Firefox extension: How update vanilla context menu entries? - firefox-addon

I would like to change a given existing vanilla firefox context menu entry.
For example: When right-clicking an image instead of seeing "Copy Image" one should see "Image Copy" in the future. (which would be an update of the title like:
id: "copy-image",
title: "Image Copy"
sadly I couldn't find any information about the id's of vanilla firefox context menu entries. I have the supposition that the id's are only for handling selfmade context menu entries. Can someone give me a hint where I can find the documentation since doesn't solve my issue.


Alchemy CMS: Create element that contains list of elements

I'd like to create an element which can contain a list of items, where each item can have more than one essences.
For example:
The user should be able to add a "page listing" as content element. For each page item he should be able to upload a small image, a short description and a link. Because the list needs to be wrapped with an UL tag, I can't simply ask him to add a lot of elements.
Other example:
The user should be able to add a "team listing" as content element. Each member having a photo, a name, a job description and an email address. Same problem here: I'd like to have the team members wrapped within an DL tag.
Is there some way of releasing elements which can contain elements?
Some kind like: (just an example, might contain bugs)
- name: my_list_element
- name: list_style
type: EssenceSelect
- name: items
type: Element ???
elements: [my_item_element]
deletable: true
- name: items
type: Element ???
elements: [my_item_element]
deletable: true
- name: my_item_element
- name: image
type: EssencePicture
- name: headline
type: EssenceText
The inner item uses the default editor for pictures or text essences.
If someone knows a way how to realize this it would be very great, because it's the last puzzle part which is missing in order to use alchemy CMS :(
Thank you in advance
You want to use the new nestable Elements feature you'll find in the current master and soon to be released 3.3 version. Unfortunately they are not well documented yet. Sorry.
But it's really simple. Instead of the available_contents (That will be deprecated in favor of nested elements anyway, you list names of nestable_elements).
A nestable element can be any element you have defined.
Unless the guides got updated, please read the documentation in the code.
You may use and get Hash in the output and also save it in text as well
Hope to see nestable_elements feature soon, may be it will solve some really obvious tasks. For now, without the possibility to easy extend Alchemy with custom models (Post, TeamMember, Testimonial, PortfolioItem, etc) I am still the fan on RefineryCMS or pure RoR, and this is sad, because AlchemyCMS has really nice things built-in.
As I can understand, this feature will be implemented in Alchemy 4 by Nodes, even the Page model will be registered as Alchemy::Node, and developer will be able to create own Nodes which will behave like custom_post_type in WordPress.

Sitecore webforms for marketers and general link

I have a webform that has a "create item" action. The target item has a "general link" field. I can't find the correct way to populate this field. the other fields are saved correctly, the general link is always blank.
The easiest way to go here would be to create the item of the template you're creating programatically and then put a link value into it using one of the link options.
If you then go to 'View' and tick the raw values option you can see how it formats the link. If you're using a General link field, you'll likely find that the formatting needs to be in a specific way. If you do some searching on the web/Sitecore doco, you'll be able to find some examples of people handing all the various link options.
as opposed to just plonking your link into a single line text field or something like that which is just plain text..

FastReport4: Refresh Dataset

My Report.ShowPreparedReport didn't recognize a new addition to my frxDBDataset.
So, I was building 1 report using TfrxDBDataset linked to a TVirtualTable.
Previously only 10 fields stated in Report1.fr3 and it works well.
I do the SaveAs from Report1.fr3 to Report2.fr3 in designer mode
Get back to my Delphi and add 1 new field "tec" in my TVirtualTable
Go back again in ReportDesigner (file Report2.fr3) and see that my new "tec" field is listed in Data tree.
Add the "tec" field to the report.
Preview while on designer and it was normal.
Run the program and call to preview report, it says "field 'tec' cannot be found" or something like that.
Anyone got solution?
Please Try.
When you clear aliases then call Designer
FastReport automatically updates aliases.
That was the perfect solution for me.

How to add edit items to the predefined lists in TFS Work Items

I am trying to follow this article to do the same for adding a new State to a particular project's Bug work item. By default I can only see . I wanted to add a new state, "On Hold"
But I perhaps followed it wrong and ended up getting
The error says "Open Transition Active~On Hold to add at least one Reason." How do I open that transition and where do I add one reason. What is the reason it is talking about? I only want to add a new state.
Thanks for your time...
Double click the Active~On Hold Transition , select the Reasons tab and type in at least one reason.
After saving the .wit file, you must click Refresh from the Team Explorer menu in order to see changes.
In the work item editor, double click on the Transition between your Active and On hold states. Under 'Transition Detail' you should see 'From: Active' and 'To: On Hold'. Change 'From: Active' to blank so it should show 'From: '. Now save the editors, click 'refresh' from the Team Explorer menu and any new bugs you create will have 'On Hold' as an option for the state.

Rename work item type fails

In TFS2010/TFSPowerTools2010/Process Explorer I am creating a custom process template. I define a new work item type (WIT) called "Enhancement" copied from the CMMI "Change Request" WIT.
Then I want to rename the friendly field name of the work item type "System.Title" (called "Title") to "Summary".
When I upload my custom process template to the TFS server and create a team project, and then create a new Enhancement, the info in the required field text still shows :
"TF20012: Field "Title" cannot be empty.
Why ?
(I want to see "TF20012: Field "Summary" cannot be empty.)
What you can do is create a new field and make it required. Call it Summary, etc. Change the Title label and textbox from the stock values and point it to your new field. Do not remove the System.Title field from the field list.
In the work flow, use the Summary value to populate the System.Title field, which is not on the form. Then if they try to save without a Summary, they will get the correct error and System.Title will have a valid value for reporting.
Be sure you account for the System.Title field everywhere it is referenced in the work flow.
You aren't able to rename a system field like System.Title. It's used by other work item types across the team project collection and the server instance. It also has to be filled in by the default rules. You can rename the "label" that gets shown to the end user by going to the layout tab of the work item type editor (in the TFS Power Tools) and find the control and change it's label attribute but leave the field the same.
In Visual Studio I was looking at a WinForm and saving the form I got this error:
Microsoft Visual Studio Save failed.
TF20012: Field 'Title' cannot be empty.
Since its a TF error I closed all the Work Items (even unsaved ones...) and then saving the Winform worked.
I am not sure how VS thought the Work Item was the active code window I saw looking at.
