How to assert a url in cypress - url

Hi i want to assert a url which increases on every save. Say a new job is created the url changes from job/1 to job/2. There is a increment on every newly created job.

or you can also assert specific URL search params like this:
cy.location().should(loc => {
read original docs

You can assert the whole URL with
cy.url().should('eq', 'http://localhost:8000/users/1/edit') // => true
Or just a part of it with
cy.url().should('include', '/users/1/edit') // => true
In your case, you could use:
cy.url().should('include', 'job/')

Verify URL like
cy.url().should('eq', 'http://localhost:8000/users/1/edit')
You can check official cypress documentation here


Cypress unable to save current URL with `as`

My web app generates a UUIDv4 for every new 'post', and each post has its own URL like /posts/<uuid>. I'm not able to predict what uuid gets generated, and therefore I'm unable to go back to a specific post that was created earlier during testing.
According to the docs, cy.url() returns the URL as a string. I tried saving the URL using a .as(), but it didn't work:
// go somewhere else
// ends up visiting `localhost:3000/#postUrl`
I saw in another SO question that I should use .then on cy.url(), but that didn't work either:
cy.url().then(url => url).as('postUrl');
// go somewhere else
How do I save the current URL for use later?
Found the answer buried in later pages of a google search. In order to use the saved URL, use cy.get('#postUrl') and call a .then with a callback that visits that url.
// go somewhere else
cy.get('#postUrl').then(url => {
var currentUrl=''
cy.url().then(url => {
currentUrl = url;

Durable Id assignment in URL not working in lightning

Problem Statement: To auto-populate the lookup field I use durable Id assignment with name. For e.g.
Notice this -> CF00N0l0000051XXX=Contract-00000XXX ~ durableId=recordName In url.
Now, when the user clicks the New button to create a record on the VF page above URL is loaded in classic and populates the Name in lookup like this
Trying to solve: In lightning, URL is getting overridden by this URL Is there a way to achieve the same URL in lightning?
Do you really need it to be an URL hack? Can'y your thing be a quick action? The url prepopulation would be more reliable there and work everywhere.
URL hacking in lightning is bit simpler, you use field API names instead of IDs. These are decent tutorial:,
So, how do you know where you are, in Classic or LEX. Which URL to use? Have a look at UiThemeDisplayed variable, available in Visualforce and in Apex's UserInfo class.
IF($User.UIThemeDisplayed == 'Theme4d' || $User.UIThemeDisplayed == 'Theme4t' || $User.UIThemeDisplayed == 'Theme4u',
'link for lightning',
'link for classic'
Working approach:
Created a controller for VF page:
global PageReference newParty() {
PageReference pageRef;
pageRef = new PageReference('/lightning/o/Party/new?defaultFieldValues=Contract='+contractID);
return pageRef
You can absolutely do this with a button / URL hack in lightning with the Spring '20 release. The URL can use "defaultFieldValues="

Using the Symfony admin generator to let a user manage a subset of record

My first post here, hopefully It will be right! =)
I am creating a site to manage web application development using symfony 1.4 and doctrine.
My records consist for this problem of Project and ProjectFeatures
Now what I want to do is use the admin generator to let users manage the features for one project thru a link constraining all the returned features by project_id, that would look like: http://mysite/member/project/:project_id/features
in my routing.yml configuration, I have:
class: sfDoctrineRouteCollection
model: ProjectFeature
module: memberProjectFeature
prefix_path: /member/project/:project_id/features
with_show: true
column: id
with_wildcard_routes: true
project_id is an existing column in the model ProjectFeature,
I will use a custom query to retrieve features only by that project_id.
Now I can generate a url to link to that admin generator module without error using:
url_for('member_project_feature', array('project_id' => $project['id']))
And the routing system does recognise the url:
May 04 14:30:59 symfony [info] {sfPatternRouting} Match route "member_project_feature" (/member/project/:project_id/features.:sf_format) for /member/project/1/features with parameters array ( 'module' => 'memberProjectFeature', 'action' => 'index', 'sf_format' => 'html', 'project_id' => '1',)
But the admin generator can't generate it's links inside it's templates with that prefix_path and returns error InvalidArgumentException with message The "/member/project/:project_id/features/:action/action.:sf_format" route has some missing mandatory parameters (:project_id).
Any idea?
Well I found my answer at this url:
But I will give it here and shorten it because, stackoverflow is awesome and it should be there for a long time =)
1st - The routing configuration I used in my question is valid.
2nd - You need to add a method in the action file generated by the admin
public function execute($sfRequest)
// taken from
$project_id = $sfRequest->getUrlParameter('project_id'));
$this->project = Doctrine::getTable('ttcWebProject')->find($project_id));
->setDefaultParameter('project_id', $project_id);
if ($id = $sfRequest->getUrlParameter('id'))
$this->getContext()->getRouting()->setDefaultParameter('id', $id);
$result = parent::execute($sfRequest);
return $result;
At this point the url gets generated correctly but here is the last step to get to the end result you most probably want to achieve:
3rd - To get the list by project_id I can either provide a table method in the generator.yml, a default value to the getFilterDefaults or this method in the action file:
protected function buildQuery ()
$q = parent::buildQuery();
$rootAlias = $q->getRootAlias();
$q->andWhere("{$rootAlias}.project_id = ?",
return $q;
I'm not 100% certain about what you're trying to do here, but it sounds like you need the ProjectFeature::toParams method return the project_id.

Changing user agent string in a http request in R

How does one change user agent strings in http requests made in R? And how do I figure out what my current user agent string looks like?
Thanks in advance.
options("HTTPUserAgent") or getOption("HTTPUserAgent") prints your current settings, and options(HTTPUserAgent="My settings") is the way to change it.
To temporary change this option use: withr::with_options:
withr::with_options(list(HTTPUserAgent="My settings"), download.file(..something..))
or Droplet answer if you use download.file.
The solution using options() in the accepted answer will change the setting globally for the whole session (unless you change it back).
To change the User-Agent temporarily in a request made by download.file(), you need to use the headers argument:
destfile = "test.txt",
headers = c("User-Agent" = "My Custom User Agent"))
Since R 4.0.0, you can also use this argument in available.packages() and install.packages() and it will be forwarded to download.file().

Pass an & as Part of a Route Parameter

Unfortunately I need to accept a route parameter with an & in it. I have this route definition. The id parameter will sometimes have an & in it like this X&Y001.
new { controller = "UserAdministration", action = "EditAffiliate", id = ""}
I have tried working around this issue in the following ways however none of them have worked. All of these result in an HTTP 400 Bad Request error in the browser.
This gives me Edit
<%= Html.RouteLink("Edit", "AffiliateEdit", new { id = a.CustomerID }) %>
This gives me Edit
<%= Html.RouteLink("Edit", "AffiliateEdit", new { id = Url.Encode(a.CustomerID) }) %>
This gives me Edit
the only thing I can think of (which is a "dirty" solution) is to encode the & yourself. for example something like ##26##.
make sure to check the decoding algorithm only decodes the & ids and not some id that happens to contain ##26## for example.
A better solution depending on db size is to change the offending ids in the database.
