dynamic programming grid problem approach solving using BFS - breadth-first-search

We have an NxM grid, grid have one element named Bob. Bob can travel diagonally blocks only. The grid has some blocked blocks on which Bob can not travel. Write a function that returns on how many possible positions Bob can move. Solve this problem using BFS and submit the executable code in any programming language. In the following image example, Bob's positioning is at 9,3, and it can visit the places where Y is marked; hence your method should return 30.
Anybody any pseudocode or approach on how to solve this using BFS

Following solution is modified version of solution given by ( https://stackoverflow.com/users/10987431/dominicm00 ) on problem ( Using BFS to find number of possible paths for an object on a grid )
import java.awt.*;
public class Map {
public final int width;
public final int height;
private final Cell[][] cells;
private final Move[] moves;
private Point startPoint;
public Map(int[][] mapData) {
this.width = mapData[0].length;
this.height = mapData.length;
cells = new Cell[height][width];
// define valid movements
moves = new Move[]{
new Move(1, 1),
new Move(-1, 1),
new Move(1, -1),
new Move(-1, -1)
public Point getStartPoint() {
return startPoint;
public void setStartPoint(Point p) {
if (!isValidLocation(p)) throw new IllegalArgumentException("Invalid point");
public Cell getStartCell() {
return getCellAtPoint(getStartPoint());
public Cell getCellAtPoint(Point p) {
if (!isValidLocation(p)) throw new IllegalArgumentException("Invalid point");
return cells[p.y][p.x];
private void generateCells(int[][] mapData) {
boolean foundStart = false;
for (int i = 0; i < mapData.length; i++) {
for (int j = 0; j < mapData[i].length; j++) {
0 = empty space
1 = wall
2 = starting point
if (mapData[i][j] == 2) {
if (foundStart) throw new IllegalArgumentException("Cannot have more than one start position");
foundStart = true;
startPoint = new Point(j, i);
} else if (mapData[i][j] != 0 && mapData[i][j] != 1) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Map input data must contain only 0, 1, 2");
cells[i][j] = new Cell(j, i, mapData[i][j] == 1);
if (!foundStart) throw new IllegalArgumentException("No start point in map data");
// Add all cells adjacencies based on up, down, left, right movement
private void generateAdj() {
for (int i = 0; i < cells.length; i++) {
for (int j = 0; j < cells[i].length; j++) {
for (Move move : moves) {
Point p2 = new Point(j + move.getX(), i + move.getY());
if (isValidLocation(p2)) {
private boolean isValidLocation(Point p) {
if (p == null) throw new IllegalArgumentException("Point cannot be null");
return (p.x >= 0 && p.y >= 0) && (p.y < cells.length && p.x < cells[p.y].length);
private class Move {
private int x;
private int y;
public Move(int x, int y) {
this.x = x;
this.y = y;
public int getX() {
return x;
public int getY() {
return y;
import java.util.LinkedList;
public class Cell {
public final int x;
public final int y;
public final boolean isWall;
private final LinkedList<Cell> adjCells;
public Cell(int x, int y, boolean isWall) {
if (x < 0 || y < 0) throw new IllegalArgumentException("x, y must be greater than 0");
this.x = x;
this.y = y;
this.isWall = isWall;
adjCells = new LinkedList<>();
public void addAdjCell(Cell c) {
if (c == null) throw new IllegalArgumentException("Cell cannot be null");
public LinkedList<Cell> getAdjCells() {
return adjCells;
class MapHelper {
public static int countReachableCells(Map map) {
if (map == null) throw new IllegalArgumentException("Arguments cannot be null");
boolean[][] visited = new boolean[map.height][map.width];
// subtract one to exclude starting point
return dfs(map.getStartCell(), visited) - 1;
private static int dfs(Cell currentCell, boolean[][] visited) {
visited[currentCell.y][currentCell.x] = true;
int touchedCells = 0;
for (Cell adjCell : currentCell.getAdjCells()) {
if (!adjCell.isWall && !visited[adjCell.y][adjCell.x]) {
touchedCells += dfs(adjCell, visited);
return ++touchedCells;
public class Grid{
public static void main(String args[]){
int[][] gridData = {
{0,0,0,2,1,0,0,0}}; //2 is bobs position, 1 is blocked, 0 can be visited
Map grid = new Map(gridData);
MapHelper solution = new MapHelper();
For original answer of similar problem visit (Using BFS to find number of possible paths for an object on a grid) for original answer.


Can I use class methods inside factory constructor via Dart

I have the below code that is creating the PriortyQueue structure using Dart. But since I cannot use heapify function inside the Constructor or factory constructor I cannot initialize PQ with an existing set of List. Can somebody guide me and show me how I can use heapify while creating PQ instance so I can initialize it with an existing List? Also If you have any other suggestions against doing something like this please also help me as well. thank you
class PriorityQueue<T extends Comparable<T>> {
List<T?> _tree;
PriorityQueue._(List<T?> tree) : _tree = tree;
factory PriorityQueue([List<T>? array]) {
List<T?> newArray = [null, ...array ?? []];
// ignore: todo
//TODO: missing heapify
return PriorityQueue._(newArray);
void insert(T node) {
_swim(_tree.length - 1);
T getTop() {
_swap(1, _tree.length - 1);
T top = _tree.removeLast() as T;
return top;
List<T> _heapify(List<T> array) {
int sinkNodeIndex = (array.length - 1) ~/ 2;
while (sinkNodeIndex >= 1) {
void _sink(int nodeIndex) {
int leftChildIndex = nodeIndex * 2;
int rightChildIndex = leftChildIndex + 1;
int minNodeIndex = leftChildIndex;
// index can be unreachable
T? leftChild =
leftChildIndex >= _tree.length ? null : _tree[leftChildIndex];
T? rightChild =
rightChildIndex >= _tree.length ? null : _tree[rightChildIndex];
if (leftChild == null) {
if (rightChild != null && leftChild.compareTo(rightChild) > 0) {
minNodeIndex = rightChildIndex;
if ((_tree[minNodeIndex] as T).compareTo(_tree[nodeIndex] as T) < 0) {
_swap(nodeIndex, minNodeIndex);
void _swim(int nodeIndex) {
if (nodeIndex <= 1) return;
int parentIndex = nodeIndex ~/ 2;
if ((_tree[nodeIndex] as T).compareTo(_tree[parentIndex] as T) < 0) {
_swap(nodeIndex, parentIndex);
void _swap(int i, int j) {
T temp = _tree[i] as T;
_tree[i] = _tree[j];
_tree[j] = temp;
String toString() {
return _tree.toString();
I would make all the helper functions. _heapify, _sink/_swim, even _swap, be static functions which take the list as argument.
Then you can use them from anywhere, including inside the factory constructor.
Alternatively, you can change the constructor to returning:
return PriorityQueue._(newArray).._heapify();
This creates the PriorityQueue object, and then calls the _heapify method on it, before returning the value.
(I'd also make _tree have type List<T> and not insert the extra null at the beginning. It's more efficient to add/subtract 1 from indices than it is to cast to T.)
I ended up doing like Irn's first suggestion. But when I do functions static they lost Type of the class so I needed to specify for each function. Also, making List<T?> instead of List ended up with me fighting against the compiler.
class PriorityQueue<T extends Comparable<T>> {
List<T?> _tree;
PriorityQueue._(List<T?> tree) : _tree = tree;
factory PriorityQueue([List<T>? array]) {
List<T?> newArray = [null, ...array ?? []];
return PriorityQueue._(newArray);
bool get isNotEmpty {
return _tree.isNotEmpty;
void insert(T node) {
_swim(_tree, _tree.length - 1);
void insertMultiple(List<T> array) {
for (var element in array) {
T? removeTop() {
if (_tree.length == 1) return null;
_swap(_tree, 1, _tree.length - 1);
T top = _tree.removeLast() as T;
_sink(_tree, 1);
return top;
void removeAll() {
_tree = [null];
static void _heapify<T extends Comparable<T>>(List<T?> array) {
int sinkNodeIndex = (array.length - 1) ~/ 2;
while (sinkNodeIndex >= 1) {
_sink(array, sinkNodeIndex);
static void _sink<T extends Comparable<T>>(List<T?> tree, int nodeIndex) {
int leftChildIndex = nodeIndex * 2;
int rightChildIndex = leftChildIndex + 1;
int minNodeIndex = leftChildIndex;
T? leftChild = leftChildIndex >= tree.length ? null : tree[leftChildIndex];
T? rightChild =
rightChildIndex >= tree.length ? null : tree[rightChildIndex];
if (leftChild == null) {
if (rightChild != null && leftChild.compareTo(rightChild) > 0) {
minNodeIndex = rightChildIndex;
if ((tree[minNodeIndex] as T).compareTo(tree[nodeIndex] as T) < 0) {
_swap(tree, nodeIndex, minNodeIndex);
_sink(tree, minNodeIndex);
static void _swim<T extends Comparable<T>>(List<T?> tree, int nodeIndex) {
if (nodeIndex <= 1) return;
int parentIndex = nodeIndex ~/ 2;
if ((tree[nodeIndex] as T).compareTo(tree[parentIndex] as T) < 0) {
_swap(tree, nodeIndex, parentIndex);
_swim(tree, parentIndex);
static void _swap<T extends Comparable<T>>(List<T?> tree, int i, int j) {
T temp = tree[i] as T;
tree[i] = tree[j];
tree[j] = temp;
String toString() {
return _tree.toString();

Implementing stacks, ques using linked lists. Difference between "=" operator and setlink() function

This is my code
import java.util.*;
class node{
public int data;
public node link;
public node()
data = 0;
link = null;
public node(int d, node l)
data = d;
link = l;
void setlink(node n)
link = n;
void setdata(int dat)
data = dat;
int showdata()
return data;
node showlink()
return link;
class stack{
node top;
int size;
top = null;
size = 0;
void push()
node npt = new node();
System.out.println("Enter the value you want to enter :");
Scanner sc = new Scanner(System.in);
int val;
val = sc.nextInt();
if( top == null )
top = npt;
top = npt;
void pop()
node npt = top;
top = npt.showlink();
void showstack()
node nptr = top;
int i = 1;
while( nptr != null )
System.out.println("Data at position "+ i + " is : " + nptr.showdata());
nptr = nptr.showlink();
class stacked{
public static void main(String args[])
stack obj = new stack();
int temp = 0;
while( temp != 1 )
System.out.println("-- Enter 1 to exit -- 2 to push -- 3 to pop -- 4 to show Stack --");
Scanner sc = new Scanner(System.in);
temp = sc.nextInt();
if(temp == 1)
case 2: obj.push();
case 3: obj.pop();
case 4: obj.showstack();
My question is in the function void push() in class stack what is the difference between "=" operator and setlink() function.
I mean why cannot we write npt = top; instead of npt.setlink(top); ?
What does "=" do and how is the referencing done?

Maze solving with breadth first search

Can someone please explain how could I solve a maze using breadth first search? I need to use breadth first search to find shortest path through a maze, but I am so confused.
This is the pseudo code from my book:
void breadth_first_search(tree T) {
node u, v;
v = root of T;
visit v;
enqueue(Q, v);
while (!empty(Q)) {
dequeue(Q, v);
for (each child u of v) {
visit u;
enqueue(Q, u);
So if I have a maze that is stored in a 2D matrix, is the "root" (i.e. the starting point), going to be in maze[x][y]?
Here's a full BFS Maze solver. It returns a full shortest path to the end point if found. In the maze array arr: 0 denotes unexplored spaces, 5 is a wall space, and 9 is the goal space. Spaces are marked with a -1 after they have been visited.
import java.util.*;
public class Maze {
public static int[][] arr = new int[][] {
private static class Point {
int x;
int y;
Point parent;
public Point(int x, int y, Point parent) {
this.x = x;
this.y = y;
this.parent = parent;
public Point getParent() {
return this.parent;
public String toString() {
return "x = " + x + " y = " + y;
public static Queue<Point> q = new LinkedList<Point>();
public static Point getPathBFS(int x, int y) {
q.add(new Point(x,y, null));
while(!q.isEmpty()) {
Point p = q.remove();
if (arr[p.x][p.y] == 9) {
System.out.println("Exit is reached!");
return p;
if(isFree(p.x+1,p.y)) {
arr[p.x][p.y] = -1;
Point nextP = new Point(p.x+1,p.y, p);
if(isFree(p.x-1,p.y)) {
arr[p.x][p.y] = -1;
Point nextP = new Point(p.x-1,p.y, p);
if(isFree(p.x,p.y+1)) {
arr[p.x][p.y] = -1;
Point nextP = new Point(p.x,p.y+1, p);
if(isFree(p.x,p.y-1)) {
arr[p.x][p.y] = -1;
Point nextP = new Point(p.x,p.y-1, p);
return null;
public static boolean isFree(int x, int y) {
if((x >= 0 && x < arr.length) && (y >= 0 && y < arr[x].length) && (arr[x][y] == 0 || arr[x][y] == 9)) {
return true;
return false;
public static void main(String[] args) {
Point p = getPathBFS(0,0);
for (int i = 0; i < 9; i++) {
for (int j = 0; j < 9; j++) {
while(p.getParent() != null) {
p = p.getParent();
Short answer: yes
That pseudo code is representing the path through the maze as a path to the leaf of a tree. Each spot in the maze is a node on the tree and each new spot you can go to from there is a child of that node.
In order to do breadth first search, an algorithm first has to consider all paths through the tree of length one, then length two, etc. until it reaches the end, which will cause the algorithm to stop since the end has no children, resulting in an empty queue.
The code keeps track of the nodes it needs to visit by using a queue (Q). It first sets the start of the maze to the root of the tree, visits it (checks if it is the end), then removes the root from the queue and repeats the process with each child. In this way, it visits the nodes in post-order i.e. root, (each child of root), (each child of first child), (each child of second child), etc. until it gets to the end.
edit: As it stands, the algorithm may not terminate when it reaches the end because of other nodes after it in the queue. You will have to wright the condition for termination yourself.

Monogame; Cannot override any methods that have SpriteBatch as parameter

Pretty new to monogame (mono for android to be precise) but with some youtube tutorials the process was fairly pain free.
I'm trying to override some functions (from an "XNA library project" dll) I can override all the functions just fine. But when I try to override anything that passes in a SpriteBatch as an argument I get the follow error:
Error 5 'Parkour.Screens.EditorScreen.Draw(Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Graphics.SpriteBatch)':
no suitable method found to override D:\Data\programming and
such\comps\TIGsport\XNA\Parkour\Parkour\Parkour\Screens\EditorScreen.cs 117 30 ParkourAndroid
I'm absolutely sure the method is there, because the XNA project works just fine.
The Draw function also pops up in autocorrect in the mono for android project. But strange enough it seems to have dissapeared from autocorrect after I received the error.
Here is the entire class which holds the to be override function, just so you guys can be sure nothing is wrong.
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Graphics;
namespace SimpleTilebasedLibrary.Utils
public class LoopContainer<T> where T : ILoopable
protected List<T> _items = new List<T>();
private List<T> _addList = new List<T>();
private List<T> _removeList = new List<T>();
public List<T> items
get{return _items;}
public virtual void add(T item)
//if (_addList.Contains(item)) return;
public virtual void remove(T item)
if (_removeList.Contains(item)) return;
public T get(int index)
return _items[index];
public T get(string name)
foreach (T item in items)
if (item.getName() == name)
return item;
return default(T);
public virtual void Update()
foreach (T item in items)
if (item.status == Status.DEAD)
//break; //root of all evil
foreach (T i in _removeList)
public virtual void postUpdate()
foreach (T item in items)
public virtual void Draw(SpriteBatch spritebatch)
foreach (T item in items)
And the class that is trying to override it
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using SimpleTilebasedLibrary;
using SimpleTilebasedLibrary.Entities;
using SimpleTilebasedLibrary.Tilesystem;
using SimpleTilebasedLibrary.Services;
using Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Input;
using SimpleTilebasedLibrary.Components;
using SimpleTilebasedLibrary.Utils;
using SimpleTilebasedLibrary.UI;
using Microsoft.Xna.Framework;
using Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Graphics;
namespace Parkour.Screens
public class EditorScreen : GameScreen //need to couple gamescreens with inputcontexts?
public ParkourWorld world;
int currentTile = 0;
GameObject tile;
Checkbox editorEnabled;
Checkbox solidCB;
Checkbox autotileCB;
public EditorScreen(ParkourWorld world)
: base("editorscreen")
this.world = world;
tile = new GameObject("tileset", 16, 16); //never actually tested this, doesn't work!
tile.GetC<GraphicsC>().setScale(2, 2);
//add(tile); //something fucks up the coordinates when you add it...
editorEnabled = new Checkbox(Color.White, 10);
editorEnabled.GetC<TransformC>().Y = 10;
editorEnabled.GetC<TransformC>().X = 100;
solidCB = new Checkbox(Color.Red, 10);
solidCB.GetC<TransformC>().Y = 10;//30;
solidCB.GetC<TransformC>().X = 120;
autotileCB = new Checkbox(Color.Blue, 10);
autotileCB.GetC<TransformC>().Y = 10;//50;
autotileCB.GetC<TransformC>().X = 140;
editorEnabled.value = false;
public override void Update()
if (GameServices.get<InputManager>().hasScrolledDown() && currentTile > 0)
if (GameServices.get<InputManager>().hasScrolledUp() && currentTile < tile.GetC<GraphicsC>().totalFrames - 1)
if (Mouse.GetState().LeftButton == ButtonState.Pressed && editorEnabled.value)
GameCamera camera = GameServices.get<CameraManager>().getActiveCamera();
int x = TileMath.PixelToTile((Mouse.GetState().X + (camera.GetC<CameraC>().leftX * camera.GetC<CameraC>().zoom)) / camera.GetC<CameraC>().zoom, world.tilegrid.tileWidth);
int y = TileMath.PixelToTile((Mouse.GetState().Y + (camera.GetC<CameraC>().UpY * camera.GetC<CameraC>().zoom)) / camera.GetC<CameraC>().zoom, world.tilegrid.tileHeight);
if (Keyboard.GetState().IsKeyDown(Keys.Z))
world.tilegrid.setTile(x, y, 0, null);
//world.tilegrid.getTile(x, y, 0).id = 1;
//world.tilegrid.getTile(x, y, 0).solid = false;
Tile t = world.tilegrid.setTile(x, y, 0, currentTile);
if (t != null) t.solid = solidCB.value;
if(autotileCB.value)world.tilegrid.AutoTile(t, 0, x, y, true);
//world.tilegrid.setTile(x, y, 0, null);
// enable and disable cb's //
if (GameServices.get<InputManager>().wasKeyPressed(Keys.LeftShift))
solidCB.value = !solidCB.value;
if (GameServices.get<InputManager>().wasKeyPressed(Keys.Q))
autotileCB.value = !autotileCB.value;
if (GameServices.get<InputManager>().wasKeyPressed(Keys.E))
editorEnabled.value = !editorEnabled.value;
public override void Draw(SpriteBatch spritebatch)
CameraC camera = GameServices.get<CameraManager>().getActiveCameraC();
int width = TileMath.PixelToTile(camera.viewrect.Left + camera.viewrect.Width + (world.tilegrid.tileWidth * 2), world.tilegrid.tileWidth);
int height = TileMath.PixelToTile(camera.viewrect.Top + camera.viewrect.Height + (world.tilegrid.tileHeight * 2), world.tilegrid.tileHeight);
if (editorEnabled.value)
spritebatch.Begin(SpriteSortMode.Deferred, null, SamplerState.PointClamp, null, null, null, GameServices.get<CameraManager>().getActiveCameraC().getTransformation());
//getTile(width - 1, 0).GetComponent<GraphicsC>().sprite.gotoAndStop(4);
Rectangle rect = new Rectangle();
Color trans = new Color(255, 0, 0, 10);
for (int x = TileMath.PixelToTile(camera.viewrect.Left, world.tilegrid.tileWidth); x < width; x++)
for (int y = TileMath.PixelToTile(camera.viewrect.Top, world.tilegrid.tileHeight); y < height; y++)
if (world.tilegrid.getTile(x, y, 0) != null)
if (!world.tilegrid.getTile(x, y, 0).solid) continue;
rect.X = x * world.tilegrid.tileWidth;
rect.Y = y * world.tilegrid.tileHeight;
rect.Width = world.tilegrid.tileWidth;
rect.Height = world.tilegrid.tileHeight;
spritebatch.Draw(GameServices.get<AssetManager>().CreateColoredTexture(trans), rect, Color.White);
There is alot of useless stuff in there for you guys, but I wanted to include it just for the sake of completeness.
I have the exact same problem with another class that has a Draw(SpriteBatch) function that needs to be overriden.
Turned out that I was passing in a MonoGame spritebatch where the library was requiring an XNA spritebatch. I recompiled the library in a seperate project with MonoGame and all problems are sovled.

2nd Line is not getting displayed in the ListField (text wrapping is not happening) ... please advice

Here is the sample code:
class MailBoxSampleListField extends MainScreen implements FolderListener, StoreListener {
private static final int COLUMN_WIDTH_STATUS = 10;
private static final int COLUMN_WIDTH_DATE = 150;
private static final int COLUMN_WIDTH_NAME = 150;
public ListField myList;
private ListCallback myCallback;
public Vector sampleList = new Vector();
public Vector sampleVector;
private class ListCallback implements ListFieldCallback {
public Vector myVector = new Vector();
public Bitmap LIST_IMAGE = Bitmap.getBitmapResource("New.PNG");
public void drawListRow (ListField list, Graphics g, int index, int y,int w) {
displayList(g,0,y,w,(( Message )myVector.elementAt( index )), LIST_IMAGE); // for drawing the list row
for( int ii = 0; ii < sampleVector.size(); ii++) {
String text = ( String )sampleVector.elementAt(ii);
int liney = y + ( ii * list.getFont().getHeight() );
g.drawText( text, LIST_IMAGE.getWidth() + 5, liney, Graphics.ELLIPSIS, w );
public Object get( ListField list, int index ) {
return myVector.elementAt(index);
public int indexOfList( ListField list,String p, int s ) {
return myVector.indexOf(p,s);
public int getPreferredWidth ( ListField list ) {
return Graphics.getScreenWidth();
public void insert(Message _message, int index) {
public void erase () {
MailBoxSampleListField() {
ListCallback myCallback = new ListCallback();
try {
Store store = null;
store = Session.getDefaultInstance().getStore();
store.addStoreListener( this );
// retrieve Folder object fow which we want to receive message notification
try {
Folder[] folders = store.list();
Folder[] f1 = store.findFolder( "inbox" );
Folder vinbox = f1[0];
for (int i =0; i < f1.length; i++) {
f1[i].addFolderListener( this );
Message[] vmessages = vinbox.getMessages();
for ( int j = 0; j < vmessages.length; ++j ) {
if(vmessages[j] != null){
sampleList.addElement( vmessages[j] );
myList = new ListField(); // initialize the ListField
for ( int k = 0; k < sampleList.size(); k++ ) {
myCallback.insert(vmessages[k], k);
myList.setCallback( myCallback );
add( myList );
catch( Exception e ){
catch ( Exception se ) {
public void displayList( Graphics g, int x, int y, int width, Message _message, Bitmap LIST_IMAGE ) {
g.drawBitmap(0, y, LIST_IMAGE.getWidth(), LIST_IMAGE.getHeight(), LIST_IMAGE, 0, 0);
sampleVector = new Vector();
Date d = _message.getReceivedDate();
Calendar c = Calendar.getInstance();
StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer();
sb.append( c.get( Calendar.MONTH ) );
int digit = c.get( Calendar.DAY_OF_MONTH );
if ( digit < 10 ) sb.append(0);
sb.append( digit );
sb.append(' ');
sb.append( c.get( Calendar.HOUR_OF_DAY ) );
digit = c.get( Calendar.MINUTE );
if ( digit < 10 ) sb.append( 0 );
sb.append( digit );
sb.append( ' ');
x += LIST_IMAGE.getWidth()+5;
try {
String name = "<noname>";
if ( _message.isInbound() ) {
Address a = _message.getFrom();
if ( a != null )
name = a.getName();
if ( name == null || name.length() == 0 ) name = a.getAddr();
//get the first Recipient address
Address[] set = _message.getRecipients(Message.RecipientType.TO);
if ( set != null && set.length > 0 )
name = set[0].getName();
if ( name == null || name.length() == 0 ) name = set[0].getAddr();
sampleVector.addElement(name +" " + sb.toString());
} catch (MessagingException e) {
int remainingColumnWidth = Graphics.getScreenWidth() - x;
//get the subject, or if that doesn't exist, the first line of the body
String textToDisplay = _message.getSubject();
if ( null == textToDisplay) //no subject! get the first line of the body if present
Object o = _message.getContent();
if ( o instanceof String )
textToDisplay = (String)o;
else if ( o instanceof Multipart )
Multipart mp = (Multipart)o;
int count = mp.getCount();
for (int i = 0; i < count; ++i)
BodyPart p = mp.getBodyPart(i);
if ( p instanceof TextBodyPart )
textToDisplay = (String)p.getContent();
} public void messagesAdded(FolderEvent e) {} public void messagesRemoved(FolderEvent e) { } public void batchOperation( StoreEvent se) { }
I'm not sure what you mean, could you please post a screenshot so that we can see the problem?
I'll try to help out the best I can. In my limited experience, I have noticed that in a listfield, if you have not set the row height (with setRowHeight()) to a big enough height, graphics (including text) that overflow over the size of the row will not be displayed. Have you tried setting the row height to 2 * list.getFont().getHeight() or more?
If not all rows are displayed, then I think you've missed to call myList.setSize(myVector.size());
I'm not sure what you mean by "wrapping not happening"...
The drawListRow() will be called repeatedly (for the amount of times set by the setSize() that I've suggested above).
In your current code you iterate through the whole myVector on each drawListRow() call - this is wrong.
You must use the value y which is declare in drawListRow (ListField list, Graphics g, int index, int y,int w)
g.drawText( text, LIST_IMAGE.getWidth() + 5, y+liney, Graphics.ELLIPSIS, w )
I am facing this issue for long time finally i got the solution.
As Alex say, you need to implement your own wrapper class, something that looks like:
TextWrapper theWrapper = new TextWrapper();
String[] wrappedText = theWrapper.textWrap(longText, wrappingWidth , 2);
// now draw text line by line
g.drawText(wrappedText[0], x, y, DrawStyle.LEFT, width);
if (wrappedText.length > 1) {
g.drawText(wrappedText[1], x, y + textFont.getHeight(), DrawStyle.LEFT | DrawStyle.ELLIPSIS, width);
public class TextWrapper {
... // put here methods used by textWrap method
// textWrap splits input String in lines having width as maxWidth
public String[] textWrap(String s, int maxWidth, int maxLines)
String[] result;
... // do here the wrap job on input string s
return result;
