Graph API to create multiple image post (carusel feature) on Instagram - instagram-graph-api

I'm using GRAPH API to publish instagram posts which do work fine:
To store an image:
POST request to
To publish an Instagram post using the image:
POST request to"
My question is, how can I publish an instagram post containing multiple images that a user can switch between the images with the carusel feature?

Create 2-10 item containers
Create a carousel container containing those item containers
Publish the carousel container
Full instructions and example:

Unfortunately at least at the moment this seems to be impossible as the official documentation states
Posts with multiple images are not supported
I hope this will change in the future

So far, there has been no update from the Instagram Developer's blog. So, I guess we need to wait longer for this feature to be available.


Twitter API, get Tweet as Image

I understand you can get the specific url of a tweet using the Twitter API by creating a url like this
However, is it possible to get an image of a tweet?
I can get media images, but those are just images that people posted in the tweet. I want to know if it is possible to get an image of the tweet itself.
Twitter's API includes the ability to do this with oembed.
This project provides an API for downloading tweets as images:{your_twitter_handle}&id={your_tweet_id}&theme={light_or_dark}&maxwidth={max_width_of_your_tweet_image}&height={height_of_the_image}&lang={language}
Fast forward to 2023 - none of the one above seems to be available anymore.
This library worked flawlessly for me. It is not an web API but works well and has good options:
You can now get images or screenshots of tweets using the #aissistant handle on twitter.
Retweet any tweet with the comment "#aissistant #image" to get an image.
Retweet any tweet with the comment "#aissistant #screenshot" to get a screenshot.
For other options like converting to memes and jokes check out the handle.
Full disclosure: I am creator of the bot behind the handle.

How to get images from instagram with multiple hashtags?

In my iPhone app, I am trying to get images from INSTAGRAM with multiple HASHTAGS. I can able to get images with a single hashtag using following url :
Is there any way to get images with multiple hashtags like CRICKET, FOOTBALL at a time instead of making two calls.
Or Is there any out side API's avialble with this feature?
Please help me in this requirements.
Thanks in Advance.
I'm going to say no. An API spec is entirely up to the company that owns the website (Instagram). So in order to query two tags, they would have to build that into their server as a feature.
You could create your own intermediary server that your iOS app connects to, however, if you really want just one API call on the iOS device.
iOS -> Your server -> makes two calls, one for each tag -> Instagram's server

Twitter Profile Image API deprecated

I am using Twitter API version 1 and replacing them to v1.1.
Then I cannot find users/profile_image/:screen_name API on version 1.1.
Does anyone know which API can be the best practice for replacing users/profile_image?
What I want is list of profile images or simple url with parameter of Twitter ID or screen name.
Maybe this will be useful for you. Those calls return all the info you need, including the image link. If you need only one user's image for a given user_id or user_screen, then you can read more from here: (you can replace followers with friends)
I haven't found a great solution to this yet. The closest thing I have found is the twitter API 1.1 docs for users/show, but that is an authenticated call (requiring a user context) which is rate-limited (180 requests per 15 minutes). They mention this about getting the profile image url on the page about uploading a new photo:
You can either update your local cache the next time you request the
user's information, or, at least 5 seconds after uploading the image,
ask for the updated URL using GET users/show.
I imagine once the 1.0 API is shut off in March 2013, this question will get a lot of votes. :)
There are some hints that twitter is adding methods to their API to aid in retrieving images. We'll have to wait and see.

Is it possible to tag a user/page through Facebook open graph api?

I found this post on SO as well as some other links on the web but they all seem outdated and seem to indicate that FB has not yet exposed this through the Open Graph API and i couldnt find anything to the contrary on the web. I am trying to find a way to post an image to a users wall and be able to tag multiple users in the post title or caption?
Is there still no way to do this through the api or somehow achieve the same result?
Tagging user/page in photo caption
This is not possible through the Graph API, and as far as I know the old #[user_id:0:link_text] is currently unavailable. Sadly I'm going to say that it is not possible at the time of writing this post.
I'll update this post with relevant info if I come across any.
Tagging user/page in Photo
This is possible through the Graph API.
The documentation for how to accomplish what you are looking for is located under the headline "tags" if you follow the link below: - Core Concepts › Graph API › Photo

How do I display clickable wordpress blog post titles in an UITableView for iOS?

I am working on a iOS application in which I would like users to be able to access a table view list of blog post titles. The blog is self-hosted and runs on the Wordpress platform. The blog is linked to a twitter account so that each time a new post goes live, a new tweet is generated with the post title and the url. I was thinking that I could retrieve the twitter feed and insert the tweets into my table but I don't know if that's the easiest/best way to do it. Does anyone have any ideas?
You might want to setup an RSS to UITableView instead of bringing in the twitter API to do the job for you. If you keep the UITableView dependent on the Twitter API, you are inducing an additional, unwanted level of data dependency. Use RSS and update the UITableViews. You could possibly use this: although I'm not sure if this is what you are looking for.
