly convert my images to bmp using imagemagick. Whenever I use this website with the current settings it works flawlessly in my program.
I've tried these commands:
convert disney.jpeg -format bmp:format=bmp4 out.bmp
convert disney.jpeg -define bmp:format=bmp4 -type truecolor -compress none out.bmp
Nothing seems to work. Not sure how to set up imagemagick so that it gives me back the same format as the website.
As for the program, you basically feed it the bmp file. It works when I convert with the website, but not with imagemagick.


Why is imagemagick-convert able to convert jpg to png when it has only jpeg as delegate

When i execute the command, convert -version, it gives the following output.
Version: ImageMagick 6.8.9-7 Q16 x86_64 2019-08-23
Copyright: Copyright (C) 1999-2014 ImageMagick Studio LLC
Features: DPC OpenMP
Delegates: jpeg
As per the above only jpeg is supported in delegates which means only jpeg can be read and written. Why is that i am able to convert to png?
convert /tmp/val.jpg /tmp/val.png works perfectly fine. Why?
Why are these formats called delegates and not "formats supported"?
says only the format in delegates can be converted.
convert - version
Not all ImageMagick delegates are image formats. Some support text (fontconfig, freetype) or colors (lcms). They are called delegates, because they are external programs that ImageMagick uses to process certain image formats or help with other tasks.
Your output is likely still JPG, but has a png suffix. You can check it from
convert image -format "%m" info:
identify -verbose image
and you will see the actual format.
For example, here I convert a JPG to a fictitious ABC format.
convert logo.jpg
convert -format "%m" info:
So the actual format is JPEG.
Imagemagick can write to some formats without a delegate (for example PDF), but needs a delegate (Ghostscript) to read it. However, I do not think PNG is one of those formats.
You will need to re-install or install more delegates. I recommend installing from a binary.
See Imagemagick binaries listed here for various platforms
You have not said what platform you are on, but Linux distributions come with ImageMagick installed with delegates.

Running "convert" from ImageMagick on Windows

I installed ImageMagick and see several .exe's in the install directory (dcraw, ffmpeg, hp2xx, and magick.
But most the examples I see are like this, using a "convert" command.
convert -define jpeg:size=200x200 hatching_orig.jpg -thumbnail '100x100>' \
-background skyblue -gravity center -extent 100x100 pad_extent.gif
I'm totally unclear if magick.exe replaces convert, or if convert is a subcommand of the magick.exe.
This is what I tried and the response:
"c:\Program Files\ImageMagick-7.0.7-Q16\magick.exe" -define jpeg:size=510x510 Sacred_Geometry_Flower_Of_Life_BlueGreen_Test1.jpg -thumbnail '100x100>'-background skyblue -gravity center -extent 100x100 pad_extent.gif
magick.exe: unable to load module 'C:\Program Files\ImageMagick-7.0.7-Q16\modules\coders\IM_MOD_RL_JPEG_.dll': The specified module could not be found.
# error/module.c/OpenModule/1275.
magick.exe: no decode delegate for this image format `JPEG' # error/constitute.c/ReadImage/509.
On the install, I didn't check the box circled below:
I'm still unclear if I could say magick.exe convert but all the examples just show running convert.
The second problem was security; I found another stackoverflow, but now I can't find the URL for it. They suggested giving user=everyone full control to the Windows install directory. Not a good thing to do, but I was more concerned with a quick solution at the moment.
#Mark in the comment above mentioned the quotes. I thought he meant around the directory name, but it turns out the the -thumbnail parms need to be in double quotes instead of singles quotes (at least on Windows).
You have added Imagemagick to the system path so you only need magick. You have not installed legacy file so you can not use convert. Do not use '' anywhere but "" Using "" will still work on Linux systems. \ is a Linux line continuator and I belive you should use ^
I install imagemagick and it works; no changing of permissions etc.
This should work:
magick -define jpeg:size=200x200 hatching_orig.jpg -thumbnail 100x100> -background skyblue -gravity center -extent 100x100 pad_extent.gif
Why not try something simple first to prove to yourself it works?
magick hatching_orig.jpg pad_extent.gif

ImageMagick argument to specify output format

I'm using ImageMagick programmatically to apply some user-defined transformations to an image. The script I'm using spawns a new process and runs ImageMagick with arguments similar to:
convert /tmp/source -resize 100x /tmp/transformed
And then it reads the transformed image back from /tmp/transformed. I'd like to add the option to convert the image to another image format, but from looking at the IM docs for a while, the only way I can see of doing that is to append the output destination with .<ext>, like this:
convert /tmp/source -resize 100x /tmp/transformed.png
Is there another way? The easiest way for me to do this with the pre-existing script is to supply an argument, but I can't find it. Something like:
convert /tmp/source -resize 100x -format png /tmp/transformed
Is this possible? Or am I stuck with having to append the extension to the output destination?
I'm not sure what your aversion is for appending a suffix, but another alternative to Fred's excellent suggestions is to use a "format specifier" prefix, which would leave your base filename unchanged - if that is what you are trying to achieve.
convert Image -resize 100x PNG:/tmp/transformed/Image
Substitute PNG: with GIF:, JPEG: etc to suit.
-format png is used in mogrify and not convert as I understand it. You need to specify the suffix for the input and the desired suffix for the output in the input and output filenames.
convert /tmp/source.suffx -resize 100x /tmp/transformed.png
assuming png is the desired output format.
Perhaps I misunderstand what you want. If so, please clarify. Are the suffixes in the source and transformed variables? If so, you can use IM to separate the source filename from its suffix using %t and %e in string formats. But for the output, you would have to parse that using your file system. See
Alternately, use mogrify which supports -format png
mogrify -format png -resize 100x *.suffix
That will take every file in the input directory with suffix .suffix and convert that to png. However, I would suggest you create a new directory to hold all your output images, since as it is, it will overwrite your input files. You would then need to add -path path2/newdirectory to the command above. see
What are the actual filenames associates with source and destination? Are these just variable for the real filenames?

ImageMagick: convert to keep same name for converted image

I am converting .psd to .png files inside folder with one. How to keep same name of every file in folder with different extension ?
For example I enter in folder images and then from terminal I execute
$ convert *.psd *.png
but it gives names to .png just numbers not the same as appropriate .psd image.
Use the -set and formatting options.
convert *.psd -set filename:base "%[basename]" "%[filename:base].png"
See "Long Form Attribute Percent Escapes" and "Filename Percent Escapes" docs.
The mogrify utility that ships with imagemagick can also be used.
mogrify -format png *.psd
Note: Be careful with mogrify as the docs state...
This tool is similiar to convert except that the original image file is overwritten (unless you change the file suffix with the -format option) with any changes you request.
If you are on Linux, Unix or Mac OSX, you could use in a terminal window with Bash shell:
for i in *.psd; do
convert $i ${i/.psd/.png}
I deliberately do not advertise mogrify any more. It is too dangerous for every user who doesn't know it already, and who comes to this website to ask for help. mogrify is overwriting your original files in some cases (of course not when converting PSD->PNG)
Or, even simpler:
mogrify -format png *.psd
I like the top answer,
that being said, in later versions of ImageMagick, the command is
convert *.psd -set filename:basename "%[basename]" "%[filename:basename].png"
as also mentioned by #jan-glx and #jomel imperio

How to convert .tiff/.bmp to JPEG-XR with Imagemagick's convert tool?

i'm using the convert tool from imagemagick to convert images to the jpeg-xr format.
i'm using the latest version under debian linux (ImageMagick-6.8.6-8).
The problem is convert -format jxr or convert -format wdp produce the same format as my source image and no valid jpeg-xr file.
Is my -format parameter wrong? i didn't find anything about it
thanks in advance
The -format option is for outputting metadata in a specific format, not selecting the output file format.
Selecting a specific output format is done by prefixing the output filename with the tag described at, so for example
convert input.jpg jxr:output.jpg
Normally, imagemagick detects the output format based on the file extension you chose for your output file, so by choosing .jxr as your file extension it should automatically use the JPEG-XR format.
