modify select2 style so that search bar is immediately searchable on click - jquery-select2

For the most part, Select2 does I want it to. It provides me with a searchable dropdown list; however one glaring issue is that I need to click on the widget, then click in again to get to the search bar. This is different from other searchable dropdowns like semantic-ui, where you can click on the widget and immediately start typing. Does anyone know if this result can be achieved with Select2? It's a great library otherwise and I'd hate to have to refactor it out.
The linked image shows how my select2 widget is implemented. What I want is for the search bar to appear at the top, where the dashes are.


iOS Voiceover support for combobox widgets

Typically a combobox widget is an input field that launches an associated popup with a bunch of suggestions in the popup. In desktop browsers using keyboard, while the focus stays with the input field, pressing Up/Down arrow keys, the selection within the popup can be changed. Pressing ENTER key populates the input field with current selection in the popup and closes the popup.
For accessibility purpose, the input field is marked role="combobox", the popup is linked with the input field via aria-owns. The AT are indicated the current selection via aria-activedescendant.
While this setup works great in desktop browsers with tools like JAWS/NVDA etc., there seems to be a major issue with voiceover on iOS. On swiping the finger, the virtual cursor moves to the next element in the page from the input field, though I would expect with aria-owns set, the focus to move to the first suggestion item or to the popup.
Any suggestions on how such a combobox widget can be made accessible in iOS with voiceover?
PS: The popup and input field are not siblings in the DOM order.
It sounds like you are creating a custom combobox. If you use the native <select>/<option> elements, the combobox works correctly on ios/voiceover. If you are creating your own, follow the guidance on You mentioned several ARIA attributes so perhaps you're already following the advice on that page.
Swiping right with voiceover will move the focus to the next element in the DOM. If your dropdown list is hidden, then focus won't move to it. Double tapping on your <input> should display the dropdown list.

How to create a toggle box using Angular Material?

I am trying to make a toggle box similar to the one you use in the Angular Material docs when you want to view the source code. You press the <> button on the menu bar and the panel slides open underneath revealing the html. For example, this page has one:
I can't seem to find it anywhere in the docs and I am not sure what the element is called or how to use it.

jQueryUI datepicker redisplays after selection

The datepicker is managed by knockout-jqueryui in a Durandal view presented as a modal dialog. The calendar pops up when the corresponding INPUT is focussed, and hides when it is blurred. Data-binding works fine.
But when the user selects a value, the calendar closes, the INPUT updates and the calendar re-displays. It works, but it's annoying my users because they are mouse obsessed and the calendar obscures the control below, making it hard to click on it. Yes, I know they could press tab. I have pointed this out.
How can I stop the re-display? Ideally, triggers for display would be focus and keydown. I have no problem with configuring it to manual control and switching with data-bind="change: showCalendar, ..." or similar, if that's how one does this.
So, what's the usual way to go about this? If it's manual control as I describe above, what are some keywords to expedite finding the relevant section(s) in the documentation? (How to set it to manual and how to hide/show it manually.)
(I found show() and hide())
The showOn option for jQuery UI Datepicker is passed through by knockout-jqueryui.
It defines only two values, 'focus' and 'button'.
There is no explicitly defined mechanism to disable auto-display, but I found that a value other than the defined values has the desired effect. I am passing 'click'.
Manual control methods are show and hide.

tweaking jquery-ui menu widget

Working on making a very standard dropdown menu with the new jquery ui 1.9 menu widget, but having some problems due to the newness of the widget and the presence of only a single extremely basic example at
Specifically, can anyone here help me to:
Initialize a widget with no icons for submenus? (Default is a right-facing carat and I can't get rid of it)
Make a menu where user has to click on the top menu item (as opposed to just hovering) to make the submenu appear? Any deeper submenus should then expand when the user's pointer hovers over them. This is typical dropdown behavior, e.g., user clicks "edit" to make options appear like "select" or "undo", but any further choices under (for example) "select" would apper just by hovering over "select". I hope that's clear.
I don't know how to do the second part of your question but I can answer the first question.
You can change the default icon by setting the icon option of the menu option.
First add a class to your CSS file like this.
.no-icon { display:none;}
Then set the icon option when you create the menu.
$( "#menu" ).menu(
{ icons: { submenu: "no-icon" } }
You won't have any icons.
Here is a fiddle

jQuery-UI Dialog: How to make NONE of the action buttons "default"

In jQuery-UI dialog box, the first button appears to be the default, therefore having focus set to itself.
But, this causes a frustrating effect, especially in Safari. Even in IE, you will see a rectangular selection mark around the button. Moreover, the hover effect will not be seen.
How can I set NONE of these buttons as default and therefore NOT having focus set on any of them?
Examples can be seen at jqueryui demo pages and a snapshot using Safari is below.
I want to get rid of this blue selection.
I think it could be an css-class, that turns the button to "default".
Check with the Firebug Element Inspector what classes are applied to these buttons, and append the standard css class to all buttons of the form.
