Jenkins start same docker container with different compose files - docker

I'm new to Jenkins, and I have a project, but there are I need few instances of it, with different configurations, meaning, to run different docker-compose files, due to different mounts / ports, but the rest of the project is the same.
I could not find any information about an issue like this.
if it help:
pipeline {
agent any
environment {
PATH = "$PATH:/usr/local/bin"
stages {
stage("build docker image"){
sh """
docker build . -t application:development --pull=false
stage("run compose"){
docker-compose up -d

Yes! This is possible.
You need to create 2 docker-compose files with different configurations.
pipeline {
agent any
environment {
PATH = "$PATH:/usr/local/bin"
stages {
stage("build docker image"){
sh """
docker build . -t application:development --pull=false
stage("run compose"){
docker-compose up -f docker-compose-a.yml -d
docker-compose up -f docker-compose-b.yml -d


Docker-compose error in Jenkins "docker-compose: No such file or directory"

I am making a CI/CD pipeline for an application with React Js front-end and Java Spring Boot backend. When I run the build every time fail and get an error. I face this error with both Jenkins running on the server and running on my local machine.
Error Jenkins running on local :+ /usr/bin/docker-compose up --build -d
/var/root/.jenkins/workspace/flight-test-pipeline#tmp/durable-3512619f/ line 1: /usr/bin/docker-compose: No such file or directory
Error Jenkins running on server: + docker-compose build
/var/lib/jenkins/workspace/Build-pipeline#tmp/durable-94a5213e/ 1: /var/lib/jenkins/workspace/Build-pipeline#tmp/durable-94a5213e/ docker-compose: not found
Jenkins script is here:
pipeline {
environment {
PATH = "$PATH:/usr/local/bin/docker-compose"
agent any
stages {
stage('Start container') {
steps {
sh "/usr/bin/docker-compose up --build -d"
stage('Build') {
steps {
sh 'Docker build -t .'
stage('Login') {
steps {
sh 'echo docker login --username=furqan.iqbal --password=123...
stage('Push to Has registry') {
steps {
sh '''
Docker push
If i recall correctly, Jenkins can't understand what '$PATH' is, so you need to do the following:
environment {
p = sh 'echo $PATH'
PATH = p + ':/usr/local/bin/docker-compose'

Jenkins pipeline docker agent, Start docker conatiner from Dockerfile with previliged mode

In my jenkins pipeline, the pipeline code and Dockerfile is available at gitlab
pipeline {
agent { dockerfile true }
stages {
stage('Test') {
steps {
sh '''
java -version
chmod 777 /data
From the Dockerfile the image gets created and docker container gets started but missing some privilages.
can not even create a directory
Need to start the docker container with privilages so that I can perform this chmod, mkdir, etc.
agent { dockerfile .. supports arguments. See docs
agent {
// Equivalent to "docker build -f
dockerfile {
filename ''
args '--privileged'

Jenkins pipeline and Docker multi-stage builds howto

I have to configure CI/CD for number of Git repositories with help of Jenkins (and DockerHub as CD target). I did that with help of Docker multi-stage build (see Considerations). I'm afraid to misunderstand/overcomplicate a simple idea.
Is Jenkins + Docker multi-stage build = best/good practice? Am I applying the idea in the correct way?
From this presentation I assume using Docker inside Jenkins is a good idea. After reading an article Using Multi-Stage Builds to Simplify and Standardize Build Processes, Docker multi-stage builds looks to be the next step of using Jenkins + Docker.
Answers to similar question also say Docker multi-stage makes sense, but doesn't provide an example of realisation.
Jenkins creates pipeline from SCM repository.
Git repository
FROM alpine as source
RUN apk --update --no-cache add git
COPY project-folder repo
FROM maven:3.6.3-jdk-8 as test
COPY --from=source repo repo
RUN mvn clean test
FROM maven:3.6.3-jdk-8 as build
COPY --from=test repo repo
RUN mvn clean package
FROM openjdk:8 as final
LABEL owner="xxx"
COPY --from=build repo/target/some-lib-1.8.jar /usr/local/some-lib.jar
ENTRYPOINT ["java", "-jar", "/usr/local/some-lib.jar"]
I used docker build --target for more granularity on Jenkins UI.
#!/usr/bin/env groovy
def imageId = "use-name/image-name:1.$BUILD_NUMBER"
pipeline {
agent {
label 'docker' # separate agent (launched as JAR on host machine) to avoid running docker inside docker
stages {
stage('Test') {
steps {
script {
sh "docker build --no-cache --target test -t ${imageId} ."
stage('Build') {
steps {
script {
sh "docker build --target build -t ${imageId} ."
stage('Image') {
steps {
script {
sh "docker build --target final -t ${imageId} ."
stage('Deploy') {
steps {
script {
docker.withRegistry('' , 'dockerhub') {
dockerImage ="${imageId}")
stage('Clean') {
sh "docker rmi ${imageId}"
following taleodor's answer I would suggest next jenkinsfile:
pipeline {
agent {
label 'docker' # separate agent (launched as JAR on host machine) to avoid running docker inside docker
environment {
imageId = 'use-name/image-name:1.$BUILD_NUMBER'
docker_registry = 'your_docker_registry'
docker_creds = credentials('your_docker_registry_creds')
stages {
stage('Docker build') {
steps {
sh "docker build --no-cache --force-rm -t ${imageId} ."
stage('Docker push') {
steps {
docker login $docker_registry --username $docker_creds_USR --password $docker_creds_PSW
docker push $imageId
docker logout
stage('Clean') {
sh "docker rmi ${imageId}"

Copy build artifacts from insider docker to host

This is my jenkinsfile:
pipeline {
agent any
stages {
stage('Build') {
steps {
echo '####################################################
echo 'Building Docker container'
echo '####################################################
script {
sh 'docker build -t my-gcc:1.0 .'
stage('Run') {
steps {
echo '##########################################################
echo 'Running Docker Image'
echo '##########################################################
script {
sh 'docker run --privileged -i my-gcc:1.0'
sh 'docker cp my-gcc:1.0:/usr/src/myCppProject/build/*.hex .'
stage('Program') {
steps {
echo '#######################################################
echo 'Programming target '
echo '#######################################################
script {
sh 'openocd -d0 -f board/st_nucleo_f4.cfg -c "init;targets;halt;flash write_image erase Testbench.hex;shutdown"'
the docker image is build and then run, after this I would like to extract the hex file form the container to the jenkins working directory so that I can flash it to the board.
But when I try to copy the file I get this error:
+ docker cp my-gcc:1.0:1.0:/usr/src/myCppProject/build/*.hex .
Error: No such container:path: my-gcc:1.0:1.0:/usr/src/myCppProject/build/*.hex
I tried to access other folders in the container and copy the content, but always the same error. This way it seems that I cannot access any folder or file in the container.
What am I doing wrong?
Jenkins has some standard support for Docker; this is described in Using Docker with Pipeline in the Jenkins documentation. In particular, Jenkins knows how to use a Docker image that contains just tools, combined with the project's workspace directory. I'd use that support instead of trying to script docker cp.
That might look roughly like so:
pipeline {
agent none
stages {
stage('Build') {
// Jenkins will run `docker build` for you
agent { dockerfile { args '--privileged' } }
steps {
// The current working directory is bind-mounted into the container;
// the image's `ENTRYPOINT`/`CMD` is ignored.
// Copy the file out of the container:
sh "cp /usr/src/myCppProject/build/*.hex ."
stage('Program') {
agent any // so not in Docker
steps {
sh 'openocd -d0 -f board/st_nucleo_f4.cfg -c "init;targets;halt;flash write_image erase Testbench.hex;shutdown"'
If you use this approach, also consider whether you should run the main build sequence via Jenkins pipeline steps, or a sh invocation that runs a shell script, or a Makefile, or if a Dockerfile is actually right. It might make sense to build a Docker image out of your customized compiler, but then use the Jenkins pipeline support to build the image for the target board rather than trying to do it all in a Dockerfile.
In the invocation you show, you can't directly docker cp a file out of an image. When you start the container, use docker run --name to give it a name, then docker cp from that container name.
sh 'docker run --name builder ... my-gcc:1.0'
sh 'docker cp builder:/usr/src/myCppProject/build/*.hex .'
sh 'docker rm builder'

Docker is listening to port specified in run command

I created a pipeline in Jenkins which takes an app from Github, builds the app, and then builds an image and then finally runs that image with the app.
the Dockerfile is:
FROM javastreets/mule:latest
COPY ./target/jenkins-demo-api-1.0.0-1.0.0-SNAPSHOT-mule-application.jar /opt/mule/apps/
CMD [ "/opt/mule/bin/mule"]
here jenkins-demo-api-1.0.0-1.0.0-SNAPSHOT-mule-application.jar is the app that is built in Jenkins from Github.
the pipeline script is as:
pipeline {
agent any
maven 'M3'
stages {
stage('git pull'){
git branch: 'master', credentialsId: '025fbee3-18cc-4298-ac9b-adac*****', url: ''
stage('Build') {
steps {
bat "mvn clean package"
stage('build image'){
bat 'docker build -t docker-demo .'
stage('run image'){
bat 'docker run -d -p docker-demo'
the pipeline executes successfully but when I try to hit, http:localhost:8081 response I receive is This page isn’t working
what should I do?
The localhost you are referring to is a localhost of the docker container which is not the same as of your client. Try to specify network in your docker run command.
docker run -d --network host -p 8081:8081 docker-demo
if you would like to check on which IP address the bridge is running, you can check it as follows:
docker network inspect bridge
