Electron Linux Video Hardware Acceleration - electron

Im having a hard time getting hardware acceleration for videos working in electron running on Linux (ARM64) and Linux (Intel64). Im not sure if this is an issue with the flags electron is using for chromium or if its more an issue at drive level on the host machines. Or maybe it's just not possible. Both machines are running Chromium 95 snap 64 bit.
When running chromium (ARM64) without any flags and running chrome://gpu i get the following:
When running chromium (ARM64) with --enable-features=VaapiVideoDecoder i get the following:
This leads me to believe that when calling chrome with the flag hardware acceleration should be working. Just to add to the complexity of this if i go to youtube and check media it looks like it may still be disabled (even with the flags):
I have read through a number of articles titled 'how to enable hardware acceleration in electron'. Most of which list the following flags to provide:
app.commandLine.appendSwitch('use-gl', 'desktop')
app.commandLine.appendSwitch('enable-features', 'VaapiVideoDecoder')
I have tried all of these but nothing seems to make any difference. When running a video in electron it has the following properties:
Is anyone able to point me in the right direction with this? Thank you.

This has been solved. The main issue was the VaAPI driver needing to be installed on the hardware running the application. Secondly the only flags needed was the following:
app.commandLine.appendSwitch('enable-features', 'VaapiVideoDecoder')


Is there a way to get nomachine to better show the caret in terminal?

Host machine: Debian 10 running NoMachine 7.2.3
Specified H264
User Hardware Encoding enabled
Use Specific Frame Rate enabled (60FPS)
Use Acceleration enabled
Client: Windows 10 running NoMachine 7.2.3
Both machines have monitors attached.
Using NX protocol for connection.
FullScreen / Scale to Window / Desktop is currently 2560x1440 (reduced from native while testing this issue)
Specific issue:
I do a ton of work in the terminal and when viewing desktop via nomachine, the terminal caret is randomly not visible. The same issue is less noticeable with right click menus and other areas of "visual updates in small screen space." If this were another remote desktop vendor I would try to find the "don't update just regions" setting to force the entire display to update regularly, but I can't find similar settings for nomachine. I have a dedicated gigabit connection between the two machines with no other traffic on that line, so bandwidth is not an issue.
To recreate:
I disabled caret blink (using universal access / accessibility settings) so the caret is a solid block in terminal / vi. If I edit a text file in vi and move up and down, the caret will only update visually every other line or so (verified on the physical screen it is moving correctly). Same if I highlight or insert, etc. You inevitably miss a character or so or lose your place).
I have tried changing speed vs quality slider, resolutions, swapping from h264 to VP8, etc.
I have disabled:
multi-pass display encoding
frame buffering on decoding
client side image post-processing
Nothing seems to change this specific issue. Yes I can make dragging a quarter-screen-sized terminal window smoother, but that doesn't help me follow the caret in vi/vim. Both machines are nicely spec'd (client has 16G / RTX2080, server has 32G / GTX1080)
Is there a way to get nomachine to update all the screen all the time, or at least better refresh small areas like a terminal caret?
(OP): Based on a night of troubleshooting, the issue seemed to be either:
An issue with the Debian install of the nvidia drivers
The server machine is a laptop with a broken main screen (but with an HDMI external monitor plugged in). The Debian X-server may have been confused as to whether it was headless or not and caused issues with nomachine (which tries to detect headless and start a virtual session).
The solution to this exact problem would be to disable the GUI and force a virtual session, per https://www.nomachine.com/AR03P00973 (dummy dongles won't work because the laptop's main display is not a standard plug).
In my specific case, I needed GUI access on the server at times so I couldn't use the above methods, and I could not remedy the problem with Debian, so I wiped the system and installed Ubuntu 20.04, which is more forgiving with graphics drivers and monitors. After setting up the Ubuntu system as similarly as possible to the Debian system and letting the proprietary nvidia drivers auto install, nomachine connected at the same resolution and worked perfectly, without the lag in small screen areas.

Debugging corrupted Android Things OS?

Background: We are looking to release a commercial product based on the Android Things OS and Pi 3 hardware. The OS seems to become corrupt over time. Usually after several weeks of continuous testing. By corrupt, the Android screen will no longer appear on startup and putting SD into new hardware does not remedy. We are using an application Factory Image base on the 0.5.1-devpreview created in the Console.
My question: Is there a way to debug or monitor what caused this state in the OS? Direct serial connection?
try to clean the sd card with the diskpart command and start again from scratch.
And to debug, maybe a USB to TTL cable may help. As explained here.

Jmyron and Windows 8

I am running into hardware issues that perhaps someone here knows a workaround. I am using a PC and windows.
For several years I have been making interactive installations using video tracking: the Jmyron library in Processing, which has functioned marvelously for me. I use this set up: cctv type microcameras to a multiplexer, the I digitize this signal via a firewire cable to a pci card. Then Processing reads these quads (sometimes more) as a single window, and it has always worked (from windows xp all the way to 7). Then comes windows 8: Processing seems to prefer the built-in webcam to the firewire bus. On previous version of windows, the firewire bus would naturally override the webcam, provided I had first opened a video capture in Windows Maker, and then shut it down before running the Processing sketch. In Windows 7, which had no native video capture software, I used this great open source video editor called Capture Flux. The webcam never interfered. With Windows 8, no matter what I try, Processing defaults to the webcam, which for my purposes is useless. I have an exhibition coming up real soon, and there is no way I am going to have the time to rewrite all that code for Open CV or other newer libraries.
I am curious if anyone has had similar problems, found a work around? Is there a way of disabling the webcam in Windows 8 (temporarily of course, because I need it to be operational for other applications), or some other solution?
Thank you!
Try this:
type "windows icon+x" choose device manager (or use run/command line: "mmc devmgmt.msc")
look for imaganing devices, find your integrated webcamera
right click on it and choose disable - now processing should skip the device.
Repeat the steps to reenable the device.
Other solution would be using commands in processing:
println (Capture.list()); (google it on processing.org) this way you will get all avaliable devices and you can choose the particular one based on its name.
Hope this helps.

vmware player install hangs? vista 32bit

I am a noob trying to setup my computer so i can make a social networking website.
Sorry if its not kosher to ask here, but Hopefully one of you smart guys can help me.
I want to test some CMS (content management systems), firstly Elgg and then some others.
As far as ive read i can do this by using a virtual machine like VMware Player.
Now originally i wanted to try out Insoshi so i tried to use Cygwin and GitBash (also Putty tools) to download it (with no success). This involved me installing those programs and also trying to get an ssh environment variable working. So i gaveup on that (seeing that Elgg has more support anyhow i thought id try to try that). I uninstalled these programs, deleted leftover directories and deleted the added environment variable.
I also uninstalled DaemonTools (cos i thought it may be conflicting).
Im running Windows Vista 32bit and have always downloaded relevant installs for that system.
My problem is the VMware Player installer isn't doing anything. I launch it and it seems to hang straight away see pic
Am i missing something here?
Vmware page also suggests a virtual appliance (for cloud stuff) which i dont know much about yet. And i think that appliance is installed via the player else an image loader like Daemon Tools. Do i need this appliance first?
Why is the player not installing?
Ive tried both 3.14 and 3.13 build with same result?
I have about 4 gig of space left on my hd and have 3gig of ram.
I have looked at the programs installed on my computer and cant seem to find anything else that might conflict (but i am a n00b) and i also tried pausing my kapersky pure protection. Any help is severely appreciated, thanks.
As I recall there were a couple of conflicts with vmware
A quick look through the vmware forums I see:
virtualPC (no surprise)
nvidia 270.18 beta driver
I also remember there being talk on the forums about a specific executable name which caused issues, but Im struggling to remember what it was.
start regedit.exe
Browse to the following sub-key: HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Internet Settings\Zones\
You should see keys named 0, 1, 2, 3 and 4. In my case I had a folder named "L" before the 0.
Remove the key with "L" (actually it is "└", unicode #2514)
P.S. This is due to Microsoft screws up the registry Internet Zone settings in the registry. With the "└" key, it cause Javascript not to be called from an application.
Got it from here.

webcam access using opencv with processing in an applet or application

I made a small sketch with processing using opencv to face detect and track. But when I export as an application and start it nothing happens, same as an applet. First I exported the applet and thought this must be a security issue, and struggled with some hack for processing to sign your java applet.
With no luck I thought I would atleast be able to run it as an application but no success.
Anyone know what to do?
If you're on OSX 10.6 there is a known bug with the quicktime camera stuff not working in 64-bit mode. Make sure both your install of processing and the exported application are set to run in 32-bit mode.
Right click -> get info -> Open in 32-bit mode
