Testcontainers do not start after replacing Docker Desktop with minikube - docker

I want to make my testcontainers in Java integration tests work with minikube replacing Docker Desktop.
I followed below article to get started:
This is what I've got in testcontainers.properties
Although my docker is up and running, I'm getting following exception:
Caused by: java.lang.IllegalStateException: Could not find a valid Docker environment. Please see logs and check configuration
Can anybody please suggest anything to make it working?

If you are using gradle try -no-daemon flag to use a new daemon. Your old gradle daemon still using your previous testcontainers properties, also restart your IDE if you're running your build inside.

After restarting Minikube and Intellij editor, and updating testcontainer-bom to be the latest - from 1.15 to 1.16.2, I was able to pull some third-party docker images. This means docker is working now.
However, I'm still trying to find a way to work with local images (Other application docker images) for integration testing as it used to work with Docker Desktop.


Docker install of AZCore results in authserver+worldserver doesn't exist error

I'm trying to spin up a fresh server using the azerothcore docker installation guide. I have completed all of the early installation steps, up until running the containers. Upon running the containers (for worldserver and authserver) i see the following output from the containers. It appears the destination of the world and auth servers in dist/bin is missing, how may i resolve this issue?
Check your docker settings. Make sure you have enough memory. If containers have low memory they will not finish the compile. Check if you have build issues.

Is it possible to run app tests on Android emulator inside Bitbucket pipelines?

I have a Docker image that runs Appium server and Android Emulator. I am totally able to run a container based on that image in my computer (it requires the --privileged flag for that). I am also able to run automated tests in the emulator without any issues.
Now, I would like to run the emulator on Bitbucket pipelines. However, Bitbucket pipelines don't allow starting a Docker container with --privileged (and many other Docker flags) by security reasons. As I understood, this flag is responsible for running the emulator.
I also tried to add to the Docker image to the bitbucket-pipelines.yml file, hoping that I would be able to run the emulator directly in the host, instead of inside a container, but didn't work either, I got empty result from the commands "adb devices" and "emulator -list-avds"
Does anyone know anything that could help achieve this goal? I mean, running automated UI tests on Android in Bitbucket pipelines?
Yes it is possible. There are several answers in the link below, which do not require using the --privileged flag:
android environment using docker and bitbucket pipelines
In the answer of Ming C, there is a linked github page which has a guide on how to run the emulator in the Docker machine:

How to use minikube in VSCode devcontainer?

I'm trying to use minikube inside a VSCode devcontainer to test my project. Althought I'm able to install minikube inside the container, minikube fails to start each time I lunch it.
After different type of configurations and different type of errors I'm starting to wondering if it make sense to use minikube inside a VSCode devcontainer. Anyone have already tried it? is there a correct way to run minikube inside a docker container?
Digging on the problem I've found the solution to my issue right on VSCode website. Here below the link to the GitHub repository:

Why do Kubernetes' containers fail when ran on runsc (gVisor) as a runtime in Docker?

I am running a single master Kubernetes cluster with Docker. I wanted to try runsc (gVisor) on Kubernetes. I just wanted to start each container in a separate sandbox. So I set runsc as the default runtime and restarted the Docker service. To my surprise, all the Kubernetes' containers were failing (checked with docker ps). What is the exception that causes this? Is there any other way to use gVisor+Docker+Kubernetes?
I am using the right requirements to run each of them.
PS: I am just a beginner.
Thanks for trying gVisor! Sorry it isn't working for you.
Running a Kubernetes Pod inside gVisor is still fairly experimental. It can be made to work, but is a bit difficult to configure right now. We are working to make this easier.
Can you run gVisor with Docker (not Kubernetes)? See the instructions here:
If that fails, please file a bug report:
If you can include debug logs, that will help us diagnose any failure.

Bamboo: docker task "An error occurred trying to connect: Post"

I've been trying to set up an Continuous Delivery server with Bamboo. I've got everything going nicely up to the deployment. Bamboo builds and tests my C# project as it should.
Then I created a "deployment plan", installed docker and added the server capability to use docker, set up the docker tasks to build and deploy to dockerHub.
When I try to deploy, I get this error:
An error occurred trying to connect: Post http: // ?buildargs=%7B%7D&cgroupparent=&cpuperiod=0&cpuquota=0&cpusetcpus=&cpusetmems=&cpushares=0&dockerfile=Dockerfile&forcerm=1&memory=0&memswap=0&rm=1&shmsize=0&t=srgskiri%2Fresttest&ulimits=null : dial tcp connectex: No connection could be made because the target machine actively refused it.
01-mrt-2016 13:19:03 Failing task since return code of [C:\Program Files\Docker Toolbox\docker.exe build --force-rm=true --tag="srgskiri/resttest" C:\Users\Srg\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\2129921-2195457] was 1 while expected 0
Now I think that it means that the bamboo 'object' that is calling the command to build, can't communicate with my docker engine/container.
First I thought it was because I didn't have docker-machine running, so I started it and ran the deploy, and still got this error.
This is what I have:
Server capability: path to docker
Docker task: building into an Image
Is there something I'm missing?
PS: Docker works perfectly on its own, both with docker UI or docker terminal. It's bamboo that can't interact with docker.
UPDATE: I didn't mention this, but I ran Bamboo in a Console, not as a service. Maybe thats the problem, that bamboo can't access docker out of console. I can't try this myself now because I can't install bamboo as a service. Keeps hanging if I try to start it as a service.
Will ask the bamboo support about it.
I figured it out... If u work on a Windows, Bamboo has to start the docker-machine itself.
So you have to add Command tasks to:
1) create a docker-machine (if u don't have any yet)
2) start it (if you start docker in bamboo, you can't access it in Windows and vice-versa)
only then you are able to use Docker in Bamboo on Windows.
I feel silly now
-EDIT- To use the Docker tasks after starting the docker-machine, you must also specify the Environment variables for the tasks (like DOCKER_TLS_VERIFY=1)
Otherwise you'll get the error mentioned above.
