Embed youtube video without copy link - youtube

i have youtube video which is embed as "Unlisted" on my wordpress site.
It is in frame where i am blocking upper bar but the issue is with the lower bar where still there is possibility to click (second mouse button) and copy link. The same is when video is paused.
It is possible to disable it without blocking possibility to play/pause and full screen play?
I am looking for free video platform to embed movie into my wordpress site (course).
If youtube can not do this, what else i can use?
Please help,


You Tube - Disable all links to actual video in the player

I am using a light box type of player to open and play you tube videos. My people don't want the video link to be accessible or shared from within the player.
I.E they only want the video to play when the video loads in the player. So they don't want the share button visible and they don't want the YouTube icon that links directly to the video visible.
I can remove the share button and I can remove the YouTube icon but not at the same time.So there is always an easy way for the user to get the video url and share it etc...
I can also chose the videos to be private and that removes both. But then all of my users would need a google account which they dont.
It seems to me that Google wouldn't offer free use to its player without some type of reference to You Tube. Either with the share button or the You Tube icon that links to the video.
i have tried modifying the url parameters (embed?v=#v_ID#&rel=0&autohide=1&showinfo=0&wmode=transparent&modestbranding=1&controls=0") to no avail.
And I have tried using embed and watch to no avail..
Is there a way to do this?
You can append the following onto the end of the YouTube embed url, to remove the Watch on YouTube button from the playback controls which is accomplished by setting modestbranding to 1. The player controls are NOT removed. they are just auto0hidden by setting the parameter autohide to 1.
Try to change & to &amp
Here's a sample format to solves your issue:

Launch video player in iOS from a link rather than an embedded video

Sorry if this has been asked before... in a mobile browser (eg iOS Safari) when a Vimeo video is embedded into a HTML page, clicking play on the video pops it open in the native player in Safari - I want to be able to launch a video in this exact way, but from an image link rather than having to embed the video... So that clicking the image pops open the video in the native Safari player.
I've searched around but think I'm lacking the correct terminology to know exactly what to search for.
Is this possible?
Thanks in advance...
Why don't you want to embed the vimeo code?
One work around can be going to your vimeo video settings, then Basic and at the bottom of that page upload your own Thumbnail image... You will still have to embed the vimeo code though, but now you will have the image you want as the first image before you click on the video.
This can be a partial solution in the mean time. Also I think a Pro vimeo account might allow a direct link to a video.

mediaelement.js > Youtube API: Does the mejs play button affect the views on YT?

I searched for quiet some time… Seems like that embedded youtube videos really need the "human click" to increase the views on the YT profile. Tried some things with the API given from YT… no luck so far.
Does the mediaelement.js do the magic?
here is the answer from the YT js doc:
Note: A playback only counts toward a video's official view count if it is initiated via a native play button in the player.
You can't use your own play button or enable autoplay if you want the stats... Tried it, the best way is to use the "native" youtube player with minimal UI and let the users click the "native" play button ...

How do I remove pause from controlbar of youtube videos?

I have a page with an embedded youtube video. I want to keep part of the control bar - the part that shows progress and that the user can drag back and forth. But I don't want to keep the pause/play feature of the control bar. Is there a way to do that?
If you a Youtube Javascript API if you can play and stopping and video from code at the events that you want! See the docs...

Enable navigation of an interactive youtube video embedded on a website

The organization I work for has created an interactive YouTube video in which you can navigate around to other YouTube videos by clicking links within the video - sort of like a choose your own adventure type deal.
Anyway, I was working on a web page that references this video and I'd like to embed the video directly on the page.
The interactive portions actually work while the video is embedded, but unlike how it works when playing on YouTube, the url doesn't actually change and the back button is therefore non-functional.
So if I choose a path and determine that's not where I want to go, the only way to get back would be to reload the entire page and start from the beginning.
I'm guessing my best choice here is to just go ahead and link this off to YouTube, but I wanted to make sure I wasn't missing an obvious easy way to embed this video on the page and keep the back button functionality that's possible when the video plays on YouTube.
Thanks for your time!
