I want to use gerrit's gsql,but it can't be found.
It looks like you are using Gerrit 3.x.y which doesn't use a relational database anymore. See this post.
I have a join table in rails that has a few entries that need to be deleted.
lets say the join table is named 'products_variants'
I found out i have a few entries in this join table that were created erroneously a while ago. I have their IDs, so i could go in phpmyadmin and delete them, but I want to make a migration to do it in case anyone uses an older database (which has happened before).
Since I don't have a ruby object representing this join table I cant do something like:
How would i go about deleting these entries in a rails migration?
You can create AR class for this table inside of migration and use it for delete record.
How would you do it from the console? Whatever that is, put it in the migration. For example
class Cleanup < ActiveRecord::Migration
def up
execute("delete from product_variants where id in (1,2,3)")
def down
Barring a solution like maxd's answer, you can also delete them via plain 'ol SQL. If you already have the list of ids, you can do something like this:
ActiveRecord::Base.connection.execute("DELETE FROM products_variants WHERE id IN (...)")
Where ... is the list of ids to delete.
Semi-pointless side-note: Technically speaking, data manipulation is not typically done in the migrations for various reason; one of them being that you're usually not necessarily guaranteed that all (or even any) migrations will be run by your colleagues (speaking very generally here), or in the case of new local project setups (meaning, you've just pulled down the project code and are setting it up locally for the first time).
While it doesn't sound like this is an issue in your scenario, if you want to do this the Rails-y way, one alternative would be to put this in a Rake task, so that you or others can execute it as needed, rather than relying on the migrations.
I have a Rails 3 application where I need to ingest an XML file provided by an external system into a Postgres database. I would like to use something like ActiveRecord-Import but this does not appear to handle upsert capabilities for Postgres, and some of the records I will be ingesting will already exist, but will need to be updated.
Most of what I'm reading recommends writing SQL on the fly, but this seems like a problem that may have been solved already. I just can't find it.
You can do upserting on MySQL and PostgreSQL with upsert.
If you're looking for raw speed, you could use nokogiri and upsert.
It might be easier to import the data using data_miner, which uses nokogiri and upsert internally.
If you are on PostgreSQL 9.1 you should use writeable common table expressions. Something like:
WITH updates (id) AS (
UPDATE mytable SET .....
WHERE ....
INSERT INTO mytable (....)
FROM mytemptable
WHERE id NOT IN (select id from updates);
In this case you bulk process thins in a temp table first, then it will try to update the records from the temptable according to your logic, and insert the rest.
Its a two step thing. First you need to fetch the XML File. If its provided by a user via a form that luck for you otherwise you need to fetch it using the standard HTTP lib of ruby or otherwise some gem like mechanize (which is actually really great)
The second thing is really easy. You read all the XML into a string and then you can convert it into a hash with this pice of code:
Then you can parse and work with the data...
For instance, when I generate an Event model, the table automatically sets to the public schema. How do I specify it to get set to a different schema?
Furthermore, how do you alter the schema of an existing table? Perhaps move it to a different schema?
Thank you!
Disclaimer: I don't know rails, so I'm going to give very postgresql-oriented answers here. For the first part of your question, there is quite possibly a much better way to do this, by making rails specify the schema when creating tables.
In PostgreSQL, tables are searched for in schemas according to the search_path setting. This is set by default to "$user",public. Tables are created in the first schema found in the search path that exists. So if you connect as "my_user", it will try to create tables in "my_user", and fall back to creating them in "public" if "my_user" doesn't exist.
So one approach is to update the "search_path" setting used for the user you connect to the database to make schema changes. For example you can say ALTER USER my_user SET search_path = my_app, public. If you then create a "my_app" schema then subsequent CREATE TABLE foo(...) commands executed by "my_user" will put the new table into "my_app".
You can change the schema of a table using ALTER TABLE foo SET SCHEMA my_app.
Create a migration to generate your new schema. ActiveRecord can't update you schema to you it's the pattern system. You can try sequel or DataMapper if you want update you schema from your code.
I'm building a Rails application using MongoDB as the back-end and MongoMapper as the ORM tool. Suppose in version 1, I define the following model:
class SomeModel
include MongoMapper::Document
key :some_key, String
Later in version 2, I realize that I need a new required key on the model. So, in version 2, SomeModel now looks like this:
class SomeModel
include MongoMapper::Document
key :some_key, String
key :some_new_key, String, :required => true
How do I migrate all my existing data to include some_new_key? Assume that I know how to set a reasonable default value for all the existing documents. Taking this a step further, suppose that in version 3, I realize that I really don't need some_key at all. So, now the model looks like this
class SomeModel
include MongoMapper::Document
key :some_new_key, String, :required => true
But all the existing records in my database have values set for some_key, and it's just wasting space at this point. How do I reclaim that space?
With ActiveRecord, I would have just created migrations to add the initial values of some_new_key (in the version1 -> version2 migration) and to delete the values for some_key (in the version2 -> version3 migration).
What's the appropriate way to do this with MongoDB/MongoMapper? It seems to me that some method of tracking which migrations have been run is still necessary. Does such a thing exist?
EDITED: I think people are missing the point of my question. There are times where you want to be able to run a script on a database to change or restructure the data in it. I gave two examples above, one where a new required key was added and one where a key can be removed and space can be reclaimed. How do you manage running these scripts? ActiveRecord migrations give you an easy way to run these scripts and to determine what scripts have already been run and what scripts have not been run. I can obviously write a Mongo script that does any update on the database, but what I'm looking for is a framework like migrations that lets me track which upgrade scripts have already been run.
Check out Mongrations... I just finished reading about it and it looks like what you're after.
Cheers! Kapslok
One option is to use the update operation to update all of your data at once. Multi update is new in the development releases so you'll need to use one of those.
You can try this contraption I just made, but it only works with mongoid and rails 3 (beta 3) at the moment. http://github.com/adacosta/mongoid_rails_migrations . It'll be upgraded to rails 3 when it goes final.
Also another gem for MongoMapper migrations https://github.com/alexeypetrushin/mongo_mapper_ext
Mongrations is a super old gem, completely deprecated. I recommend NOT using it.
Exodus is a really cool migration framework for Mongo, that might be what you want:
We just build this one: https://github.com/eberhara/mongration - it is a regular node module (you can find it on npm).
We needed a good mongodb migration framework, but could not find any - so we built one.
It has lot's of better features than the regular migration frameworks:
Checksum (issues an error when a previosuly ran migration does not match its old version)
Persists migration state to mongo (there is no regular state file)
Full support to replica sets
Automatic handle rollbacks (developers must specify the rollback procedures)
Ability to run multiple migrations (sync or async) at the same time
Ability to run migrations against different databases at the same time
Hope it helps!
You can write code to do updates -- though it seems that for updating a record based on its own fields is not supported.
In such a case, I did the following and ran it against the server:
records = Patient.all()
records.each do |p|
encounters = p.encounters
if encounters.nil? || encounters.empty?
mra = p.updated_at
#puts "\tpatient...#{mra}"
mra = encounters.last.created_at
#puts "\tencounter...#{mra}"
old = p.most_recent_activity
p.most_recent_activity = mra
puts "#{p.last_name} mra: #{old} now: #{mra}"
I bet you could hook into Activerecord::Miration to automate and track your "migration" scripts.
MongoDB is a schema-less database. That's why there are no migrations. In the database itself, it doesn't matter whether the objects have the key :some_key or the key :some_other_key at any time.
MongoMapper tries to enforce some restrictions on this, but since the database is so flexible, you will have to maintain those restrictions yourself. If you need a key on every object, make sure you run a script to update those keys on pre-existing objects, or handle the case of an object that doesn't have that key as you come across them.
I am fairly new to MongoDB myself, but as far as I can see, due to the flexibility of the schema-less db this is how you will need to handle it.
I want to clear a table in my railsapp , without dropping the database and migrating...
MyModel.all.each{|m| m.destroy}
I would expect this code to delete every record in the my_model table, but this is not happening...
using Rails 2.3.4 + MySQL 5.1
the issue was based on the plugin better_nested_set which didn't allow me to delete the entries in that order
MyModel.delete_all worked on the other hand , maybe because it executes truncate on the database (?)
Use MyModel.destroy_all to delete all the records for your model.