Xcode: won't add localization - ios

Usually adding a new language in a project is easy. I'm in the project tab, I press on "+" in the Localizations area, and then I choose the language that I need to add. It asks me which files I want to translate, I choose them, I press finish and then nothing. The new language won't appear. The project that I'm working on is full of frameworks and sub-projects. I didn't create it, so I don't know its full history.

In the end I fixed it by manually creating an "el.lproj" folder (for adding Greek) and copying the Localizable.strings from another language. Then I moved it into my project and it magically appeared in the localizations tab. I think it's kinda of a bug.


Cannot localize my app (adding a localization language shows no files and adds nothing)

Basically I can't add Localizations from the project > info > Localizations section.
When i try to do so, i can see the languages and select the one I want. But when the "Choose files and reference language..." screen appears it is completely empty. When i press finish nothing happens as well.
My goal is to localize the app name, so i have to add the InfoPlist.strings files to the languages I need.
If i try just selecting the file and pressing the localize button i get a prompt asking me to select the language, if i try any of the languages shown there i get this message error:
“Info.plist” couldn’t be moved to “ja.lproj” because either the former
doesn't exist, or the folder containing the latter doesn't exist.
I even tried manually adding the .lproj folders and adding the files there but the app name doesn't change. I suspect that it is because the project is configured to look for those in a different place.
This project was originally created with cocos2dx so it came with many things preconfigured, that was a long time ago with an old version of cocos2dx, so i suppose the folder structure has something to do. Still i don't know where to fix to at least be able to add more localizations.
The solution I found was to first create the "InfoPlist.strings" manually as a file inside the project directory. Then add the file from xcode. Then clicked on localization and select at least 1 language. Then i could add/remove localizations from my project settings.

Different storyboard localization per target

I have a project with 3 targets. Each target needs to suppport only one language, but the language is not the same for each target.
Currently I have
Target 1 (es)
Target 2 (es)
Target 3 (pt)
Most of my strings are in a Localizable.strings file, and I simply target a different file for each target. However, a number of strings are in my storyboards. My problem is that it does not seem possible to create different storyboard localization files for each target. If I change the targeting of the portuguese file, the targeting of the spanish file changes automatically.
A possible solution is to duplicate each Storyboard for each target, but this won't scale well as the number of tagets grow. I could also modify all the text with NSLocalizedString in each ViewController, but this seems tedious and error prone.
Is there a better solution?
Shared Storyboard across targets
While this answer is the preferred approach, you can assign different Storyboard localizations to different targets, while sharing the same Storyboard across all targets.
Follow this instructions in this answer.
You want to have the Main.storyboard in each target, but a different Main.strings in each target. Additionally, you do not want all localizations to be available in each target.
To achieve this, you must manipulate the .lproj directly, a process which is hidden when merely using the File Inspector.
Step by step:
Create all the pieces by following the steps in this answer.
From any target, remove the Main.storyboard. Of course, select Remove Reference to keep the storyboard around.
In the Finder, locate Base.lproj. Drag and drop Main.storyboard back to your project, and select every target.
In the File Inspector, ensure that the languages are not selected, and that you are still using Localizable Strings.
In the Finder again, locate en.lproj, es.lproj, fr.lproj, etc. Notice that they each contain a version of Main.strings. Drag these .lproj (the entire directories) back into your project. This time, do not select any target
One last time, in File inspector, associate each Main.strings to the desired target. Repeat for each .strings.
By decoupling the .lproj from the .storyboard in the Project Navigator, you can associate files and targets freely.
See it at work using a French target, on a device with language set to Français in the Settings:
► Find this solution on GitHub and additional details on Swift Recipes.
Shared localizations across targets
Assuming you already have multiple languages in your project, in the Project Navigator, select your storyboard (say Main.storyboard)
In the File Inspector, under Localization, add English. Pick Localizable Strings which is the default. This will create a Main.string for each language, and share your Storyboard across all languages.
Merely clicking that checkbox in step 2. will add a Main.string (English) for that language, specifically for that Main.Storyboard. Pay special attention to the new hierarchy, these are not Localizable.strings but Main.strings, derived from Main.storyboard:
Localize in each language file to your heart content.
For example, starting with a UILabel which message was in Esperanto, it will appear in English when the device runs in English:
/* Class = "UILabel"; text = "Tiu mesaĝo estas en Esperanto"; ObjectID = "acC-pA-eMt"; */
"acC-pA-eMt.text" = "This message is in English";
Start here to add multiple languages to your project:
In the event you need to add more languages, follow these steps:
In the Project Navigator, select your Project
In the Project and Target List, select, once again, the Project
Select the Info tab
Under Localizations, keep Use Base Internationalization (unless your UI itself must change across languages)
Click +, pick a new language. In the dialog presented to you, select every Storyboard you want to have multiple localizations for.
If you missed Storyboards at Step 5. you can simply add a new language to that a storyboard by following the steps in Assuming you already have multiple languages.
All you need: to make common xcode workspace for your app, then to create a duplicates of main xcodeproj file for your set of languages and make different targets for all of them, also then you can set language for individual project settings in new xcodeproj's. Also you easy can tune build phase 'Copy Bundle Resourses' and others. I use this method. If you have a Xcode's crash during adding project in workspace - open project with Xcode, rename it and rename or duplicate targets (I think same names cause this issue).

What does the localize button in Xcode do?

I am working on a Unity3d game for iOS which uses the Helpshift plugin for customer support.
Unity version : 4.6.4p1.
Xcode version : 6.1.1
The problem is that the popup for the plugin appears without any buttons.
But this gets fixed if one selects the .strings file on the plugin and click on the localize button. It then places the files in the lproj folder of that language.
But the localize functionality is surely doing more than just putting it in the correct folder, as even if you put it in the folder before hand the problem persists.
One can also see that after pressing the localize button, the number of files localized in the info panel of the project in Xcode increases by one.
I cannot have this setup as the build is automated, one cannot have any manual steps in the process as it will completely break the work flow.
Do let me know if you have any leads, if not the complete solution.
You are correct, clicking the localize button does do more than just put a strings file in a folder. That is the main part, but it will also wire that folder and file up into the project as a resource that gets included during the build process and will likely add some reference in the storyboard as well.
See Internationalizing the User Interface

I deleted the Localizations in Xcode, then I cannot add any Localizations back

I deleted the Localizations of the project from the project's info by mistake. Both the storyboard and the related language were removed.
I got back the storyboard from previous file but when I want to add a new Localization, a window popped out and asked me to "Choose files and reference language to create English localization" and there is no resource file at all.
How can I add back the localizations?
Adding back a localization
When you delete your localizations sometimes you can get that situation where you can't add back any localizations in Xcode. Go to the command-line and create a ISO 639-1 two-letter language abbreviation folder with the lproj extension somewhere within your project.
Create an empty language folder
For example:
Re-add language files to project
In the folder create an empty file called Localizable.strings and add this file to your project. Don't add the .lproj folder, just the contents. Then when you go back into the project file you will see the language under localizations. Now when you have added this, you should see the localization in your project.
No checkbox
If the added file, like a storyboard, doesn't have a checkbox next to it indicating that is part of that language localization you might need to round trip them through another language. To do this add a new language in the project. It should prompt you to copy the existing localized files over to the new language. Then delete the broken localization and re-add it.
My Example
As a specific example, I added the storyboard in the nb.lproj directory to the project. The Norwegian Bokmål appears in the project, but the checkbox for the language in the storyboard inspector won't let me add it. I created nb_NO in the project and it prompted me to copy over the storyboard. Then the storyboard had that checkbox checked. I deleted the 'nb' localization and re-added it. Now everything was the way I wanted it.
I had to solve same problem, and found one solution:
You need to find in finder your *.xcodeproj file and open it as container (ctrl+click on it and you will see it in context menu)
Here you can see project.pbxproj file, open it in Xcode. Its large (but still readable file).
(it will be better to make some copy on save spot, before you start)
Now its the task to add the missing language to this file, and its done.(U can try it on other project with localizations).
There is paragraph you need to add. Search in this file for this /* End PBXSourcesBuildPhase section */(its paragraph right before localization paragraph which is missing) and add something like this after:
/* Begin PBXVariantGroup section */
27548D921611B0BE008EA1CD /* Localizable.strings */ = {
isa = PBXVariantGroup;
children = (
27548D941611B0BE008EA1CD /* en */,
name = Localizable.strings;
path = ../Code;
sourceTree = "<group>";
/* End PBXVariantGroup section */
You have to do some changes first. Look at the long number 27548D921611B0BE008EA1CD, its ID of the localization file (or some xib file, or other localizable file...), if you dont have any in the procject, just add some Localizable.string file to the project, reopen(or refresh) this project.pbxpro, and find this Localizable.string you should find something like this:
275490591611B0BE008EA1CD /* Localizable.strings in Resources */
and this is it what you need to replace in localization paragraph
also you need to do right settings on path parametr and sourceTree. This twos are readable in fileinspector in xcode.
The "sourceTree" param is Location - mostly its relative to group so sourceTree = "<group>";
The path is path relative from the group to the file (if you dont know, try to make some localization files in different project and look at project.pbxpro, what all this works)
After this you can save project.pbxpro, and you should see in xcode info section "en" localization and you can add more localizations and all other localization stuff.
In xcode 6, do the following:
With the command line, create the following directory/file structure somewhere outside your project directory:
In Xcode, open your project and choose File>Add Files to ProjectName to add the recently created en.lproj directory.
After that, you will see English in the Localizations list.
This is an old topic, but after having this issue, and then trying the solution (and having it not work exactly), I thought I'd give details on what DID work.
Like the original poster, I accidentally deleted all of my localizations and was given no obvious recourse in Xcode-- in the project settings under Info it simply said 'this project has not been localized', and when I clicked on the plus button beneath, a blank list of resource files was presented.
I followed #Cameron's guide but found that language folders with Localizable.strings files were already present in Finder, but weren't being acknowledged by Xcode. I couldn't decide how to proceed, but I happened to see an unrelated comment about adding files to Xcode, so I tried adding the existing en.lproj folder and its Localizable.strings file.
This worked, and the listing for English as the development language appeared under Info as well.
Hopefully this will help anyone who experiences the same problem!
Simply create a Folder "Base.lproj" in finder and paste the Xib you want to localize inside it, and add this folder to your project. Now you can able to add other languages without issue.
I've followed a similar approach of #user2070775 reply.
Firstyl when you delete Storyboard and Launchscreen to use your own creation or code programmatically, on Localization you might get similar following empty screen.
Then firstly you should know the language code for example to use French localization its fr etc
With project folder in the Project Navigator you must add New Group -> {LANGUAGE_CODE}.lproj. And then you should add New File -> Strings File -> Localizable.strings. In the #user2070775 answer, also InfoPlist.strings file has added so I added too for now.
In the Localizable.strings file you can add <KEY> = <VALUE> pairs for string to localizated.
Our pair is "this-is-key" = "and-this-is-value-for-spesific-language-on-localizable-string"; for now.
HINT: In key-value pair, when I did not put the semicolon, the XCode
gives error for this situation.
Until now, the following project scheme, must the result of you have.
Additionally, when you looked at the Project -> Info -> Localizations the French or etc. language must be added like in the following image.
Basically you can get the results of the what've you done
The remaining part can be set from the Simulator. You must change the simulator language, for this answer the correct one is French.
Go to Settings -> General -> Language & Region -> French and run the project again.

Why can't I add localization to my iOS app?

I'm trying to add a localization. I've read all those localization/internationalization guides from Apple and raywenderlich.com. I've marked all my code with NSLocalizedString macro, I've used genstrings to create Localizable.strings. But somehow I'm missing some important step.
When I try to add localization to my Localizable.strings I'm somehow restricted to English only.
When I try to add localization to project via "Editor"->"Add Localization" all language options are disabled.
Does anybody have any thoughts as to why am I restricted to English only? What have I missed?
I've tried to add localization to other projects with the same result. :(
You need to first add your localizations to your project. Click on the project file, ensure that the project, not the target, is selected in the middle pane and then choose the "Info" screen. There's a area called "Localizations" where you can add languages. You should then be able to localize your resources.
Another possible issue is that you are not selecting appropriately the project, which leads to all languages in the Add localization list being disabled.
By default the target may be selected, make sure you select the project instead. Then you can use the Add localization normally.
Something which kept me busy for too long. I looked over the language I needed (Swedish) in the first list and took the one from the "Other" list. Well my phone or emulator didn't change at all to Swedish. But when I took Swedish from the first list it got nicely updated when changing the language settings.
With Xcode 6, you can do it via Project Settings.
