Meshlab interface language translation - translation

I would be very thankful if anybody could tell me why there is no interface translation available in the Meshlab application? Looks like it is supported by the code, but I couldn't find any interface translation files.
Examples from the code:
appendProjectAct = new QAction(tr("Append project to current..."), this);
connect(appendProjectAct, SIGNAL(triggered()), this, SLOT(appendProject()));


Getting paperjs to work in an electron app

Another learning project in the works... I am trying to use paperjs in an electron app.
According to the instructions, I think I should be using paper-jsdom (please correct me if I'm wrong). BTW, I am using TypeScript if that makes a difference. I have an HTML document with nothing but an empty <canvas> and a <script> tag referencing this:
import paper, {Color, Point, Path} from 'paper-jsdom'
window.onload = (): void => {
let canvas = document.getElementById("workspace") as HTMLCanvasElement;
let path = new Path();
path.strokeColor = Color.random();
let start = new Point(100, 100);
path.lineTo(start.add(new Point(200, -50)));
So right off the bat I get:
Uncaught TypeError: paper_jsdom_1.Path is not a constructor
Ugh... So I tried a few random things (it's late, I'm tired...) and changing my import to:
import paper from 'paper'
import {Color, Point, Path} from 'paper-jsdom'
works, or at least the code above works.
Am I supposed to be importing some things from 'paper' and others from 'paper-jsdom'? What is the correct way to use paperjs in an electron app?
Unfortunately paper-jsdom doesn't seem to have any type info for TS.
Since you are using Paper.js in the renderer process of Electron, you are using it in the browser context and not in Node.js context so you should use the common paper package which relies on browser Canvas API (and not paper-jsdom which targets browserless usage).
So you should be able to use Paper.js as you would for a website.
From your code example, I see that you are using TypeScript so you can have a look at this simple quickstart project that I made to play with Paper.js and TypeScript.
It uses this kind of import:
import * as paper from 'paper';
And then access Paper.js classes through the imported paper object:
new paper.Path.Circle({
center :,
radius : 50,
fillColor: 'orange',
Here is a repository showing the simplest way of using Paper.js in an Electron app.

Develop Printer Driver which can Read file and Write extra data

I need to develop a printer driver which can:-
Read the printed file (knowing the data inside the file)
Write extra information to the end of printed file. (eg. bar-code or QR code)
I plan to use V4 printer driver as template for me to start my development. I already tried to built this V4 printer driver in Visual Studio.
V4 printer driver solution explorer
Understanding the architecture of V4 printer driver may need lot of times. Besides that, I am still new in driver development, so it is hard for me to understand the document provided by Microsoft.
Can anyone suggest where should I start to code and recommend me any useful method/function or library. It will be useful if anyone can recommend some useful related reading material and what basic knowledge should I know.
See the Microsoft sample code here.
Create a "Render Filter" project (C++ project) in your "V4 Printer Driver" solution and add the sample code in "StartOperation_throws" method of newly created Render Filter.
Then use following sample code to add a custom content to your file:
XPS_COLOR testColor;
testColor.colorType = XPS_COLOR_TYPE_SRGB;
FLOAT Font_Size = 14;
XPS_POINT OrgPoint = {123,123};
LPCWSTR TestStr = _T("Sample Text");
LPCWSTR Name_fnt = _T("SampleFontFile.TTF");
at the end, call "AddCustomTextToXpsDoc" using above parameters to add your text in
printable xps file.

How to read and write a text file in ActionScript 2.0 (Macromedia Flash 8)

I'm making some Animation project with Macromedia Flash 8, which uses ActionScript 2.0. I need some simple options like to save user to text file and read it. But, I couldn't find about writing to text file. Found some code that reads, but not writes.
Example of reading:
loadText = new LoadVars();
loadText.onData = function(raw) {
myField.text = raw;
Can someone help me, with examples of writing, parsing read data. Shortly, Working External data.
I appreciate any help that you can provide.

OpenOffice automation translate basic code to Delphi

Hello please help to translate the next line of basic code to Delphi for the OOoTools.pas interface.
oChart.Diagram.SymbolType =
I know that the SYMBOL1 part is an enumeration and I think I have to use the MakePropertyValue fumction but how?
Have you tried the simpler: oChart.Diagram.SymbolType := SYMBOL1;Just my first shot, btw.

How to write a simple .txt content processor in XNA?

I don't really understand how Content importer/processor works in XNA.
I need to read a text file (Content/levels/level1.txt) of the form:
x x
x x
x x
where x's are just integers, into an int[,] array.
Any tips on writting a SIMPLE .txt importer??? By searching google/msdn I only found .x/.fbx file importer examples. And they seem too complicated.
Do you actually need to process the text file? If not, then you can probably skip most of the content pipeline.
Something like:
string filename = "Content/TextFiles/sometext.txt";
string path = Path.Combine(StorageContainer.TitleLocation, filename);
string lineOfText;
StreamReader sr = new StreamReader(path);
while ((lineOfText = sr.ReadLine()) != null)
// do something
Also, be sure to set the "Build Action" to "None" and the "Copy to Output Directory" to "Copy if newer" on the text files you've added. This tells the content pipeline not to compile the text file but rather copy it to the output directory for use as is.
I got this (more or less) from the RacingGame sample provided by Microsoft. It foregoes much of the content pipeline and simply loads and processes text files (XML) for much of its level data.
XNA 4.0 uses
System.IO.Stream stream = TitleContainer.OpenStream("tilename.txt");
See and also
There doesn't seem to be a lot of info out there, but this blog post does indicate how you can load .txt files through code using XNA.
Hopefully this can help you get the file into memory, from there it should be straightforward to parse it in any way you like.
XNA 3.0 - Reading Text Files on the Xbox is probably a good place to start. It covers creating a basic content processor.
