SIP protocol do not display in wireshark when doing phone call by using linphone - wireshark

I am using linphone to do a voice all between two computers. And I tried to analyze the SIP packet through wireshark but it did not displayed any. I filtred by using the address ip of the other PC. I got UDP, STUN protocols, but always no sip. How can I set correctly set the wireshark or linphone to show the SIP packets? enter image description here

Find out which port LinPhone uses for SIP. Probably 5060. And then check in Wireshark for packets sent to that port.
If LinPhone doesn't use 5060 it might be that Wireshark doesn't recognize the SIP packets and you have tell Wireshark how to decode them, See this stackoverflow answer, but use 'Decode as SIP'.


Capturing packets using wireshark of an IoT device

I have an IoT device that connects to my wifi router using wifi. There is a limitation of capturing network logs on the device itself so I thought to capture it using Wireshark.
I am using windows 10 and downloaded the latest version of Wireshark. Now that my laptop and my IoT device connect to the same network through the same router, I am not able to capture the packets in and out from my IoT device.
I put the filer as ip.addr == {ip of the IoT device). But it shows nothing.
Is it possible to capture these packets using a laptop using Wireshark?
Let me know, please.
Is it possible to capture these packets using a laptop using Wireshark?
Yes, but your capture setup is almost certainly incorrect. In a nutshell, you need to be able to capture packets in monitor mode, and you're not doing that. Whether it's possible to do so using the WiFi card on your laptop is unknown, because not all cards support monitor mode on Windows.
Since it's impractical to provide an answer that simply repeats information already provided elsewhere, I'll refer you to the following sites for more detailed information:
The Wireshark WLAN (IEEE 802.11) capture setup wiki page
Jasper Bongertz's blog about Wireless Capture on Windows
See also my answer to this question, which basically provides the same information.

Internet connection problem from different network for NodeMCU ESP8266 which I am using for IOT home automation

Would anyone like to help me with this problem please?
how to connect/control Nodemcu esp8266 wi-fi module from different network for control iot devices from outside of any home/ house?
Internet connection problem from different network for NodeMCU ESP8266 which I am using for IOT home automation.
Actually, in case of an class project, I have used some code (also coppied some code and took help from some website) from internet and also used Blynk for controll my ESP8266.
But not i want to make a personal app by which app I can control my devices outside from my home.
I have already connected with my WI-FI router with my home network!!
It worked well,
But i don't know how to do the same thing from different netwrok.
If possible I think anyone can help me....
Thank you.
To everyone.
This has been answered in greater detail on both the Arduino and Internet of Things StackExchange sites. In summary:
For safety, it is difficult to start a connection to a device on another local network. Devices on WiFi networks are protected from the Internet by a firewall, which is normally configured to return responses to requests sent by the devices, but block all unsolicited messages. Even if the firewall allows an incoming connection on a given port, "port forwarding" or other custom configurations are needed for unexpected messages to reach one of the multiple devices on the network (the devices usually share the same public IP address of the network and external systems' messages cannot reach the right local address without forwarding by the router).
Any device exposed to unsolicited requests like this is at risk of being attacked and can pose a risk to other systems on the network. It is thus safer to leave the firewall the same and instead make the device subscribe to an external webserver, which acts as a mailbox for incoming messages. Then, you can send requests to the server from anything with an internet connection, and the server will store them and relay them to the ESP8266 whenever the ESP asks. MQTT protocol using a server-side broker program like Mosquitto and a client like PubSubClient on your ESP8266 could work for this sort of publish-subscribe model, and MQTT tutorials and explanations are available both on both tool sites and Stack sites.
You can use Arduino IDE to program ESP8266 device.
After installing ESP8266 in Arduino IDE. You need to connect ESP8266 with WiFi router(which have internet connected). Once your device is connected with a WiFi router. you can MQTT protocol to communicate with the server. You can use the following library in Arduino to implement MQTT client in ESP8266. ESP8266 is used to send and receive data from a different network. ESP8266 is subscribed to a particular topic. You can publish data to that topic from different MQTT client.
Use the Following link to get more familiar with MQTT protocol
You can use MQTTfx desktop application to send and receive data from NodeMcu(ESP8266).
MQTT basic diagram for understanding

Bulletproof HTTP Monitor for iOS

I'm using Charles Proxy and Wireshark to monitor http(s) traffic from various iOS apps I'm using on my iPhone. These apps require me to set the HTTP Proxy under the iOS Wifi settings (let's call these the Proxy Settings).
My business needs to see ALL URL's that are being called from my phone. From all apps. All URL's, not some of them.
Now Charles and Wireshark both work fine and I can see a ton of traffic coming from my phone.
However, I can't help but wonder whether I might be missing some HTTP calls. Maybe calls that don't use the Cocoa Core Foundation libraries as the basis for their networking.
For instance, I could write my own HTTP library out of TCP/IP and these would bypass the Proxy Settings.
So my question is: what is the likelihood that some apps are using custom-rolled HTTP libraries and side-stepping my Proxy Settings. Or worse, they're using raw TCP/IP to communicate with a server. I know it's possible, but do any APIs work this way? Does anyone do it?
I found the answer: Use mitmproxy in transparent mode. proxy is not used. harder to setup because it needs work on the router, but it reliably captures every packet on port 80 and 443 regardless of proxy settings.
Assuming that you are able to keep your device tethered, then you may be able to use the pcap service to monitor all traffic. According to the following paper (2014) the pcap service is running on every iOS device:
"Identifying back doors, attack points, and surveillance mechanisms in iOS devices"
You should be able to connect to it via usbmuxd. I'm not sure whether there is a pre-rolled client for the pcap service. There is a list of services supported by libimobiledevice here. Pcap is not on that list.
Alternatively, you can use wireshark to capture all traffic on your wifi network.

linphone SIP GSM codec

I use linphone open source to develop VOIP app on iOS platform. I use wireshark to capture packet while calling. I want app use GSM codec so I config just using GSM. The problem is when capturing via wireshark, on Message Body/Media Attribute/MIME type field, the value is telephone-event, so I wonder this value is equivalent to GSM or not.
Am I right, I search much on the Internet, but not see any evident proving that.

Real-time Transport Protocol is not used in youtube?

I came across reading about real time protocol in Wikipedia, which mentions the following :
"RTP is used extensively in communication and entertainment systems that involve streaming media"
I was curious about this protocol and wanted to see this in wireshark. I thought might be using RTP when running videos, but was surprised to see that only TCP packets are being sent when a video is being played.
Can someone please tell another free website which implements RTP, so that I will be able to see it in wireshark. (I am actually wanting to explore network optimization opportunity in my server applications by using RTP, since it is ok to loose a few packets)
According to Computer Networks, RTP is the payload of UDP (or TCP) as the book indicates.
Here is a picture from the book:
According to WireShark's wiki, only RTP on UDP could be detected by WireShark. (Thanks to Ralf)
Youtube uses HTTP AFAIK. Also, keep in mind that RTP can be sent over UDP as well as TCP.
An RTSP server can be used to start an RTP media session. I don't know any public servers, but another option would be to download the live555 RTSP server. There are also some example media files. Then all you need to do is build the media server application as well as the openRTSP client and use the client app to connect to the server for the stream. The client can request RTP over UDP, TCP, etc.
Alternatively you could also use Darwin Streaming Server as an RTSP server.
