Jenkins - how to test jobs/scripts/any other configuration modifications - jenkins

As devOps engineer I am doing lot of modifications in jenkins jobs/scripts/other configurations.
I am trying to find a strategy to check my modifications.
The status now is that problems comes when users use the jobs.
I cant run All the jobs every time, and part of them affect production.
Any idea?


Github actions, docker and testing

I have a couple of questions about devops/docker/github actions.
I'm pretty new to all of this, seen some full implemented projects but I'm missing some "parts".
I'm trying to set up a "complete project" myself, just for exercise/training and getting familiar with everything.
For now, I have 3 branches: dev, uat and master.
I work on dev (it's the default branch). I create a local branch of the dev branch and push my local changes to that branch.
Every time I finish a job (let's say user login functionality), I push this to uat.
Some customers get access to the uat server and are able to test these new functionalities. After they accepted the changes, everything from uat goes to master (which is the live server).
So far so good I guess, and if I miss something or there are things I can do better please let me know!
What my questions are:
If I push changes to the dev branch, it should automatically test these changes before I'm able to open a pr to the dev branch, is this possible with Github Actions? Or do I interpret the things I read on the internet wrong?
When things are tested during this push, do I have to spin up a Docker container? Or do I test these things on the ubuntu VM given by Github Actions? What is the best practice?
I know there is the possibility to do both, but what is considered best practice?
Does someone has an example? Or a tutorial/blog about this? I'm trying to connect the dots but I'm a little stuck...
Cheers and many thanks for the help!
1 - This video explains it simple and quick
2 - If you deploy it using docker, test it using docker
3 - see 1
This other video is also a really nice tutorial that uses docker.

versioning and deployment of application configuration files to server

We use visual svn for version control. I have few cloud web servers where my websites are running.
I would like to create some repositories for the websites content. I checkout them in local editors (notepad ++), edit them and checkin to SVN. But when check-in to visualSVN, I would like them to get deployed to the webservers docroot. In some cases I would like to restart the webserver too.
Is it possible using Jenkins+deployment plugins. I am very new to jenkins, can somebody help me with some information how we can achieve this.
It is one of the scenarios Jenkins is designed for (Continuous Delivery, aka. CD). Your perfect plan might look like this:
Get a new instance of Jenkins up/running (for experiments) (if you're familiar with Docker it is one of the best ways to experiment with Jenkins);
Configure Subversion Plugin in Jenkins (integration with SVN);
Setup your first FreeStyle job in Jenkins that polls your Visual SVN server for changes (things you check-in to SVN) and learn how that works (* * * * * <~-
this polls changes from your source control an every minute, great for experiments);
Setup your second FreeStyle job that connects to one of your webservers (probably via SSH) and creates a file (simple "touch hello_world.log" is great to start with) in a special folder dedicated for that kind of tests (DO NOT MESS WITH YOUR PRODUCTUION CONTENT FOLDER(s));
Setup your third FreeStyle job that combines your experiences acquired in #1 and #2, and still writes to a test folder;
Compare results of the job output with your production deployment expectations (eq. files in place, content is processed the right way, configuration files are looking good and etc.);
Try it out on one of the production web servers, one folder/site at a time;
Apply your newly crafted delivery pipeline to the rest of servers/sites;
Learn how backup your Jenkins instance and actually make your first backup;
Try to restore your Jenkins instance from the backup made in the previous step;
Decide whether it is okay for you to maintain your own Jenkins instance or you will be better off with a hosted version of it (CloudBees Inc.);
Learn more about Pipeline in Jenkins and possibly (because it is not immediately obvious) migrate your FreeStyle job(s) to Pipeline DSL
and/or Jenkinsfile;
At times you might need to get back to "Get Started with Jenkins" manual and look up for the ideas or answers, it is okay - do not give up and feel free to post your questions here, at SO.
Hope these ideas will help you to get started.

How to post jenkins job result in jira?

I am running jobs in Jenkins. I want to share the Jenkins job result in Jira. I have tried various plugins but failed to achieve my objective.
If you also want to use this feature, you need to supply a valid user id/password. If you need the comment only to be visible to a certain JIRA group, e.g. Software Development, enter the groupname.
Now you also need to configure jobs. I figured you might not always have write access to the JIRA (say you have a Jenkins build for one of the Apache commons project that you depend on), so that's why this is optional.

Jenkins: Tracing the history of unsaved new test definition (copied from another test definition)?

Recently, in our enterprise production setup, it seems someone has tried to setup a new job / test definition by using another (copying) from identical job. However, (s)he seems to have NOT saved (and probably, am guessing here, closed the browser with the session being lost).
But the new job got saved though it was not set to stable or active; we knew about this because changes uploaded to gerrit, started failing in this newly setup partial job (because, these changes were in certain repos that met certain TDD settings).
Question: Jenkins system does not have trace of who setup the system in 'configure versions' option. Is there anyway to know the details of who setup the job / when was that done ?
No, Jenkins does not store that information by default.
If your Jenkins instance happen to be running behind an Apache or Nginx web server, there might be access logs that can help you. To find out when the job was created you could look at when its config.xml file was created/modified.
However, there are a few plugins that can add this functionality so that you won't have this problem again:
JobConfigHistory Plugin – Tracks changes in your job configurations and gives the ability to restore old versions.
Audit Trail Plugin – Keeps a log of who performed particular Jenkins operations, such as configuring jobs.

How can I incorporate a long delay into a Jenkins build process?

I am using Jenkins to deploy changes to a system which manages and runs lots of different jobs which are scheduled daily. We have a staging setup which does not write to the real database, and a production setup which does.
The Jenkins flow I would like to have a happen when a change is pushed is this
Run checks.
Deploy to the staging system.
Wait 24 hours.
Check logs to make sure that the staging system has not had any errors in the last 24 hours.
Deploy to the production system.
There could be more than one of these builds running concurrently at any time - eg. I push changes at 11 am, they are deployed to staging. At 5 pm I push more changes and they are also deployed to staging. The next day at 11 am the first set of changes only are deployed to prod. At 5pm that day the second set of changes are deployed.
Now, I have managed to build a system which does this, by using the Build Flow Plugin, and creating a job called wait_one_day which runs sleep $((24 * 60 * 60)) in a bash shell.
This doesn't seem like the most elegant solution, and has the disadvantage that I am tying up two Build Executors for 24 hours (one for the build flow job, and one for wait_one_day), each time we make a change.
Is there any better way of doing this, or any plugin which is designed to help with this process? Can a Jenkins job schedule another Jenkins job to run as a one-off?
I would equally be happy to hear about an alternative approach to solve the same problem if anyone has any suggestions or constructive criticism of my design.
There was similar SO question recently that I answered, although I'm not sure that my answer there exactly fits your scenario.
You could potentially dynamically create a job that does steps 4 & 5 which would run periodically every 24 hours. The catch here is that you would actually only run this job once, and have a build step in that job that deletes itself (groovy code or shell script). It would be easy enough to create a deactivated template job that you could just clone and then modify for the particular task. An intermediary job would be necessary which would trigger upon completion of any job that runs steps 1 and 2. The intermediary job would then create the temporary job from the template.
Alternatively, you could create some sort of handler, either within jenkins or external that would run off of some properties file or database containing the scheduling for when jobs need to be fired off. Granted, if you are going to go the route of writing a handler, you might consider putting in a little extra effort and writing a jenkins plugin...
