Using SumProduct With Array Formula in Google Sheet - google-sheets

I have a problem to use sumproduct with array formula in Google Sheet which seems workable in Excel. The formula returns only 1st array value (E8*F8) which what I have to do is to get total sales price from everyday.
Below is the formula I used:
Below is the table view:
My Spread Sheet Link

Try this formula
Or even simpler
=SUMPRODUCT({E8,G8,I8}, {F8,H8,J8})


Column to row formula in Sheets [duplicate]

The Google Sheets formula below is located in column A1 of my Google Sheet. This formula creates data in column A & B. I need to transpose this data into 1 row
The transpose formula successfully transposes the data in the 2 columns to 2 rows, as it should. My question is, will there be a way to transpose two columns of data into 1 single row - I have searched around for a solution for Google Sheets without any Luck.
you can use famous "double query smush" like:

Google Sheets ARRAYFORMULA and SUMIF combination

I recently noticed a mistake in my calculation, and I've identified the root cause of the problem: it seems that I mistakenly used the SUMIF function in Google Sheets' ARRAYFORMULA.
I have the sample spreadsheet here.
I wrote the ARRAYFORMULA function that results in column C, which I thought would be the same with the formula in column B.
The formula in column C:
The formula in column B:
In essence, I want to get the value for each date based on predefined values with their own periods.
Please, use this formula in the cell C3:
I made a new tab called MK.Help and erased all the other formulas. then i put this formula in C3:
Does that work for you?

Arrayformula not working with index and match google sheets formula

I have data in three columns. Column A contains a list of fruits. The second column the rank (1,2,3...) and the third column a list again but this time ordered by preference.
I want to return the rank in the fourth column. I have tried this formula which works as it should but it's returning just one value yet it's an array formula. What could be missing?
Link to my spreadsheet.
Index doesn't work with array formulas so you have to use Vlookup instead:

How to get a value from a different sheet if two cells match in Google Sheets

I'm trying to do something that would be simple in Excel, but in Google Sheets you have to use INDIRECT in a formula to get a value from a different sheet.
All I want to do is pull the value in Sheet1!B2 if Sheet1!A2 equals A2.
I tried it several ways, below are a couple
in Google Sheets you have to use INDIRECT in a formula to get a value from a different sheet
is not correct.
If that does not return the content of Sheet1!B2 then A2 does not equal Sheet1!A2 (even if they look the same).

How to use Sumif using range from a complete different Googlesheet/doc

I know how sumif works when I need to access it within the same Google "workbook" (using the analogy from excel). By workbook I mean a collection of sheets, not sure whether there is a different way to refer to Google workbook.
For example in the sheet (Example 3):
I have Sheet2, with column A contain strings and column B containing numerical value. On sheet 1, I have a sumif function which can be query data stored in Sheet2, and sum the cells which match A1 in Sheet1.
The problem starts happening when I try to refer to ranges in a completely different workbook, which is shown below.
I am trying to do a sumif over 2 ranges from a different "workbook". The data is stored here (Example 2):
The Sumif function is in Cell B1 of the following sheet (Example 1):
From my understanding importrange is typically used to refer to ranges in completely different workbooks, as a result I use importrange as the first and last arguments in the sumif function in the Sheet Example 1.
What am I doing wrong? Why is this not working?
Can anybody help?
Thanks a lot
See if this query does what you want:
=SUM(query( QUERY( Importrange("1P5Inf09fLSRmsGbG7LwlE4V-r7DzqY0SB5tJuMKMZH0","Sheet1!A1:B10") ) , "select Col2 where Col1 contains '"&A1&"'" ) )
