Caption Centered To Image Rather Than Page - latex

There isn't exactly any code here, since I just want to centre \begin{figure} and \end{figure}'s captions to the entre of the image included rather than to the centre of the page, if i centre the image to the left, the caption still appears to the centre of the page (without using minipage as that is the only way i know to do it right now).
Here's an example:
What I get from compiling it:
I want this be centered to the image itself, and not the page, without using minipage.
Here is the source image btw, just some image I found on google

One possible approach using the varwidth package:


latex subfigure not centered

My code is as following but my figures are not centre aligned with captions. How can I fix it?
code result
\caption{Buttons that move selected object in 4 different directions}
\caption{Kitchen is selected and can be moved to where desired}
Here somaia, that's what happens when I tried what you said. fix from comment 1
Your images have the widths 4cm and .8\textwidth, respectively. This means they are smaller than the subfigure around them. To get them centred inside the bigger subfigure, you need to repeat \centering inside the subfigure.
In addition there are missing % at the end of some of your lines. These unprotected line breaks will act like a space, and thus decentre your subfigure by a small amount (probably not noticeable, but when we are already at it...).
Unrelated to your problem: don't specify both the width and the height of the image, this will distort it. At least add keepaspectratio if you really must give both dimensions.
\caption{Buttons that move selected object in 4 different directions}
\caption{Kitchen is selected and can be moved to where desired}
I think you have a problem in \texwidth, you have to choose the 0.5 textwidth for each subfigure
This will solve your problem:
\includegraphics[width=.7\textwidth]{Bloch sphere.PNG}
\includegraphics[width=0.7\textwidth]{Bloch sphere.PNG}
\caption{Buttons that move selected object in 4 different directions}
\caption{Kitchen is selected and can be moved to where desired}

Put two images with different height aligned to the top of the page LaTeX

I would like to create landscape document with two-column pages.
On the left side of each page is located a bigger image (covering more less the left part of page and aligned to the top of the page), on the right side is located smaller image covering about 1/3 on the right side of the page, aligned to the top and with some description below
\captionof{figure}{Example picture proportion 3:4}
\captionof{figure}{Example picture proportion 3:1}
Some extra description on the right side
Actual output:
Desired output:
How to create two images side-by-side aligned to the top of the page as desired?
You can use the valign key (needs the adjutsbox package):
\captionof{figure}{Example picture proportion 3:4}
\captionof{figure}{Example picture proportion 3:1}
Some extra description on the right side

Ignore margins and wrap text when adding pictures in Latex

I would like to add images in the top left/right or bottom left/right in a two-column page while ignoring the margins and having the text wrap around the picture. How can I also extend the solution to include half page images while ignoring the margins and with text wrapping.
I tried tikz package, but the text doesn't wrap around even when I use the wrapfig package.
For example, this is the code I used to insert image on the top left side of the page:
\documentclass[twocolumn, 12pt]{book}
\begin{tikzpicture} [remember picture, overlay]
\node[anchor=north west,yshift=-1.5pt,xshift=1pt]%
at (current page.north west)
This results in the picture at the desired position, but the text is obscured behind the image. Thank you!
Not very pretty, but does the job I think (using geometry package only to get the correct values for top margin):
\documentclass[twocolumn, 12pt]{book}
\begin{tikzpicture} [remember picture, overlay]
\node[anchor=north west]%
at (current page.north west)

How to align the note with the left side of the figure?

I am trying to put notes in the pictures of my work but the notes are getting aligned with the border of the text and not the figure. How to align the note (Fonte: Elaborated by the author (2021)) of the table with the left side of the figure?
\caption{Text tex text.}
\fonte{Elaborated by the author (2021)..}
I would like something similar to the threeparttable environment for tables but that can be used in figures. I thought about the minipage environment but I don't want to specify the width for each figure manually.
Here is an example of how to do it, defining a new caption.
\newcommand{\fonte}[1]{\captionsetup{skip=0.5ex,position=b}\caption*{\textit{Fonte:} {#1}}}
\caption{Example image.}
And the result is:

Figure in Latex is not centering despite using \centering

I am very new to LaTex and am trying to center a figure.
I have tried to use the package float using both [h] and [H], I have tried to add \centering and I have tried to wrap the image in \begin{center} \end{centering} but nothing seems to work.
My full code is as such
\graphicspath{ {images/} }
\caption{grades plot}
This figure does not seem to want to centre
This figure on the compiled document looks as such. If someone could help me understand why this doesn't want to move that would be great:
Your code seems fine, I just added a [width=50mm] in your include graphics and it centered the Figure.
I would check two issues:
Is your figure to larger than the textwidth?
Does your Figure has a white part on its lefthand side?
\graphicspath{ {images/} }
\caption{grades plot}
This figure does not seem to want to centre
