Bazel Rule to get all targets - bazel

New to Bazel. Looking to see if there is a way to create a Bazel rule that allows me to get a list of all targets and then feed that data into a kotlin file or something like that.
I was able to run bazel query //... --export xml > temp.xml this gives me all the targets and their build files info but I would like to retrieve this info using a bazel rule, any ideas of how I could go about this?

The short answer is no. The closest thing to this in Bazel is a genquery, though it's worth noting that there are some caveats to this approach as mentioned in the docs;
In order to keep the build consistent, the query is allowed only to visit the transitive closure of the targets specified in the scope attribute. Queries violating this rule will fail during execution if strict is unspecified or true (if strict is false, the out of scope targets will simply be skipped with a warning). The easiest way to make sure this does not happen is to mention the same labels in the scope as in the query expression.
If you are happy to blow past the warnings around 'build consistency' it might be possible to achieve this using a similar approach to the buildifier rules, where you would determine the path of the workspace and run Bazel query as a subprocess of Bazel. Personally, I wouldn't recommend this and instead would suggest that you just use the output of bazel query directly.


Running bazel query without downloading external dependencies

Given a rather big repository built with bazel and tons of third party dependencies in multiple languages (including heavy docker containers), I have the following problem:
running Bazel queries triggers the downloading of many of these dependencies, resulting in slow query performance. Hence, the question:
Is there a way to run bazel query without having to download the dependencies?
Typical query: bazel query 'kind("source file", deps(//...) except deps(//3rdparty/...))
I'm aware of the caching options, which I mostly use, but depending on the languages, things can still be slow.
After asking on Bazel's Slack channel, the response (from Sahin Yort) is not encouraging:
I don’t believe that’s possible due to nature of workspace files. loads from a workspace leads to fetch of the given workspace because has to expand the workspaces in order to know their targets. at that point, it is up to the repository rule to fetch whatever it needs to fetch eagerly or lazily. workspace rules usually expand BUILD files using various patterns. eg running a executable or using expand_template. i have little faith in that it is possible to get what you want.
I'll be looking into other ways to speed things up: a likely culprit for the slowness is probably the action/analysis cache being invalidated due to some flags changing.
If you only need to parse the AST without resolving dependencies, you can use buildozer instead:
buildozer "print srcs" "//some:target"
It also supports -output_json for machine readable output

Bazel + Fastlane?

Is it possible to integrate Fastlane with Bazel (or vice versa)? The non-mobile part of our org uses Bazel for build, and I'd like to be consistent on mobile. However Fastlane provides a lot of stuff aimed at mobile that Bazellane does not. Bazel is for built + test, whereas Fastlane also provides solutions for release/deployment.
Is it possible (or advisable) to call Bazel build from within Fastlane? Or perhaps call Fastlane from within Bazel for deployment?
Bazel is like an interpreter for a language, which allows you to define rules - functions which may have a set of inputs, an action, and a set of outputs.
I am not familiar with Fastlane, but it is surely possible to write a rule which will produce you an artifact. The only requirement is that your set of outputs must be clearly defined (hardcoded in a rule) - in other words, you can not write a rule which will "unzip whatever is in this archive to this folder", because you have to define a set of outputs.
Rules doc page is the best place to start.

No way to tell bazel to list all targets without building or testing them

Is there a way to instruct bazel to list all the targets it has found without building or testing them?
bazel query can be used to discover targets within a bazel workspace (without building / testing them)
For example;
To find all labels in a given package:
bazel query //some/package:*
If only interested in rules, then:
bazel query 'kind(.*rule, //some/package:*)'
//some/package:* could be substituted for any valid label expression, eg including all descending packages, //some/package/...
The bazel query docs show further functions that could be used.
If you want to list targets taking into account select statements resolving, take a look at bazel cquery command.
query would list targets for all select options, cquery - only chosen ones
Documentation with great examples

How do I get workspace status in bazel

I would like to version build artefacts with build number for CI passed to bazel via workspace_status_command. Sometimes I would like to include build number to the name of the artefact.
Is there a way how do I access ctx when writing a macro(as I was trying to use ctx.info_file)? So far it seems that I am able to access such info just in new rule when creating a new rule which in this case is a bit awkward.
I guess that having a build number or similar info is pretty common use case so I wonder if thre is a simpler way how to access such info.
No, you really need to define a custom rule to be able to consume information passed from workspace_status_command through info_file and version_file file and even then you cannot just access it's values from Starlark, you can pass the file to your tooling (wrapper) and process the inputs there. After all, (build) rules do not execute anything, they emit actions to be executed at a later phase.
Be careful though, because if you depend on info_file (STABLE_* entries), changes to the file invalidate targets depending on it. For something like CI build number, it's usually not what you want and version_file is more likely what you are after. You may want to record the id, but you usually do not want to rebuild stuff just because the build ID has changed (it's a new CI run). However, even simple inclusion of IDs could be considered problematic, if you want your results to be completely reproducible.
Having variable artifact names is a whole new problem and there would be good reasons why not to. But generally since as proposed the name would be decided during execution of actions (reading in version_file in your tool), you're past the analysis phase to decide what comes out of the action. The only way I am currently aware of (that is for out of tree source of variable input, you can of course always define a Starlark variable and load it from your BUILD file) to be able to do that is to use tree artifacts (using declare_directory in your rule.

Create dependency list from WORKSPACE in Bazel?

I'd like to maintain a list of dependencies and their versions per Bazel project.
How do I query for WORKSPACE rules the BUILD rules depend on? How can I access the contained attributes?
EDIT I'd like to query based on a BUILD rule. So if I have multiple rules, I only want the WORKSPACE info based on the one I asked for.
The way I did this was to keep the workspace deps in a separate format, iterate them, and then build a markdown document.
There's probably a way to do it via a genquery and native.existing_rules, but I have not tried that.
