How to improve automation of running container's base image updates? - docker

I want all running containers on my server to always use the latest version of an official base image e.g. node:16.3 in order to get security updates. To achieve that I have implemented an image update mechanism for all container images in my registry using a CI workflow which has some limitations described below.
I have read the answers to this question but they either involve building or inspecting images on the target server which I would like to avoid.
I am wondering whether there might be an easier way to achieve the container image updates or to alleviate some of the caveats I have encountered.
Current Image Update Mechanism
I build my container images using the FROM directive with the minor version I want to use:
FROM node:16.13
COPY . .
This image is pushed to a registry as my-app:1.0.
To check for changes in the node:16.3 image compared to when I built the my-app:1.0 image I periodically compare the SHA256 digests of the layers of the node:16.3 with those of the first n=(number of layers of node:16.3) layers of my-app:1.0 as suggested in this answer. I retrieve the SHA256 digests with docker manifest inpect <image>:<tag> -v.
If they differ I rebuild my-app:1.0 and push it to my registry thus ensuring that my-app:1.0 always uses the latest node:16.3 base image.
I keep the running containers on my server up to date by periodically running docker pull my-app:1.0 on the server using a cron job.
When I check for updates I need to download the manifests for all my container images and their base images. For images hosted on Docker Hub this unfortunately counts against the download rate limit.
Since I always update the same image my-app:1.0 it is hard to track which version is currently running on the server. This information is especially important when the update process breaks a service. I keep track of the updates by logging the output of the docker pull command from the cron job.
To be able to revert the container image on the server I have to keep previous versions of the my-app:1.0 images as well. I do that by pushing incremental patch version tags along with the my-app:1.0 tag to my registry e.g. my-app:1.0.1, my-app:1.0.2, ...
Because of the way the layers of the base image and the app image are compared it is not possible to detect a change in the base image where only the uppermost layers have been removed. However I do not expect this to happen very frequently.
Thank you for your help!

There are a couple of things I'd do to simplify this.
docker pull already does essentially the sequence you describe, of downloading the image's manifest and then downloading layers you don't already have. If you docker build a new image with an identical base image, an identical Dockerfile, and identical COPY source files, then it won't actually produce a new image, just put a new name on the existing image ID. So it's possible to unconditionally docker build --pull images on a schedule, and it won't really use additional space. (It could cause more redeploys if neither the base image nor the application changes.)
[...] this unfortunately counts against the download rate limit.
There's not a lot you can do about that beyond running your own mirror of Docker Hub or ensuring your CI system has a Docker Hub login.
Since I always update the same image my-app:1.0 it is hard to track which version is currently running on the server. [...] To be able to revert the container image on the server [...]
I'd recommend always using a unique image tag per build. A sequential build ID as you have now works, date stamps or source-control commit IDs are usually easy to come up with as well. When you go to deploy, always use the full image tag, not the abbreviated one.
docker pull
docker stop my-app
docker rm my-app
docker run -d ...
docker rmi
Now you're absolutely sure which build your server is running, and it's easy to revert should you need to.
(If you're using Kubernetes as your deployment environment, this is especially important. Changing the text value of a Deployment object's image: field triggers Kubernetes's rolling-update mechanism. That approach is much easier than trying to ensure that every node has the same version of a shared tag.)


Making sure the "platform" part of a 3rd party image from DockerHub is up-to-date

I would like to use other peoples images from DockerHub. I trust the applications that the containers are for and I trust the maintainers to update the DockerHub image if their application gets an update. I however do not trust them to docker build --pull every time the baseimage they use gets an update (for example when they use FROM debian:bullseye-slim in their Dockerfile).
What I want: to check continuously that everything (including the "platform" aka the Debian baseimage in this example) is up to date without building everything myself (if possible).
My main problem: There seems to be no way to check a base image from a pulled docker image (see Docker missing layer IDs in output and other stackexchange questions about the same thing). Therefore I cannot automatically and generally compare the layers of the image from my running container with the upstream baseimage (or even the date of the last update of the application image with that of the baseimage).
Is there a way to do what I described above? Or do I really have to
a) fully trust the maintainer of the DockerHub image to have their build pipeline in check or
b) build everything myself (in which case: why would there even exist a DockerHub instead of a DockerFile-Hub)?
If that may be relevant: This is sort of a extension of this older question:

How do I get the last push of an image with the x.x tag if I already have an old push of an x.x image?

In 2019, I made a pull image of Python 3.6. After that, I was sure that the image was self-updating (I did not use it actively, I just hoped that the latest pushes themselves were pulled from the repository or something like that), but I was surprised when I accidentally noticed the download/creation date is 2019.
Q: How does image pull work? Are there flags so that the layer hash/its relevance* is checked every time the image is built? Perhaps there is a way to set this check through the docker daemon config file? Or do I have to delete the base image every time to get a new image?
What I want: So that every time I build my images, the base image is checked for the last push (publication of image) in the docker hub repository.
Note: I'm talking about images with an identical tag. Also, I'm not afraid to re-build my images, there is no purpose to preserve them.
You need to explicitly docker pull the image to get updates. For your custom images, there are docker build --pull and docker-compose build --pull options that will pull the base image (though there is not a "pull" option for docker-compose up --build).
Without this, Docker will never check for updates for an image it already has. If your Dockerfile starts FROM python:3.6 and you already have a local image with that name and tag, Docker just uses it without contacting Docker Hub. If you don't have it then Docker will pull it, once, and then you'll have it locally.
The other thing to watch for is that the updates do eventually stop. If you look at the Docker Hub python image page you'll notice that there are no longer rebuilds for Python 3.5. If you pin to a very specific patch version, the automated builds generally only build the latest patch version for each supported minor version; if your image is FROM python:3.6.11 it will never get updates because 3.6.12 is the latest 3.6.x version.

How to apply a security patch to an existing docker image?

IF there is a docker image using a particular base image is running as a container and there is a new security upgrade for the base image. What is the best practice to apply that security patch to the docker image.
Also how to know if there is a security patch available for the base image .
Let's say that you have a Dockerfile that is based on an image called "Base:latest" and you've built an image called "MyImage:latest:latest"
If "Base:latest" has updated with security updates, you need to rebuild your "MyImage:latest".
Containers are image instances, so if you need the security updates that need to be reflected in a container, the container should be re-created based on the "MyImage:latest" image.
Notice that you wouldn't want to use the "latest" tag for base images in production, because you won't be able to reproduce the same deployed environment, so the best practice is to use a specific version tag like "1.0". If an update is available, you'll need to updated your Dockerfile from "Base:1.0" to "Base:1.1".
So if your image is based on another image and you want to run security updates without waiting for a new and updated version of the base image, you can run a security update command in your Dockerfile and make sure to rebuild your image occasionally and recreate the container.
You could probably automate this process using tools like Watchtower by automatically rebuild your image on a regular basis and then recreate your container.
Another option is to run automated updates in the container level, probably by using a script that runs every day, but you should take into consideration the impact on the running process load-wise (networking, cpu, etc.)

Docker base image update in Kubernetes deployment

We have a base image with the tag latest. This base image is being used for bunch of applications. There might be some update on the base image like ( OS upgrade, ...).
Do we need to rebuild and redeploy all applications when there is a change in the base image? Or, since the tag is latest and the new base image also will be with the tag latest, it will be updating in the docker layer and will be taken care without a restart?
Kubernetes has an imagePullPolicy: setting to control this. The default is that a node will only pull an image if it doesn’t already have it, except that if the image is using the :latest tag, it will always pull the image.
If you have a base image and then some derived image FROM my/base:latest, the derived image will include a specific version of the base image as its lowermost layers. If you update the base image and don’t rebuild the derived images, they will still use the same version of the base image. So, if you update the base image, you need to rebuild all of the deployed images.
If you have a running pod of some form and it’s running a :latest tag and the actual image that tag points at changes, Kubernetes has no way of noticing that, so you need to manually delete pods to force it to recreate them. That’s bad. Best practice is to use some explicit non-latest version tag (a date stamp works fine) so that you can update the image in the deployment and Kubernetes will redeploy for you.
There are two levels to this question.
If you use something like FROM baseimage:latest, this exact image is pulled down on your first build. Docker caches layers on consecutive builds, so not only will it build from the same baseimage:latest, but it will also skip execution of the Dockerfile elements untill first changed/not-cached one. To make the build notice changes to your baseimage you need to run docker pull baseimage:latest prior to the build, so that next run uses new content under latest tag.
The same goes for versioned tags when they aggregate minor/patch versions like when you use baseimage:v1.2 but the software is updated from baseimage:v1.2.3 to v1.2.4, and by the same process content of v1.2.4 is published as v1.2. So be aware of how versioning for particular image is handled.
When you use :latest to deploy to Kubernetes you usually have imagePullPolicy: Always set. Which as for Docker build above, means that the image is always pulled before run. This is far from ideal, and far from immutable. Depending on the moment of container restart you might end up with two pods running at the same time, both the same :latest image yet the :latest for both of them will mean different actual image underneath it.
Also, you can't really change image in Deployment from :latest to :latest cause that's no change obviously, meaning you're out of luck for triggering rolling update, unless you pass version in label or something.
The good practice is to version your images somehow and push updates to cluster with that version. That is how it's designed and intended to use in general. Some versioning schemas I used were :
semantic (ie. v1.2.7) : nice if your CI/CD tool supports it well, I used it in Concourse CI
git_sha : works in many cases but is problematic for rebuilds that are not triggered by code changes
branch-buildnum or branch-sha-buildnum : we use it quite a lot
that is not to say I completely do not use latest. In fact most of my builds are built as branch-num, but when they are released to production that are also tagged and pushed to registry as branch-latest (ie. for prod as master-latest), which is very helpful when you want to deploy fresh cluster with current production versions (default tag values in our helm charts are pointing to latest and are set to particular tag when released via CI)

How to prevent docker images on docker hub from being overwritten?

Is there any way to prevent images being uploaded to docker hub with the same tags as existing images? Our use case is as follows.
We deploy to production with a docker-compose file with the tags of images as version numbers. In order to support roll-back to previous environments and idempotent deployment it is necessary that a certain tagged docker image always refer to the same image.
However, docker hub allows images to be uploaded with the same tags as existing images (they override the old image). This completely breaks the idea of versioning your images.
We currently have work-arounds which involve our build scripts pulling all versions of an image and looking through the tags to check that an overwrite will not happen etc. but it feels like there has to be a better way.
If docker hub does not support this, is there a way to do docker deployment without docker hub?
The tag system has no way of preventing images been overwritten; you have to come up with your own processes to handle this (and h3nrik's answer is an example of this).
However, you could use the digest instead. In the new v2 of the registry, all images are given a checksum, known as a digest. If an image or any of its base layers change, the digest will change. So if you pull by digest, you can be absolutely certain that the contents of that image haven't changed over time and that the image hasn't been tampered with.
Pulling by digest looks like:
docker pull debian#sha256:f43366bc755696485050ce14e1429c481b6f0ca04505c4a3093dfdb4fafb899e
You should get the digest when you do a docker push.
Now, I agree that pulling by digest is a bit unwieldy, so you may want to set up a system that simply tracks digest and tag and can verify that the image hasn't changed.
In the future, this situation is likely to improve, with tools like Notary for signing images. Also, you may want to look at using labels to store metadata such as git hash or build number.
Assuming you have a local build system to build your Docker images: you could include the build number from your local build job in your tag. With that you assure your requirement:
... it is necessary that a certain tagged docker image always refer to the same image.
When your local build automatically pushes to docker hub it is assured that each push pushes an image with a unique tag.
