Need option to fill values in Jenkins parameterized pipeline script stored in Github whenever it run - jenkins

I have created a jenkins parameterized pipeline script as below. I have stored it on my Github repository.
properties([parameters([string(defaultValue: 'Devasish', description: 'Enter your name', name: 'Name'),
choice(choices: ['QA', 'Dev', 'UAT', 'PROD'], description: 'Where you want to deploy?', name: 'Environnment')])])
pipeline {
agent any
stages {
stage('one') {
steps {
echo "Hello ${Name} Your code is Building in ${Environnment} "
stage('Two') {
steps {
echo "Hello ${Name} hard testing in ${Environnment}"
stage('Three') {
steps {
echo "Hello1 ${Name} deploying in ${Environnment}"
Then, I have created a jenkins job by choosing pipeline option. While creating jenkins pipeline Under build triggers section, I have checked GitHub hook trigger for GITScm polling checkbox and Under Pipeline section, I have chosen Pipeline script from SCM followed by choosing Git in SCM, providing Repository URL where the above written JenkinsFile script is stored.
Then, Under Github repository settings, I have gone to webhooks and added one webhook where I specified my Payload URL as myJenkinsServerURL/github-webhook/. which will enable a functionality like whenever there will be any push event occurred within the repository, it will run the jenkins pipeline I created above.
Now, the situation is, when I am running this jenkins job from Classic UI by clicking Build with parameters, I am getting a text box to fill my name and a dropdown having list of 4 options ('QA', 'Dev', 'UAT', 'PROD') I gave above in script to choose, in which server I want to deploy my code, then it gets run.
But when I am committing in Github, it starts jenkins pipeline but not asking for parameters value instead just taking default value Devasish in name and QA in server.
What should I do to get an option of filling these details but not from Classic UI.
Thanks in advance.

As you have noted, when you trigger your pipeline manually, it will ask for the Build Parameters and let you specify values before proceeding.
However, when triggering the pipeline thru automatic triggers (e.g. SCM triggers/webhooks), then it is assumed to be an unattended build and it will use the defaultValue settings from your Jenkinsfile build parameters" definition.


Jenkins with Jenkinsfile Pipeline - Trigger Builds Remotely

I have a Jenkinsfile setup for our CI/CD pipeline, and it runs through the pipeline on git actions like Pull Requests, Branch Creation, Tag Pushes, etc..
Prior to this setup, I was used to setting up Jenkins build jobs in the Jenkins UI. The advantage of this, was that I could setup dedicated build jobs that I could trigger remotely, and independently of git webhook actions. I could do a POST to the job endpoint with parameters to trigger various actions.
Documentation for this process would be referenced here - see "Trigger Builds Remotely"
I could also hit the big button that says "Build", or "Build with Parameters" in the UI, which was super nice.
How would one do this with a Jenkinsfile? Is this even possible to define build jobs in a pipeline definition within a Jenkinsfile? I.E. define functions / build jobs that have dedicated URLs that could be called on the Jenkins URL independent of webhook callbacks?
What's the best practice here?
Thanks for any tips, references, suggestions!
I would recommend starting with Multibranch pipelines. In general you get all the things you mentioned, but a little better. Because thhe paramteres can be defined within your Jenkinsfile. In short just do it like this:
Create a Jenkinsfile an check this into a Git Repository.
To create a Multibranch Pipeline: Click New Item on Jenkins home page.
Enter a name for your Pipeline, select Multibranch Pipeline and click OK.
Add a Branch Source (for example, Git) and enter the location of the repository.
Save the Multibranch Pipeline project.
A declarative Jenkinsfile can look like this:
pipeline {
agent any
parameters {
string(name: 'Greeting', defaultValue: 'Hello', description: 'How should I greet the world?')
stages {
stage('Example') {
steps {
echo "${params.Greeting} World!"
A good tutorial with screenshhots can be found here:

Jenkins simple pipeline not triggered by github push

I have created a jenkins pipeline job called "pipelinejob" with the below script:
pipeline {
agent any
stages {
stage ('Setup'){
//echo "${BRANCH_NAME}"
echo "${env.BRANCH_NAME}"
//echo "${GIT_BRANCH}"
echo "${env.GIT_BRANCH}"
Under General, I have selected "GitHub project" and inserted my company's github in the form:
Under Build Triggers, i have checked "GitHub hook trigger for GITScm polling
I have created a simple job called "simplejob" with same configuration as 1) and 2)
In my company's Github, i have created a webhook like "jenkins_url/jenkins/github-webhook/"
I commit a change in "mybranch" in "MY_REPOSITORY_NAME"
My simple job "simplejob" is triggered and built successfully
My pipeline job "pipelinejob" is not triggered
In Jenkins log i see the below:
Sep 12, 2019 2:42:45 PM INFO org.jenkinsci.plugins.github.webhook.subscriber.DefaultPushGHEventSubscriber$1 run
Poked simplejob
Nothing regarding my "pipelinejob".
Could you please point me to the right directions as to what to check next?
P.S. I have manually executed my "pipelinejob" successfully
I wasted two days of work on this, as none of the previous solutions worked for me. :-(
Eventually I found the solution on another forum:
The problem is that if you use a Jenkinsfile that is stored in GitHub, along with your project sources, then this trigger must be configured in the Jenkinsfile itself, not in the Jenkins or project configuration.
So add a triggers {} block like this to your Jenkinsfile:
pipeline {
agent any
triggers {
stages {
Push your Jenkinsfile into GitHub
Run one build manually, to let Jenkins know about your will to use this trigger.
You'll notice that the "GitHub hook trigger for GITScm polling" checkbox will be checked at last!
Restart Jenkins.
The next push should trigger an automated build at last!
On the left side-pane of your pipeline job, click GitHub Hook log. If it says 'Polling has not run yet', you will need to manually trigger the pipeline job once before Jenkins registers it to poke on receiving hooks.
Henceforth, the job should automatically trigger on GitHub push events.
I found an answer to this question with scripted pipeline file. We need to declare the Github push event trigger in Jenkins file as follows.
node {
git url: '',branch: 'master'
stage ('Compile Stage') {
echo "compiling"
echo "compilation completed"
stage ('Testing Stage') {
echo "testing completed"
echo "testing completed"
stage("Deploy") {
echo "deployment completed"
The declaration should be in the first line.
git url: The URL on which pipeline should be triggered.
branch: The branch on which pipeline should be triggered. When you specify the branch as master and make changes to other branches like develop or QA, that won't trigger the pipeline.
Hope this could help someone who comes here for an answer for the same problem with Jenkins scripted pipeline :-(.
The thing is whenever you create a pipeline job for git push which is to be triggered by github-webhook, first you need to build the pipeline job manually for one time. If it builds successfully, then Jenkins registers it to poke on receiving hooks. And from the next git push, your pipeline job will trigger automatically.
Note: Also make sure that the pipeline job built manually for the first time should be built successfully, otherwise Jenkins will not poke it. If it fails to build, you can never trigger the job again.

Jenkins declarative pipeline: input with conditional steps without blocking the executor

I'm trying to get the following features to work in Jenkins' Declarative Pipeline syntax:
Conditional execution of certain stages only on the master branch
input to ask for user confirmation to deploy to a staging environment
While waiting for confirmation, it doesn't block an executor
Here's what I've ended up with:
pipeline {
agent none
stages {
stage('1. Compile') {
agent any
steps {
echo 'compile'
stage('2. Build & push Docker image') {
agent any
when {
branch 'master'
steps {
echo "build & push docker image"
stage('3. Deploy to stage') {
when {
branch 'master'
input {
message "Deploy to stage?"
ok "Deploy"
agent any
steps {
echo 'Deploy to stage'
The problem is that stage 2 needs the output from 1, but this is not available when it runs. If I replace the various agent directives with a global agent any, then the output is available, but the executor is blocked waiting for user input at stage 3. And if I try and combine 1 & 2 into a single stage, then I lose the ability to conditionally run some steps only on master.
Is there any way to achieve all the behaviour I'm looking for?
You need to use the stash command at the end of your first step and then unstash when you need the files
I think these are available in the snippet generator
As per the documentation
Saves a set of files for use later in the same build, generally on
another node/workspace. Stashed files are not otherwise available and
are generally discarded at the end of the build. Note that the stash
and unstash steps are designed for use with small files. For large
data transfers, use the External Workspace Manager plugin, or use an
external repository manager such as Nexus or Artifactory

Set build parameter values at runtime with the Pipeline

I'm using a private Github repo with a Jenkinsfile to build a project. I'd actually like to do two separate builds, one for develop that builds whenever a branch is pushed, and one for qa that builds nightly. I've set up a Github Organization as this seems to be the only way to use credentials to check out the repository and perform the build.
My Jenkinsfile looks like:
node {
stage('Preparation') {
properties([[$class: 'ParametersDefinitionProperty',
parameterDefinitions: [
[$class: 'StringParameterDefinition', name: 'build_url'],
[$class: 'StringParameterDefinition', name: 'build_url2'],
checkout scm
stage('Build') {
dir('Vecna_iDeliver_Torso') {
sh 'npm install'
sh 'node_modules/.bin/gulp build'
stage('Upload') {
sh 'aws s3 sync dist s3://app-dev'
stage('Cleanup') {
This all works great, but I need to be able to set the environment variables (build urls) when running gulp, and their values will depend on the environment I want to build for. The s3 bucket I want to upload to will also depend on the environment.
When I set the properties above and then find the build job under my Github organization, I can see that it's accepting the build parameters. However, there doesn't seem to be any way for me to set these externally. I can only use them with "Build with Parameters." This would be fine if I wanted to run the build manually each time, but I want it to run nightly. Since the two different environments require different build parameter values, I can't set them as defaults.
Is there any way for me to set build parameter values ahead of time using the Jenkins pipeline?

How to go about seeing the branch name of builds in the build history view of Jenkins?

I installed the Feature Branch Notifier Plugin in my instance of Jenkins.
I have checked the "Show full length branch name in the build history view" checkbox at jenkins:8080/configure
I am expecting to see the branch names in build history view, but even after restarting Jenkins I am not seeing the branch names in the build history, as can be seen in the enclosed image.
The project issue queue lists no open issues, and when I try to log in to post an issue, I get the message "Proxy Error - The proxy server received an invalid response from an upstream server. The proxy server could not handle the request POST /account/doSignup. Reason: Error reading from remote server Apache/2.2.14 (Ubuntu) Server at Port 443"
Does anyone know how to go about seeing the branch name of builds in the build history view of Jenkins? Thanks!
You can use Build Name Setter Plugin, and set Set Build Name something like #${BUILD_NUMBER} - ${GIT_BRANCH}.
Build-Name-setter-plugin no longer works. I tried on 2.319.1, and the setting never appears in the pipline.
The solution I found is to use the build environment variables to apply to your display name for the build in a step script.
Adjust your Jenkinsfile to pull the branch name as a environmental variable (I am using CURRENT_BRANCH_NAME). Then I created a new stage / step, that runs before any other, and ran a script to adjust the displayname there:
pipeline {
agent {any}
environment {
CURRENT_BRANCH_NAME = "${GIT_BRANCH.split('/').size() > 1 ? GIT_BRANCH.split('/')[1..-1].join('/') : GIT_BRANCH}"
stages {
stage('Set branch name') {
steps {
currentBuild.displayName = "#"+currentBuild.number+": "+CURRENT_BRANCH_NAME
stages {
stage('Ok now start doing testing') {
steps {
sh '''#!/bin/bash
echo "Im gona test everything"
Now when your Jenkins test starts to build, the name will update once the step is complete.
Note: this solution was tested in a single pipeline (not multi-pipeline), and was for a SCM repo integration.
Get git branch name in Jenkins Pipeline/Jenkinsfile
