Broken y-axis in multiple y-axis settings for Highchart - highcharts

I have the first chart:
Multiple y-axis with broken y-axis for left-hand-side y-axis only
The left-hand-side y-axis is broken from 1M to 25M, while there is no broken setting for the right-hand-side y-axis. The horizontal lines for the 2 y-axis in the chart area make it a little bit hard to read. It can be improved by setting the broken for the right-hand-side y-axis from 250K to 6.25M like the 2nd chart shows:
Multiple y-axis with broken y-axis for both y-axis
The broken setting is set by user. They cannot preview the result when configuring the settings.
I want to have a chart with the horizontal lines for both hand side overlapped with each other. I can only add the broken setting for right-hand-side y-axis. But I should know the min & max value for all the series used. The min value is default to be 0, but the max value for the series which use left-hand-side y-axis is around 44M, while it is around 13.5M for the right-hand-side y-axis. But the chart shows me 56M for the left-hand-side y-axis, while it is 14M for the right-hand-side y-axis. I cannot predict the max value for the y-axis while generating the chart setting.
Is it possible to add the broken setting for the right-hand-side programmatically? Or is there any other approach?

Is it possible to add the broken setting for the right-hand-side
programmatically? Or is there any other approach?
Yes, adding programmatically calculated breaks seems to be the only way. You can use for example chart's load event where you have access to all the required values.
For example:
chart: {
events: {
load: function() {
const yAxes = this.yAxis;
breaks: [{
from: 20,
to: 40,
breakSize: 0
Live demo:
API Reference:


Highcharts polar chart axis labels

I have a categorical polar chart with 5 axes, and each axis has its own min/max range. I would like to configure both the axis labels and to add ticks to each individual axis.
The axis labels are drawn on the axis line itself, but I'd prefer them to be drawn slightly away from the line
There are no ticks on each axis, and I would like short ticks drawn on each axis line.
I've tried tinkering without success with the gridLine* and tick* y axis properties. Nothing seems to visually change when I do this, so I am guessing I'm barking up the wrong tree. Can I get tickmarks and better label positioning?
Here's a fiddle for this:
Use chart.parallelAxes.labels option to set x and y axis labels positions.
Example code:
chart: {
polar: true,
parallelCoordinates: true,
parallelAxes: {
gridLineWidth: 0,
labels: {
y: 25,
API Reference:
There is no possibility to set ticks for the polar chart from the API options. You will need to draw them using Highcharts.SVGRenderer. Check the similar thread at Highcharts forum:
API Reference:

Adding symbols and annotations to Highchart date axis

I need to add graphic annotations in a chart on the date (x) axis, so I added a new series with a constant value of 0 (x: date, y: 0), with custom image markers. Annotations look like this:
The problem with this approach is that the constant 0 value in the annotation series is messing around with the automatically placed ticks (on the right), which then stretch the whole Y range from 0 onwards, instead of the min and max of other series, as it is by default. That drastically affects the display of other series, whose value are far away from 0, making them look less diverse.
Highcharts comes with an annotation module, bit I didn't find an option to pin it to the axis and use a different graphic.
Is it possible to either:
a) Prevent the annotation series to influence the Y axis ticks?
b) Make customized annotations on the X axis without adding new constant series?
The easiest solution here I think would be to create a new yAxis, and have your constant series use that yAxis. Like this:
yAxis: [{
...//original yAxis
}, {
visible: false //this hides all axis lines, ticks, and labels
Then in the series, you would set:
series: [{
... //Real data series
}, {
yAxis: 1, //constant series

highchart axis position with negative values

In the stacked bar shown below
the negative values are represented with the reference line on top, this seems to be redundant with the original axis present below, is there a way to actually show only one axis in the place of 0 marker?
You can set a parameter opposite as true.
You can also disable gridlines on yAxis

Highcharts - Using 'errorbar' type overrides axis interval

I am trying to set my X and Y axes to have set minimums, maximums and intervals. Easy enough according to the docs - and indeed I have had no problem working with Highcharts to date - in fact the complete opposite, it's an awesome, awesome tool. However, when I add errors bars to my line series', it seems to knock out the x-axis -
Simply changing to series' type to arearange (, providing the same data points [x, low, high], the chart now respects my min, max and tickInterval on the x-axis. So this begs the question, is this a bug or and I doing something wrong?
From my understanding the errorbar causes the axis to consider itself part of a "column-like chart". That is, the points on the axis have a span. The result of this is that this piece of code is ran to prevent more ticks than there are points (found on line 7194 of the source):
// In column-like charts, don't cramp in more ticks than there are points (#1943)
if (axis.pointRange) {
axis.tickInterval = mathMax(axis.pointRange, axis.tickInterval);
I'm not exactly sure how this solves the problem, but in some way setting the pointRange of the errorbar series causes the axis to use that pointRange for the axis as well. I'm guessing it just uses the maximum point range of all series, or something similar. This means your specified tickInterval will be the "max" in the above mathMax-function. Like this:
name: 'Series 1 error bars',
data: [
linkedTo: ':previous',
color: "#013879",
zIndex: 0,
whiskerLength: 7,
type: 'errorbar',
pointRange: 0
Check this JSFiddle link for pointRange in action.
The negative effect that this will have is that the top and bottom line for your errorbars will have very short width. You can counter this by specifying a pointWidth for the series as well, as in this JSFiddle demonstration.

position ticks in par with data - highcharts

I have a 'datetime' chart which has one point per day. So my requirement is to have each date displayed on x-axis and value plotted for each date. So I have set the tickinterval as 1 day (24*3600*1000) as follows:
However, the x-axis seems to show only Aug28th and chart has two points on either side of it instead of showing one point for Aug27th and another one for Aug28th.
I tried using tickPositions and the chart appears as follows:
What is wrong here?
One of the numbers is wrong.
the second position in the tick is 137766608975 but then in the data is 1377666808975 which has a full digit more than the other.
You are in fact missing an 8 somewhere in the middle.
so basically the number on the second tick become smaller than the first one.
xAxis: {
type:'datetime' , tickPositions:[1377601929269, **137766608975**]
