Azure DevOps Extension Development - Using GetBuilds API - How to use continuationToken? - azure-devops-extensions

I'm developing an Azure DevOps extension which lists all builds for a project. I'm using GetBuilds API from BuildRestClient class.
I have 1500 builds in my project, when I make above API call it only returns 1000 builds. In order to fetch remaining 500 builds, I know I have to make another API call by passing "continuationToken" parameter to API.
But the question is how to fetch the continuationToken from the first API call?
I tried to look for the solution everywhere, couldn't find any!!
PS: I've tried fetching builds using ListBuilds REST APIs through Postman, able to fetch all 1500 by making two API calls. First API call returns 1000 builds along with continuationToken as part of response header, which is used to fetch remaining builds by passing header value as input parameter to second API call.

As of now, we cannot get the continuationToken as part of GetBuilds API result.
We need to call build List api and parse response header to get continuation token.
Got this workaround from developer community. Check here.


Google Cloud Storage Transfer - Python method for getting status of TransferOperation

There does not appear to be any method in the Python client API for Google's storage transfer service that checks the status of an ongoing transfer operation. There is get_transfer_job, which shows the status of a transfer job itself (and gives the latest operation name). But I can't find any way of getting the status of an actual operation, which is critical.
I know other languages' client APIs (including at least Go and node.js) have this functionality. It may be possible to use a naked REST API request, but we're running into authentication issues. Is there any other way that I'm missing? Any way to call the TransferOperation type directly (such as client.TransferOperation(<transfer_operation_name>)?
There is method available for the same which you can use in the following manner.
GetTransferJobRequest(mapping=None, *, ignore_unknown_fields=False, **kwargs)
Reference Link - Class GetTransferJobRequest

OData in Datafactory

I have a task toget some data from an external supplier.
They have a Rest OData API. I have to connect using a subscription-key(APIKey).
When creating the OData LService, I add an Auth Header: "subscription-key" and in the Value field, I enter my key. After saving, I create a new dataset, and the OData LinkedService, provides me with the remote tables. I can choose the table I want and after that I create a pipeline to copy data from that table to my Azure SQL server.
This works fantastic :-)
However, after closing my browser and re-open it, the subscription key that I have entered earlier on the linked service, is now replaced with stars as it is a securestring. When I now run my pipeline, it will think that my key is the ten stars that have replaced my real key.
What am I doing wrong here ?
Also I would prefer to get my value from the KeyVault, but it seems that this is not possible on ODat connections....
Hope someone is able to provide some insight here :-)
BR Tom
From my testing I did not get any error on re-running. However coming to dynamic keys - I was not able to achieve it using the ODATA linked service.
Alternatively, if you can hit the ODATA endpoint with REST / HTTP Connector
You could - have a Web Activity to get the keys from the Key Vault and Set in the Variable.
WEB Activity URL : https://<your-keyvalut-name><your-secret-name>;
You could access the output of the web Activity using : #activity('Web1').output.value & Store in a variable.
You can reference this variable as the SUBSCRIPTION KEY for the subsequent steps in the REST/HTTP dataset.
You could pass it along the additional headers

Getting 'unauthorized_client' with Power Platform Custom Connector using OAuth2

I am trying to build a Custom Connector in the Power Platform to connect to the BMC Helix (formerly Remedy) system to create work orders and such. I am using OAuth2 and was given a callback URL, auth URL, token URL, client ID and client secret.
I went to create a connector from scratch. I populated the fields, but I wasn't sure what to put for the 'Refresh URL', so I used the token URL there too.
I am trying to accomplish testing this connector and my successful test would be to get a JWT from doing a POST to the /api/jwt/login endpoint of BMC Helix. It should return a JWT which I can use to make subsequent calls.
Upon testing this, I go to create a connection, but a window opens (which I believe should be a prompt for authentication), but instead it contains an error saying 'unauthorized_client' coming back from the BMC Helix system at the /rsso/oauth2/authorize endpoint. It also contains a property within the URL of redirect_uri =
Is there something on the Helix side I need to further configure? Not sure why I am getting this....
It sounds like you need TWO METHODS in your connector. A POST to call the token server, a GET (or another POST) to call the API (using the token received from Call 1).
One approach I've successfully used in the past is:
Use Postman to get your token server call working with OAUTH
Then use Postman to get your subsequent API calls working with the token appended
Save both requests to a single Postman collection
Export the Postman collection (as a V1 (deprecated) if I recall correctly)
Import this collection into PowerApps Custom Connector (create new/import from Postman Collection)
You'll have to massage it a bit after import, but it will give you a good headstart and you're starting from a known-good place (working Postman calls)
Good luck!

Graph Schedule + Shifts API: MS-APP-ACTS-AS header needs to be set for application context requests

I am having issues running a GET against both the schedules and shifts v1.0 API. The documentation on the MS KB doesn't indicate that this is in preview any more, so I'm unsure what we're doing wrong here. The API is running with an app-only auth token
Postman screenshot
Currently we are doing prelim testing via postman to ensure we can use the API correctly.
The app in question has been given the following permissions:
We can view the teamId information correctly at{{TeamId}}, but schedules or schedules/shifts returns the error
Based on a previous answer I saw, I added the MS-APP-ACT-AS header with a UserId to act as, but it returned the same error
Try to use this header instead:
In your question you wrote:
(Missing the 'S')

Returning employeeId of a user through MS Graph API

I've been trying to return the employeeId of a user through the Microsoft Graph API but so far haven't had much luck.
I'm assuming this is probably because it doesn't exist in the metadata for the user in the Graph API so makes sense.
However, the property is populated in Azure AD. If I use the AZ command prompt to query the user I can see the property. Likewise, if I query the old Active Directory Graph API endpoint I can even see it there.
For example, querying{tennant}/users/{upn}?api-version=1.6 directly I receive the employeeId as part of the response (using the ActiveDirectoryClient however seems to ignore this property and doesn't store it anywhere).
Is there any reason for this? Wouldn't it make sense to have it returned as an additional property? I've also looked into extensions, but as it's not an extension isn't returned there.
Any help would be appreciated. I can get the information I need by querying the old endpoint directly, but this seems like a complete backwards step and involves multiple queries to get the information I need - including having to use multiple end points (one of which I assume will be deprecated and removed soon).
EmployeeId is currently a beta feature and is only available in the beta endpoint of the Graph API.
So if you want to access the beta endpoint you just have to change the version to beta in your url. For example:{id|upn}/{tennant}/users/{id|upn}?api-version=beta
For more information about the user-object in the beta endpoint see:
