Docker containerization. accessing container from other machine using container name instead of host IP - docker

my client and server hosted in a Linux host using docker as container. From other machine of same network able to connect using host IP address but I am not able to connect using container name or container IP address. I want to call a API of my server side application using container name or IP not using host machine IP

You cannot.
The (Docker) container runtime(s) are entirely distinct; there's no shared state that would permit the container on one host to be able to enumerate the container names on another host.
The easiest way for you to connect a client container on one host with a server container on another host is publish the server containers' ports to the host and to leverage the (shared) networking between the client and server and use either the server host's name or IP address to access it from the client.


Can we use a DNS name for a service running on a Docker Swarm on my local system?

Say I have a Swarm of 3 nodes on my local system. And I create a service say Drupal with a replication of 3 in this swarm. Now, say each of the node has one container each running Drupal. Now when I have to access this in my browser I will have to use the IP address of one of the nodes <IP Address>:8080 to access Drupal.
Is there a way I can set a DNS name for this service and access it using DNS name instead of having to use IP Address and port number?
You need to configure the DNS server that you use on the host making the query. So if your laptop queries the public DNS, you need to create a public DNS entry that would resolve from the internet (on a domain you own). This should resolve to the docker host IPs running the containers, or an LB in front of those hosts. And then you publish the port on the host to the container you want to access.
You should not be trying to talk directly to the container IP, these are not routeable from outside of the docker host. And the docker DNS used for service discovery is for container to container communication. This is separate from communication outside of docker that goes through a published port.

Access Docker container via DNS name from corporate LAN

I'm looking for a way to access containers that are running on server in our company lan by domain names. By far I only managed to access them by IPs
So the setup is. Docker (for windows) is running on server (Windows Server 2019), network for container is configured with l2bridge driver, container's dns name, as specifiedn in run command, is cont1. It is accessible by dns name on the docker host (srv1) and by IP from my machine.
What can I do to access the container by dns name from my local machine located in the same lan?
I tried to use proxy (traefik) but it cant rewrite urls in the content, so web applications running inside the container are failing. Bacause of this I can't host multiple web application behind that proxy.
I know that it is possible to map container's port to host port and then it will be accessible from lan through the host name and host port, but applications I'm running are requiring many ports to be mapped (like 8 ports for each container) and with those containers being short-lived developer's environments it will be a hell to find a port pool when running new container.
So again if I can access container and its' ports by IP, is there a way to do the same by DNS name?
UPD1. Container host is a virtual server running on vmware. I tried to follow those recommendations and configure promiscuous mode. Thise doesn't help with dns though.
UPD2. I tried transparent network as well. For some reason DHCP can never assign propper IP and container ends up with autoconfigured ip from 168.x.x.x subnet.
You could create a transparent network and make the container discoverable on the network just like host. However, using host ports is what's recommended.
Did you try PathStrip or PathPrefixStrip with Traefik? That should let you rewrite the URLs for the backend.

How to access docker container from mac machine using ip addr or a domain name

I am using Docker desktop, I have a couple of docker containers running using docker-compose and port forwarding. I can access the containers from my mac using localhost. On the second container, I am exposing on different ports. I can see ip addresses are associated to both containers by using docker inspect, but I cannot access using the ip address.
I would like access the container from my local mac by
dns domain
ip address
Any help appreciated.
You cannot directly connect to the container-private IP addresses on MacOS. You also can't connect to them using a VM-based Docker implementation like Docker Toolbox or Kubernetes' minikube, or from a different host. Looking up and using these IP addresses, or trying to manually set them, usually isn't a best practice.
Instead you can use the docker run -p option to publish a port from your container to the host. Programs running directly on the host can access the container using localhost as a host name and the published port number. This works on all platforms; on VM-based solutions use the VM's IP address instead of localhost; from a different host, use the Docker host's DNS name or IP address.

Use static IP for Docker container to run web app on another network

I deployed a demo web API project on port 8086.I am able to run it on my local browser using localhost:8086/api/controllername and also using local machine IP address for example: I tried accessing the URL from another machine on same LAN and I am able to access it.
But now I want to access it from machines on other networks (publicly).
How can I assign a static IP so that I can use the API from any machine irrespective of network? I created a network using below commands
docker network create --driver bridge --subnet -- gateway= IPStatic
docker network connect --ip IPStatic Containerid.
But unable to access the api using Am I missing something? I am using core web api and I am fairly new to Docker.
You always use the host IP address for this, the same way as if you were running the service outside of Docker. The container-private IP addresses are unreachable from other hosts (and on some platforms aren't even reachable from outside Docker on the same host); it's usually wrong to manually set them or to try to look them up.
If it's specifically important that this service have its own IP address, you need to ask your network administrator to assign an additional address to the host. The docker run -p option can bind a service to only specific network interfaces or addresses. On a Linux host I might run
# Assign the alias address
ifconfig eth0:0
# Run the service bound to only this interface
docker run -p ...
You might need to reconfigure other services to not listen on this new interface. For Docker services you'd use the same docker run -p option to bind to only the host's primary interface and to localhost (; configuration for non-Docker services is specific to the service.

Network accessible IP for each docker container

I would like to deploy multiple applications via docker. Some of them are using the same port.
An alternative port mapping (Port 80->5080) is not an option, so my way to handle the problem is a network bridge which should allow me to assign an ip address from my internal network to each container.
The answer from this post does not work for me
Assign LAN IP address to Docker container different from host's IP address
i am able to assign an ip to the docker container, but it also gets the host ip address so i can not map ports.
