sql join clause is not returning expected results with arabic text - join

I really been working to solve this problem for quite a while, I have 2 tables with the same structure as follows:
registerationNumber int, CompanyName nvarchar, areaName nvarchar,phoneNumber int , email nvarchar, projectStatus nvarchar
All columns with data type nvarchar contains Arabic text except the email column,
tableA contains 675 rows and tableB contains 397 rows all exists in tableA
What I am trying to do is select the non matching rows from tableA,
they should be 675 - 398 = 277 rows
everytime I run the where clause I get all tables returned
The join clause I am writing is like this:
select a.registerationNumber
from tableA a left outer join tableB b
on a.registerationNumber = b.registerationNumber
but I am not getting any results, I tried all types of joins but I am getting the same results.
I created a sample database and inserted English data in the tables and it worked fine with the following clause:
select * from tblAllProjects a right join tblhalfProjects h
on a.registerationNumber = h.registerationNumber
which means that I am writing the correct the correct syntax,
I know that I should use the following syntax on selecting Arabic text:
Select * from tableA where comanyName like N'arabic_text'
Anyone knows what seems to be the problem ?

I meant to say that you should do:
select a.registerationNumber
from tableA a left outer join tableB b
on a.registerationNumber = b.registerationNumber
where b.registrationNumber is NULL
This should select all registrationNumbers from tableA, with no match in tableB.
another way to write this (but probably slower) is:
select a.registerationNumber
from tableA a
where a.registerationNumber not in (
select b.registerationNumber
from tableB )
You should/can use this second approach if there are only "a few" records returned from the sub-query.


Suspected alias issue in bigquery join

I am relatively new to bigquery and think I have an aliasing problem but can't work out what it is. Essentially, I have two tables and while the first table has the majority of the required information the second table has a date of birth that I need to join. I have written the below query and the two initial SELECT statements work in isolation and appear to return the expected values. However, when attempting to join the two tables I get an error stating:
Unrecognized name: t1_teams at [10:60]
WITH table_1 AS (SELECT competition_name, stat_season_name,
matchdata_Date, t1_teams.name, t1_players.Position, CAST(REGEXP_REPLACE(t1_players.uID, r'[a-zA-Z]', '') AS NUMERIC) AS Player_ID1, t1_players.First, t1_players.Last
FROM `prod.feed1`,
UNNEST(teams) AS t1_teams, UNNEST(t1_teams.Players) as t1_players),
table_2 AS (SELECT t2_players.uID AS Player_ID2, t2_players.stat_birth_date
FROM `prod.feed2`,
UNNEST(players) AS t2_players)
SELECT competition_name, stat_season_name, matchdata_Date, t1_teams.name, t1_players.Position, t1_players.uID, t1_players.First, t1_players.Last, t2_players.stat_birth_date
FROM table_1
LEFT JOIN table_2
ON Player_ID1 = Player_ID2
WHERE competition_name = "EPL"
AND stat_season_name = "Season 2018/2019"
Any help in steering me in the right direction would be greatly appreciated as my reading of the bigquery documentation and other searches have drawn a blank.
The problem is here:
WITH table_1 AS (
-- this line
You're selecting t1_teams.name, so you end up with just name an an output column from the select list. If you want to refer to t1_teams later, then select that instead:
WITH table_1 AS (
-- this line

Join tables in Hive using LIKE

I am joining tbl_A to tbl_B, on column CustomerID in tbl_A to column Output in tbl_B which contains customer ID. However, tbl_B has all other information in related rows that I do not want to lose when joining. I tried to join using like, but I lost rows that did not contain customer ID in the output column.
Here is my join query in Hive:
select a.*, b.Output from tbl_A a
left join tbl_B b
On b.Output like concat('%', a.CustomerID, '%')
However, I lose other rows from output.
You could also achieve the objective by a simple hive query like this :)
select a.*, b.Output
from tbl_A a, tbl_B b
where b.Output like concat('%', a.CustomerID, '%')
I would suggest first extract all ID's from free floating field which in your case is 'Output' column in table B into a separate table. Then join this table with ID's to Table B again to populate in each row the ID and then this second joined table which is table B with ID's to table A.
Hope this helps.

Hive join query to list columns from only one table

I am writing a hive query to join two tables; table1 and table2. In the result I just need all columns from table1 and no columns from table2.
I know the solution where I can select all the columns manually by specifying table1.column1, table1.column2.. and so on in the select statement. But I have about 22 columns in table 1. Also, I have to do the same for multiple other tables ans its painful process.
I tried using "SELECT table1.*", but I get a parse exception.
Is there a better way to do it?
Hive 0.13 onwards the following query syntax works:
SELECT a.* FROM a JOIN b ON (a.id = b.id)
This query will select all columns from a. So instead of typing all the column names (making the query cumbersome), it is a better idea to use tablealias.*

Access 'Not Equal To' Join

I have two tables, neither with a primary id. The same combination of fields uniquely identifies the records in each and makes the records between the two tables relate-able (I think).
I need a query to combine all the records from one table and only the records from the second not already included from the first table. How do I do this using 'not equal to' joins on multiple fields? My results so far only give me the records of the first table, or no records at all.
Try the following:
SELECT ECDSlides.[Supplier Code], ECDSlides.[Supplier Name], ECDSlides.Commodity
FROM ECDSlides LEFT JOIN (ECDSlides.Commodity = [Mit Task Details2].Commodity) AND (ECDSlides.[Supplier Code] = [Mit Task Details2].[Supplier Code])
WHERE [Mit Task Details2].Commodity Is Null;
This might be what you are looking for
SELECT fieldA,fieldB FROM tableA
SELECT fieldA,fieldB FROM tableB
Union should remove automatically. 'Union All' would not.
If, for some reason, you get perfect duplicates and they are not removed, you could try this :
SELECT fieldA,fieldB FROM tableA
SELECT fieldA,fieldB FROM tableB
) AS subquery

Left join with where clause not working

I was trying to get only selected rows from table A(not all rows) and rows matching table A from table B, but it shows only matching rows from table A and table B, excluding rest of the selected rows from table A.
I used this condition,
SELECT A.CategoryName,B.discount
from A LEFT JOIN B ON A.CategoryCode = B.CategoryCode
WHERE A.itemtype='F' and B.party_code=2
i have 2 tables:
table 1: A with 3 columns
table 2: B with 2 columns
CategoryCode(FK),Discount,PartyCode(FK)(from another table)
NOTE: working in access 2007
For non-matching rows from table B, party_code = NULL, so your where clause will evaluate to false and therefore the row won't be returned. So, you need to filter the "B" records before joining. Try
SELECT A.CategoryName,B.discount
from A LEFT JOIN B ON A.CategoryCode = B.CategoryCode and B.party_code=2
WHERE A.itemtype='F'
[EDIT] That doesn't work in Access. next try.
You can create a query to do your filter. Let's call it "B_filtered". This is just
SELECT * FROM B where party_code = 2
(You could make the "2" a parameter to make it more flexible).
Then, just use this query in your actual query.
SELECT A.CategoryName,B_filtered.discount
from A LEFT JOIN B_filtered ON A.CategoryCode = B_filtered.CategoryCode
WHERE A.itemtype='F'
Just Googled - I think you can do this directly with a subquery.
SELECT A.CategoryName,B_filtered.discount
from A LEFT JOIN (SELECT * FROM B where party_code = 2) AS B_filtered ON A.CategoryCode = B_filtered.CategoryCode
WHERE A.itemtype='F'
What mlinth proposed is correct, and would work for most other SQL languages. The query below is the same basic concept but using a null condition.
SELECT A.CategoryName,B.discount
from A LEFT JOIN B ON A.CategoryCode = B.CategoryCode
WHERE A.itemtype='F' and (B.party_code=2 OR B.party_code IS NULL)
If party_code is nullable, switch to using the PK or another non-nullable field.
