How to log the response for a dart shelf request - dart

I'm using the Dart Shelf package and I need to log the response it sends.
I've managed to log the request but the response technique is less clear:
final handler = const shelf.Pipeline()
logger: (message, isError) =>
_logRequest(message, isError: isError)))
.addHandler((req) async {
final res = await Router().call(req);
return res;
There two parts to the question.
how do I log the headers.
is it possible to log the body.
I know there is an issue in that the response body can only be read once.
As some of the responses are likely to be large I need to filter the requests for which the body is logged.

The answer is a bit of Dart-fu. You have an anonymous function returning an anonymous function.
var handler = const Pipeline()
(handler) => (request) async {
final response = await handler(request);
// you could read the body here, but you'd also need to
// save the content and pipe it into a new response instance
return response;


How to mock HttpClientResponse to return a String

I am trying to write a test after refactoring to dart:io.HttpClient following
Everything seems to work well up until
var responseBody = await response.transform(utf8.decoder).join();
The following test throws a NoSuchMethodError: The method 'join' was called on null.
MockHttpClient http = new MockHttpClient();
MockHttpClientRequest request = new MockHttpClientRequest();
MockHttpHeaders headers = new MockHttpHeaders();
MockHttpClientResponse response = new MockHttpClientResponse();
MockStream stream = new MockStream();
.thenReturn(new Future.value(request));
.thenReturn(new Future.value(response));
.thenReturn(new Future.value('{"error": {"message": "Some error"}}'));
I did see How to mock server response - client on server side, but that uses the http package, not dart:io.
I also tried but that also returns a null.
Much thanks in advance!
The problem is that when you mock stream you actually need to implement a ton of different methods to get it to work properly. It is better to use a real Stream if you can like in the example in the flutter repo. To make sure your body is correctly set, use the utf8 encoder.
final MockHttpClientResponse response = new MockHttpClientResponse();
// encode the response body as bytes.
final List<int> body = utf8.encode('{"foo":2}');
when(response.listen(typed(any))).thenAnswer((Invocation invocation) {
final void Function(List<int>) onData = invocation.positionalArguments[0];
final void Function() onDone = invocation.namedArguments[#onDone];
final void Function(Object, [StackTrace]) onError = invocation.namedArguments[#onError];
final bool cancelOnError = invocation.namedArguments[#cancelOnError];
return new Stream<List<int>>.fromIterable(<List<int>>[body]).listen(onData, onDone: onDone, onError: onError, cancelOnError: cancelOnError);

Processing an Image in Dart

I am currently trying to process an image on the server that was uploaded by a user. My goal is to take this image that was uploaded, process it on the server and then upload it to rackspace cloud files. I have had no luck in finding a way. I am hoping that someone can lead me into the correct direction.
Heres what I have so far on the server side for processing
Future < Null > handleUploadRequest(final HttpRequest httpRequest) async {
print('handle upload -------------------------');
var data;
await httpRequest.fold(new BytesBuilder(), (b, d) => b..add(d)).then((builder) {
data = builder.takeBytes();
String encodedData = JSON.encode(data);
int dataLength = encodedData.length;
// Uploading image to rackspace cloud files
// Here we have to send a request with username & api key to get an auth token, headers : {'Content-Type':'application/json'}, body: JSON.encode({"auth": {"RAX-KSKEY:apiKeyCredentials":{"username":"XXXXXXXXXXXXXXX","apiKey":"XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX"}}})).then((response) {
print("Response status: ${response.statusCode}");
print("Response body: ${response.body}");
return response;
authResponse = JSON.decode(response.body);
String token = authResponse['access']['token']['id'];
/////////// This is where we upload the image to Rackspace ///////
var request = new http.MultipartRequest("PUT", Uri.parse(''));
request.headers['X-Auth-Token'] = token;
request.headers['Content-Type'] = 'image/jpeg';
var stream = new http.ByteStream.fromBytes(data);
request.files.add(new http.MultipartFile('file', stream, data.length, filename: 'testfile.jpg', contentType: 'image/jpeg');
print('requesT: ${request}');
request.send().then((response) {
if (response.statusCode == 200) print("Uploaded!");
//// End of Upload to Rackspace //////////
print('Upload Complete!');
await httpRequest.response.close();
The only issue right now is that in, I need to call the type MediaType in the parameter content-type. I have no idea how to call this. It seems like it is a factory inside a class? If I do not call a content-type then it defaults to octet-stream which cannot be opened from the cdn storage container.
Reference to this way of uploading is from How can I upload a PDF using Dart's HttpClient?
Looks like an missing return before http.put(...) and httpRequest.response.close();
Either you use await before each async call (call to functions which return a Future) or return each such Future to the caller to preserve order of execution. Without any of these the async execution is scheduled for later execution and the next line of your code is executed instead before the async code you called even started.
Update pure async/await implementation
import 'package:http/http.dart' as http;
import 'dart:async' show Future, Stream;
import 'dart:io';
Future<Null> handleUploadRequest(final HttpRequest httpRequest) async {
print('handle upload -------------------------');
print('httpRequest: ${httpRequest.headers}');
var data;
var builder = await httpRequest.fold(new BytesBuilder(), (b, d) => b..add(d));
data = builder.takeBytes();
print('bytes builder: ${data}');
// Uploading image to rackspace cloud files
var url =
var response = await http.put(url,
headers: {
'Content-Type': 'image/jpeg',
'Content-Length': '${httpRequest.headers.contentLength}',
body: data);
print("Response status: ${response.statusCode}");
print("Response body: ${response.body}");
print('closing connection with data complete');
await httpRequest.response.close();

Reusable Sync HttpClient Request

I need a reusable function that makes an HTTP request and awaits for its completion before returning the response as a String.
Here's the main function:
main() async {
var json;
json = await makeRequest('https://...');
print('*** request complete ***');
(First Case) This is the reusable function that makes the HTTP request:
makeRequest(String url) async {
var request = await new HttpClient().postUrl(Uri.parse(url));
// Includes the access token in the request headers.
// Waits until the request is complete.
var response = await request.close();
await for (var contents in response.transform(UTF8.decoder)) {
return contents;
This works as expected and the output is:
// Response contents as a String...
*** request complete ***
(Second Case) Then I tried to do this and it didn't work:
makeRequest(String url) async {
var request = await new HttpClient().postUrl(Uri.parse(url));
// Includes the access token in the request headers.
// Waits until the request is complete.
var response = await request.close();
var json = '';
await response.transform(UTF8.decoder).listen((contents) {
// At first I tried to return contents here, but then I added onDone().
json += contents;
}, onDone: () {
return json;
return json;
I've tried defining the function within listen with async and await, returning contents within listen without onDone(), but the output is the same:
// Empty line.
*** request complete ***
// Waits a few seconds doing nothing before terminating...
Does anyone know why the second case doesn't work?
After updating the code it does what it was supposed to do, but takes a few seconds before terminating execution:
Future<String> twitterRequest(String url) async {
var request = await new HttpClient().postUrl(Uri.parse(url));
// Includes the access token in the request headers.
// Waits until the request is complete.
var response = await request.close();
var json = '';
await for (var contents in response.transform(UTF8.decoder)) {
json += contents;
// Putting a break here produces the same output but terminates immediately (as wanted).
return json;
// Prints response contents...
*** request complete ***
// Takes a few seconds before execution terminates. With the break the code terminates immediately.
After submitting this issue on GitHub, I found out that instances of the HttpClient have a connection pool and keep persistent connections by default, which keeps the Dart VM alive. Please consult the issue page to find out about the possible solutions.
It's probably caused by the await before the response.transform.
You might want something like
return response.transform(UTF8.decoder).join('');
The pause is not related to makeRequest(). The Dart VM seems to wait for something before it exits. Adding exit(0); as last line in main() makes the application exit immediately.
According to the response on the Dart SDK issue
This is caused by the HttpClient instance having a connection pool
which can keep the Dart VM alive. There are two ways of avoiding this:
1) Close the HttpClient explicitly
2) Use non-persistent connections
import 'dart:async';
import 'dart:convert' show UTF8;
import 'dart:io';
Future main() async {
await makeRequest();
print('end of main');
Future makeRequest() async {
var client = new HttpClient();
var request = await client.postUrl(Uri.parse(''));
var response = await request.close();
var contents = await response.transform(UTF8.decoder).join();
client.close(); // Close the client.
import 'dart:async';
import 'dart:convert' show UTF8;
import 'dart:io';
Future main() async {
await makeRequest();
print('end of main');
Future makeRequest() async {
var request = await new HttpClient().postUrl(Uri.parse(''));
request.persistentConnection = false; // Use non-persistent connection.
var response = await request.close();
var contents = await response.transform(UTF8.decoder).join();

Wait while request is running

Here is a problem. When I ran these code:
String responseText = null;
HttpRequest.getString(url).then((resp) {
responseText = resp;
In console:
{"meta":{"code":200},"data":{"username":"kevin","bio":"CEO \u0026 Co-founder of Instagram","website":"","profile_picture":"http:\/\/\/profiles\/profile_3_75sq_1325536697.jpg","full_name":"Kevin Systrom","counts":{"media":1349,"followed_by":1110365,"follows":555},"id":"3"}}
It running asynchronously. Is there JAVA way with synchronized method? That will be await while request is done?
I found only one tricky way to do it and its funny -- wait for three seconds:
handleTimeout() {
const TIMEOUT = const Duration(seconds: 3);
new Timer(TIMEOUT, handleTimeout);
And of course it works with bugs. So any suggestions?
MattB way work well:
var req = new HttpRequest();
req.onLoad.listen((e) {
responseText = req.responseText;
});'GET', url, async: false);
First, I'm assuming you're using this as a client-side script and not server-side. Using HttpRequest.getString will strictly return a Future (async method).
If you absolutely must have a synchronous request, you can construct a new HttpRequest object and call the open method passing the named parameter: async: false
var req = new HttpRequest();
req.onLoad.listen((e) => print(req.responseText));'GET', url, async: false);
However it is highly recommended that you use async methods for accessing network resources as a synchronous call like above will cause the script to block and can potentially make it appear as though your page/script has stopped responding on poor network connections.

Handle POST data using Dart Route after already listening to stream

I am using route to handle http requests to my server. This is my current route code:
HttpServer.bind("", 8080).then((server) {
new Router(server)
..filter(new RegExp(r'/.*'), addCorsHeaders)
..filter(new RegExp(r'/admin/.*'), authenticate)
..serve(userGetURL, method: 'GET').listen(userGetHandler)
..serve(userPostURL, method: 'POST').listen(userPostHandler);
I am trying to get JSON data that I am POSTing to a URL. The data will be used to get an entity from the database and return it as JSON to the caller. I am basically trying to create a server application that will handle all the data and a client application that will display it.
I cannot figure out how to get the data from a POST. Everything I have tried requires that I listen to the stream, but it is already being listened to. This is how I have been trying to get the POST data:
userPostHandler(HttpRequest req) {
req.listen((List<int> buffer) {
// Return the data back to the client.
res.write(new String.fromCharCodes(buffer));
The problem is I get a Bad state: Stream has already been listened to. error.
EDIT: The filters
Future<bool> authenticate(HttpRequest req) {
if (req.method == 'POST') {
// Post data is not null
// Authenticate user
String userName = '';
String password = '';
User user = new User();
user.DBConnect().then((User user) {
return new Future.value(user.ValidateUser(userName, password));
Future<bool> addCorsHeaders(HttpRequest req) {
print('${req.method}: ${req.uri.path}');
req.response.headers.add('Access-Control-Allow-Origin', '*, ');
req.response.headers.add('Access-Control-Allow-Methods', 'POST, OPTIONS, GET');
'Origin, X-Requested-With, Content-Type, Accept');
return new Future.value(true);
I have never used the Route package but I wonder why you want to listen inside the Handler. Can't you just access the properties you want to process?
Otherwise you could try
A BroadcastStream supports multiple listeners.
More information in this article Use Streams for Data
Using the following code I was able to get a POST working:
void main() {
HttpServer.bind("", 8080).then((server) {
new Router(server)
..filter(new RegExp(r'/.*'), addCorsHeaders)
..filter(new RegExp(r'/admin/.*'), authenticate)
..serve(userGetURL, method: 'GET').listen(userGetHandler)
..serve(userPostURL, method: 'POST').listen(userPostHandler);
Future userPostHandler(HttpRequest req) {
bool headerSent = false;
// Start listening before writing to the response.
req.listen((List<int> buffer) {
if (!headerSent) {
req.response.write("User POST");
headerSent = true;
req.response.write(new String.fromCharCodes(buffer));
// Use onDone to close the response.
onDone: () => req.response.close()
Here is what I figured out. Any write to the response automatically drains the body and thus destroy the POST data. As mentioned here. Also, listening to the response is done asynchronously and thus must be completed before close() is called.
