docker compose building and starting timeout - docker

I have been using my docker compose for a while, but today it's giving me this error for the first time, when I want to start or build my compose:
An HTTP request took too long to complete. Retry with --verbose to obtain debug information.
If you encounter this issue regularly because of slow network conditions, consider setting COMPOSE_HTTP_TIMEOUT to a higher value (current value: 60).
Why this is happening?
I found similar questions like mine, but their solutions won't work for me. I tried restarting my docker and even removing images and containers but I still get this error.
Also my docker compose doesn't include tty variable.

COMPOSE_HTTP_TIMEOUT=300 docker-compose up -d
Please see Compose CLI environment variables for full details.


Docker build hangs immediatly (with minikube and ubuntu, with not many files in the directory)

Upon a fresh start of my ubuntu (on a virtualbox vm), I can build my images normally. Then very inconstantly, it can be the next time I try to build, or the 10th time, it will hang forever after running the command docker build .
Dockerfiles are in directories with 5~10 other files (which eliminates the issue with massive file amount slowing down docker while trying to locate the Dockerfile, as seen on other posts)
If I try to build for a new, very simple, Dockerfile (to eliminate any syntax error), it will also hang whenever it hangs with my project's Dockerfiles.
Beside, I am running minikube --driver=none and my images are used for deployments in kubernetes. (with none driver it's not required to run eval $(minikube docker-env) )
The only reliable fix is to stop the vm on which my ubuntu is running, start it again, and it will consistently allow me to build my images at least one time, then the issue comes back inconsistently.
This fix is quite inconvenient as I need to stop everything I am doing and it takes a bit of time.
I have tried to run docker system prune and to delete all the images already built.
What log could I check to find an issue going on when the build hangs ?
Any idea of the origin of the issue ?
Thanks a lot !
Ok this bug was viscous.
Sometimes when I need to check how my nginx server behave in one of the containers, I open the VM's graphical interface and pop firefox to have a look.
I only figured today that firefox prompt a pop-up after a while, asking for the admin password in order to access the keychain. And turns out docker do not build anything until this pop-up is open. Closing it or filling the password fixed my issue...
On another terminal window, please check the Docker Daemon Log using sudo journalctl -fu docker.service at the time of build command hanging. Also, you can check the list of running processes during the build execution.

`docker build` command hangs for a very long time, other commands work fine

Simple question: After using Docker for about a week, my docker build command gets bogged down and hangs (before anything executes) for about a minute. After staying in this hanging state, it will execute the docker build command with no issues at all and at at the expected speed.
Other Docker commands (like docker run) do not suffer from this "hanging" issue.
Docker Installation info:
Version 18.06.1-ce-win73
Channel: stable
Things I have tried:
docker system prune - This does clear up space, but doesn't speed up my docker build command
Reinstalling Docker on my machine - This does fix the issue, but it reappeared after about a week of using Docker again.
Does anyone else suffer from this issue?
I had the same issue. I solved it moving the Dockerfile to an empty folder, then I executed the docker build command and worked perfectly.
On some other forums people created a .dockerignore file including the any call to git and many other files, but that approach didn't work for me.
Here was the the issue:
The very first line of my Dockerfile (the FROM command) was failing. The "hanging" was caused by a timeout during the attempt to download the base image. I was attempting to download the base image from a location that I needed to set a proxy on my machine for.
So I was mistaken in my original post: The Docker build command wasn't running as expected. It was failing to download the base image due to a missing proxy setting.
2 reasons:
1.If you are building many dockers for hours ..please restart your router if possible as sometimes due to heavy data packets movement the router collapses.
2.Increase RAM ,CPU and Swap of docker engine and restart docker and try to build again.

Do the various caches in Docker on Mac get corrupted?

I am trying to troubleshoot a Dockerfile I found on the web. As it is failing in a weird way, I am wondering whether failed docker builds or docker runs from various subsets of that file or other files that I have been experimenting with might corrupt some part of Docker's own state.
In other words, would it possibly help to restart Docker itself, Reboot the computer, or do some other Docker command, to eliminate that possibility?
Sometimes just rebooting things helps and it's not wrong to try restarting Docker for Mac or do a full reboot, but I can't think of a specific symptom it would fix and it's not something I need to do routinely.
I've only really run into two classes of problems that sound like what you're describing.
If you have a Dockerfile step that consistently succeeds, but produces inconsistent results:
RUN curl || true
You can wind up in a situation where the underlying command failed or produced the wrong output, but the RUN step as a whole succeeded. docker build --no-cache will re-run a build ignoring this, and an extremely aggressive docker rmi sequence (deleting every build, current and past, of the image in question) will clean it up too.
The other class of problem I've encountered involves some level of corruption in /var/lib/docker. This usually has very obvious symptoms generally involving "file not found" or "failed mounting directory" type errors on a setup that you otherwise know works. I've encountered it more on native Linux than Docker for Mac, probably because the DfM Linux installation is a little more controlled and optimized for Docker (it definitely isn't running a 3-year-old kernel with arbitrary vendor patches). On Linux you can work around this by stopping Docker, deleting everything in /var/lib/docker, and starting Docker again; in Docker for Mac, on the preferences window, there's a "Reset" page with various destructive cleanup options and "Reset to factory defaults" is closest to this.
I would first attempt using the Docker 'Diagnose and Feedback option. This generally runs tests on the health of Docker and the Docker engine.
Docker desktop also has options for various troubleshooting scenarios under 'Preferences' > 'Reset' (if you're using Docker Desktop) which have helped me in the past.
A brief look through the previous Docker Release notes.
It certainly looks like it has been possible in the past to corrupt the Docker Engine; there is evidence suggesting the engine has been iteratively fixed since.

Running `docker stack deploy` on a local VM results in "No such image" error even though the image is on the public registry

I'm trying to follow the Docker Get Started guide. Currently I'm at part 4. Everything up until the point
docker stack deploy -c docker-compose.yml getstartedlab
worked well. However, after trying to deploy the services, when I run docker stack ps getstartedlab, I see that the swarm manager keeps trying to restart the containers, since every time they get the error "No such image: username/get-st…" and have their state as "Rejected 6 seconds ago" etc.
I tried to search for solutions a bit but surprisingly it seems that nobody encountered this error before whatsoever. The issue here and a similar section in the Get Started guide talks about situations where one wants to pull from a private registry. However, throughout the tutorial I've been working with the default public registry. All previous steps (e.g. launching the swarm locally, without using virtualbox) worked fine.
Docker version 18.02.0-ce, build fc4de447b5
Virtualbox 5.2.8 r120774
System Kernel: 4.14.25-1-MANJARO
Any idea what might have been the problem?
Surprisingly passing in the flag --with-registry-auth worked even though my repo is apparently on Docker Hub. Not sure what the problem was but maybe the claim that one would only need this flag if they're using a private registry is a bit inaccurate then.

Re-running docker-compose in Windows says network configuration changed

I have docker-compose version 1.11.2 on Windows and using a version 2.1 docker-compose.yml but whenever I try to run something like docker-compose up or docker-compose run a subsequent time, I get an error that the network needs to be recreated because configuration options changed (even if I didn't change anything). I can docker network rm to remove the network, but from other documentation and posts about docker-compose on Linux it seems this is unnecessary.
I can reproduce this reliably but can't really find any further information. Can anyone explain why I keep getting errors to recreate the network (using a transparent driver to download some stuff when building the image, but even using the nat driver gives me a similar error) or at least how to work around it? One of my scenarios is to be able to use docker-compose run on one of the services a couple of times on the same machine as part of cloud build/test.
Turns out this was a bug and was fixed in a subsequent update several weeks ago. I was told by one of the Docker developers that Windows 10 Creators Update was required as well.
