Having trouble decoding JSON file from Github api swift 5 - ios

I am trying to decode a JSON format from GitHub API. The url to the api is correct, it returns all values, but JSONdecoder can't read them. Please help, what am I doing wrong?
I have already done JSONDecoder for github api before, but I only needed the username and repository list, but now I need details about a specific repository
There is my func do decode JSON:
func getMoreInfo() -> MoreInfo {
var moreInfo = MoreInfo(name: "", moreInfoDescription: "", contributorsURL: "", stargazersCount: 0, language: "", forksCount: 0, license: License(key: "", name: ""), topics: [])
if let url = URL(string: "https://api.github.com/repos/allegro/typescript-strict-plugin"){
URLSession.shared.dataTask(with: url) { data, responde, error in
if let data = data {
do {
moreInfo = try JSONDecoder().decode(MoreInfo.self, from: data)
} catch let error {
return moreInfo
There are my structs:
let name, moreInfoDescription: String
let contributorsURL: String
let stargazersCount: Int
let language: String
let forksCount: Int
let license: License
let topics: [String]
enum CodingKeys: String, CodingKey {
case name
case moreInfoDescription = "description"
case contributorsURL = "contributors_url"
case stargazersCount = "stargazers_count"
case language
case forksCount = "forks_count"
case license, topics
struct License: Codable {
let key: String
let name: String
There is the JSON format that gets returned from GitHub API: https://api.github.com/repos/allegro/typescript-strict-plugin
Please tell me what I am doing wrong :)

Your code works well for me, MoreInfo is decoded as required.
Using macos 12.2 Beta, Xcode 13.2,
targets ios 15 and macCatalyst 12. Tested on real devices.
You of course need to deal with the asynchronous function, as #Larme mentioned.
Try this approach:
func getMoreInfo(completion: #escaping(MoreInfo?) -> ()) {
if let url = URL(string: "https://api.github.com/repos/allegro/typescript-strict-plugin"){
URLSession.shared.dataTask(with: url) { data, responde, error in
if let data = data {
do {
let moreInfo = try JSONDecoder().decode(MoreInfo.self, from: data)
} catch let error {
completion(nil) // todo deal with errors
and use it like this:
getMoreInfo() { info in
print("\n-------> info: \(info)")


Reading and parsing a file from dropbox in swift

I am following a tutorial on how to read and parse a csv file from dropbox in swift. However, the tutorial is 4 years old and my code is not compiling in swift5. The code example is copied below and the link to the original video tutorial is here https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O6AKHAXpji0
I am getting two errors.
Error 1:
on the let request = line of callFileFromWeb(){}
'NSURL' is not implicitly convertible to 'URL'; did you mean to use 'as' to explicitly convert?
Error 2:
and on let session = ... within the httpGet(){}
'NSURLSession' has been renamed to 'URLSession'
When I try to implement the proposed fix for error two then I get another error
Cannot call value of non-function type 'URLSession`
Any ideas what should I be adjusting for it to work in swift5?
var items:[(days:String, city:String, inches: String)]?
override func viewDidLoad() {
// Do any additional setup after loading the view, typically from a nib.
func callFileFromWeb(){
let request = NSMutableURLRequest(URL: NSURL(string: "https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/2813968/raindata.txt")!)
(data, error) -> Void in
if error != nil {
} else {
let delimiter = ":"
self.items = []
let lines:[String] = data.componentsSeparatedByCharactersInSet(NSCharacterSet.newlineCharacterSet()) as [String]
for line in lines {
var values:[String] = []
if line != "" {
values = line.componentsSeparatedByString(delimiter)
// Put the values into the tuple and add it to the items array
print(values[2])//PRINTING LAST COLUMN
let item = (days: values[0], city: values[1], inches: values[2])
}}//all good above
// self.AddDataToDatabase()
}//there was an error
}//end of request
}//end of get data from web and load in database
func httpGet(request: NSURLRequest!, callback: (String, String?) -> Void) {
let session = NSURLSession.sharedSession()
let task = session.dataTaskWithRequest(request){
(data, response, error) -> Void in
if error != nil {
callback("", error!.localizedDescription)
} else {
let result = NSString(data: data!, encoding:
callback(result as String, nil)
The final goal is to be able to read a file from drop box. The file updates weakly, so when users launch the app they always have access to the most updated version of the file, rather than having to re download the app when the file updates. Is this the correct approach to do this?
A framework that proved useful in past projects with parsing CSV files is:
CSwiftV -> https://github.com/Daniel1of1/CSwiftV
Updated: 9/23/2020
Let me demonstrate it by refactoring your callFileFromWeb():
func callFileFromWeb() {
let dropboxURL = URL(string: "https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/2813968/raindata.txt")
URLSession.shared.dataTask(with: dropboxURL!) { data, response, error in
guard let urlData = data, error == nil else {
let unparsedCSV = String(data: urlData, encoding: String.Encoding.utf8) ?? "Year,Make,Model,Description,Price\r\n1997,Ford,E350,descrition,3000.00\r\n1999,Chevy,Venture,another description,4900.00\r\n"
let csv = CSwiftV(with: unparsedCSV)
let rows = csv.rows
var iteration = 0
for row in rows {
// Assuming you want the last row
if iteration == rows.count - 1 {
let item = (days: row[0], city: row[1], inches: row[2])
iteration += 1
One other thing, remember that you need to download CSSwiftV from Github and copy the original CSwiftV.swift file into your project.
Hope this helps!

Issue assigning variable value to open Apple Maps when pressing a UILabel

Essentially I am parsing JSON data and assigning it to a variable called addressPressNow I then have the following function that executes when a user taps on a UILabel:
The goal is to have Apple Maps open provided the variable value it contains.
Because I am assigning an address to a variable it will contain spaces
ex: 3981 Test Drive Cupertino CA 95014
NOTE: The value of the variable is being passed correctly because when I do print(addressPressNow) in func tapFunction it prints correctly.
func tapFunction(sender:UITapGestureRecognizer) {
let targetURL = NSURL(string: "http://maps.apple.com/?q=" + addressPressNow)!
UIApplication.shared.openURL(targetURL as URL)
The issue is I am having trouble applying the variable to the string URL with the following error:
Thread 1: Fatal error: Unexpectedly found nil while unwrapping an
Optional value
The following is how I am assigning the value to the variable:
struct FacilityInfo: Decodable {
let address: String
class infoViewController: UIViewController {
var addressPressNow : String = ""
override func viewDidLoad() {
let tap = UITapGestureRecognizer(target: self, action: #selector(infoViewController.tapFunction))
addressInfo.isUserInteractionEnabled = true
let url = URL(string: "https://test/test/example”)!
let task = URLSession.shared.dataTask(with: url) { data, response, error in
// ensure there is no error for this HTTP response
guard error == nil else {
print ("error: \(error!)")
// ensure there is data returned from this HTTP response
guard let data = data else {
print("No data")
// Parse JSON into array of Car struct using JSONDecoder
guard let cars = try? JSONDecoder().decode([FacilityInfo].self, from: data), let secondCar = cars.first
else {
print("Error: Couldn't decode data into cars array")
DispatchQueue.main.async {
self.addressPressNow = secondCar.facility_address
"I am assigning an address to a variable it will contain spaces"
If the address contains spaces then creating NSURL with the string will crash. You can use addingPercentEncoding to solve the problem
if let encodedAddress = addressPressNow.addingPercentEncoding(withAllowedCharacters: .urlQueryAllowed) {
let targetURL = NSURL(string: "http://maps.apple.com/?q=" + encodedAddress)!
UIApplication.shared.openURL(targetURL as URL)
And don't use NSURL and force unwrapping. Update it like this
if let encodedAddress = addressPressNow.addingPercentEncoding(withAllowedCharacters: .urlQueryAllowed),
let targetURL = URL(string: "http://maps.apple.com/?q=" + encodedAddress) {
As suggested by matt use URLComponents
let addressPressNow = "3981 Test Drive Cupertino CA 95014"
var components = URLComponents(string: "http://maps.apple.com")
components?.queryItems = [URLQueryItem(name: "q", value: addressPressNow)]
if let targetURL = components?.url {
UIApplication.shared.open(targetURL, options: [:], completionHandler: nil)
You are saying
NSURL(string: "http://maps.apple.com/?q=" + addressPressNow)!
Notice the exclamation mark at the end. That means "if there's a problem, crash me". You can hardly complain if you do in fact crash; that is what you asked to do.
Basically, never use NSURL(string:) if you can avoid it. To form a valid URL, build it up using URLComponents. And form it out of valid components. (It is impossible to say whether facility_address is a valid URL query, because you have not shown what it is.)
var comp = URLComponents()
comp.scheme = "https"
comp.host = "maps.apple.com"
comp.queryItems = [URLQueryItem(name: "q", value: "1 Infinite Loop, Cupertino, CA")]
if let url = comp.url {
print(url) // https://maps.apple.com?q=1%20Infinite%20Loop,%20Cupertino,%20CA
That gives us a valid URL that actually works.

JSON array inside of an array

I am looking to access a string that is located inside of a JSON array that is located inside of another array. I am accessing the JSON API using JSONDecoder. I am receiving errors when trying the various methods that I have used in the past when using JSON arrays.
Here is the code:
var country = [Results]()
struct Rating: Codable {
let results: [Results]
struct Results: Codable {
let iso_3166_1: String
let release_dates: [Release_Dates]
struct Release_Dates: Codable {
let certification: String
func loadRating() {
let id = filmId
let apiKey = ""
let url = URL(string: "https://api.themoviedb.org/3/movie/\(id)/release_dates?api_key=\(apiKey)")
let request = URLRequest(
url: url! as URL,
cachePolicy: URLRequest.CachePolicy.reloadIgnoringLocalCacheData,
timeoutInterval: 10 )
let session = URLSession (
configuration: URLSessionConfiguration.default,
delegate: nil,
delegateQueue: OperationQueue.main
let task = session.dataTask(with: request, completionHandler: { (dataOrNil, response, error) in
if let data = dataOrNil {
do { let rates = try! JSONDecoder().decode(Rating.self, from: data)
self.country = rates.results
let us = self.country.filter({ $0.iso_3166_1.contains("US") })
us prints to console
[Film.DetailsView.Results(iso_3166_1: "US", release_dates: [Film.DetailsView.Release_Dates(certification: "PG-13")])]
I am trying to access the certification string.
What would be the correct method used to achieve this?
us is an array of Results.
To get the first certification use this:
print(us.first!.release_dates.first!. certification)
I am force unwrapping for brevity, you should properly do it with optional binding or the guard statement.
Pretty straightforward, the result of filter is an array and certification is in the array release_dates
let us = self.country.filter({ $0.iso_3166_1.contains("US") })
for item in us {
for releaseDate in item.release_dates {
Please name your struct member names lowerCamelCased by mapping the keys with CodingKeys or with the convertFromSnakeCase strategy.
If there is only one US item, use first
if let us = self.country.first({ $0.iso_3166_1.contains("US") }) {
for releaseDate in us.release_dates {

Display image from URL, Swift 4.2

I am a fairly decent Objective C developer, and I am now learning Swift (of which I am finding quite difficult, not only because of new concepts, such as optionals, but also because Swift is continually evolving, and much of the available tutorials are severely outdated).
Currently I am trying parse a JSON from a url into an NSDictionary and then use one of its value to display an image (which is also a url). Something like this:
URL -> NSDictionary -> init UIImage from url -> display UIImage in UIImageView
This is quite easy in Objective C (and there may even be a shorter answer):
NSURL *url = [NSURL URLWithString:#"https://api.nasa.gov/planetary/apod?api_key=DEMO_KEY"];
NSData *apodData = [NSData dataWithContentsOfURL:url];
NSDictionary *apodDict = [NSJSONSerialization JSONObjectWithData:apodData options:0 error:nil];
The above code snippet gives me back a standard NSDictionary, in which I can refer to the "url" key to get the address of the image I want to display:
"url" : "https://apod.nasa.gov/apod/image/1811/hillpan_apollo15_4000.jpg"
This I then convert into a UIImage and give it to a UIImageView:
NSURL *imageURL = [NSURL URLWithString: [apodDict objectForKey:#"url"]];
NSData *imageData = [NSData dataWithContentsOfURL:imageURL];
UIImage *apodImage = [UIImage imageWithData:imageData];
UIImageView *apodView = [[UIImageView alloc] initWithImage: apodImage];
Now, I am basically trying to replicate the above Objective C code in Swift but continuously run into walls. I have tried several tutorials (one of which actually did the exact same thing: display a NASA image), as well as find a few stack overflow answers but none could help because they are either outdated or they do things differently than what I need.
So, I would like to ask the community to provide the Swift 4 code for the these problems:
1. Convert data from url into a Dictionary
2. Use key:value pair from dict to get url to display an image
If it is not too much already, I would also like to ask for detailed descriptions alongside the code because I would like the answer to be the one comprehensive "tutorial" for this task that I believe is currently not available anywhere.
Thank you!
First of all I'm pretty sure that in half a year you will find Objective-C very complicated and difficult. 😉
Second of all even your ObjC code is discouraged. Don't load data from a remote URL with synchronous Data(contentsOf method. Regardless of the language use an asynchronous way like (NS)URLSession.
And don't use Foundation collection types NSArray and NSDictionary in Swift. Basically don't use NS... classes at all if there is a native Swift counterpart.
In Swift 4 you can easily decode the JSON with the Decodable protocol directly into a (Swift) struct,
the URL string can be even decoded as URL.
Create a struct
struct Item: Decodable {
// let copyright, date, explanation: String
// let hdurl: String
// let mediaType, serviceVersion, title: String
let url: URL
Uncomment the lines if you need more than the URL.
And load the data with two data tasks.
let url = URL(string: "https://api.nasa.gov/planetary/apod?api_key=DEMO_KEY")!
let task = URLSession.shared.dataTask(with: url) { (data, _, error) in
if let error = error { print(error); return }
do {
let decoder = JSONDecoder()
// this line is only needed if all JSON keys are decoded
decoder.keyDecodingStrategy = .convertFromSnakeCase
let result = try decoder.decode(Item.self, from: data!)
let imageTask = URLSession.shared.dataTask(with: result.url) { (imageData, _, imageError) in
if let imageError = imageError { print(imageError); return }
DispatchQueue.main.async {
let apodImage = UIImage(data: imageData!)
let apodView = UIImageView(image: apodImage)
// do something with the image view
} catch { print(error) }
You can use this extension
extension UIImage {
public static func loadFrom(url: URL, completion: #escaping (_ image: UIImage?) -> ()) {
DispatchQueue.global().async {
if let data = try? Data(contentsOf: url) {
DispatchQueue.main.async {
completion(UIImage(data: data))
} else {
DispatchQueue.main.async {
guard let url = URL(string: "http://myImage.com/image.png") else { return }
UIImage.loadFrom(url: url) { image in
self.photo.image = image
Since image loading is a trivial and at the same time task which could be implemented in many different ways, I would recommend you to not "reinvent the wheel" and have a look to an image loading library such as Nuke, since it already covers most of the cases you might need during your development process.
It allows you to load and show image asynchronously into your view, using simple api:
Nuke.loadImage(with: url, into: imageView)
And also if you need - to specify how image should be loaded and presented:
let options = ImageLoadingOptions(
placeholder: UIImage(named: "placeholder"),
failureImage: UIImage(named: "failure_image"),
contentModes: .init(
success: .scaleAspectFill,
failure: .center,
placeholder: .center
Nuke.loadImage(with: url, options: options, into: imageView)
Create an UIIimageView Extension and the following code
extension UIImageView {
public func imageFromServerURL(urlString: String) {
self.image = nil
let urlStringNew = urlString.replacingOccurrences(of: " ", with: "%20")
URLSession.shared.dataTask(with: NSURL(string: urlStringNew)! as URL, completionHandler: { (data, response, error) -> Void in
if error != nil {
print(error as Any)
DispatchQueue.main.async(execute: { () -> Void in
let image = UIImage(data: data!)
self.image = image
self.UploadedImageView.imageFromServerURL(urlString: imageURLStirng!)
I have just extended on vadian's answer, separated some concerns to clearly understand the basics. His answer should suffice.
First, you have to build your structure. This will represent the JSON structure you retrieved from the webservice.
struct Item: Codable {
let url, hdurl : URL,
let copyright, explanation, media_type, service_version, title : String
Then make you request methods. I usually create a separate file for it. Now, vadian mentioned about completion handlers. These are represented by escaping closures. Here, closure ()-> is passed on both functions and called having the decoded data as argument.
struct RequestCtrl {
func fetchItem(completion: #escaping (Item?)->Void) {
let url = URL(string: "https://api.nasa.gov/planetary/apod?api_key=DEMO_KEY")!
//URLSessionDataTask handles the req and returns the data which you will decode based on the Item structure we defined above.
let task = URLSession.shared.dataTask(with: url) { (data, _, _) in
let jsonDecoder = JSONDecoder()
if let data = data,
let item = try? jsonDecoder.decode(Item.self, from: data){
//jsonDecoder requires a type of our structure represented by .self and the data from the request.
} else {
func fetchItemPhoto(usingURL url: URL, completion: #escaping (Data?)-> Void) {
let task = URLSession.shared.dataTask(with: url) { (data, _, _) in
if let data = data { completion(data) } else { completion(nil) }
Now in you ViewController, call your request and handle the execution of your closure.
class ViewController: UIViewController {
let requestCtrl = RequestCtrl()
override func viewDidLoad() {
requestCtrl.fetchItem { (fetchedItem) in
guard let fetchedItem = fetchedItem else { return }
self.getPhoto(with: fetchedItem)
func getPhoto(with item: Item) {
requestCtrl.fetchItemPhoto(usingURL: item.url) { (fetchedPhoto) in
guard let fetchedPhoto = fetchedPhoto else { return }
let photo = UIImage(data: fetchedPhoto)
//now you have a photo at your disposal
These are not the best of practices since I am also still learning, so by all means do some research on topics especially closures, ios concurrency and URLComponents on Apple's documentation :)
you need to convert url into string and data to add in imageview
let imageURL:URL=URL(string: YourImageURL)!
let data=NSData(contentsOf: imageURL)
Yourimage.image=UIImage(data: data! as Data)
First add the pod in Podfile
pod 'Alamofire',
pod 'AlamofireImage'
you can check this link for install pods => https://cocoapods.org/pods/AlamofireImage
// Use this function for load image from URL in imageview
withURL: url,
placeholderImage: placeholderImage //its optional if you want to add placeholder
Check this link for method of alamofireImage
Update for Xcode 13.3 , Swift 5
To load the Image asynchronously from a URL string, use this extension:
extension UIImageView {
public func getImageFromURLString(imageURLString: String) {
guard let imageURL = URL(string: imageURLString) else { return}
Task {
await requestImageFromURL(imageURL)
private func requestImageFromURL(_ imageURL: URL) async{
let urlRequest = URLRequest(url: imageURL)
do {
let (data, response) = try await URLSession.shared.data(for: urlRequest)
if let httpResponse = response as? HTTPURLResponse{
if httpResponse.statusCode == 200{
print("Fetched image successfully")
// Loading the image here
self.image = UIImage(data: data)
} catch let error {
imageView.getImageFromURLString(imageURLString: "https://apod.nasa.gov/apod/image/1811/hillpan_apollo15_4000.jpg")

iOS 11 Share Extensions Broken

Before iOS 11 came out I created a share extension to my social media app. It worked perfectly fine. Once iOS 11 came out, the share extension quit working. I searched and debugged the extension until I found the source of the problem. When looping through the attachments inside the extensionContext.inputItems[0].attachments, none of the attachments has an item conforming to kUTTypeImage. So none of my code was running from that point on. I also had another strange outcome yesterday. This is part of my code inside the didSelectPost function.
guard let content = extensionContext?.inputItems[0] as? NSExtensionItem else { return }
guard let contentAttachments = content.attachments as? [NSItemProvider] else { return }
let skyName = self.textView.text
for attachment in contentAttachments {
if attachment.hasItemConformingToTypeIdentifier(imageType) {
attachment.loadItem(forTypeIdentifier: imageType, options: nil) { (data, error) in
guard error == nil, let url = data as? NSURL else { return }
self.imageFromAsset(url: url as URL)
if !self.selectedType.isEmpty {
do {
let imageData = try Data(contentsOf: url as URL)
self.skyImage = UIImage(data: imageData)
guard let skyOriginalImageURL = self.skyOriginalImageURL else { return }
guard let skyImageURL = self.skyImageURL else { return }
let newSky = Sky(name: skyName ?? "Another Sky",
type: self.selectedType,
date: self.date,
location: self.location,
picture: CKAsset(fileURL: skyImageURL),
likes: 0, flags: 0,
likedBy: [CKReference](), flaggedBy: [CKReference](),
originalImage: CKReference(record: CKRecord(recordType: "SkyImage"), action: .none))
let newSkyImage = SkyImageFullResolution(picture: CKAsset(fileURL: skyOriginalImageURL))
self.saveSky(sky: newSky, skyImage: newSkyImage)
} catch {
defer {
I don't have a direct answer to your problem but recently in iOS 11 I have resolved a problem to display a share extension involving PDF files.
My problem was that my expected type identifiers were not found among the attachments.
NSItemProvider has an instance property registeredTypeIdentifiers to show you the type identifiers that can be found when your extension is activated.
That's what I do :
1) I use TRUEPREDICATE as NSExtensionActivationRule to force display my share extension in the context of my interest.
2) After you select your share extension, your extension code will be triggered.
Then you print all the type registeredTypeIdentifiers of each attachment, by looping through your contentAttachments.
Once you have identified all the identifiers, you will be able to find a solution to your problem.
