How to know when iOS app becomes responsive / Hang time - ios

Is there a way to know when an iOS app becomes responsive to user interaction? For example, a user taps a button and the app performs work, this work may dispatch other work asynchronously to the main thread. In hopes of using it as a performance metric, I want to know the precise moment at which the app is again able to process touch events in a responsive manner. With this I would want data like "On average, the app becomes responsive 55ms after a user interaction".
Currently, immediately after a user interaction, I watch the main queue and have a heuristic for submitting samples to it in order to estimate responsiveness based on the main queue's responsiveness, with the assumption that the main queue's responsiveness directly correlates with the apps' responsiveness. The sampling only occurs until the queue is again consistently responsive for some time again (ex. 100ms). Is there any downside to this method? Is there any other method I could/should be using to do this?
Using MetricKit to watch for Hang Time is not an option as I cannot those results to a specific interaction (i.e. knowing how different interactions affect hang time).

You said:
For example, a user taps a button and the app performs work. I want to know the precise moment at which the app is again able to process touch events in a responsive manner.
The main thread should never be blocked. It should always be responsive. (You can disable the UI if your app requires that, but never block the main thread, regardless.)
So, with that in mind, if you are starting some process that takes a little time, you should:
If you want the app to let the user know that a time consuming process is about to start, add that chrome to the UI (e.g. UIActivityIndicatorView, aka a “spinner”, or whatever);
Start that task, asynchronously, on a background queue (so that it does not block the main thread);
Give that task a “completion handler” closure that it will call when the background work is done;
In that completion handler, the caller can supply the code to remove any chrome added in the first step, above.
In short, rather than worrying about “how does the app know when the main thread is free again”, you should focus on eliminating anything that would ever block the main thread in the first place. See Understand and eliminate hangs from your app.


Parse query on Main Thread

My iOS app relies heavy on server side data, and just for the launch of it, I need a little bit of information from Parse to get the job done on the app delegate... the issue is I'm making this query on the main thread because otherwise I would use a block or a queue, and immediately after the start of the app, the launch image shows up, then the query starts and the screen goes blank, then the query arrives and the app screen refreshes and is ready to go, but this looks very odd for the user experience and I don't want it to happen..
With the query on the main thread the launch image stays until the data arrives, and it looks much better and the loading time is about 2-3 seconds...
It feels like a bad practice, but...
Any advices?
Miguel Rojas Cortés
Don't block the main thread when the app launches. If the network request isn't fast enough, the watchdog will terminate your app and your users will give you 1 star reviews.
Just display your UI with as much info as you have, and show some visual indication that more data is loading. Then update the views when the data arrives.
Also remember to handle the case that the user launches your app with no connectivity. The user should get an appropriate error and an option to retry.
You just need to do a bit more work here
Create a separate nib / view controller for the launch screen instead of the using the default iOS one
When the launch view controller loaded, starts the request, and don't do any transition just yet. Maybe show some kind of loading indicator there.
When all data has arrived, do a transition to the first screen (either fading smoothly or abruptly, IDK).
Doing query on main thread in this case may work 90% of the time, but the other 10%, eg when network is flaky, it's not a nice experience. The app will just hang there, and you got no chance to handle returned errors, since the main thread is blocked.

What happens in hardware on SAME thread async calls?

Note, related but not the same: iPhone - Grand Central Dispatch main thread
I've failed at this question many times, so here's source code:
While on the main thread
dispatch_async( dispatch_get_main_queue(), ^{ NSString * str = #"Interrupt myself to do something."} );
I'm just curious, when a thread switches, it stores its registers in Thread Local Storage, switches context, runs from its new spot in the Program Counter (which I assume is within a copy of the program that simply uses a different stack and register), then it "goes back" to the main thread.
When it interrupts itself, I'm just wondering what decides when it should, and what happens to the Thread Local stuff.
I've read up on this a little, but I'm still wrapping my head around the fact that programs are not continuous. They're just "something to do in small chunks when the OS decides to run a chunk of a process, or its chunks (threads).
I am self-taught, which might add to my lack of register/asm knowledge that may be standard to any scholar.
Thanks. The code should help, this is iOS specific, but I believe the answer/question is related to any language going from main-to-main.
Since every past attempt has resulted in lengthy answers that ignore the reason I'm asking this, I will iterate one last time....
This is for the SAME thread. Main-to-main. Does it really just stop itself, move the program counter elsewhere, go, then end at the block? Also don't these things usually change at branches (if/for and blocks too).
Pointing me in the right direction works too, but like I said, previously the question was misread.
It is hard to answer your question specifically without having access to the internals of GCD, but generically, the answer is no, simply adding a unit of work to a dispatch queue will not immediately interrupt the executing code.
As you suggest context switches are expensive, not only in terms of state saving & restoration but also the processor will need to dump the instruction pipeline resulting in wasted cycles.
Typically the operating system will keep executing the current task until it suspends (e.g. waits on a network or other IO operation) or perhaps is interrupted by some external event (pressing the home key on the phone), but there are also time limits to prevent a runaway task from locking the whole device (This is pre-emptive multi-tasking, as opposed to co-operative multitasking where the task needs to relinquish the CPU)
With dispatch_async there is no guarantee of when the code will execute in relation to the current code block. The code block may not even be next in the queue - other threads may have added other units of work to the queue before this one.
I think the thing that's confusing you is the use of dispatch_async( dispatch_get_main_queue()), which submits code to run on a queue on the main thread.
Using dispatch_async on the main queue:
When you call dispatch_async( dispatch_get_main_queue()), it adds a unit of work to the main queue, which runs it's jobs from the main thread.
If you run this call from the main thread, the results are the same. The work gets added to the main queue for later processing.
When you make this call from the main thread, the system doesn't check the main queue for work to do until your code returns.
Think of this as a one-cook kitchen. As the cook works, he puts trays of dishes in the dishwashing area. He doesn't stop to do dishes until he gets to a breaking point in what he's currently doing. At that point he takes a tray of dishes, loads it into the dishwasher, and then goes back to cooking.
The cook knows that he has to check for dishes each time he gets to a breaking point, and then completes a dishwashing task before returning to cooking.
Using dispatch_async on a background queue:
A dispatch_async call to a background queue is like a 2-person kitchen. There is a dishwasher working at the same time. The cook puts a tray of dishes into the dishwashing station (the queue) and the dishwasher (the other thread) picks up that task as soon as it's finished with it's previous tasks, while the cook continues to work on cooking.
The above assumes a machine with multiple processors, which is the norm these days. Each processor can do work at the same time without having to juggle multiple tasks.
If you are running on a single-core system with preemptive multitasking, submitting tasks to separate threads/background queues has the same effect as if there were multiple processors, but now the OS has to do a juggling act. There's only one person in the kitchen, but he wears multiple hats. The person is doing the cook job, and the OS shouts "Switch!" The cook jots down notes on what he was doing (saves state) and then jumps into the dish-pit and starts washing dishes, and keeps washing dishes until the OS yells "Switch!" again, and the worker again saves state, switches to the next role, and picks up that role (cook) where it was left off.
Multi-tasking is more costly on a single-core system because each time the worker switches roles, it has to save the current state, then load the saved state for the other role, and continue. Those context switches take time.

performSelectorInBackground called method slowing down main thread - can that be fixed?

The client wrote a REST API for their website before ever starting on an app. it's a nice API, but it was designed to interact with a service that's running on the same network. The client didn't account for the fact that interaction over cellular data would take an exponentially longer amount of time than interaction on the same network, or even the same physical computer. Due to the fact that the client didn't account for this during server design, I am now left with an API that requires I transfer an entire object back and forth every single time the user changes 1 option. At first, it was slowing my main thread down by a ridiculous amount. So, I attempted to fix the problem by putting the API interaction on a background thread with a call to
[self performSelectorInBackground:]
This helped a great deal. However, the graphics are still a little bit choppy. The speed at which the data is transferred and returned isn't overly important, as long as it happens. I was wondering if there's a method of lowering the background thread's priority so that the graphics on the main thread aren't affected at all, or at least, very little. Is that possible?
By default, running a method on the background thread is lowering the priority below the main thread, so it should not be slowing the main (UI) thread. I would guess there is something else going on. I would venture that you are doing something else on the main thread that you are not aware of that is slowing down your "graphics". To check, try stubbing out your server calls, because there is almost no way that a download / parsing of data on the background thread would slow things to the point where the main thread would get hung and cause animations to stutter. The other possibility is that your animations are not done efficiently and are just choppy themselves.
You will need to be more specific with what you mean by the graphics being choppy to get a better answer, though.

How can I change the background operation priority dynamically using Dispatch or Operation queues.

Here is the problem that I got. I have several tasks to complete in background when application is running. When I run these tasks in background by pushing them to concurrent dispatch queue it takes more then 10 seconds to complete all of them. They basically load data from disk and parse it and represent the result to the user. That is they are just cached results and hugely improve the user experience.
This cached results are used in a particular functionality inside the app, and when that functionality is not used immediately after opening the application, it is not a problem that it takes 10 seconds to load the data that supports that functionality, because when user decides to use it, that data will already be loaded.
But when user immediately enters that function in the app after opening it, it takes considerable time (from the point of view of the user) to load the data. Also the whole data is not needed at the same moment, but rather the piece of it at a given moment.
That's why we need concurrently load the data, and if possible bring the results as soon as possible. That's why I decided to break the data into chunks, and when user requests the data, we should load the corresponding chunk by background thread and give that thread the highest priority. I'll explain what I mean.
Imagine there are 100 pieces of data and it takes more than 10 seconds to load them all. Whenever user queries the data first time, the app determines which chunk of the data user needs and starts loading that chunk. After that part is loaded the remaining data will also be loaded in the background, in order to make later queries faster (without the lag of loading the cache). But here a problem occurs, when user decides to change the query immediately after he has already entered one, and that change occurs for instance on the 2nd second of data loading process (remember it takes more than 10 seconds to load the data and we still have more than 8 seconds to complete the loading process), then in the extreme case user will receive his data waiting until all data will be loaded. That's way I need somehow manage the execution of the background tasks. That is, when user changes the input, I should change the priorities of execution, and give the thread that loads the corresponding chunk the highest priority without stopping it, so it will receive more processor time, and will finish sooner, and deliver results to the user faster, than it would if I have left the priorities the same. I know I can assign priorities to queues. But is there a way that I can change them dynamically while they are still executing?
Or do I need to implement custom thread management, in order to implement these behaviour? I really don't want to dive into thread management, and will be glad if it is possible to implement using only dispatch or operation queues.
I hope I've described the problem well. If not please comment bellow what is unclear, I'll explain.
Thank you so much for reading so far :) And special thanks to one who will provide an answer. And very special thanks to one, who will give me solution using dispatch or operation queues :)))
I think you need to move away from thinking about the priority at which the queues are running (which actually doesn't sound very important for the scenario you are describing) and more towards how you can use Dispatch I/O or an even simpler Dispatch source to control how the data is being read in. As you say, it takes 10 seconds the load the data and if the user suddenly changes their query immediately after asking, you need to essentially stop reading the data for the previous request and do whatever needs to be done to fulfill the most recent query. Using Dispatch I/O to chunk the data (asynchronously) and update the UI also asynchronously will allow you to change your mind mid-stream (using some sort of semaphore or cancellation flag) and either continue to trickle the data in (you don't say whether or not that data will remain useful if the user changes their mind or not), suspend the reading process, or cancel it altogether and start a new operation. Eithe way, being able to suspend/resume a source and also have it fire callbacks for reasonably small chunks of data will certainly enable you to make decisions on a much more granular chunk of time than 8 seconds!
I'm afraid the only way to do that is to cancel running operation before starting new one.
You cannot remove it from queue until it's done or canceled.
As an improvement for your problem I would suggest to load things even user doesn't need them in background - so you can load them from cache after it's there.
You can create 2 NSOperationQueue with 2 different priorities and download things in background whenever user is idle on LowPriorityQueue. For important operations you can have high priority queue - which you will cancel each time search term changes.
On top of that you just need to cache results from both of those queues.

Are all methods in an iOS app usually in a single thread? (for race condition prevention)

We can have many handlers: touches handler, UIControl handler (buttons, sliders), performSelector, CADisplayLink, NSTimer events, Gesture Recognizer, accelerometer handler, and UIView animation completion block, and some other ones.
Are all of them in the same thread? That is, only one of them can be running at the same time?
Can some other method or handler be part of another thread and therefore can create race conditions?
In general, you'll find that most simple applications on iOS tend to perform almost every action on the main thread. As you noted, the instant that you bring multithreading into the picture you add another set of tricky issues to watch out for. Many developers don't want to bother with this added complexity, or are unfamiliar with GCD or threading in general, so they avoid doing anything on a background thread or GCD queue.
Several of the items you list in your question involve interactions with UIKit, and in general those interactions must occur on the main thread (iOS 4.x added the ability to perform some drawing functions in the background, though). You receive touch and other related events on the main thread. If you wish to update most aspects of an interface, the safe way to do that is by performing these updates on the main thread.
Timers (NSTimer, CADisplayLink) can have their updates be fired on a background thread by attaching them to an NSRunLoop operating on that background thread. You rarely see people do this, but it can be done. Usually, people configure timers on the main run loop, which causes callbacks to be delivered on the main thread.
When performing animations, the animations themselves will run on a background thread (you see that they don't stop while you're blocking the main thread with something else), but you'll almost always receive a completion block or callback on the main thread when they're done. If I remember correctly, there are one or two exceptions to this and they are noted as such in Apple's documentation. Having these callbacks trigger on the main thread is a safe approach when dealing with developers who might not realize what's going on behind the scenes.
All that said, there are very good reasons to want to add multithreading to your application. Because all user interface updates and touch interactions occur on the main thread, if you have something that is computationally expensive or that simply will take a lot of time to perform, if you run this on your main thread you'll appear to have frozen your application. This is a terrible user experience, so you want to move this task onto a background thread so that the user can keep interacting with your application while this is going on. Additionally, more and more iOS devices are shipping every day with multiple cores in them, and balancing your work load across these cores and being efficient with this hardware requires some degree of concurrent processing.
People have written books about best practices when making code multithreaded, and you can find a lot of questions about this here, so I won't go into too much detail. What I can tell you is that you should read Apple's Concurrency Programming Guide and watch the WWDC videos from the last two years that deal with Grand Central Dispatch. With GCD, Apple has made it a lot easier to add multithreading to your application in an efficient and (relatively) safe manner, and I encourage you to look into this for your own applications.
For example, I have an open source iOS application that performs detailed rendering of molecular structures. I render each frame on a background GCD queue because sometimes they take more than 1/60th of a second to process, and in those cases they'd cause touch events to be dropped and the interface to stutter if this was all on the main thread. Additionally, I've seen up to a 40% performance boost by doing this when running on the newer multicore devices. To avoid race conditions, I wrap interactions with shared data structures and contexts in serial dispatch queues so that only one action can be using a resource at a time, no matter what thread a particular block is running on. This only required the addition of a few lines of code, but the performance and user experience benefits were huge.
