I created a histogram with the similarity scores of all documents in a corpus. The scores were computed with TF-IDF/Cosine Similarity. See included image. I'm not 100% sure how to read the chart. Does the compactness of scores indicate that the corpus is closely related in a good way or closely related in a bad way? Or am I looking at this completely wrong?
tf = TfidfVectorizer(analyzer='word', ngram_range=(1, 2), min_df=5)
tfidf_matrix = tf.fit_transform(ds['clean_text'])
cosine_similarities = linear_kernel(tfidf_matrix, tfidf_matrix)
Looking at the histogram, It would seem that the document similarity is not that concentrated (Cosine simlarity is bounded [0,1], and your histogram range is ~0.2-1). Whether this is good or bad depends on your expectation of the data, and what you want to do with the TF-IDF matrix later on. If you have a diverse corpus (e.g. wikipedia) then you would expect a wide range and be suspicious if you had a narrow range of Cosine similarity scores. However, if your Corpus is derived from a highly similar set of documents (e.g. a book report from a class of students).
In general, the distribution of your similarity scores is more just an FYI than a measure of dataset quality.
In a lot of articles in my field, this sentence has been repeated: " The 2 matrices has been normalized to have the same average sum-of-squares (computed across all subjects and all voxels for each modality)". Suppose that we have two matrices that the rows define different subjects and the columns are features (voxels). In these articles, no much explanation can be found for normalization method. Does anybody knows how I should normalize data to have "same average sum-of-squares"? I don't understand it at all. Thanks
For a start normalization in this context is also known as features scaling, which pretty much sums it up. You scale your features, your data to get rid of variances and range of values which would disturb your algorithm and your results in the end.
In data processing, normalization is quite useful (depending on the application). E.g. in distance based machine learning algorithms you should normalize your features in order to get a proportional contribution to the outcome of your algorithm, independent of the range of value the features comprise.
To do so, you can use different statistical measurements, like the
Sum of squares:
Other than that you could use the variance or the standard deviation of your data.
Those statistical terms can then be used to normalize your data, to improve e.g. the clustering quality of your algorithm. Which term to use and which method highly depends on the algorithms and data you're using and what you're aiming at.
Here is a paper which compares some of the approaches you could choose from for clustering:
I hope this can help you a little.
I am using mahout recommenditembased algorithm. What are the differences between all the --similarity Classes available? How to know what is the best choice for my application? These are my choices:
What does it mean each one?
I'm not familiar with all of them, but I can help with some.
Cooccurrence is how often two items occur with the same user. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Co-occurrence
Log-Likelihood is the log of the probability that the item will be recommended given the characteristics you are recommending on. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Log-likelihood
Not sure about tanimoto
City block is the distance between two instances if you assume you can only move around like you're in a checkboard style city. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Taxicab_geometry
Cosine similarity is the cosine of the angle between the two feature vectors. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cosine_similarity
Pearson Correlation is covariance of the features normalized by their standard deviation. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pearson_correlation_coefficient
Euclidean distance is the standard straight line distance between two points. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Euclidean_distance
To determine which is the best for you application you most likely need to have some intuition about your data and what it means. If your data is continuous value features than something like euclidean distance or pearson correlation makes sense. If you have more discrete values than something along the lines of city block or cosine similarity may make more sense.
Another option is to set up a cross-validation experiment where you see how well each similarity metric works to predict the desired output values and select the metric that works the best from the cross-validation results.
Tanimoto and Jaccard are similars, is a statistic used for comparing the similarity and diversity of sample sets.
I am using document-term vectors to represent a collection of document. I use TF*IDF to calculate the term weight for each document vector. Then I could use this matrix to train a model for document classification.
I am looking forward to classify new document in future. But in order to classify it, I need to turn the document into a document-term vector first, and the vector should be composed of TF*IDF values, too.
My question is, how could I calculate the TF*IDF with just a single document?
As far as I understand, TF can be calculated based on a single document itself, but the IDF can only be calculated with a collection of document. In my current experiment, I actually calculate the TF*IDF value for the whole collection of documents. And then I use some documents as training set and the others as test set.
I just suddenly realized that this seems not so applicable to real life.
So there are actually 2 subtly different scenarios for classification:
to classify some documents whose content are known but label are not
to classify some totally unseen document.
For 1, we can combine all the documents, both with and without labels. And get the TF*IDF over all of them. This way, even we only use the documents with labels for training, the training result will still contain the influence of the documents without labels.
But my scenario is 2.
Suppose I have the following information for term T from the summary of the training set corpus:
document count for T in the training set is n
total number of training documents is N
Should I calculate the IDF of t for a unseen document D as below?
IDF(t, D)= log((N+1)/(n+1))
And what if I encounter a term in the new document which didn't show up in the training corpus before?
How should I calculate the weight for it in the doc-term vector?
TF-IDF doesn't make sense for a single document, independent of a corpus. It's fundamentally about emphasizing relatively rare and informative words.
You need to keep corpus summary information in order to compute TF-IDF weights. In particular, you need the document count for each term and the total number of documents.
Whether you want to use summary information from the whole training set and test set for TF-IDF, or for just the training set is a matter of your problem formulation. If it's the case that you only care to apply your classification system to documents whose contents you have, but whose labels you do not have (this is actually pretty common), then using TF-IDF for the entire corpus is okay. If you want to apply your classification system to entirely unseen documents after you train, then you only want to use the TF-IDF summary information from the training set.
TF obviously only depends on the new document.
IDF, you compute only on your training corpus.
You can add a slack term to the IDF computation, or adjust it as you suggested. But for a reasonable training set, the constant +1 term will not have a whole lot of effect. AFAICT, in classic document retrieval (think: search), you don't bother to do this. Often, they query document will not become part of your corpus, so why would it be part of IDF?
For unseen words, TF calculation is not a problem as TF is a document specific metric. While computing IDF, you can use smoothed inverse document frequency technique.
IDF = 1 + log(total documents / document frequency of a term)
Here the lower bound for IDF is 1. So if a word is not seen in the training corpus, its IDF is 1. Since, there is no universally agreed single formula for computing tf-idf or even idf, your formula for tf-idf calculation is also reasonable.
Note that, in many cases, unseen terms are ignored if they don't have much impact in the classification task. Sometimes, people replace unseen tokens with a special symbol like UNKNOWN_TOKEN and do their computation.
Alternative of TF-IDF: Another way of computing weight of each term of a document is using Maximum Likelihood Estimation. While computing MLE, you can smooth using additive smoothing technique which is also known as Laplace smoothing. MLE is used in case you are using Generative models like Naive Bayes algorithm for document classification.
I'm trying to determine the similarity between pairs of items taken among a large collection. The items have several attributes and I'm able to calculate a discrete similarity score for each attribute, between 0 and 1. I use various classifiers depending on the attribute: TF-IDF cosine similarity, Naive Bayes Classifier, etc.
I'm stuck when it comes to compiling all that information into a final similarity score for all the items. I can't just take an unweighted average because 1) what's a high score depends on the classifier and 2) some classifiers are more important than others. In addition, some classifiers should be considered only for their high scores, i.e. a high score points to a higher similarity but lower scores have no meaning.
So far I've calculated the final score with guesswork but the increasing number of classifiers makes this a very poor solution. What techniques are there to determine an optimal formula that will take my various scores and return just one? It's important to note that the system does receive human feedback, which is how some of the classifiers work to begin with.
Ultimately I'm only interested in ranking, for each item, the ones that are most similar. The absolute scores themselves are meaningless, only their ordering is important.
There is a great book on the topic of ensemble classifier. It is online on: Combining Pattern Classifiers
There are two chapters (ch4 & ch5) in this book on Fusion of Label Outputs and how to get a single decision value.
A set of methods are defined in the chapter including:
1- Weighted Majority Vote
2- Naive Bayes Combination
3- ...
I hope that this is what you were looking for.
Get a book on ensemble classification. There has been a lot of work on how to learn a good combination of classifiers. There are numerous choices. You can of course learn weights and do a weighted average. Or you can use error correcting codes. etc. pp.
Anyway, read up on "ensemble classification", that is the keyword you need.
I 've used a part of reuters 21578 dataset and mahout k-means for clustering.To be more specific I extracted only the texts that has a unique value for category 'topics'.So I ve been left with 9494 texts that belong to one among 66 categories. I ve used seqdirectory to create sequence files from texts and then seq2sparse to crate the vectors. Then I run k-means with cosine distance measure (I ve tried tanimoto and euclidean too, with no better luck), cd=0.1 and k=66 (same as the number of categories). So I tried to evaluate the results with silhouette measure using custom Java code and the matlab implementation of silhouette (just to be sure that there is no error in my code) and I get that the average silhouette of the clustering is 0.0405. Knowing that the best clustering could give an average silhouette value close to 1, I see that the clustering result I get is no good at all.
So is this due to Mahout or the quality of catgorization on reuters dataset is low?
PS: I m using Mahout 0.7
PS2: Sorry for my bad English..
I've never actually worked with Mahout, so I cannot say what it does by default, but you might consider checking what sort of distance metric it uses by default. For example, if the metric is Euclidean distance on unnormalized document word counts, you can expect very poor quality cluster quality, as document length will dominate any meaningful comparison between documents. On the other hand, something like cosine distance on normalized, or tf-idf weighted word counts can do much better.
One other thing to look at is the distribution of topics in the Reuters 21578. It is very skewed towards a few topics such as "acq" or "earn", while others are used only handfuls of times. This can it difficult to achieve good external clustering metrics.