I am coding an algorithmic trading robot and how can I check if the order hit SL on MQL4?
The most robust method is to record then track the trade using its OrderTicket(). Track this until the trade is closed (using OrderCloseTime() to determine when closed). You can then retrieve the OrderClosePrice() and check it against the OrderStopLoss().
For MQL5
If trade hit stoploss or target then it will close automatically
You just need to check position of that symbol.
// trade is closed, now you can take new entry of that symbol.
in my expert i want the distance between (open price-EMA)*2 for take profit?how can i do this in mql4?
i use this formula for buy position but it does not work
Your question references Open Price, but you are using Bid, this is incorrect. You should be using something like the following
int ema_period=20;
double EMA=iMA(NULL,0,ema_period,0,MODE_EMA,PRICE_CLOSE,0);
double take_profit=Ask+MathAbs(iOpen(NULL,0,0)-EMA)*2;
You should also check that your take profit is far enough away from the current price to be accepted by the trade server (using MarketInfo(NULL, MODE_STOPLEVEL)).
I'm scanning through the order list using the standard OrderSelect() function. Since there is a great function to get the current _Symbol for an order, I expected to find the equivalent for finding the timeframe (_Period). However, there is no such function.
Here's my code snippet.
for (int i=orderCount()-1; i>=0; i--) {
if (OrderSelect(i, SELECT_BY_POS, MODE_TRADES)) {
if (OrderMagicNumber()==magic && OrderSymbol()==_Symbol ) j++;
// Get the timeframe here
Q: How can I get the open order's timeframe given it's ticket number?
In other words, how can I roll my own OrderPeriod() or something like it?
There is no such function. Two approaches might be helpful here.
First and most reasonable is to have a unique magic number for each timeframe. This usually helps to avoid some unexpected behavior and errors. You can update the input magic number so that the timeframe is automatically added to it, if your input magic is 123 and timeframe is M5, the new magic number will be 1235 or something similar, and you will use this new magic when sending orders and checking whether a particular order is from your timeframe. Or both input magic and timeframe-dependent, if you need that.
Second approach is to create a comment for each order, and that comment should include data of the timeframe, e.g. "myRobot_5", and you parse the OrderComment() in order to get timeframe value. I doubt it makes sense as you'll have to do useless parsing of string many times per tick. Another problem here is that the comment can be usually changed by the broker, e.g. if stop loss or take profit is executed (and you need to analyze history), and if an order was partially closed.
One more way is to have instances of some structure of a class inherited from CObject and have CArrayObj or array of such instances. You will be able to add as much data as needed into such structures, and even change the timeframe when needed (e.g., you opened a deal at M5, you trail it at M5, it performs fine so you close part and virtually change the timeframe of such deale to M15 and trail it at M15 chart). That is probably the most convenient for complex systems, even though it requires to do some coding (do not forget to write down the list of existing deals into a file or deserialize somehow in OnDeinit() and then serialize back in OnInit() functions).
if (Ask > highest_price) {
double takeprofit=NormalizeDouble(Bid+15*Point,Digits);
double stoploss=NormalizeDouble(Bid-5*Point,Digits);
int ticket=OrderSend(Symbol(),OP_BUY,0.1, Ask,0,stoploss,takeprofit,"My order",0,0,clrGreen); }
Currently this is my code. I want to use custom stop loss and take profit for 5 pips and 15 pips respectively. But i get an error code 130 which is related to that. It only allows me to use the MarketInfo() (eg. the minimum required distance from the price which is actually 0 for EURUSD) to specify take profit and stop loss levels which it does not work with my strategy at all.
I will appreciate your opinion on that.
First of all, 15 Point does not necessary mean 15 pips. If your broker has 5-digit quotes, 15*Point will mean 1.5 pips and that might be too short to the current price.
Next, it is always easier to print the values before asking us. So try to see all values (Bid, Ask, stop loss, take profit) and it might be easy to see the problem.
Last suggestion is that your broker is a ECN broker or behaves like the one. In such a case, try to int ticket=OrderSend(_Symbol,OP_BUY,0.1,Ask,10/*slippage in Point*/,0,0,NULL) and if ok then modify it by placing stoploss and take profit
Here is the code that I thought and tried. I thought that it was the right way to buy and sell for the Fractals signals. But getting buy and sell signals simultaneously.
double UP[],DOWN[];
double fractal_output = iFractals(_Symbol,_Period);
if (UP[1])
if (DOWN[1])
I don't understand how I can plan to buy and sell using the iFractals function indicator in my MQL5. What improvements need to be done?
A double fractal_output should be int not double and initialized in the OnInit(){...} just once, not each tick.
Make sure you understand which fractal is obtained when accessing UP[1] - it seems to be 0,1,2,3,4 (left to right), so you are asking for fractal 3 bars before the current Bar.
Alternatively you can get a value before the current Bar (most probably it is zero until next bar after current starts).
Make sure that you have copied the buffer correctly (it is possible that it is not copied and UP[1] may throw out-of-range error - for that reason CopyBuffer returns a number of elements actually copied (so if CopyBuffer()!=5){print();return;})
What do you expect to see when calling if(UP[1]){} ?
A buffer might take both positive values and EMPTY_VALUE (== 2^31-1).
It is better to check the value of the buffer: if(UP[i]>0){} or if(UP[i]!=EMPTY_VALUE){...}
Do not forget about a special case, when some candle has both an upper and a lower fractal - What to do in that corner-case?
It will open a Long and then open a Short (so it may close the Buy by opening a Short).
Probably you need check the open orders before that or open bar - otherwise you'll have many positions opened during one candle.
Tester will help you find other problems that you could miss when planning the EA.
In the Internet, across many boards one can read that it is impossible to make use of MarketInfo() function in the Strategy Tester. It's the limitation of the platform.
I haven't found on the web any workaround for this. However, since the need is the mother of invention, and my need was to make USDJPY market decisions with EA that depends on the state of EURUSD market I've found the workaround ( which is good enough for me ). I use iMA() with a period of one, and M1 resolution.
The question is: since MetaTrader is able to calculate Moving Average for another currency ( which is surely based on the actual price of the pair! ),Q1: why can't one has access to the current value : directly?
And a follow-up question:Q2: Is there any other ( more accurate ) workaround for this limitation?
REASON: The reason to that question is because of "Tick". Because a "tick" in one currency happens independently from the "tick" of another currency, it is not possible to accurately determine the Price of another currency basing on the current "Tick" of one currency. The iMA is calculated using the OHLC of the M1 candle, and not the actual "Tick" (which is not the same as "Tick" data).
Rephrase: Let's say we are on USDJPY, and this "tick" happens at 12:00:00.210 (12mid-night at the 210th millisecond). When that "tick" happens, the start() event gets triggered. In that function, we look for Bid of EURUSD. However, there is no "Tick" for EURUSD as of that time (the USDJPY and EURUSD do not "tick" at the same time), thus it is not possible to determine the exact price of EURUSD at-that-point-in-time.
There is no workaround because it is impossible to determine the price on the "Tick" level because MQL4's datetime variable is an integer and accurate only to the seconds, and the HistoryCenter>Export are OHLC only.
Your iMA() is as good as it gets.
Q1: was well served by #JosephLee + there is one more option (ref. below)
Q2: deserves a word:
Yes, there is a workaround.
While MetaTrader Terminal 4 has many weaknesses, not worth one's time to spend time here, there are also nice things one can do with it.
Some five years ago, there was a project-need to integrate a distributed-processing for MT4, so as to circumvent it's given weaknesses.
That happened. This way you can benefit from a distributed-processing framework and can have down to a few nanoseconds ( latency-wise ) exact prices of all instruments at will ( based on a remote QUOTE-stream processing ) independently of your localhost MT4.graph _Symbol
Do not hesitate to ask more
welcome to the
Worlds of MQL4
New-MQL4.56789 has an iClose() functionality for multi-currency
Returns Close price value for the bar of specified symbol with timeframe and shift.
double iClose( string symbol, // symbol
int timeframe, // timeframe
int shift // shift
Parameterssymbol[in] Symbol name. NULL means the current symbol.timeframe[in] Timeframe. It can be any of ENUM_TIMEFRAMES enumeration values. 0 means the current chart timeframe.shift[in] Index of the value taken from the indicator buffer (shift relative to the current bar the given amount of periods ago).Returned valueClose price value for the bar of specified symbol with timeframe and shift. If local history is empty (not loaded), function returns 0. To check errors, one has to call the GetLastError() function.
Be cautious on it's use in StrategyTester with a due care taken on error-handling the cases the history data is not in local database and a need to provide a remedy-handling procedures for remote-retrieval from server appears.
Print( "A first date in the history for the EURUSD on the [MT4SERVER] = ",
(datetime) SeriesInfoInteger( "EURUSD", 0, SERIES_SERVER_FIRSTDATE )
Similarly need to provide some measures for cases the above indicated need ERR_HISTORY_WILL_UPDATED appears while the remote-server is not online / market is closed ERR_MARKET_CLOSED / the requested date is already before the SERIES_SERVER_FIRSTDATE etc.
In a corner-case, there is always a possibility to create a special-setup with step-wise updating both local CCY_PAIR and a REMOTE_CCY_PAIR totally independent of a Broker-side equipment status.
All these are important aspects of this new MQL4 feature.