Processing stuck at 7 percent - dailymotion-api

I'm trying to upload a video using the API. I can successfully authenticate, upload and create a video and receive a video id. But when I query the processing status using{VideoId}?fields=status%2Ctitle%2Cpublishing_progress URL, it keeps returning "publishing_progress": 7 no matter how long I wait.
If I try to upload the same video using the website directly it will process it just fine.
I wonder if anyone else has encountered this issue and know how to solve it.

I think there is an issue with the source URL you associated to the video.
Have you correctly filled the URL field at the video creation (STEP 4.) with the URL returned by the API when you uploaded your video (on STEP 3.)?
If so, you would encourage you to contact our support with more details to dig further into possible issues


How can i upload video to Twitter using IOS

I have a local video link, and i want when the user press the button -> show twitter app with my video and title there (without using UIActivityViewController), just by pressing the button
You have to choose which way you want to go to upload a video, i.e. post a tweet with just that title you've mentioned.
Option 1
Use the HTTP API and create a URLRequest that contains the video as 'attachment'. You have to handle authentication first or the request will most likely fail.
Option 2 (Not really an option anymore)
Another way would be the iOS SDK provided, as given in the other example here. Problem is: there is no longer an official Twitter SDK for iOS. You could try your luck with the archived OpenSource SDK but maintainability is pretty decent with this.

Videos Uploaded with rails ActiveStorage to AWS S3 are downloaded instead of playing when calling (clicking) on the link generated

this is kinda tricky.. let's make this clearer :
I'm using a ruby on rails app as back-end for my mobile application, when i upload a video from my ruby app Dashboard and store it on AWS S3 Storage it works perfectly, and when i retrieve the URL for the video it works as well , the thing when i click it it automatically download the video instead of playing it, i checked the meta data of the object inside my AWS Console it has the ( System defined Content-Type video/mp4 ) but as the attached screenshot show it doesn't recognize it as a video (as type is - as of null )
my response is always as JSON since i use the ruby app for the web services and the dashboard only ( i get the correct response )
PS: the video uploaded manually from the AWS Console plays when u open the link.
this is the difference between the video uploaded using my ruby app and the video uploaded manually which is highlighted in red
Look into how to set S3 Content Disposition with the library you're using. You'll need to probably do this when you're uploading the file, or you might be able to coerce it at request time when generating the link to the asset.

YouTube data API change video id

I need to change video I'd, so the URL got changed. Is it possible? As far as I can see from docs - its not supported... So is there any other way to change video URL programmatically?
When I uploaded video i received URL: Now (next day) I want to keep uploaded video on server, but i don't want URL to be available anymore, but the original video should be available on (new url) and so on...
Of course I know that i can reupload video and delete original one but i dont like that solution.
Sorry, I don’t think so. The video id is a very important identifier for YouTube and it’s very unlikely that they give you control over it.

Youtube API v3 upload get Video Link

I am new to the Youtube API.
I am trying to use it to upload a file through my page on youtube.
Everything is working, and the File gets uploaded.
Now i want to display the link to the Video, so i can save it in the database. Its also enough if i can log it in the console and make an ajax call to save in the db.
The point is, i dont know how to get it.
I am using exactly the code form here:
You have it already, it's the video id in the response after you upload.
Then the url is like this -

Is it possible to set the content rating using the YouTube .NET API w/ Direct Upload?

If I'm upload some items that should have a content rating, how can I set that via the API?
Here's some tidbits of the code:
Dim newVideo As Video = Nothing
newVideo = New Video()
newVideo.Title = title
That's a part of it, can we set the rating ourselves within the API or is that functionality not there yet?
Also, if a video is blocked or flagged worldwide, do YouTube provide that in the upload successfully response, if a video uploads okay, I can get the ID, but can I also check to see if there's any complaints? I will ignore the Duplicate response for now. But I am more worried about the flagged or block as you only get three strikes.
Setting content rating isn't supported via the API.
If a video is not playable for any reason, including the reasons you mention, it will have an explanation of the problem in yt:state:
