Using RabbitListenerTestHarness with Mockk - spring-amqp

We want to write tests for a project that uses Spring Boot and Spring AMQP. As we code in Kotlin we would like to use MockK instead of Mockito as it better fits Kotlin code style and best practices.
The RabbitListenerTestHarness class provides some convienient feature for testing #RabbitListeners. However, it returns implementations of Mockito's Answer interface, which are incompatible with the Answer interface of MockK.
Is there a way to use the Mockito answers with MockK, e.g. some exisiting wrappers for interoperability?
Consider the following example listener:
class SampleListener {
#RabbitListener(id = "sampleReceiver", queues = ["testQueue"])
fun receiveMessage(message: Message) {
and the actual test:
class SampleTest(#Autowired val template: TestRabbitTemplate) {
lateinit var testHarness: RabbitListenerTestHarness
fun testRabbit() {
val spy = testHarness.getSpy<SampleListener>("sampleReceiver")
val answer: LatchCountDownAndCallRealMethodAnswer = testHarness.getLatchAnswerFor("sampleReceiver", 1)
// Mockito.doAnswer(answer).`when`(spy).receiveMessage(ArgumentMatchers.any())
every { spy.receiveMessage(any()) } answers { /* what goes here? */ }
template.convertAndSend("testQueue", "test")
The test contains the Mockito call, as mentioned in the Docs, as comment.
My question is, how can I use the answer object, returned from getLatchAnswerFor to complete the MockK stub?

It's probably easier to not use the harness at all and add your own proxy around the message listener.
get the container from the RabbitListenerEndpointRegistry
get listener from the container, wrap it in a proxy and set it on the container
stop/start the container
send message(s)


How do you call a Service outside of a Symfony3 controller? And queries from Repository

I have two questions today. This is detailed because too many other replies rely on assumptions and have not been detailed enough. I hope that this is detailed and will be able to help lots of developers.
1st. The code below points to the real question I have. How do you call a Service outside of the controller since the $this->get() method is inside of the controller only? This is not in any of the documentation or on KNP University's tutorial on Services.
2nd. From what I have read, according to some, not all, if you call to a Repository, from anywhere, it should automatically instantiate the Entity Repository. I don't think this is so. Tell me if I am right or wrong.
See the following below....
My Default Controller, it's straightforward call a class and let it do some work. As an example, I called it with a Service and a conventional OO method:
// src/AppBundle/Controller/DefaultController.php
// Here is where I am starting. There is a service
// and there is a conventional OO call.
// Both should invoke the same thing.
namespace AppBundle\Controller;
use AppBundle\Service;
use Sensio\Bundle\FrameworkExtraBundle\Configuration\Route;
use Symfony\Bundle\FrameworkBundle\Controller\Controller;
use Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\Request;
class DefaultController extends Controller
* #Route("/", name="homepage")
public function indexAction(Request $request)
// Step 1.... Do a little of this.
// Step 2.... Do some of that.
// Step 3.... Call another class to do some logic and it will
// eventually call a query...
// Invoking my service
$obj_via_service = $this->get('');
$result1 = $obj_via_service->submitQuestion();
// Invoking via Namespace and Call
$obj_via_new = new Service\ProcessQuestion();
$result2 = $obj_via_new->submitQuestion();
My Service.yml File.
# src/app/config/services.yml
class: AppBundle\Service\ProcessQuestion
class: AppBundle\Entity\GeoStateRepository
arguments: ['#doctrine.orm.entity_manager']
This is my class that is doing the work for me. I want to be able to call the second service ^^above^^ but I can't because I can't use $this->get() outside of the controller.
// src/AppBundle/Service/ProcessQuestion.php
namespace AppBundle\Service;
class ProcessQuestion
public function submitQuestion()
// Step 1.... Do this.
// Step 2.... Do that.
// Step 3.... Query for some data...
// Invoke my repository class via a Service Call....
// but I cannot do that because 'get' is a part of the
// controller...
$obj_via_service = $this->get('app.rep.geo_state');
**^^ ^^**
**^^ This is what won't work ^^**
$results = $obj_via_service->selectStates();
return $results;
My Repository Class... Keep in mind I cannot reach this class yet, but I am throwing it in here so that other new Symfony 3 developers can see this.
// src/AppBundle/Repository/GeoState.php
// My Repository Class where I want to do some queries...
namespace AppBundle\Repository;
use Doctrine\ORM\EntityRepository;
class GeoStateRepository extends EntityRepository
* #Mapping\Column(type="string")
private $em;
public function __construct(EntityManager $em)
$this->em = $em;
public function selectStates()
$sql = "SELECT * FROM geo_state";
return $this->getEntityManager()->createQuery($sql)->getResult();
Why is this so hard to find an example? Also, I have followed a bunch of the Symfony 2.x documentation and the nuances are hard to port into Symfony 3 sometimes.
I think Fabian re purposed too much of the docs for 2.x to go into 3.x and there is not any good examples on coding that is between the New Developer level and the Hard Core Developer level. If you are at Sensio and reading this, please keep in mind that there is a middle ground we need to cover and most of the screencasts that out there and much of the better documentation is not in English.
You should really read more about Dependency Injection.
Symfony is very good at this .
Regarding your question about using app.rep.geo_state service in the service .
In Symfony/ DI terminology it's can be termed as injecting a service into another service .
The documentation on how to do this is very good.
this is how it can be done.
class: AppBundle\Service\ProcessQuestion
arguments: ['#app.rep.geo_state']
class: AppBundle\Entity\GeoStateRepository
arguments: ['#doctrine.orm.entity_manager']
And in the class
// src/AppBundle/Service/ProcessQuestion.php
namespace AppBundle\Service;
use AppBundle\Entity\GeoStateRepository;
class ProcessQuestion
private $geoRepository;
public function __construct(GeoStateRepository $geoRepository)
$this->geoRepository = $geoRepository;
public function submitQuestion()
//now you can call $this->geoRepository
Also note that $this->get() is only a shortcut function provided by the Symfony base Controller class to access the container.
To know more about DI, you can read Fabian's excellent articles about this in his blog .

Scalatest sharing service instance across multiple test suites

I have FlatSpec test classes which need to make use of a REST service for some fixture data. When running all the tests in one go I only really want to instantiate the REST client once as it may be quite expensive. How can I go about this and can I also get it to work for running just one test class when I am running in my IDE?
1. Use mocking:
I would advice you to use some kind of mocking when you try to test REST service. You can try for example scala-mock. Creation of mock service isn't time/cpu consuming, so you can create mocks in all your tests and don't need to share them.
trait MyRestService {
def get(): String
class MyOtherService(val myRestService: MyRestService) {
def addParentheses = s"""(${myRestService.getClass()})"""
import org.scalamock.scalatest.MockFactory
class MySpec extends FreeSpec with MockFactory {
"test1 " in {
// create mock rest service and define it's behaviour
val myRestService = mock[MyRestService]
val myOtherService = new MyOtherService(myRestService)
inAnyOrder {
(myRestService.get _).expects().returning("ABC")
//now it's ready, you can use it
assert(myOtherService.addParentheses === "(ABC)")
2. Or use Sharing fixtures:
If you still want to use real implementation of you REST service and create only one instance and then share it with some test condider using:
get-fixture methods => Use it when you need the same mutable fixture objects in multiple tests, and don't need to clean up after.
withFixture(OneArgTest) => Use when all or most tests need the same fixtures that must be cleaned up afterwords.
Refer to for more details and code examples.
If you want to share the same fixture against multiple Suites use org.scalatest.Suites and #DoNotDiscover annotation (these requires at least scalatest-2.0.RC1)
Pawel's last comment fits well.
It was easier by inheriting from Suite with BeforaAndAfterAll instead of Suites.
import com.typesafe.config.ConfigFactory
import org.scalatest.{BeforeAndAfterAll, Suite}
import net.codingwell.scalaguice.InjectorExtensions.ScalaInjector
class EndToEndSuite extends Suite with BeforeAndAfterAll {
private val injector = {
val config = ConfigFactory.load
val module = new AppModule(config) // your module here
new ScalaInjector(Guice.createInjector(module))
override def afterAll {
// your shutdown if needed
override val nestedSuites = collection.immutable.IndexedSeq(
injector.instance[YourTest2] //...

Remove a default pipeline contributor

What is the preferred way to remove a default pipeline contributor (OpenRasta 2.0.3)?
I haven't found a lot on that on the net, but one way seems to be writing a custom DependencyRegistrar, i.e. deriving from DefaultDependencyRegistrar and then e.g. overriding AddDefaultContributors(). Apart from that I doubt that it's the best way to remove just a single pipeline contributor, it seems to need additional per-host (ASP vs. InMemory) work, whereas I would consider messing with pipeline handlers to be a host-agnostic affair.
But even if I'd go this route, this guy here seems to have tried it without success:
I tried similar things, but so far couldn't make my custom registrar replace the default.
So what's the simplest and best way to remove a default pipeline contributor, preferable in a host agnostic way? Is there a working example somewhere?
No, you just need to derive from the registrar and use the protected members that are available to imperatively remove the types you don't want auto-registered.
The registrar needs to be registered in your container before you provide it to OpenRasta, otherwise the type has been resolved already.
Answering myself with working code snippets as they might be helpful to others.
So it looks like removing default pipeline contributors cannot be done
in a host agnostic way (although I don't see why OpenRasta could not
be modified to allow for easy deletion of handlers in the future).
The 2 classes that need to be written are in fact independent of the
host(s) used:
public class MyDependencyRegistrar : DefaultDependencyRegistrar
protected override void AddDefaultContributors()
// If we remove the only contributor for the 'well-known'
// IHandlerSelection stage, like done above, we need to add
// another one implements IHandlerSelection, otherwise
// we'll run into errors (and what's the point of a pipeline
// without a handler selector anyway?). So let's do that here:
In order to make that Registrar available, we need to create an accessor
like the following, which then needs to be set in the various hosts:
public class MyDependencyResolverAccessor : IDependencyResolverAccessor
InternalDependencyResolver resolver;
public IDependencyResolver Resolver
if (resolver == null)
resolver = new InternalDependencyResolver();
resolver.AddDependency<IDependencyRegistrar, MyDependencyRegistrar>();
return resolver;
For Asp.Net, this seems to work for me:
public class Global : System.Web.HttpApplication
void Application_Start(object sender, EventArgs e)
OpenRastaModule.Host.DependencyResolverAccessor =
new MyDependencyResolverAccessor();
For InMemoryHost, which I use for integration testing and in-process access
of my handlers, I haven't found a way around copying the whole class
InMemoryHost and modifying it to my needs. In fact, we don't need
MyDependencyResolverAccessor in this case, as InMemoryHost implements
IDependencyResolverAccessor already. So here's how it could look like. Only the
last line was actually added to the existing code in InMemoryHost:
public class TwinMemoryHost : IHost, IDependencyResolverAccessor, IDisposable
readonly IConfigurationSource _configuration;
bool _isDisposed;
public TwinMemoryHost(IConfigurationSource configuration)
_configuration = configuration;
Resolver = new InternalDependencyResolver();
Resolver.AddDependency<IDependencyRegistrar, MyDependencyRegistrar>();

How to test Ninject ConstructorArguments using MOQ objects?

I have been doing my first Test Driven Development project recently and have been learning Ninject and MOQ. This is my first attempt at all this. I've found the TDD approach has been thought provoking, and Ninject and MOQ have been great. The project I am working on has not particularly been the best fit for Ninject as it is a highly configurable C# program that is designed to test the use of a web service interface.
I have broken it up into modules and have interfaces all over the shop, but I am still finding that I am having to use lots of constructor arguments when getting an implementation of a service from the Ninject kernel. For example;
In my Ninject module;
My DirEnum class;
public class DirEnum : IDirEnum
public DirEnum(string filePath, string fileFilter,
bool includeSubDirs)
In my Configurator class (this is the main entry point) that hooks all the services together;
class Configurator
public ConfigureServices(string[] args)
ArgParser argParser = new ArgParser(args);
IDirEnum dirEnum = kernel.Get<IDirEnum>(
new ConstructorArgument("filePath", argParser.filePath),
new ConstructorArgument("fileFilter", argParser.fileFilter),
new ConstructorArgument("includeSubDirs", argParser.subDirs)
filePath, fileFilter and includeSubDirs are command line options to the program. So far so good. However, being a conscientious kind of guy, I have a test covering this bit of code. I'd like to use a MOQ object. I have created a Ninject module for my tests;
public class TestNinjectModule : NinjectModule
internal IDirEnum mockDirEnum {set;get};
And in my test I use it like this;
public void Test()
// Arrange
TestNinjectModule testmodule = new TestNinjectModule();
Mock<IDirEnum> mockDirEnum = new Mock<IDirEnum>();
testModule.mockDirEnum = mockDirEnum;
// Act
Configurator configurator = new Configurator();
// Assert
here lies my problem! How do I test what values were passed to the
constructor arguments???
So the above shows my problem. How can I test what arguments were passed to the ConstructorArguments of the mock object? My guess is that Ninject is dispensing of the ConstuctorArguments in this case as the Bind does not require them? Can I test this with a MOQ object or do I need to hand code a mock object that implements DirEnum and accepts and 'records' the constructor arguments?
n.b. this code is 'example' code, i.e. I have not reproduced my code verbatim, but I think I have expressed enough to hopefully convey the issues? If you need more context, please ask!
Thanks for looking. Be gentle, this is my first time ;-)
There are a few problems with the way you designed your application. First of all, you are calling the Ninject kernel directly from within your code. This is called the Service Locator pattern and it is considered an anti-pattern. It makes testing your application much harder and you are already experiencing this. You are trying to mock the Ninject container in your unit test, which complicates things tremendously.
Next, you are injecting primitive types (string, bool) in the constructor of your DirEnum type. I like how MNrydengren states it in the comments:
take "compile-time" dependencies
through constructor parameters and
"run-time" dependencies through method
It's hard for me to guess what that class should do, but since you are injecting these variables that change at run-time into the DirEnum constructor, you end up with a hard to test application.
There are multiple ways to fix this. Two that come in mind are the use of method injection and the use of a factory. Which one is feasible is up to you.
Using method injection, your Configurator class will look like this:
class Configurator
private readonly IDirEnum dirEnum;
// Injecting IDirEnum through the constructor
public Configurator(IDirEnum dirEnum)
this.dirEnum = dirEnum;
public ConfigureServices(string[] args)
var parser = new ArgParser(args);
// Inject the arguments into a method
Using a factory, you would need to define a factory that knows how to create new IDirEnum types:
interface IDirEnumFactory
IDirEnum CreateDirEnum(string filePath, string fileFilter,
bool includeSubDirs);
Your Configuration class can now depend on the IDirEnumFactory interface:
class Configurator
private readonly IDirEnumFactory dirFactory;
// Injecting the factory through the constructor
public Configurator(IDirEnumFactory dirFactory)
this.dirFactory = dirFactory;
public ConfigureServices(string[] args)
var parser = new ArgParser(args);
// Creating a new IDirEnum using the factory
var dirEnum = this.dirFactory.CreateDirEnum(
See how in both examples the dependencies get injected into the Configurator class. This is called the Dependency Injection pattern, opposed to the Service Locator pattern, where the Configurator asks for its dependencies by calling into the Ninject kernel.
Now, since your Configurator is completely free from any IoC container what so ever, you can now easily test this class, by injecting a mocked version of the dependency it expects.
What is left is to configure the Ninject container in the top of your application (in DI terminology: the composition root). With the method injection example, your container configuration would stay the same, with the factory example, you will need to replace the Bind<IDirEnum>().To<DirEnum>() line with something as follows:
public static void Bootstrap()
Of course, you will need to create the DirEnumFactory:
class DirEnumFactory : IDirEnumFactory
IDirEnum CreateDirEnum(string filePath, string fileFilter,
bool includeSubDirs)
return new DirEnum(filePath, fileFilter, includeSubDirs);
WARNING: Do note that factory abstractions are in most cases not the best design, as explained here.
The last thing you need to do is to create a new Configurator instance. You can simply do this as follows:
public static Configurator CreateConfigurator()
return kernel.Get<Configurator>();
public static void Main(string[] args)
var configurator = CreateConfigurator();
Here we call the kernel. Although calling the container directly should be prevented, there will always at least be one place in your application where you call the container, simply because it must wire everything up. However, we try to minimize the number of times the container is called directly, because it improves -among other things- the testability of our code.
See how I didn't really answer your question, but showed a way to work around the problem very effectively.
You might still want to test your DI configuration. That's very valid IMO. I do this in my applications. But for this, you often don't need the DI container, or even if your do, this doesn't mean that all your tests should have a dependency on the container. This relationship should only exist for the tests that test the DI configuration itself. Here is a test:
public void DependencyConfiguration_IsConfiguredCorrectly()
// Arrange
// Act
var configurator = Program.CreateConfigurator();
// Assert
This test indirectly depends on Ninject and it will fail when Ninject is not able to construct a new Configurator instance. When you keep your constructors clean from any logic and only use it for storing the taken dependencies in private fields, you can run this, without the risk of calling out to a database, web service or what so ever.
I hope this helps.

How to inject event handlers into events with Unity

How can I inject (attach) event handlers to .net events of instances created by the Unity IoC container?
Example: I have a class that reports errors via a standard .net event:
class CameraObserver
public event Action<Exception> UnhandledException;
I have another class that is reponsible for handling those events:
class CrashMonitor
public static void HandleException(Exception x)
{ ... }
What I would like to do is to automatically inject the Handler from CrashMonitor to every instance of a CameraObserver like in this pseudocode:
UnityContainer container = new UnityContainer();
.RegisterType<CameraObserver>(new InjectionEvent(UnhandledException));
var observer = container.Resolve<CameraObserver>();
// CrashMonitor.HandleException is now attached to observer.UnhandledException
Is there a way to do this with Unity? I can think of an ugly workaround like deriving from CameraObserver with a special constructor intendend for dependency injection or or a method injection. But that would make the syste more complex (because you have to write code). I would naively expect that you could add a [Dependency] attribute on the event and everything should work.
I have asked the same question in the unity discussion group on codeplex
and the answer is "there is nothing". There is a demo of an EventBroker but what it does is more complex (autowiring of publishers and subscribers). I still think a KISS mechanism to inject events is useful and started to do it by myself.
