IBStoredProc does not commit insert if returns data? - delphi

I have a stored procedure which insert/update, and then returns result.
create or alter procedure sp_update_system_sticker (
i_sticker_id integer,
i_file_name file_name_type,
i_sticker_name item_name_type,
i_group_id integer)
returns (
o_result integer)
system_stickers s
s.file_name = :i_file_name,
s.name = :i_sticker_name,
s.fk_stickers_groups = :i_group_id
s.id = :i_sticker_id;
o_result = -1;
I am setting it in Delphi in a IBStoredProc, and execute it as follow:
procedure TDataModule_.updateSystemSticker(stickerId, groupId: integer;
stickerName, fileName: String);
r : Integer;
with IBStoredProc_UpdateSystemSticker do
Transaction.Active := true;
ParamByName( 'I_STICKER_ID' ).AsInteger := stickerId;
ParamByName( 'I_GROUP_ID' ).AsInteger := groupID;
ParamByName( 'I_STICKER_NAME' ).AsString := stickerName;
ParamByName( 'I_FILE_NAME' ).AsString := fileName;
Anyway it does not commit the result into the database.
If I remove the returns - it start to commit.
How to execute and commit properly stored procedure with IBStoreProc which returns results ?

The problem is the presence of SUSPEND. This makes your stored procedure a selectable procedure, and not an executable procedure. When you use a selectable procedure, then all work done since the previous fetched row will be undone when the cursor is closed (which happens on commit). If you fetched nothing, this means that it is as if no work was performed by the stored procedure*.
In other words, you need to remove the SUSPEND (an executable stored procedure outputs a single row immediately on execute without having to wait for a fetch).
I don't program Delphi, so I can't comment on the specifics of getting results in Delphi.
*: Recent versions of Firebird can prefetch rows, so this might not be entirely accurate

Since you made it a "selectable stored procedure" by adding SUSPEND PSQL statement - just do a select from it.
Use regular TIBQuery instead of TIBStoredProc with a command like
select * from StoredProcedureName( :input_param1, :input_param2, :input_param3 )
I would not recommended to use IBExpress to directly call stored procedures in Firebird. Interbase turned up to have a bug in stored procedures execution, AFAIR something wrong with errors handling. To counter it IBX team added an intentional bug of executing SPs twice (under some conditions), which usually (not always) neutralized the Interbase bug. When Firebird team fixed the server bug - this IBX counter-bug started breaking data. IBX team refused to revert to normal behavior for Firebird databases as Firebird was considered competitor to Interbase.
Equally, IBX would not support Firebird-specific changes made after Interbase 6.x/Firebird 0.9 split. For example:
client DLL name change to avoid collision: it became fbclient.dll or fbembed.dll from gds32.dll, however IBX only supports the legacy name. It is hardcoded and can not be changed. If you have IBX sources you may patch it and recompile the library - but why bother?
Firebird's new datatypes like 64-bit integer and boolean. Again, if you have IBX sources...
Firebird's new APIs are not supported.
That said, there is an IBX add-on library by Dmitry Loginov, IBX FB Utils, and it has a number of rather comfy wrappers, on top of IBX. It alone might be a good pro-IBX argument.
FPC (FreePascal) folks started IBX fork they named IBX2, which would hopefully have first-class support for Firebird. I do not know about quality and development speed of it, but i suspect it might appear an easiest migration route out of IBX, or not.
Personally for Firebird-centric Delphi projects i prefer opensource UIB (Unified Interbase) library. However
Being "lean thin API wrapper" it is not TDataSet derived, albeit having a read-only TDataSet wrapper and trying to keep API closely resembling one of TDataSet.
being Henri's Delphi project it has little documentation (tests and examples mostly) and is abandoned by the author (albeit some other guy was adding patches later)
it has neat features like SQL scripter component (but you might need to extend it to support all Firebird new SQL commands, at least i did it to support FB2's MERGE) and for RECORD in SQLQuery do... loop (albeit you can extract it and make it into a separate add-on over any your DB library of choice)


when packing a dbf table, an error is file is in use

When trying to make a request, it displays an error:
File is in use
How can I solve that program?
procedure TForm1.Button4Click(Sender: TObject);
var data,ffg:string;
adoquery2.SQL.text:='Delete from g_rabn where data=data';// deleting data from g_rabn
procedure TForm1.Button5Click(Sender: TObject);
adoquery3.SQl.text:='pack table g_rabn';// packing tablr g_rabn
I can not delete data from the table, they are marked as deleted but require packaging. How to do it programmatically? He writes that file is in use when packing what to do?
You should execute the statement, not open it as a query. One way to achieve that, is to run it using an TADOCommand, not an TADOQuery, or use the ExecSQL method of the TADOQuery.
Also, all other connections to the DBF must be closed, otherwise you can't get the exclusive access that you need for packing the table.
I found this thread from 2005 on another forum, where somebody made this work with two notable parameters:
Using the provider VFPOLEDB.1
Using just the command pack filename.dbf (without the table keyword).
Lastly, I'm not so sure about the line ShowMessage(SysErrorMessage(GetLastError));. This will show you the last API error, but that's on a low level. You are using the ADO components, so if anything is going wrong, you should expect ADO to throw an exception. For all you know ADO already worked around the issue one way or the other, and the error message you're seeing is not even relevant.
I am surprised that I could not get the solution suggested in Golez Troi's answer
to work, especially as it refers to a newsgroup post from someone who had seemingly managed to pack a dBASE table using ADO; as I said in a comment, if I try to call 'Pack xxxx' to pack a dBASE table via ADO, however I do it, I get
I was also surprised to notice something in the MS ODBC dBASE docs that I'd not noticed before, namely that the MS ODBC driver for dBASE files requires the BDE
Accessing dBASE ISAM files through the ODBC Desktop Database Drivers requires installation of the Borland database engine
So, seeing as accessing dBASE files via Ado requires the BDE anyway, there seems to me to be
no point avoiding using the BDE to pack the dBASE table using the standard BDE method, namely to call DbiPackTable. I added a TDatabase and TTable
to my ADO test project, after which I was able to execute this code without any problem
procedure TForm1.Button2Click(Sender: TObject);
// Insert code here to close any Ado object (TAdoConnection, TAdoCommand, etc) pointing
// at the dBASE table/file
// Also check that not Ado object pointing at it is open in the IDE
// Then ...
Database1.DatabaseName := 'MADBF2';
Database1.Connected := True;
Table1.TableName := 'MATest.Dbf';
Table1.Exclusive := True;
// Following uses a call to DbiPackTable to pack the target table
Check(DbiPackTable(Table1.DBHandle, Table1.Handle, nil, nil,True));
Database1.Connected := False;
FWIW, while I was writing this answer, I noticed that the BDE.Int file (which gives the declarations but not the implementation of the BDE interface) was on the D7 distribution CD but was apparently not installed by default).

Method in Delphi to set database connections to disconnected upon compile

Is there a method or compiler directive or some way of assuring certain components, such as queries or database connections get set to active=false or disconnected when you run a build/compile? Seems so often these are turned on by something else and you don't notice it until its too late.
My particular install is Delphi 7
The Set Component Properties feature of GExperts is able to do that.
i think the best option would be to subclass stock connection component and in your own one override .Loaded method like that
if not csDesigning in Self.ComponentState then
if not Self.ActiveInDFM {new boolean published property} then
if Self.Active then Self.Active := false;
By (ab)using Delphi Form Designer stupidness you can use it even without actually installing your new component into IDE Palette - just give it the same name as to the stock component class, then put your own method as last in the form's interface-uses list: thus in design-time you would have stock component and when compiling it would be transparently substituted with your own one.
Or you can sub-class it right above the very form declaration like (for another component):
TPanel = class(ExtCtrls.TPanel)
TForm1 = class(TForm) ....
I guess this approach might be seen as analogue to aspect-oriented programming, using limitations of IDE in developer-benefitting way.
Another approach might be some script, that cleans .Active properties in DFM on save or before build, but this way is complex for
i may be harder to integrate with stand-alone build severs (new script for each different CI framework tried)
it would reset Active property for design-time as well. This is a proper thing to do, from rigorous point of view. Yet this might be not very convenient.
You may just use similar code in your Form's and DataModule's .Loaded method (you would have to override it instead connection's method then).
You can copy-paste the same code into every Form's Loaded method.
procedure TMyForm.Loaded; // override
var c: TComponent; i: integer;
for i := 0 to Self.ComponentsCount - 1 do begin
c := Self.Components[i];
if c is TCustomConnection then
with TCustomConnection(c) do // Hate those redundant typecasts!
if Connected then Connected := false;
if c is TDataSet then
with TDataSet(c) do // Delphi could took a lesson from Component Pascal
if Active then Active := false;
if c is ... // transactions, stored procedures, custom libriaries...
This seems to be less sly way - thus most reliable. Yet that is a lot if copy-paste, and if you would later add some new component or library, that may ask for modifying copy-pasted code in all the forms.
You may centralize this code in some MyDBUtils unit into global procedure like Disconnect(const owner: TComponent); and then
procedure TMyForm.Loaded; // override
var c: TComponent; i: integer;
This approach also has drawbacks though:
This would make MyDBUtils unit tightly coupled with all and every the database-related libs and components you might use. For large inherited projects, consisting of different binary modules, historically based on different db-access libraries and in process of migration, thus pulling all the access libraries into every binary module.
It can be overcome by ad hoc DI framework, but then the opposite can happen: you risk under-delivering, you may just forget to inject some library or component handler into the project that actually use it or got modified to use it.
If your form would have some components, whose connectivity should NOT be reset (object arrays as datasets, in-memory tables, in-memory NexusDB or SQLite databases, etc), you'd have to come up with ad hoc non-obvious convention to opt them out.
In my applications, I set my connection's Tag property to 1 at design time. In the OnBeforeConnect event, I check Tag, and if it is equal to 1, I abort the connection and set it to 0.

Handling of Unicode Characters using Delphi 6

I have a polling application developed in Delphi 6.
It reads a file, parse the file according to specification, performs validation and uploads into database (SQL Server 2008 Express Edition)
We had to provide support for Operating Systems having Double Byte Character Sets (DBCS) e.g. Japanese OS.
So, we changed the database fields in SQL Server from varchar to nvarchar.
Polling works fine in Operating Systems with DBCS. It also works successfully for non-DBCS Operating systems, if the
System Locale is set to Japanese/Chinese/Korean and Operating system has the respective language pack.
But, if the Locale is set to english then, the database contains junk characters for the double byte characters.
I performed a few tests but failed to identify the solution.
e.g. If I read from a UTF-8 file using a TStringList and save it to another file then, the Unicode data is saved.
But, if I use the contents of the file to run an update query using TADOQuery component then, the junk characters are shown.
The database also contains the junk characters.
PFB the sample code:
stlTemp : TStringList;
qry : TADOQuery;
stQuery : string;
stlTemp := TStringList.Create;
qry := TADOQuery.Create(nil);
//stlTemp.SaveToFile('D:\DelphiUnicode\1.txt'); // This works. Even though
//the stlTemp.Strings[0] contains junk characters if seen in watch
stQuery := 'UPDATE dbo.receivers SET company = ' + QuotedStr(stlTemp.Strings[0]) +
' WHERE receiver_cd = N' + QuotedStr('Receiver');
//company is a nvarchar field in the database
qry.Connection := ADOConnection1;
with qry do
The above code works fine in a DBCS Operating system.
I have tried playing with string,widestring and UTF8String. But, this does not work in English OS if the locale is set to English.
Please provide any pointers for this issue.
In non Unicode Delphi version, The basics are that you need to work with WideStrings (Unicode) instead of Strings (Ansi).
Forget about TADOQuery.SQL (TStrings), and work with TADODataSet.CommandText or TADOCommand.CommandText(WideString) or typecast TADOQuery as TADODataSet. e.g:
stlTemp: TWideStringList; // <- Unicode strings - TNT or other Unicode lib
qry: TADOQuery;
stQuery: WideString; // <- Unicode string
TADODataSet(qry).CommandText := stQuery;
RowsAffected := qry.ExecSQL;
You can also use TADOConnection.Execute(stQuery) to execute queries directly.
Be extra careful with Parametrized queries: ADODB.TParameters.ParseSQL is Ansi. If ParamCheck is true (by default) TADOCommand.SetCommandText->AssignCommandText will cause
problems if your Query is Unicode (InitParameters is Ansi).
(note that you can use ADO Command.Parameters directly - using ? chars as placeholder for the parameter instead of Delphi's convention :param_name).
QuotedStr returns Ansi string. You need a Wide version of this function (TNT)
Also, As #Arioch 'The mentioned TNT Unicode Controls suite is your best fried for making Delphi Unicode application.
It has all the controls and classes you need to successfully manage Unicode tasks in your application.
In short, you need to think Wide :)
You did not specified database server, so this investigation remains on our part. You should check how does your database server support Unicode. That means how to specify Unicode charset for the database and the tables/column/indices/collations/etc inside it. You have to ensure that the whole DB is pervasively Unicode-enabled in every its detail, to avoid data loss.
Generally you also should check that your database connection (using database access library of choice) also is unicode-enabled. Generally Microsoft ADO, just like and OLE, should be Unicode-enabled. But still check your database server manual how to specify unicode codepage or charset in the connection string. non-Unicode connection may also result in data loss.
When you tell you read some unicode file - it is ambiguous. What ius unicode file ? Is it UTF-8 ? Or one of four flavours of UTF-16 ? Or UTF-7 ? Or some other Unicode Transportation Format ? Usual windows WideChar roughly corresponds to legacy UCS-2 and is expected be BOM-stripped Intel-Endian flavour of UTF-16. http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/windows/desktop/ms221069.aspx
If the file is surely that flavour of UTF-16, then you can load it using Delphi TWideStringList or Jedi CodeLibrary TJclWideStringList. Review you code that you never work with your data using string variables - use WideString everywhere to avoid data loss.
Since D6 was one of buggiest releases, i'd prefer to ensure EVERY update to Delphi is installed and then install and use JCL. JCL also provides codepage transition functions, that might be more flexible than plain AnsiStringVar := WideStringVar approach.
For UTF-8 file, it can be loaded by TWideStringList class of JCL (but not TJclWideStringList).
When debugging, load lines of the list to WideString variable and see that their content is preserved.
Don't write queries like that. See http://bobby-tables.com/ Even if you do not expect malicious cracker - you can yourself make errors or meat unexpected data. Use parametrized queries, everywhere, every time! EVER!
See the example of such: http://docs.embarcadero.com/products/rad_studio/delphiAndcpp2009/HelpUpdate2/EN/html/delphivclwin32/ADODB_TADOQuery_Parameters.html
Check that every SQL VARCHAR parameter would be ftWideString to contain Unicode, not ftString. Check the same about fields(columns).
Think if legacy technologies can be casted aside since their support would only get harder in time.
7.1. Since Microsoft ADO is deprecated (for exampel newer versions of Microsoft SQL Server would not support it), consider switching to 'live' data access libraries. Like AnyDAC, UniDAC, ZeosDB or some other library. Torry.net may hint you some.
7.2. Since Delphi 6 RTL and VCL is not Unicode-ready, consider migrating your application to TNT Unicode Components, if you'd manage to find their free version or purchase them. Or migrating to newer Delphi releases.
7.3. Since Delphi 6 is very old and long not-supported and since it was one of buggiest Delphi releases, consider migrating to newer Delphi versions or free tools like CodeTyphoon or Lazarus. As a bonus, Lazarus started moving to Unicode in its recent beta builds, and it is possible that by the end of migration to it you would get you application unicode-ready.
7.4 Migration might be excuse and stimulus for re-factoring your application and getting rid of legacy spaghetti.

Getting Delphi 7 to play with SQL Server Compact 3.5

We have an old application that was written in Delphi 7. It is currently connected to an old Oracle Lite database that is being retired. The powers that be have chosen to move the data to a Microsoft SQL Server Compact database instead. After sepending a good amount of time moving everything over to the SQL CE database, I am now tasked with getting the Delphi application to play nice with the new databases.
The people who are supposed to be smarter than I am (my boss), tell me that I should be able to simply modify the connection and everything should be back in order. However, I have been banging my head against my monitor for two days trying to get the ADO connection in the Delphi application to work with our new SQL CE database.
A slightly simplified example of what I'm working with:
The connection is made in a global object with a TADOConnection named "adoConn":
procedure TGlobal.DataModuleCreate(Sender: TObject);
adoConn.ConnectionString := 'Provider=Microsoft.SQLSERVER.CE.OLEDB.3.5;Data Source=path\db.sdf;';
adoConn.Connected := True;
Shortly after this, a procedure is called to populate some messages. In an effort to trouble shoot the application, I've simplified the code to make a simple query and show the results in a message box. The procedure receives a parameter for the SQL string, but I'm ignoring it for now and manually inserting a simple select statement:
procedure Select(const SQL: string);
adoQuery : TADOQuery;
adoQuery := TADOQuery.Create(nil);
adoQuery.Connection := Global.adoConn;
adoQuery.SQL.Text := 'select * from CLT_MESSAGES';
While not adoQuery.Eof do
// Here I just created a MessageDlg to output a couple of fields.
Everything compiles just fine, but when I run the application I get the following error:
"Multiple-step operation generated errors. Check each status value."
I've done some additional trouble-shooting and found that the error is happening at adoQuery.ExecSQL. I've tried several different versions of the connection string and a couple different ways of trying to query the data, but it all ends up the same. I either can't connect to the database or I get that stupid "Mutliple-step" error.
I appreciate, in advance, any assistance that can be offered.
Don't use ExecSQL for queries that return recordsets.
Set either the AdoQuery.Active property to True or use AdoQuery.Open to execute a SELECT statement.
After changing your code we see the real error which is DB_E_OBJECTOPEN.
After digging deeper it seems that this is a known bug in the OLE DB provider and nvarchar fields bigger than 127 characters.
these references seem to confirm this:
SO: SQL Server Compact Edition 3.5 gives "Multiple-step operation generated errors" error for simple query
ref1: http://www.tech-archive.net/Archive/SQL-Server/microsoft.public.sqlserver.ce/2008-07/msg00019.html
ref2: https://forums.embarcadero.com/thread.jspa?messageID=474517
ref3: http://social.msdn.microsoft.com/Forums/en-US/sqlce/thread/48815888-d4ee-42dd-b712-2168639e973c
Changing the cursor type to server side solved the 127 char issue for me :)

DataSnap Limits Inbound Request to 16k

I built a DataSnap server with Delphi XE2 that implements TDSHTTPService. When the inbound request comes in, TIdIOHandler.InitComponent is called in a thread before execution is handed to the method called in TServerMethods. I do not have any Indy components in the server, so DataSnap is using Indy 10 under-the-hood.
.InitComponent() sets the IO handler's max line length to a hard-coded value (FMaxLineLength := IdMaxLineLengthDefault;), which is 16384. I can't find a way to increase the value. I even tried copying the IdIOHandler Unit to the project folder and changing the constant value. But it still picks up the IdIOHandler.dcu from the Indy 10 build, and ignores the copied file in my project folder. I also tried adding a TIdIOHandlerStream component to the server project and setting its MaxLineLength to no avail.
Plan A = Properly set the MaxLineLength value in the DataSnap server.
Plan B = Somehow compile a modified IdIOHandler.pas file into my project.
Are either of these possible? I've been working on this for hours and can't find anything similar in all my searching, and can't seem to make any headway by experimenting.
After recompiling all Indy packages in Delphi XE3, having changed the IdMaxLineLengthDefault constant to 512 * 1024, and working as expected after that, I began searching for the simplest solution to this problem. So, I found out this an easy workaround for this limit.
You can implement a procedure for the OnContextCreated event of the TIdHTTPWebBrokerBridge object used in the main unit of the DataSnap REST Server project. In that event, the AContext object is received, which is created for each request to the DataSnap server. So, in the code for this procedure you just have to override the default value for this property as follows:
procedure TForm1.FormCreate(Sender: TObject);
FServer := TIdHTTPWebBrokerBridge.Create(Self);
{Here you assign the new procedure for this event}
FServer.OnContextCreated:= OnContextCreated;
procedure TForm1.OnContextCreated(AContext: TIdContext);
AContext.Connection.IOHandler.MaxLineLength:= 512*1024 {or whatever value you need);
Short of removing the Delphi XE2 install of Indy 10 and downloading the source, tweaking the constant values and compiling / maintaining my own build forever going forward..., I solve the issue.
I created an additional method in the DataSnap server so that I could create a record in the database with a call to the first method, and then incrementally stream the rest of the data by passing it to the second method 16k at a time -- buffering it in the DataSnap server until all parts are received. Then I update the record in the database with the fully buffered value from the DataSnap server.
Maybe not the most effective solution, but it works and it will scale as needed.
