Ruby On Rails | Blocked Host: localhost - ruby-on-rails

I've been stuck on this issue for literally hours just trying to find the answer to this.
I start with the Mac Terminal $ rails s and it loads puma & works fine until I run into the problem attached in the picture below.

Are you running on a Ruby on Rails version that was released on the afternoon of 2021-12-14 – like,, and 7.0.0.rc2?
Then you should just update to the versions released later in the night because those versions had a bug in their default configuration
There was a bug in the default configuration of the previous release such that requests in development with a port number wouldn’t be considered “authorized” requests. Requests to “localhost:3000” should work in this new version.
Updating Ruby on Rails to any of these versions,, and 7.0.0.rc3 should fix the bug.
Update: There was another bug in versions and regarding requests to and custom hosts. Therefore you need to update to Rails or which were released on 2021-12-15 to finally fix this issue.


Postgres issue when upgrading from Rails 4.1.16 to 4.2.0

Rails 4.2 AR apparently is dependent on version 0.15 of pg. When I try to build my app with it I get "Failed to build gem native extension.". Problem lies with "checking for PQconnectionUsedPassword()". In order to get past this point, I upgraded my installation of Postgres, as it did not support that function. SO I installed the multi-version edition of Postgres, migrated my data to a 10.0 server, and then tried again. Same result. How can I fix this?
It seems like the native extension builder of the gem installation process is still seeing info from the old Postgres installation (or at least not seeing info from the new installation). How do I get it to see the new one (before you ask, the new one is running and the old one has been stopped? There is a header file that declares PQconnectionUsedPassword in one of the files within my new Postgres app, but I don't know exactly how that process works, so I don't know how to check if we're using the correct folder.

Why am I getting 404 error after Ubuntu upgrade?

OK, I'm planning on working with someone to get the site updated ;) , but in the meantime (as I said) I really need to get the site up-and-running. The issue I am having is that the rvm make is failing on that (very old) Ruby version that I need:
Error running '__rvm_make -j8',
please read /home/<user>/.rvm/log/1567793172_ruby-1.8.7-p357/make.log
There has been an error while running make. Halting the installation.
I looked in the log file and it's very long and (to my eyes) incomprehensible, but I've done some research and apparently the most likely issue is that the ssl 1.0 libs (?) are missing. Some folks have used:
apt install libssl1.0-dev openssl1.0
but I'm on a shared hosted server and don't have root access so that doesn't work for me.
Again, I know this is incredibly outdated and I should expect it to work, but if anyone has any ideas I'd be grateful.
Our site was broken (again) when my hosting service upgraded to to Ubuntu Linux version 18.04.1 LTS.
My apologies for my (severely) limited knowledge - the site was put together years ago by a vendor and now as I.T. guy it's fallen on me (I'm well-versed in infrastructure, Windows Server, etc., but not this).
The site is running Ruby on Rails. After the last upgrade (to Ubuntu 16.x AIR) I had issues, and I dove in and with some help from folks here I figured out how to use and install gems, so I managed to install a newer version of Ruby and all the other the requisite gems and got everything working again.
Now I'm trying to get Ruby 2.5.x running. I've installed it and upgraded all the gems, ruby -v shows 2.5.6, Rails shows 6.0.0, Phusion Passenger 6.0.2. I haven't touched any of the site code, other than specifying the newer version numbers in environment.rb and preinitializer.rb.
I must be missing something completely basic because although the main page loads just fine, any subpage throws:
`Not Found
The requested URL /home/join was not found on this server.
Additionally, a 404 Not Found error was encountered while trying to use an ErrorDocument to handle the request.`
so I'm thinking however the paths are being constructed is broken somehow. I did see something online about "." and ".." path constructions having been changed in latest Ubuntu, so I'm wondering if that's related. The folder structure is standard:
and again, I haven't moved anything.
The last time I was at least getting some meaningful errors from Passenger, but I'm not even getting that now. It doesn't seem to be writing anything to the log files, either.
Apologies again for the basic question. Thank you for anything at all that can point me int the right direction.

Rails returning empty assets in development

From "out of nowhere" (as it seems), all of a sudden my Rails 3.2.21 development environment started returning empty assets after a few successful requests from my browser. The network tab looks like this:
I'm running this on OS X 10.10.2. The upgrade from 10.10.1 is the most noteworthy thing that has recently happened on this machine. I cannot relate it to new gems either, since it seems to happen with the gemset that still worked fine last week. Also, it happens in all browsers I've tried (Chrome, Safari and Firefox). Clearing browser cache doesn't help. Clearing the asset cache doesn't help (e.g. with rake assets:clean). The only thing that helps is killing the rails server and then starting it again. I'm now almost always down to 1 successul request and then it breaks again.
Other details: I'm running ruby 2.0.0p598 via rbenv. The webserver is thin_glazed.
I'm completely stuck... is there anyone who has a clue as to what might be going on? Thanks!

Rails server always crashing no error

My rails server is always crashing (Ruby console)
I am using windows 7 and I dont get any error in the console. Just an windows error telling my the ruby console how stop working.
Will be great if you add more information about version of Ruby you're using (ruby -v), Version of Rails (saying version 3 is not enough) and any more specific on your settings, like if you're using a MySQL database and how you're connecting to it.
So far, I can point you the the following resources:
Incorrect usage of MySQL library (libmysql.dll) can result in random crashes of Ruby/Rails. See manual installation and compilation steps here
There is a known issue with Ruby 1.9.2 that make it crash on concurrent/multiple threads, reported in Ruby bug tracker #3840. It was not solved in 1.9.2-p290 but is part of Ruby 1.9.3 (due to release in August)
Again, those are the two thing that I can think of based on the scarce information you provided. Please update your question with more details (the development.log file inside log directory should contain something) or even the output that is displayed prior the crash in the console.
I would strongly suggest checking Windows event log and/or ROR logs. Also, what version of ROR are you running?

Ruby on Rails app not loading stylesheet despite it being accessible on the server

I'm currently migrating my Ruby on Rails 2.3.8 apps to a new server running Apache 2.2.17 on FreeBSD 8.1 with Passenger 3, Ruby Enterprise Edition 1.8.7. For some reason, despite the stylesheets being accessible, the apps are not loading them. The code is correct and runs fine on the old setup. Has anyone ran into this?
Update: Wowwww it was an issue with the version of chromium. All is good after updating. Thanks for the help everyone.
I'd check on the permissions -- what user is the ruby process running under (for passenger), and does that user have access to the stylesheet in question.
you can use ls -l to see permission sets for the stylesheets.
This was an issue with the edge-version of Chrome I was using... Should have checked another browser before posting.
