Our team uses a shared Google Drive map to store our projects. In the past we used 'Backup & Sync' to synchronize and map it to a local logical drive letter on windows. This worked fine.
But recently 'Backup & Sync' was discontinued and replaced by 'Google Drive for Desktop'. This works in a different way. Everything is basically stored in the cloud with an option for offline access.
Unfortunatly not all software works well with this though. One particular issue we have is with C++ Builder. When trying to build a project it fails with the following messages:
[ilink32 Warning] Warning: Failed to create state file H:/My Drive/Foobar/Win32/Debug/Foobar.ils (error code 1224)
[ilink32 Warning] Warning: Unable to perform incremental link - performing full link...
[ilink32 Warning] Warning: Failed to create state file H:/My Drive/Foobar/Win32/Debug/Foobar.ils (error code 1224)
[ilink32 Error] Error: Unable to perform link
I'm looking for a fix or workaround.
I am trying to copy all the files from one project to a new project which run on .net standard 2.0 but encountered an error for xamarin.ios
Error MT5210: Native linking failed, undefined symbol:
_kMSDataBaseDataType. Please verify that all the necessary frameworks have been referenced and native libraries are properly linked in.
It must be something to do with linking but not sure how what it refer to
My dynamic library uses LuaJIT which requires setting the following flags to build 64bit macOS application.
-pagezero_size 10000 -image_base 100000000
However, if I add these flags on my Xcode project and build it, I get the following error.
ld: -pagezero_size option can only be used when linking a main executable
I guess it's because I'm building a dynamic library and not an executable which is the host program that loads the library.
Is it possible to set these flags for my host program which is already built as a binary?
I followed the instructions on how to add 3rd party libraries and implement native interfaces (all 3 parts, not just this first one). I am getting build errors that seem related to these interfaces, but after deleting the files, I am still getting the following error:
The following build commands failed:
CompileC build/Build/Intermediates/ArchiveIntermediates/MyApp/IntermediateBuildFilesPath/MyApp.build/Release-iphoneos/MyApp.build/Objects-normal/armv7/native_org_myapp_InterfaceTestPDFImplCodenameOne.o MyApp-src/native_org_myapp_InterfaceTestPDFImplCodenameOne.m normal armv7 objective-c com.apple.compilers.llvm.clang.1_0.compiler
I have removed the org folders from each of the native folders. What can I do to get rid of this error?
I am building an app with Xamarin.Studio for Mac. I added a library for reference than I removed it. Now when I am trying to build the application for iOS it give me this error:
/Users/crs/Projects/time.al/iOS/MTOUCH: Error MT5209: Native linking error: warning: directory not found for option '-L../../../Downloads/googleiosanalytics-' (MT5209) (time.al.iOS)
But I have removed this kind of library. Any idea how to remove this error
I'm using system() to call an executable binary that runs perfectly fine in the terminal, but does not work in the iOS simulator. I get a runtime error.
The error that I'm getting is:
dyld: unloaded: /software/evpath-4.dev/lib/libcmselect.so
dlopen() failed, error: 'dlopen(libcmselect.so, 1):
Library not loaded: libcercs_env.1.dylib
Referenced from: /software/evpath-4.dev/lib/libcmselect.so
Reason: image not found'
Failed to load required select dll.
Search path includes '.', '/usr/local/pkg/working/evpath_base/nightly_build_area/evpath/build', '/software/evpath-4.dev/lib' and any default search paths supported by ld.so
I also have the source code for the binary. I imported all the header files and all the libraries pertaining to the source code. It also builds successfully, but when I try and execute it, it gives me the same error.
Gaurd Malloc is unchecked and I've tried adding a Run Script in the Build Phases that sets all the environments that would have been set given I had run it in a terminal shell.