docker-compose: open port in container but not bind it from host - docker

(Note: the whole problem is because I misread the IP address of the docker network. The my-network is instead of I slightly modified the OP to reflect the original problem I encountered)
I created a service (a small web server) using docker-compose. The network part is defined as
image: ... (this image uses port 9000)
- 9000:9000
name: my-network
After docker-compose up, I observe:
the host gets an IP address and the client gets
I can successfully ping the client from the host ping
From the host machine: the web server can be reached using
localhost:9000 (This is the host's IP address in the LAN)
Now I want to restrict the access from the host using only. I feel this should be possible if I don't bind the container's 9000 port to the host's 9000 port. Then I deleted the ports: 9000:9000 part from the docker-compose.yml. Now I observe:
All the above four methods do not work now, including
The client can still be pinged from the host using
I think: since the the host and the container are both in a bridge network my-network and have obtained their IP addresses. The web server should still be reachable from But this is not the case.
My questions:
why does it work like this? Shouldn't the host/container in the same subnet be able to talk to each other freely?
How to achieve what I want: do not forward port 9000 from host to container and only allow accessing the container using its subnet IP address.

Your understanding of the networking is correct. Removing the port binding from the docker-compose.yml will remove the exposed port from the host. Since the host is also part of the virtual network my-network with an IP in the same subnet as the container, your service should be reachable from the host using the container IP directly.
But I think, this is actually a simple typo and instead of
you actually have
as the subnet for my-network! This is a typical subnet used by docker in the default configuration, while is always bound to the loopback device!
So connecting to will actually connect you to localhost - which is consistent with the symptoms you encountered:
connecting to will work only if the port is exposed on the host
you can always pint since it is the loopback address


Hostname not accessible from outside the container in Docker

I have created the following docker compose file:
version: '2'
image: nginx
hostname: myHost
- "8080:80"
- test
driver: bridge
From outside the container, I can open the web page with localhost:8080. But if I try to open the web page via the defined hostname, it doesn't work.
Can anyone tell me how I can fix this issue?
Is there also a way to connect to the containers ip from the outside?
Thanks in advance.
Other containers on the test network would be able to reference it by that hostname, but not your host machine. You are binding port 8080 on your machine to port 80 on the container, so any external system that you would want to access the website would need to connect to your host machine on 8080 (as you did with localhost:8080).
How you do that depends on your networking, but for example if you know the ip or hostname of your local machine you can (probably) connect from another device on the same home network (your phone? Another computer?) using http://{ip-of-your-host}:8080. Exposing that to the internet from within a home network typically requires port forwarding on your router, and optionally a domain name.
The main point though is that the hostname in your compose is only relevant to other containers connecting to the same docker network (test). Outside of that, systems would need to make a connection to 8080 on your host machine.

docker host and port info from the container

I am deploying an application in a Docker container. The application sends requests to another server with a callback URL. The callback URL contains the host and port name where actually the app runs.
To configure this callback URL in a "stable, non-dynamic" test environment is easy because we know the IP and port where the app runs. But in Docker, the callback URL is the IP address of the host machine + the port that was configured in the docker-compose.yml file. So both parameter is dynamic, can not be hardcoded in the Docker image.
I need the docker host IP and the exposed port by the container info somehow in the container.
This is how my container gets the docker host machine IP:
version: '3'
image: ...
container_name: my-server
hostname: my-server
- "1234:9876"
I set the host IP when I spin up the container:
HOST_IP=$(hostname -i) docker-compose up
Maybe this is not an elegant way but this is the best that I could do so far.
But I have no idea, how to get the exposed port info inside the container.
My idea was that once I know the host IP in the container, I can use nmap $HOST_IP to get the opened port list and grep for the proper line somehow. But this does not work, because I run many Docker containers on this host, and I am not able to select the proper line with grep.
here is the result of th nmap:
22/tcp open ssh
111/tcp open rpcbind
443/tcp open https
5001/tcp open commplex-link
5002/tcp open rfe
7201/tcp open dlip
1234/tcp open vcom-tunnel
1235/tcp open vcom-tunnel
1236/tcp open teradataordbms
60443/tcp open unknown
So when I execute nmap from the container then I can see all of the opened ports in my host machine. But I have no idea, how to select the line which belongs to the container where I am.
Can I can customize somehow the service name before docker spin-up the containers?
What is the best way to get the port number that was opened on the host machine by the container?
You should pass the complete externally-visible callback URL to the application.
- "1234:9876"
You can imagine an interesting variety of scenarios where the host IP address isn't directly routable either. As a basic example, say you're running the container, on your laptop, at home. The laptop's IP address might be but that's still a "private" address; you need your router's externally-visible IP address, and there's no easy way to discover that.
xx.xx.xx.xx /--------\ /----------------\
------------| Router |---------------------------| Laptop |
\--------/ | Docker |
| |
Callback address must be | Server |
http://xx.xx.xx.xx/path \----------------/
In a cloud environment, you can imagine a similar setup using load balancers. Your container might run on some cloud-hosted instance. The container might listen on port 11111, and you remap that to port 22222 on the instance. But then in front of this you have a load balancer that listens on the ordinary HTTPS port 443, does TLS termination, and then forwards to the instance, and you have a DNS name connected to that load balancer; the callback address would be, but without explicitly telling the container this, there's no way it can figure this out.

How to connect to a docker container using a domain name

So I have some docker web application, when it loads using docker-compose the dhcp service chooses some ip address lets say, the webapp is located at port 6000, so connecting to the webapp I use Is there any way, in the docker-compose.yml to assign the domain name foo.local so that when I connect to the webapp I type in foo.local:6000?
In my docker-compose.yml, can I add a domain name that my host machine can map to the dynamic ip of the container?
The container uses its own network, so attaching it to the host network will conflict with its purpose.
Forwarding container port
For me you can easily accessing from the host by exposing the port of the container. So from that host you should be able to access it as localhost:6000 by exposing the port. From other machines in your network that can access the host, use the IP of the host or its name/DNS name.
For example in docker-compose.yml
image: myImage
- "published_port:container_port"
So if you put "6000:6000" its mean that on the host port 6000 will forward to the service on port 6000.
So I would say for overall access, ensure that your company DNS match foo.local to your docker host and expose the port from the container in docker to the docker host.
If you want to be able to do that only from a given machine yoythe host you can add an entry to /etc/hosts (assuming linux) localhost foo.local
Here this is assuming we are on the same machine, but you can use the right IP. And if you have a different OS, check the documentation on how to do that for your os.

After `docker-compose.yml` uses network ipv4 identical to WiFi's IP, why some websites not accessible?

Context: I am using docker-compose.yml to set up a container for the mongoDB, where network sets up as following
- subnet:
which is exactly the same as the IP address of my WiFi connection.
After the setting above, why some websites are not accessible anymore (e.g. PING doesn't return any packages) on my browser?
I tried to change the YAML file to other IP address, the problem resolves. But I want to understand what was the reason. Is it because that the docker service occupies the same IP as the WiFi so that interrupting the normal internet access?
Docker defines its own network setup. You can see some details of this on Linux running ifconfig and looking at iptables output. If you manually configure a Docker network to have the same CIDR block as your external network, you can wind up in a sequence where:
I want to call
It's not on any of my local networks, so I'll route to the default gateway
That address is on the docker1 network
...and the outbound packets never actually leave your host.
You should almost never need to manually configure IP addresses or networks in Docker. It has its own internal network setup and handles this for you. In a Compose context, Compose will also do some additional setup that you generally need, like creating a default network; Networking in Compose has more details.
To get access to a container from outside of Docker space, you need to publish ports: out of that container, and then it will be reachable on your host's IP address at the published port.
ports: ['27017:27017']
# no networks: or manual IP configuration; just use the `default` network

How to assign the host ip to a service that is running with docker compose

I have several services specified inside a docker compose file that are communication with each other via links. Now I want one of these services to talk to the outside world and fetch some data from another server in the host network. But the docker service uses its internally assigned IP address which leads to the firewall of the host network blocking his requests. How can I tell this docker service to use the IP address of the host instead?
I got a step further, what I'm looking for is the network_mode option with the value host. But the Problem is that network_mode: "host" cannot be mixed with links. So i guess i have to change the configuration of all the docker services to not use links. I will try how this works out.
You should open a port like to that service
The 8000 on the left is the host port and the 8000 on the right will be the IP port
