I am trying to subscribe to a RabbitMq topic using the PubSub.Subscribe method in EasyNetq with F#. The function subscribeToAppQueueWithoutTopic compiles and works but the subscribeToAppQueueWithTopic function will not compile at all.
let subscribeToAppQueueWithTopic (callback : Subscription<AppEnvelope>) =
bus.PubSub.Subscribe<AppEnvelope>(String.Empty, callback.OnMessageReceived,
(fun (x:ISubscriptionConfiguration) -> x.WithTopic("app.queue")), cts.Token)
Error FS0041 No overloads match for method 'Subscribe'.
Known types of arguments: string * (AppEnvelope -> unit) * (ISubscriptionConfiguration -> ISubscriptionConfiguration) * CancellationToken
Available overloads:
- (extension) IPubSub.Subscribe<'T>(subscriptionId: string, onMessage: Action<'T>, configure: Action<ISubscriptionConfiguration>, ?cancellationToken: CancellationToken) : ISubscriptionResult // Argument 'configure' doesn't match
- (extension) IPubSub.Subscribe<'T>(subscriptionId: string, onMessage: Func<'T,CancellationToken,Tasks.Task>, configure: Action<ISubscriptionConfiguration>, ?cancellationToken: CancellationToken) : ISubscriptionResult // Argument 'onMessage' doesn't match
I found a c# example of subscribing with a topic here EasyNetQ subscription tests which looks like this
x => x.WithTopic("first"),
and thought I could use fun (x:ISubscriptionConfiguration) -> x.WithTopic("app.queue") as equivalent in F#. Alas this will not compile.
Here is an example app showing the problem
open System
open EasyNetQ
open System.Threading
type Subscription<'T> = { OnMessageReceived: 'T -> unit }
[<Queue("appqueue", ExchangeName = "demopappexchange")>]
type AppEnvelope = { Message : obj }
let main argv =
let bus = RabbitHutch.CreateBus("host=localhost")
let cts = new CancellationTokenSource(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(5));
let printMessage message =
printfn "%s" message
let subscription = {
OnMessageReceived = fun (envelope: AppEnvelope) -> (envelope.Message.ToString() |> printMessage )
let sendToAppWithTopic message =
async {
do! bus.PubSub.PublishAsync({AppEnvelope.Message = message}, "app.queue") |> Async.AwaitTask
// bus.Dispose()
} |> Async.Start
let subscribeToAppQueueWithoutTopic (callback : Subscription<AppEnvelope>) =
printfn "subscribe called"
bus.PubSub.Subscribe<AppEnvelope>(String.Empty, callback.OnMessageReceived)
(* ** Will not compile **
let subscribeAsyncToAppQueueWithTopic =
async {
do! bus.PubSub.SubscribeAsync<AppEnvelope>(String.Empty, callback.OnMessageReceived,
fun (x: ISubscriptionConfiguration) -> x.WithTopic "scanservice.queue")
|> Async.AwaitTask
} |> Async.Start
// Will not compile
let subscribeToAppQueueWithTopic (callback : Subscription<AppEnvelope>) =
bus.PubSub.Subscribe<AppEnvelope>(String.Empty, callback.OnMessageReceived, (fun (x:ISubscriptionConfiguration) -> x.WithTopic("app.queue")), cts.Token)
subscribeToAppQueueWithoutTopic subscription |> ignore
sendToAppWithTopic "Testing"
Console.ReadKey() |> ignore
I don't know anything about EasyNetQ, but I think the problem here is that WithTopic returns a reference to the mutated configuration, which you need to explicitly ignore in F# in order to produce an Action<_>, like this:
let subscribeToAppQueueWithTopic (callback : Subscription<AppEnvelope>) =
(fun (x:ISubscriptionConfiguration) -> x.WithTopic("app.queue") |> ignore),
Apparently, the API does this in order to provide a fluent C# interface:
/// <summary>
/// Allows publish configuration to be fluently extended without adding overloads
/// e.g.
/// x => x.WithTopic("*.brighton").WithPriority(2)
/// </summary>
public interface IPublishConfiguration
/// <summary>
/// Sets a priority of the message
/// </summary>
/// <param name="priority">The priority to set</param>
/// <returns>Returns a reference to itself</returns>
IPublishConfiguration WithPriority(byte priority);
/// <summary>
/// Sets a topic for the message
/// </summary>
/// <param name="topic">The topic to set</param>
/// <returns>Returns a reference to itself</returns>
IPublishConfiguration WithTopic(string topic);
From a functional programming perspective, this is a confusing way to do things, but such is life in the C# world, I suppose.
I want to return an HttpResponseMessage, which implements IDisposable, within a Result (or any other discriminated union). However, since Result itself is not IDisposable, I can't use! it like I would for the disposable object itself. What do I do? Can I implement my own DU called DisposableResult that implements IDisposable itself?
Below is an example of what I mean. crawlStuff asynchronously returns Result<HttpResponseMessage, string>. I can't use! the result, leading to a memory leak unless I manually release it.
open System.Net.Http
let crawlStuff (client : HttpClient) : Async<Result<HttpResponseMessage, string>> =
async {
// res is HttpResponseMessage which implements IDisposable
let! res = client.GetAsync("https://ifconfig.me") |> Async.AwaitTask
if res.IsSuccessStatusCode then
Ok res
Error "Something wrong"
async {
use client = new HttpClient()
// Memory leak because result it could carry HttpResponseMessage.
// I want to use! here, but can't because Result<> is not IDisposable
let! response = crawlStuff client
printfn "%A" response
} |> Async.RunSynchronously
Yes, you can implement your own disposable result type, like this:
type DisposableResult<'t, 'terr when 't :> IDisposable> =
| DOk of 't
| DError of 'terr
interface IDisposable with
member this.Dispose() =
match this with
| DOk value -> value.Dispose()
| _ -> ()
Usage would then be:
open System.Net.Http
let crawlStuff (client : HttpClient) : Async<Result<HttpResponseMessage, string>> =
async {
// res is HttpResponseMessage which implements IDisposable
let! res = client.GetAsync("https://ifconfig.me") |> Async.AwaitTask
if res.IsSuccessStatusCode then
DOk res
DError "Something wrong"
async {
use client = new HttpClient()
use! response = crawlStuff client
printfn "%A" response
} |> Async.RunSynchronously
I would've create wrapper around Result, that will dispose underlying values:
let (|AsDisposable|) x =
match box x with
| :? IDisposable as dis -> ValueSome dis
| _ -> ValueNone
type ResultDisposer<'v, 'e> =
val Result : Result<'v, 'e>
new res = { Result = res }
interface IDisposable with
member r.Dispose() =
match r.Result with
// | Ok (:? IDisposable as dis) // causes FS0008, so we have to hack
| Ok (AsDisposable (ValueSome dis))
| Error (AsDisposable (ValueSome dis)) -> dis.Dispose()
| _ -> ()
type Result<'a, 'b> with
member r.AsDisposable = new ResultDisposer<'a, 'b>(r)
And use it this way
async {
use client = new HttpClient()
let! response = crawlStuff client
use _ = response.AsDisposable
printfn "%A" response
} |> Async.RunSynchronously
This solution avoids need to rewrite existing code to DisposableResult and avoids allocations when disposable value is reference type, like in case of HttpResponseMessage. But decompilation shows that F# boxes ResultDisposer, even though it shouldn't :(
Suppose I have a handler that computes some data from a request (e.g. the user ID) and that data is used by subsequent code in the application.
I can think of two methods for passing this data along:
1. Mutate the ctx.Items collection
This would look like this:
let authenticate : HttpHandler =
fun (next : HttpFunc) (ctx : HttpContext) ->
task {
printfn "Authenticating... "
let userID = Guid.NewGuid () // Dummy
printfn "Authenticated as %A" userID
ctx.Items.["userID"] <- userID
return! next ctx
Then to get the data, just do:
let showUser : HttpHandler =
fun (next : HttpFunc) (ctx : HttpContext) ->
task {
let userID = ctx.Items.["userID"] :?> Guid
return! text (sprintf "You are authenticated as %A. " userID) next ctx
2. Build a "wrapper" function (IoC)
This would look like this:
let authenticated (innerHandler : Guid -> HttpHandler) : HttpHandler =
fun (next : HttpFunc) (ctx : HttpContext) ->
task {
printfn "Authenticating... "
let userID = Guid.NewGuid () // Dummy
printfn "Authenticated as %A" userID
return! (innerHandler userID) next ctx
Getting the data is even easier and extra type-safe!
let showUser (userID : Guid) : HttpHandler =
fun (next : HttpFunc) (ctx : HttpContext) ->
task {
return! text (sprintf "You are authenticated as %A. " userID) next ctx
However you lose some composition with >=>.
What approach did the Giraffe designers intend?
What are the trade-offs with each approach?
I was wondering what is the easiest way to stream F# seq in Giraffe. Not much, but here's what I have:
module HttpHandler =
let handlerGuids : HttpHandler =
fun ctx ->
task {
let collection =
seq {
let mutable i = 0
while (not ctx.RequestAborted.IsCancellationRequested) && i <10 do
i <- i + 1
Async.Sleep(2000) |> Async.RunSynchronously
yield Guid.NewGuid()
return! ctx.WriteJsonChunkedAsync collection
let router: HttpFunc -> HttpContext -> HttpFuncResult =
choose [ route "/" >=> handlerGuids ]
I laso have this test in C#
public async void Test1()
using var httpClient = new HttpClient();
httpClient.Timeout = TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(Timeout.Infinite);
var requestUri = "http://localhost:8080/";
var stream = await httpClient.GetStreamAsync(requestUri);
using var reader = new StreamReader(stream);
while (!reader.EndOfStream) {
var currentLine = reader.ReadLine();
But it waits until all guids are generated on the server. Can someone give me some hints? Giraffe documentation says sth about streaming but it is related to files.
I am re-writing a C# ASP.NET Web API application in F#. I have Models and Controllers done and I moved onto MyDependencyResolver that implements IDependencyResolver.
I am having a problem implementing the GetService method, whose signature in C# is:
object GetService(System.Type serviceType)
So I need to return an obj and take a System.Type as a parameter.
This is what I have so far in F#:
type MyDependencyResolver() =
interface System.Web.Http.Dependencies.IDependencyResolver with
member this.BeginScope() : IDependencyScope =
this :> IDependencyScope
member this.GetService(serviceType:Type) : obj =
if (serviceType = typeof<Controllers.HomeController>) then
let homeController = new Controllers.HomeController(arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4)
homeController :> obj
// ???
elif (serviceType = typeof<_>) then
member this.GetServices (serviceType: Type) :IEnumerable<obj> =
let x = new List<obj>()
x :> IEnumerable<obj>
member this.Dispose() =
So if serviceType is of type HomeController I want to return an instance of HomeController, and if it's of any other type I want to return null. How do I do that in F#?
GetService method in C#:
public object GetService(Type serviceType)
if (serviceType == typeof(Controllers.HomeController)){
return new Controllers.HomeController(arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4);
return null;
You could just use Activator.CreateInstance(serviceType) but where do you get the constructor arguments from?
In my projects I use Unity, which is configured as follows:
let private ConfigureUnity (config : HttpConfiguration) =
let rec unityResolver (container : IUnityContainer) =
{ new IDependencyResolver with
member this.BeginScope() =
unityResolver(container.CreateChildContainer()) :> IDependencyScope
member this.GetService serviceType =
try container.Resolve(serviceType) with
| :? ResolutionFailedException -> null
member this.GetServices serviceType =
try container.ResolveAll(serviceType) with
| :? ResolutionFailedException -> Seq.empty
member this.Dispose() = container.Dispose()
config.DependencyResolver <- (new UnityContainer())
.RegisterType<IFoo, FooImplementation>(new HierarchicalLifetimeManager())
.RegisterType<IBar, BarImplementation>(new HierarchicalLifetimeManager())
|> unityResolver
Classes (such as your controllers) are then resolved automatically and Unity will create dependencies (the constructor arguments) for you. Using other dependency injection frameworks should be straightforward.
How would I do this (C#) in F#
public class MyClass
void Render(TextWriter textWriter)
Tag(() =>
textWriter.WriteLine("line 1");
textWriter.WriteLine("line 2");
Tag(value =>
textWriter.WriteLine("line 1");
}, "a");
public void Tag(Action action)
public void Tag<T>(Action<T> action, T t)
A multi-line lambda in F# is just
(fun args ->
The whole code would be something like
open System.IO
type MyClass() as this =
let Render(tw : TextWriter) =
this.Tag(fun() ->
this.Tag(fun(value : string) ->
, "a"
member this.Tag(action) =
member this.Tag(action, x) =
assuming I made no transcription errors. (I used F# function types rather than Action delegates in the public interface.)
If all you want to do is write multi-line lambdas, you can string several statements together using the semi-colon operator inside parenthesis. Example:
(fun () -> (write_line "line 1" ; write_line "line 2"))
(fun val -> (write_line "line 1" ; write_line val))
Though the second example I gave only works if val's type is string.
Caveat: I don't know the particulars of F#. I'm writing this from an Objective Caml background. The languages are very similar, but there may be some differences that make my suggestion slightly wrong. Also, I'm not at a machine with an ocaml or F# interpreter now so I can't check these snippets to ensure that they work.