Configuration of "0x1902: Report DTC by Status Mask" in Unified Diagnostic Services (UDS) - can-bus

I am using Read DTC Information(0x19) protocol, Subfunction: 0x02: Report DTC by Status Mask
But my question is specifically related to 0x1902 logic.
I tried to report DTCs by using different status masks. Fo example, 0x19020D and 0x190201 With 190201 request, I can get only failed DTCs, but I don't know the logic behind that?
How can I configure my requests by using status masks? I need main logic of 1902 request. I would appreciate if anyone could help me to understand it. Thanks.
If I would like to filter only failed DTCs, I need to use 190201. I tried and got responses with only active failed DTCs. What if I would like to filter only stored (not active DTCs) anymore?
When requesting the stored DTC(s), we're meaning the old DTC(s), tested ones, so we will not take into consideration bit6 and bit4. So what should the final mask be when asking for DTC ? Is it possible to use 1902AF? I am a little bit confused. I would appreciate if you could reply me.
ECU diag request


Compare two fields with OGC filter in OL3 and GeoServer

I'm using Opeonlayers 3.18 + GeoServer. I can make a ogc filter for comparing a field and a value. How can i compare two fields?
Code below shows what i'm looking for:
var f = ol.format.ogc.filter.greaterThan('Field1', 100); // this works nicely
var f = ol.format.ogc.filter.greaterThan('Field1', 'Field2'); // this doesn't work
Equivalent working CQL filter is: 'Field1 > Field2'
This sort of filtering should work. I'd note that many databases may not have a way to perform that filter in an optimal way, and as such, there's a chance that the handling for such a filter is not correct.
The first thing to check out is if the GeoServer logs have any additional information. For most requests, there are log messages which will provide all the details (including the filter) for the request.
If OL3 is making a non-sense request, there should be some kind of parse error first. If the datastore is having trouble with the request, you might see an exception.
To help further, which version of GeoServer and which datastore are you using? Also, is there additional information in the logs?
Update: Based on the comment below, I checked out the Open Layers 3 source. If you look here, it looks like OL3 is treating the first argument as a properyName and the second as a literal. It is probably worth filling a bug/feature request on the project's GitHub page.

Decoding YouTube's error 500 page

This is YouTube's 500 page. Can anyone help decode this information?
<p>500 Internal Server Error<p>
Sorry, something went wrong.
<p>A team of highly trained monkeys has been dispatched to deal with this situation.<p>
If you see them, show them this information:
(Source: this post on HN)
The debug information contained in the (urlsafe-)base64 blob is likely encrypted.
Think about it from Google's perspective: You would want to display a stack trace, relevant headers of the http request and possibly some internal state of the user session to help a developer debug the situation. On the other hand all that information might contain sensitive information that you don't want the general public to see or that might endanger the user if he copy'n pastes it in a public support forum.
If I was to take a guess of the format I would imagine:
A public identifier of the key used for encryption (their servers could use different keys then)
The debug data encrypted using an authenticated encryption scheme
Additional data for error correction when OCR has to be used
For statistical analysis of the format it would be interesting to sample a lot of these error messages and see if some parts of the message are less random than you would expect from encrypted data (symmetrical encrypted data should follow a uniform distribution).
It looks like you are not the only one who is looking for some secret messages in YouTube error page. It seems that you can decode it using Base64.
Here is how:
In a nutshell:
Sadly, contrary to my expectations, there doesn't seem to be any
hidden messageā€¦ Screw you, highly trained monkeys!
I guess it is just another Easter Egg similar to 'Goats Teleported' performance counter Google Chrome had:
But I guess unless you look like this, you can't be 100% sure.
It's entirely possible that this is random padding to avoid the "friendly" IE error pages that show if your error page does not contain more than 512 bytes of HTML. It would be base64 encoded if it were simply random bytes.
Imho this is all about customer care.
Actually there would be no need to send the error/debug message to the customer, because, I guess, it's already handled internally.
why do we see this?
and why do they crypt it?
and is there really no hidden message for us?
Although the error might be handled and resolved internally, this does not necessarily satisfy a customer, who is not able to use the product. They pretty much do crypt by a good reason as this debug message might reveal more than a typical admin is used to.
And also there is no need to hide a message for us. Why? Because we NEVER stop until we find something.
I think:
internally the error is dealt with
external users might have something in hand to tell a technician if necessary and in return can get an approximation of ongoing problem
All in all nothing special about it and i think linking e.g. to the inf. monkey theorem is a bit overspectulated...
Error 500 means google has a problem which can not resolve. So when reporting a bug the most important thing is to prepare reproduction steps. So I tried to find an answer of the question "When this happens?"
I found this post in reddit:
As resume:
It happens on desktops (www...), it works ok on mobile version (m...)
It happens for authenticated users. For anonymous users is working fine.
The problem is resolved after cookies are cleaned.
So I would give a direction: try to find the key in the session cookie. I hope my 2 cents will help.

Cant update table in using isset

I have a table called settings, when I would change or enter data into the form it did not change the data in the table. In addition on form an image upload file is not running, There may be the wrong code below.
(Solved by me)
Maybe someone can help me Related to this.
What you are doing here is tottaly in secure and your data can be hacked / manipulate really fast.
Why dont you use a framework like codeignighter there are about 100 easy frameworks that will help you manage database a lot easyer.
Are you sure that you are updating the wrond ID? where id = 1, seems to be not dynamic.
Please post your error
I know it is not so related to your question, but you should see these light frameworks:
You're not checking the return status of of your query, so if it's not working you wouldn't know. Do this:
mysql_query("UPDATE settings SET site='$name',keywords='$keys',descrp='$desc',email='$email',fbpage='$fbpage',twitter='$twitter',gplus='$gplus',disclaimer='$disclaimer',template='$template' WHERE id=1")
or die(mysql_error());
Note: mysql_*() is deprecated: you shouldn't use it. Use mysqli_*() or PDO instead.
Also: You are susceptible to an SQL Injection attack. You should escape your input variables with mysql_real_escape_string() (or the equivalent if you switch to mysqli), or consider moving to prepared statements.

How do I know which IBM iLog.NET rules are getting hit during execution?

I'm using the IBM iLog.NET business rule engine (v7r1 or thereabouts) and I can't find why my rules are failing. How do I trace down what's failing, where, and why?
I've got a local object model that's calling out to my rules hosted in an IBM rules service on IIS 6.0.
About half of my rules are configured to modify one of the input objects with a new status code. The code isn't getting set when I think it should but I cannot tell conclusively which rules are getting hit.
I found that the IBM iLog.NET documentation had the answer buried deep, deep within. Persistent Google searching revealed that I can set ILOG.Rules.ExecutionServer.Trace.EventFilterCategories on my ExecutionRequest object before I send it to the server.
ExecutionRequest request = new ExecutionRequest(rulePath);
= ILOG.Rules.ExecutionServer.Trace.EventFilterCategories.All;
ExecutionResponse response = session.Execute(request);
ILOG.Rules.ExecutionServer.Trace.Trace trace = response.Trace;
The serialized trace contains all the inputs and outputs for the call as well as all rules that were triggered during execution and the rules that weren't hit at all.

How to obtain all OIDs from all MIBs

I would like obtain a list of all OIDs in the MIBs that are loaded on a manager and display it to users so that they can choose which MIB object to perform the GET/SET request. I would also like to obtain the syntax and max-access of the object. I'm programming using C++. I want to parse the MIBs to obtain the OIDs, not use snmpwalk. I am trying to use the Net-SNMP MIB_API. I've looked at the manual page but am not clear of how to use the functions to achieve what I want to do.
I see that read_all_mibs() is already called when we call init_mib(). That means I don't need to call read_all_mibs() again, right? Could anyone please guide on what is the next step after init_mib() that I should do.
Any help would be much appreciated. Thanks.
You should look at the apps/snmptranslate.c file for an example of how to walk the loaded mib tree to get information like the syntax and max-access details.
And, no, if you call init_snmp() or init_mib() you don't need to call read_all_mibs()
