Barcode scanner doesn't work on IOS - React App - ios

I created React App with react-qr-barcode-scanner library and barscanner work on computer website and phones with android (chrome browser), but on phones with IOS it doesn't work (chrome browser too). Someone had the same problem? How can I fix this? IOS system is update and I check it on more than one iphone. Here is link to app


React native recieve shared link in app from safari browser (IOS)

I am trying to build a simple application using react native.
I want to be able to share a link from IPhone Safari and open the link in my react-native applcation.
So far I tried these extension samples and it didn't work for ios (works with android though):
Any help will be appreciated

Is it possible to Debug iOS app on Windows/Linux?

is there a way how to debug an iOS mobile app on Windows or Linux (Ubuntu)?
I have an application which runs fine on Android, but it has some flaws on iOS. For Android debugging, I always used the Chrome device inspector and I am wondering if it’s possible for iOS too?
The Webkit Adapter I found ( works for debugging websites opened on iPhone via SAFARI browser, but not for the mobile app. Any ideas?
Thanks a lot for any suggestions.
Yes, you can develop your own lldb to support debugging non-jailbroken iOS device on Window, like this

Xamarin Android App is crashing on SAMSUNG SM-A5000 and LG-H815T phone

Let me explain the scenario.
We have developed an APP in And tested it on various emulator and some mobile phones. Those emulators and mobile phones laid into API 16 to API 23. Here App was worked fine.
After the development, we uploaded this app on HockyApp for testing and generating crashing reports if any exists. One of our testers has aforementioned mobile phones. and App is immediately crash on the mobile phone. I have shared a screenshot with this post.
Then we decided to upload the App on xamarin Test Cloud Platform. And we have tested App on various mobile phones. And it was working fine. Then I have tested App on LG-H815 mobile which is located on Xamarin Test Cloud Platform. And also app works fine.
Can you please suggest why App is only crashing aforementioned mobile phones.
Try to set the processor settings to armeabi-v7a only, the others are for emulator and obsoleted processors. Also make sure the target framework is high enough for this phone.
Go to Project options (double click on Android project)
Go to Android build under build section
Go to Advanced tab and only use armeabi-v7a
Test it again on your LG-H815
We had the same problem with the Samsung S6 + 7 (edge).

Polymer WebApp hosted on Firebase after update to iOS 10 start from homescreen stops working

A Polymer Progressive Web App based on PolymerStarterKit 1.3.0 works on all platforms (Windows with Chrome, Firebase, IE or MAC Safari, Android with Chrome and iOS with Safari etc).
After updating my Test-iPhone to iOS 10.0.2 it is no longer possible to start the application from the home screen. A blank screen is shown.
When I use Safari on the iPhone, the page is displayed after a second load.
There is an issue reported on Github. Looks like the issue I have shown here. The hint comes from firebase-support.
Updated webcomponentsjs in my app to 0.7.23. Same issue with my Test-iPhone5 iOS 10.x. as described above. Strange is that my users with iPhone6 or 6s have no problems using the app.

Handoff not working from web to native app

At one point, I had web-to-native and native-to-web Handoff working on iOS 8. I've upgraded all my devices to iOS 9 betas, and I just noticed that I can't get web-to-native-app Handoff working. I'm not sure if it's an iOS 9 problem though. If I'm browsing my site on Mac Safari, my iPhone shows the Safari icon, when it should be showing my native App icon.
To be clear, Handoff is working from my iPhone app to my Mac (Safari), and it's working from my Mac (Safari, contacts, messages, mail, etc) to my iPhone. It's also working as native-app-to-native-app across an iPhone and an iPad. All this tells me I have everything configured correctly: minimum hardware requirements, iCloud logins, and my apple-app-site-association file.
My apple-app-site-associations file is accessible at these locations:
Any ideas on what I could look into to see what's failing, and why I'm not seeing my native app icon on the lock screen when trying to hand off from browser to native app?
