Nestjs Provider with interface - dependency-injection

I'm aware Nestjs like Angular, don't allow using interfaces as providers. How can I work around that ?
I wanted to maintain the interface as the provider, to test it more simpler, or to eventually change the databases for example a UserMongoDb. The database objects are in a separate lib, I can't change them to abstract classes.
interface UserDatabase {
class UserOracleDb implements UserDatabase {
throw new Error("Method not implemented.");
throw new Error("Method not implemented.");
export class UserRepository {
constructor(private repository: UserDatabase)
// ... module.ts
providers: [
provide: Database,// Wants a class not an interface
useValue: new UserOracleDb('USER_TABLE')

After reading the docs, the answer is using the approach described here
In my case:
export class UserRepository {
constructor(#Inject('USER_REPO') private repository: UserDatabase)
providers: [
provide: 'USER_REPO',
useValue: new UserOracleDb('USER_TABLE')

What if we declare an abstract class "implementing" the external interface and we declare all the methods as abstract. We avoid having literals linked to an interface.
export abstract class IUserDatabase implements UserDatabase{
abstract create();
abstract read();
class UserOracleDb implements IUserDatabase {
throw new Error("Method not implemented.");
throw new Error("Method not implemented.");
providers: [{
provide: IUserDatabase,
useClass: UserOracleDb,
export class UserRepository {
constructor(private repository: IUserDatabase)


How to set a parametr in the contructor of injection service?

I have a service, in which I inject another service with parametr in constructor.
Main service
export class Test1Service {
test2Service: Test2Service
) {}
getIndex() {
Inject service
export class Test2Service {
constructor(name) {
if (name === 'blog') {
this.item = 'item1';
} else {
this.item = 'item2';
Fot this will change providers import in module:
controllers: [AppController],
providers: [
provide: 'BLOG',
useValue: new Test2Service('blog'),
provide: 'ANALYTICS',
useValue: new Test2Service('analytics'),
export class AppModule {}
Use it in service
export class Test1Service {
#Inject('BLOG') public testBlog: Test2Service,
#Inject('ANALYTICS') public testAnalytics: Test2Service
) {}
getIndex() {

Implementing strategy in nest.js

I am trying to use the strategy pattern for the service, however the Module I try to use as context for strategy seems to only stick to one of the two. Here is the example code:
export class AnimalModule {
static register(strategy): DynamicModule {
return {
module: AnimalModule,
providers: [{ provide: 'STRATEGY', useValue: strategy }, AnimalService],
imports: [],
exports: [AnimalService]
export class AnimalService {
constructor (#Inject('STRATEGY') private strategy) {
this.strategy = strategy
public makeSound() {
return this.strategy.makeSound()
imports: [
controllers: [CatController],
providers: [CatService],
export class CatModule {}
export class CatService {
private readonly animalService: AnimalService,
) {}
public makeSound() {
return this.animalService.makeSound()
imports: [
controllers: [DogController],
providers: [DogService],
export class DogModule {}
export class DogService {
private readonly animalService: AnimalService,
) {}
public makeSound() {
return this.animalService.makeSound()
class CatStrategy {
public makeSound() {
return 'meow';
export const catStrategy = new CatStrategy();
Repo that replicates the issue:
To clarify, both catService.makeSound and dogService.makeSound return "meow" in this case. Is it possible to make the dog bark?
I think you are looking for something like the following. Check the repo for the full example here. You can see below, we are registering a DynamicModule from the AnimalModule class:
imports: [AnimalModule.register()],
controllers: [AppController],
providers: [AppService],
export class AppModule {}
The DynamicModule returned from the register() call is responsible for determining what implementation of the AnimalModule to provide. This means we can customize the AnimalModule based on configuration in the environment.
export class AnimalModule {
public static register(): DynamicModule {
const AnimalClassProvider = AnimalModule.getClassProvider();
return {
module: AnimalModule,
controllers: [AnimalController],
providers: [AnimalClassProvider],
exports: [AnimalClassProvider],
private static getClassProvider(): ClassProvider<AnimalService> {
const animalStrategy = process.env.ANIMAL_STRATEGY as AnimalStrategy;
const AnimalServiceClass = AnimalModule.getClassFromStrategy(animalStrategy);
return {
provide: AnimalService,
useClass: AnimalServiceClass,
private static getClassFromStrategy(strategy: AnimalStrategy): Type<AnimalService> {
switch (strategy) {
case AnimalStrategy.CAT: return CatService;
case AnimalStrategy.DOG: return DogService;
default: return AnimalService;
AnimalStrategy in this case is just an enum used to determine which implementation of the service we should provide.
With this approach, we allow Nest to construct the Provider along with all its dependencies properly. We are only responsible for telling Nest which implementation it will construct when it encounters an AnimalService dependency. This allows the rest of our application to be unaware of the implementation and only use our AnimalService abstraction.
From our AnimalController:
export class AnimalController {
constructor(private readonly animalService: AnimalService) {}
create(#Body() createAnimalDto: CreateAnimalDto) {
return this.animalService.create(createAnimalDto);
// ...
to another service in our application:
export class PetOwnerService {
private readonly animalService: AnimalService,
private readonly petOwnerService: PetOwnerService,
) {}
feedPet(petName: string) {
const petIsHungry = this.petOwnerService.isPetHungry(petName);
if (petIsHungry) this.animalService.feed(petName);
// ...

How to inject dependency into TypeORM ValueTransformer or EntitySchema

In my NestJS project I use TypeORM with external schema definition. I want to use a ValueTransformer to encrypt sensitive data in some database columns, e.g. the email of the user should be encrypted.
The ValueTransformer depends on an encryption service from another module. I can't figure out how to inject that service via DI.
export const UserSchema = new EntitySchema<User>(<EntitySchemaOptions<User>>{
name: 'user',
columns: {
email: {
type: 'varchar',
nullable: false,
transformer: new EncryptedValueTransformer()
} as EntitySchemaColumnOptions,
export class EncryptedValueTransformer implements ValueTransformer {
private cryptoService: CryptoService
public to(value: unknown): string | unknown {
// error: cryptoService undefined
return this.cryptoService.encrypt(value);
public from(value: unknown): unknown {
// error: cryptoService undefined
return this.cryptoService.decrypt(value);
export class CryptoService {
public constructor(#Inject('CONFIG_OPTIONS') private options: CryptoModuleOptions) {
// options contain a secret key from process.env
public encrypt(data: string): string | undefined | null { ... }
public decrypt(data: string): string | undefined | null { ... }
export class CryptoModule {
public static register(options: CryptoModuleOptions): DynamicModule {
return {
module: CryptoModule,
providers: [
provide: 'CONFIG_OPTIONS',
useValue: options,
exports: [CryptoService],
imports: [
CryptoModule.register({ secretKey: process.env.ENCRYPTION_KEY }),
providers: [
exports: [
export class PersistenceModule {}
With the above code the CryptoService instance in EncryptedValueTransformer is undefined. I searched related issues. According to this post NestJS needs some context for DI to work. If that context is not given, you can manually provide the dependency.
My workaround now is this:
export class EncryptedValueTransformer implements ValueTransformer {
private cryptoService: CryptoService
public constructor() {
// tightly coupled now an process.env.ENCRYPTION_KEY still undefined at instantiation time
this.cryptoService = new CryptoService({ secretKey: process.env.ENCRYPTION_KEY });
But with this workaround the process.env variable is not yet resolvable at the point where the class is being instantiated, so I need to modify CryptoService in a way that it reads the env variable at runtime itself. And at this point the CryptoService is not reusable anymore.
How can I inject the CryptoService into the EncryptedValueTransformer or into UserSchema with this external schema setup? Or any better way to solve this?

Can this kind of dependency injection be achieved with NestJS?

I want to inject the result of a Nest service method as dependency in a short way. Example is a logging facility, where a child logger is derived from the main logger with a new prefix.
It should be something like this (long version):
class MyService {
private logger;
constructor(private loggerService: LoggerService) {
this.logger = loggerService.getChildLogger('prefix');
someMethod() {'Hello');
But in a short version, something like this - maybe with a decorator:
class MyService {
constructor(#logger('prefix') logger: LoggerService) {
someMethod() {'Hello');
You could create providers for your loggers using factories injecting your LoggerService :
The LoggerService:
export class LoggerService {
getChildLogger(scope: string) {
return new Logger(scope);
The MyService:
export class MyService implements OnModuleInit {
constructor(#Inject('MY_SERVICE_LOGGER_TOKEN') public childLogger) {}
onModuleInit() {
this.childLogger.log('Hello World');
The module:
providers: [
useFactory: (loggerService) => loggerService.getChildLogger('scope'),
inject: [LoggerService]
export class MyModule {}
There is now a solution provided by Livio Brunner:

What is the difference between #Inject and #Injectable in Angular 2 typescript

I don't understand When to use #Inject and when to use #Injectable ?
import {Component, Inject, provide} from '#angular/core';
import {Hamburger} from '../services/hamburger';
export class App {
bunType: string;
constructor(#Inject(Hamburger) h) {
this.bunType = h.bun.type;
import {Injectable} from '#angular/core';
import {Bun} from './bun';
export class Hamburger {
constructor(public bun: Bun) {
The #Injectable decorator aims to actually set some metadata about which dependencies to inject into the constructor of the associated class. It's a class decorator that doesn't require parameters. Without this decorator no dependency will be injected...
export class SomeService {
constructor(private http:Http) {
The #Inject decorator must be used at the level of constructor parameters to specify metadata regarding elements to inject. Without it, the type of parameters is used (obj:SomeType is equivalent to #Inject(SomeType) obj).
export class SomeService {
constructor(#Inject(Http) private http:Http, #Inject('sometoken') obj) {
You must read this difference- #Inject and #Injectable
is a manual mechanism for letting Angular know that a parameter must be injected.
When using TypeScript, #Inject is only needed for injecting primitives.
For eg:
export class AppComponent {
encryption = this.chatWidget.chatSocket.encryption;
constructor(#Inject(ChatWidget) private chatWidget) { }
lets Angular know that a class can be used with the dependency
For eg:
export class ChatWidget {
public authService: AuthService,
public authWidget: AuthWidget,
public chatSocket: ChatSocket) { }
In the above example Angular's injector determines what to inject into ChatWidget's constructor by using type information
