Translate Erpnext workspace to different languages - translation

Hello I have faced problem whenever I change language for workspace in erpnext it never fully translates everything. Any Advice how to make translations easy, fast and simple example

Please read the documentation.
May be this documentation solve your problem.


How to deobfuscate code in ios objective C?

I obfuscated my code using pp-ios-rename or ios-class-guard by following the steps in below link
But when I try to deobfuscate my code, I couldnt do it and there is no support for that anywhere. Please help me in deobfuscating the code. Even my storyboard scenes got obfuscated, may be I have done something wrong in the process.
Thanks in Advance.
The repo suggests reverting to a previous commit as it looks like there's no automated way to undo it. You can reference the file to see the mappings.
If you still have this file you could try inverting the obfuscated names with the original names then running this command:
ppios-rename --obfuscate-sources --symbols-map
However, this kind of source obfuscation is not normally recommended due to these kind of significant trade-offs, unless running it as part of an automated CI/CD pipeline.

Creating a custom pcore for Xilinx ISE 14.7?

A bit of a general question, but what is the most popular/common/easiest way of creating a custom pcore?
I have seen some examples and they were mostly done on Matlab and since I do not have Matlab anywhere, I am a bit lost here. There has got to be a proper way of doing without it!
Thank you in advance!!!
You can create it with VHDL or Verilog languages, but after that you need to make few files like .mdp and .pao, create directory move all the files there and then put the directory to a library.
Detailed information you can find in Xilinx Manual

How to find unused properties for iOS class?

I cannot find any similar questions on this topic, which seems strange..
I have what is turning out to be a rather large project. As I build each chunk, I'm aware that I must be making properties and other resources, that do not end up being used.
Is there a way to find these?
Good question. I always need this too in my projects. What I do is either use search for .property or setProperty etc. in the whole project.
Or I traverse the .h files and comment out the property declarations that I suspect I might not be using and hit Command+b and see if it gives any errors.
I hope there is a function/tool specifically built for this need.

Where can i get the Avro code example?

The documentation at stipulates that there is an example "in the Avro docs". Unjaring pretty much everything, i am not finding any examples/ directory.
Any help?
You can find it in the repo as well.
Found it - it was not in the language specific jars, it was outside/along side of them.
See for example.

CPAN/gem-like repository for Objective-C and Cocoa?

Is there any centralized repository of useful Objective-C / Cocoa libraries as there is for Perl, Ruby, Python, etc.?
In building my first iPhone app, I'm finding myself implementing some very basic functions that would be just a quick "gem install" away in Ruby.
There's a project for that! It's called CocoaPods!
Unfortunately not :(
There are some very useful sites however. I find one of the best is as it contains lots of useful information about many of the more obscure classes usually including snippets of code to do some really cool things :)
Maybe we (the cocoa community) should look into building something like this!
Oh and I just remembered this site which is also very good for starting out with cocoa.
Daniel mentioned
More specifically, check out
"This page is for tracking re-usable Cocoa classes that can be mixed, matched, and dropped fairly easily into existing Cocoa projects to add useful functionality."
I'd be interested in what kind of "basic functions" you're having to implement. There's actually quite a lot already there in the provided libraries, and I wonder if you're just not finding functionality that's already there...
There's a new index of reusable code for Mac OS and iOS: Cocoa Objects
I might be confused or missing something here... But doesn't apple provide all the Foundation / Cocoa / AppKit / CoreAudio / Qtkit / etc libraries that should provide all of the very basic functions you are looking for?
Other than what xcode comes with or is on the apple dev site, there are no centralized repo's for Cocoa.
Google Code also has some objective C things up. It depends on what you are looking for...
Also see GitHub, many useful Objective-C projects, especially re iPhone. See activerecord & cocoaoniguruma, for instance.
Google has Google toolbox for mac which got me started unit testing my iPhone application which was the main thing I found missing.
