Type safety in Dart using Container - dart

I found something strange in dart. If there is a list that contains instances of a base class (in this example Super), the list can be set with a list of inherited instances. It seems that this changes the list type at runtime.
Is this intended behavior or is this a bug in Dart?
abstract class Super {}
class A extends Super {}
class B extends Super {}
class Container {
List<Super> mylist = [];
void main() {
// 1. dont't works
final container = Container(<A>[A(), A()]);
// 2. works
final container = Container([A(), A()]);
If case 1 is used in the code above I get the following error:
Uncaught Error: TypeError: Instance of 'B': type 'B' is not a subtype of type 'A'
The error is at the line where I try to add an instance of B:

Dart has a system called type promotion, where it can promote the type of a variable, similar to type inference.
It works as a cast. On the first example you've explicit promoted the type of your list to be of type A, so there's nothing strange about this.
Take a look at the first article that explains this mechanism.

When you do:
final container = Container(<A>[A(), A()]);
you explicitly create a List<A> object. Although Container's constructor expects a List<Super>, it accepts a List<A> argument because Dart considers Generic<Derived> to be a subtype of Generic<Base> if Derived is a subtype of Base. Your later attempt to do container.mylist.add(B()); will fail because container.mylist is actually a List<A> and therefore cannot legally store any B elements.
When you instead do:
final container = Container([A(), A()]);
then, because the List literal is not given an explicit type, its type is inferred to be List<Super> from Container's expected construction parameter. container.mylist.add(B()); will succeed since container.mylist is actually a List<Super> and therefore can legally store B elements.


Is there a neater way to map member functions in dart?

Dart has a handy map function on iterables, and it accepts a lambda. So I can write something like:
// Stupid example class
class Foo {
int v;
int v2() { return v*v; }
List<int> mapFoos(List<Foo> foos) {
return foos.map( (Foo f) => f.v2() );
But this feels a little clunky to me. I'm used to being able to tell map to use the member function directly, something that would look more like:
// does not compile
List<int> mapFoos(List<Foo> foos) {
return foos.map(Foo.v2);
But this fails to compile with the error:
The argument type '() → int' can't be assigned to the parameter type '(Foo) → int'
Is there some way to turn the member function into a lambda in a succinct way, so that
we can have something closer to the second example.
I could write
int applyV2(Foo f) {
return f.v2();
List<int> mapFoos(List<Foo> foos) {
return foos.map(applyV2);
but then I'd need to create that for each member function I want to map, which isn't really any better than using the lambda function.
If it makes any difference I'm using dart 1 due to "legacy reasons", if this has changed in recent versions I'd love to know that too.
There is no shorter way to create a function which takes a Foo and calls its v2 method, than (f) => f.v2().
You can omit the Foo type on the parameter, because it can be inferred from the context (a List<X>.map<R> requires an R Function(X) as argument).
You cannot tear off Foo.v2 because v2 is an interface method, not a static method.
Just to elaborate on why Dart doesn't allow that, you can stop reading now if you just want to know what works:
Some languages allow you to tear off instance methods, so Foo.v2 becomes a function which expects its this object as an argument, in Dart a function of type int Function(Foo). Dart does not allow that. Probably for many different reasons, but most importantly because it cannot work. Dart types are interfaces, all class types can be implemented by another class without inheriting any implementation.
If you then tear off Foo.v2, you can call it with an instance of another class which implements Foo, but which won't necessarily find the private fields that Foo has, and which v2 could depend on.
Also, the tear-off would be covariant in its this-parameter.
Take SubFoo which extends Foo and has its own v2 method. If you do Foo foo = SubFoo(); var vtoo = foo.v2; then the static type of vtoo will be int Function(Foo), but the implementation from SubFoo will necessarily have runtime type int Function(SubFoo), which is not a subtype of the static type. That means it's unsound. The torn off function will have to do a run-time type check that its argument is actually a SubFoo, and throw if it's not. (So, that feature is not a good match for Dart.)

Clang AST matching method call on class, derived class or typedef to either

I have a matcher that works perfectly for matching operator() calls on instances of a class or classes derived from that class. For example, it matches the final line of:
class MyBase { void operator()(...) {} };
MyBase b;
using a matcher like:
const auto MyBaseExpr =
TK_AsIs, cxxOperatorCallExpr(
hasArgument(0, anyOf(MyBaseExpr, MyOtherBaseExpr)),
But I'd also like to be able to match such calls on instances of typedefs for the base or derived types like in the last line below:
typedef MyBase MyTypedef;
MyTypedef t;
and I can't seem to fathom the correct way to specify this match. Attempting to use hasUnqualifiedDesugaredType rather than hasType doesn't work since it works on a type rather than a Decl and if I try to do more matching with the type then I can't use isSameOrDerived which returns a Matcher<CXXRecordDecl>. A similar problem occurs when trying to use hasCanonicalType:
.../RedundantStringCStrCheck.cpp:193:40: error: invalid initialization of reference of type ‘const clang::ast_matchers:
:internal::Matcher<clang::QualType>&’ from expression of type ‘clang::ast_matchers::internal::BindableMatcher<clang::Decl>’
193 | expr(hasCanonicalType(cxxRecordDecl(isSameOrDerivedFrom("::MyBase"))));
MyTypedef is defined from MyBase so its Canonical Type should be MyBase. More information about canonical type: https://clang.llvm.org/docs/InternalsManual.html#canonical-types
This is the example from LibASTMatchersReference , it uses hasType().
Thien Tran provided the pointer which led me to the right answer. Here's my original expression
const auto MyBaseExpr =
I was trying to use:
const auto MyBaseExpr =
but the description of hasCanonicalType in LibASTMatchersReference shows that it takes and returns Matcher<QualType> yet cxxRecordDecl has type Matcher<Decl>, so this did not compile.
The mismatch of types can be corrected by inserting a call to hasDeclaration. It's then also necessary to keep the call to hasType in order to turn the Matcher<QualType> result of hasCanonicalType back into something that can be passed to expr.
After all that I ended up with:
const auto MyBaseExpr =
which seems to work perfectly.

Dart gives Unhandled Exception: type is not a subtype of type of 'value'

I have an abstract class ImageUpdate. Two classes, NewImage and ExistingImage implement ImageUpdate.
I have a variable imageUpdates of type List<ImageUpdate>.
When I try adding a variable of type NewImage to the List, I get this error:
Unhandled Exception: type 'NewImage' is not a subtype of type 'ExistingImage' of 'value'
I am pretty stumped, since the list is of ImageUpdate and not ExistingImage, so I have no idea how to debug it, especially since Dart is type safe (nowhere am I using dynamic).
I suspect that you have code similar to:
class Base {}
class Derived1 extends Base {}
class Derived2 extends Base {}
List<Base> makeList() {
var list = [Derived1()];
return list;
void main() {
var list = makeList();
list.add(Derived2()); // TypeError
What happens is that the List object is originally created as a List<Derived1>. (That is, list.runtimeType will be something like List<Derived1>, not its static (declared) type of List<Base>.) Then, when you try to add a Derived2 object to list, it will fail at runtime because list's actual, runtime type is List<Derived1>, which does not allow Derived2 elements.
This ultimately stems from Dart allowing implicit type conversions from GenericClass<Derived> to GenericClass<Base> if Derived derives from Base. This is useful in many cases, but it also can lead to situations like this one that fail at runtime.
You can fix this by explicitly stating that you want a List<Base> object:
List<Base> makeList() {
var list = <Base>[Derived1()]; // Note the explicit type.
return list;
or, if that's not possible, by creating a new List<Base> object:
var list = <Base>[...makeList()];
var list = List<Base>.from(makeList());
(In this particular situation, List.of(makeList()) also would work since it would create a new List object with the static type, but I wouldn't use that since being explicit about the type conversion would be more readable.)

Adding the generic type to a comparable type in Dart

This is a followup question after reading this Q&A:
Generic Sorting function accepts T, but want to ensure T is comparable
I have a class like so:
class BinarySearchTree<E extends Comparable> { ... }
so I can create an instance like this:
final tree = BinarySearchTree<int>();
My question is about using Comparable vs Comparable<E>. When I do this:
class BinarySearchTree<E extends Comparable> { ... }
then the type defaults to E extends Comparable<dynamic>. I normally try to avoid dynamic, so in order to be more explicit about the type that is being compared, it seems like I should write it this:
class BinarySearchTree<E extends Comparable<E>> { ... }
But in that case I get an error here:
final tree = BinarySearchTree<int>();
// 'int' doesn't conform to the bound 'Comparable<int>' of the type parameter 'E'.
// Try using a type that is or is a subclass of 'Comparable<int>'.
This demonstrates my lack of understanding of generics. What am I missing?
In Dart, a class cannot implement 2 different concrete instances of a generic interface:
abstract class Foo<T> {}
// error: Foo can only be implemented once
class Bar implements Foo<String>, Foo<int> {}
num implements Comparable<num>, because it would be slightly absurd for the built-in number types to not be comparable. However, since int is a subtype of num (and therefore inherits Comparable<num>, it cannot have Comparable<int>.
This leads to the slightly weird consequence that int does not implement Comparable<int>.
The problem you're facing is that from the language's point of view, there are 2 types involved: the type of the elements being compared, and the type of the elements they are being compared to.
As such, your type will need 2 type parameters:
class Tree<T extends Comparable<S>, S> {
T get foo;
final intTree = Tree<int, num>();
final foo = intTree.foo; // returns an int
Admittedly, this isn't a super clean solution, but if you're using Dart 2.13 or higher, you can use typedefs to make it a bit nicer:
typedef IntTree = Tree<int, num>;
typedef RegularTree<T> = Tree<T, T>;
final intTree = IntTree();
final stringTree = RegularTree<String>();
intTree.foo // is an int
stringTree.foo // is a String
There is another option, which is to just drop some type safety and use Comparable<dynamic>, but personally I'd recommend against it. BTW, if you want to avoid accidentally missing type parameters you can disable implicit-dynamic as described here: https://dart.dev/guides/language/analysis-options#enabling-additional-type-checks
This will give an error any time the type dynamic is inferred from context without the programmer actually typing the word dynamic

In Dart2, what is the correct "anything" type to use for generics?

AngularDart has a class called AppView, i.e. abstract class AppView<T> {}.
One (at least) of these are generated for every class annotated with #Component:
// file.dart
class DashboardComponent {}
// file.template.dart (Generated)
class ViewDashboardComponent extends AppView<DashboardComponent> {}
I have code elsewhere in the framework that doesn't care what this T type is. I'm a little confused with Dart 2 what the "right" "anything" type to use. For example, I could use:
I think more than one of these will "work". But which is the "right" one to use in this case?
You should be fine to use AppView (or AppView<dynamic>) just about anywhere. I can think of two examples where this will get you into trouble though:
If you are instantiating an AppView, you definitely want that type parameter. See the following error when you don't:
$ cat a.dart
void main() {
List<dynamic> a = ["one", "two", "three"];
List<String> b = a;
$ dart --preview-dart-2 a.dart
Unhandled exception:
type 'List' is not a subtype of type 'List<String>' where
List is from dart:core
List is from dart:core
String is from dart:core
#0 main (file:///Users/sam/a.dart:3:20)
#1 _startIsolate.<anonymous closure> (dart:isolate/isolate_patch.dart:279:19)
#2 _RawReceivePortImpl._handleMessage (dart:isolate/isolate_patch.dart:165:12)
If you are ever assigning a closure to a site that expects a closure with one or more typed parameters that involve T, you will see a "uses dynamic as bottom" static error (from the analyzer), and probably a runtime error as well:
$ cat f.dart
void main() {
List a = <String>["one", "two", "three"];
a.map((String s) => s.toUpperCase());
List b = ["one", "two", "three"];
b.map((String s) => s.toUpperCase());
$ dart --preview-dart-2 f.dart
f.dart:3:9: Error: A value of type '(dart.core::String) → dart.core::String' can't be assigned to a variable of type '(dynamic) → dynamic'.
Try changing the type of the left hand side, or casting the right hand side to '(dynamic) → dynamic'.
a.map((String s) => s.toUpperCase());
f.dart:6:9: Error: A value of type '(dart.core::String) → dart.core::String' can't be assigned to a variable of type '(dynamic) → dynamic'.
Try changing the type of the left hand side, or casting the right hand side to '(dynamic) → dynamic'.
b.map((String s) => s.toUpperCase());
(I'm not certain any Dart tool yet has complete Dart 2 runtime and compile time semantics, so this might change slightly.)
In these cases, it is best to use generic classes, generic methods, and generic typedefs to encapsulate, for a given scope, what the values of an object's type parameters might be.
I suspect there is a difference between dynamic and Object in Dart 2, and I think Günter covered this in his response, though if your code "doesn't care what this T type is", then you're probably not calling any methods on the component.
Edit: void
AppView<void> might be a good choice in this case, as an actual check that you actually never touch the underlying component (Object would probably serve the same purpose). See how we are allowed to access properties of a List<void> but not properties of the elements:
$ cat g.dart
void main() {
var c = <String>["one", "two", "three"];
int fn(List<void> list) => list.length;
int fn2(List<void> list) => list.first.length;
$ dart --preview-dart-2 g.dart
g.dart:9:40: Error: The getter 'length' isn't defined for the class 'void'.
Try correcting the name to the name of an existing getter, or defining a getter or field named 'length'.
int fn2(List<void> list) => list.first.length;
I assume you know better than me, but my attempt
AppView - works - same as AppView<dynamic>
AppView<dynamic> - works - really means any type
AppView<Object> - works - really means any type
AppView<Null> - won't work, only null and void values match for T
AppView<void> - won't work, only null and void values match for T
AppView<void> - works (see also comment below from lrn)
The difference between <dynamic> and <Object> would be that for values of type T with T == dynamic property or method access won't be checked statically, while for T == Object only methods and properties of the Object class can be accessed without a previous cast.
