I'm trying to replicate some View-based selected text behavior with Jetpack Compose. In both of these cases, I've long-tapped on the middle of the URL.
View based:
<TextView ... android:textIsSelectable="true" />
SelectionContainer {
As you can see in the screenshots, there are a few missing options in the Compose layout. Is there a way to add this? Yes, I know I can use AndroidView but is there a more composey way to do it? Here's what's in the View layout, but lacking from the Compose layout:
"Select All"
"Open" when a url is selected
(AI-based?) auto selection of URLs. Tap and hold anywhere on the URL automatically selects the URL part.
Edit: I'm not asking for a custom toolbar, I'm asking for the one Google provides in TextView.
I have bottom navigation bar. So my composable functions do not take up the full screen size.
When I use ModalBottomSheetLayout, it opens in the composable fun, not in the activity, like when i was using it before when using BottomSheetDialogFragment.
I don't want to write my ModalBottomSheetLayout on the upper level, I think that this is not the right approach.
And i don't want to use the old BottomSheetDialogFragment, since compose is everywhere in a project.
My text input field searches over unique content that never matches auto-suggest and doesn't need undo/redo functionality. Is there a way to hide this bar in react-native for iOS? I have spellCheck and autoCorrect both set to false but as shown in the image below, the bar remains only without those features.
I want to hide the whole thing. It is covering my interface!
Alternatively, I could move the UI up by that height when the text field is in focus, but I was hoping to avoid that.
BRyan! try setting autoComplete="off" as well. You might also want autoCapitalize="none" for this use case.
Is there anyway to hide ant design sidebar fully on onCollapse method?
One way is to set it's display to none, But I don't want that coz I want the same animation that onCollapse method provides by default.
As mentioned in the "Responsive" example you can set <Layout.Sider collapsedWidth={0} />, which will completely hide it.
By default this causes a trigger button with a hamburger icon to appear, but you can turn it off by adding trigger={null}.
Antd uses breakpoints similar to bootstrap, their idea is Mobile first, which means, you should think in mobile first.
It means, you should not design your web app for desktop and then try to hide/adjust when it's in smaller view.
Instead, you should, design it for mobile view and then adjust to desktop view.
ultimately, what I want to say is, set the sidebar default state as display:none and then use grid break points such as <Col md={2} />
you can see this question for more details antd hide on smaller view
I want to create multiple tag with text and cross sign.
I can enter text in textField and on click add button it will make tag and display in tag section. And also I can remove tag from tag section.
Please give me idea how I can create UI for this. What will be best way to implement this. For reference please check image URL.
You can do it using UICollectionView. See this . You can customize according to your need. You can get a lot of library for this type of control. Or you can make your own.
I was wondering, if it is somehow possible to add a TextBox in the Application Bar area (the same way the Internet Explorer does), but I didn't find any information source about this. Have you any idea, how to accomplish this task?
You will not be able to add UIElements inside ApplicationBar as it is not derived from UIElement.
Alternatively, you can try adding a Grid at the bottom of the screen and color it similar to the ApplicationBar. Then add a TextBlock inside the Grid. This is just a workaround and not recommended as it is not according to the standards.
You can also check the following link: