Dart Streams - How to combine previous and next element? - dart

I have a simple widget subscribed to a Stream of elements.
Each time a new element is received I would like to get also the previous element and decide which one of them pass downstream.
Currently I am using the map operator to store the previous element and calculate the next, like this:
elements.map((e) {
if (this.previous == null) {
this.previous = e;
return e;
final next = merge(this.previous, e);
this.previous = e;
return next;
How can I do this better and avoid having this.previous?

If you use the rxdart package there is an extension method called pairwise which according to the documentation:
Emits the n-th and n-1th events as a pair. The first event won't be emitted until the second one arrives.
Then you should be able to do something along the lines of this:
elements.pairwise().map((pair) => merge(pair.first, pair.last)).listen(...);

Here is one possibility
void main() {
List list = [12, 24, 48, 60];
list.reduce((value, element) {
print(value + element); // Push to another list maybe?
return element;
If you are working with a stream try this
void main() {
var counterStream = Stream<int>.periodic(const Duration(seconds: 1), (x) => x)
.reduce((previous, element) {
print(previous + element); // Push to another stream maybe?
return element;


Stream of List with elements from another streams' current values

I want to create a List Stream based on another elements Stream. The List Stream should yield a new list every time an element from the list emits a new value.
Something like this:
Stream<List<Model>> getListStream(List<int> ids) async* {
final List<Model> models = [];
for (var id in ids) {
getModelStream(id).listen((event) {
yield models;
but it always yields an empty array.
I think the problem is probably the fact the it does not react to the event listener.
How do you deal with this kind of problem?
You're yielding an empty list which will later be filled in.
If you want to wait for the list to be filled in before yielding it, you'll have to do that.
Stream<List<Model>> getListStream(List<int> ids) async* {
for (var id in ids) {
yield await getModelStream(id).toList();
or, if you want to start all the streams immediately, and compute them in parallel, and then emit the values when they are done (not necessarily in the original ID order), then:
Stream<List<Model>> getListStream(List<int> ids) {
var controller = StreamController<List<Model>>(sync: true);
controller.onListen = () {
var count = 0;
for (var id in ids) {
getModelStream(id).toList().then((models) {
if (--count == 0) controller.close();
return controller.stream;

Future.then() is executed too early

I have a method which is supposed to return a Future, containing a list of groups.
This works fine as I can loop the list of groups in that method itself, but somehow list is returned before it could be filled. Surely this is an error on my part but I can't seem to grasp what I'm doing wrong.
Future< List<GroupData> > getGroups(String uniqueUserID) async
List<GroupData> groups = new List<GroupData>();
try {
var result = Firestore.instance
.where("members", arrayContains: uniqueUserID);
.listen (
(data) {
// Handle all documents one by one
for (DocumentSnapshot ds in data.documents)
List<String> members = new List<String>();
for (dynamic member in ds.data['members'])
members.add( member );
groups.add( new GroupData(ds.data['name'], ds.data['description'], ds.documentID.toString(), ds.data['admin'], members) );
} catch (exception)
print ('Something went wrong while fetching the groups of user ' + uniqueUserID + ' !');
return groups;
This method is being called using the method Future.then() but the list is empty while there should be several resuls (and there are, I can loop all items in the list in the above method and access/print their data). What am I missing?
The execution of your function is never locked. It doesn't wait until your listened stream finished.
There are a few solutions:
change stream.listen into await for (final item in stream)
add an await stream.done
Stream<List<T>> stream;
stream.listen((list) {
for (final item in list) {
await for (final list in stream) {
for (final item in list) {

Dartlang wait more than one future

I want to do something after a lot of future functions are done, but I do not know how to write the code in dart?
the code is like this:
for (var d in data) {
// when all loaded
// do something here
but I don't want to wait for them one by one:
for (var d in data) {
await d.loadData(); // NOT NEED THIS
how to write those code in dart?
You can use Future.wait to wait for a list of futures:
import 'dart:async';
Future main() async {
var data = [];
var futures = <Future>[];
for (var d in data) {
await Future.wait(futures);
DartPad example
Existing answer gives enough information, but I want to add a note/warning.
As stated in the docs:
The value of the returned future will be a list of all the values that were produced in the order that the futures are provided by iterating futures.
So, that means that the example below will return 4 as the first element (index 0), and 2 as the second element (index 1).
import 'dart:async';
Future main() async {
List<int> li = await Future.wait<int>([
fetchLong(), // longer (which gives 4) is first
fetchShort(), // shorter (which gives 2) is second
print('results: ${li[0]} ${li[1]}'); // results: 4 2
Future<int> fetchShort() {
return Future.delayed(Duration(seconds: 3), () {
return 2;
Future<int> fetchLong() {
return Future.delayed(Duration(seconds: 5), () {
return 4;
If you want to wait for multiple futures of different types and also support null-safety then you can add a helper function similar to the following.
import 'package:tuple/tuple.dart';
Future<Tuple2<T1, T2>> waitConcurrently<T1, T2>(
Future<T1> future1, Future<T2> future2) async {
late T1 result1;
late T2 result2;
await Future.wait([
future1.then((value) => result1 = value),
future2.then((value) => result2 = value)
return Future.value(Tuple2(result1, result2));
In order for this to work you need tuples.
At the moment Dart does not provide tuples natively, but there is a package from Google which does: https://pub.dev/packages/tuple
In addition, I'd like to supplement Günter Zöchbauer's answer with FutureOr variant. You'll need to convert your FutureOr<T> variable to Future<T> first and then call wait:
Future.wait(list.map((x) async => x))

What is the best/shortest way to convert an Iterable to a Stream, in Dart?

I have an Iterable, and I'd like to convert it to a Stream. What is the most efficient/shortest-amount-of-code to do this?
For example:
Future convert(thing) {
return someAsyncOperation(thing);
Stream doStuff(Iterable things) {
return things
.map((t) async => await convert(t)) // this isn't exactly what I want
// because this returns the Future
// and not the value
.where((value) => value != null)
.toStream(); // this doesn't exist...
Note: iterable.toStream() doesn't exist, but I want something like that. :)
Here's a simple example:
var data = [1,2,3,4,5]; // some sample data
var stream = new Stream.fromIterable(data);
Using your code:
Future convert(thing) {
return someAsyncOperation(thing);
Stream doStuff(Iterable things) {
return new Stream.fromIterable(things
.map((t) async => await convert(t))
.where((value) => value != null));
In case you are using the Dart SDK version 1.9 or a newer one, you could easily create a stream using async*
import 'dart:async';
Future convert(thing) {
return new Future.value(thing);
Stream doStuff(Iterable things) async* {
for (var t in things) {
var r = await convert(t);
if (r != null) {
yield r;
void main() {
doStuff([1, 2, 3, null, 4, 5]).listen(print);
Maybe it is easier to read as it has less braces and "special" methods, but that is a matter of taste.
If you want to sequentially process each item in the iterable you can use Stream.asyncMap:
Future convert(thing) {
return waitForIt(thing); // async operation
f() {
var data = [1,2,3,4,5];
new Stream.fromIterable(data)
.where((value) => value != null))

Distinguish between onClick and onDoubleClick on same element to perform different actions in Dart

I want to do the ill-advised and place both an onClick and onDoubleClick on the same element with each type of event resulting in a different action. Specifically on an image, click to advance to the next image, double-click to toggle fullscreen.
Naturally I get two clicks followed by a double-click (though I understand that some browsers only fire one click before the double-click).
I had thought to make it easy on myself and place each event into a buffer (List) - or rather to add the event.type string to a list, then, after a suitable elapse of time, say 250 or 300 milliseconds examine the last item in the buffer and if doubleclick then go fullscreen else advance the length of the list.
I have found that the list only ever has one item, and I have not worked out how to get the timer to work..
Amongst my attempts was this one:
void catchClickEvents(Event e) {
var eventTypes = new List<String>();
Duration duration = const Duration(milliseconds: 300);
var timeout = new Timer(duration, () => processEvents(eventTypes));
void processEvents(List eTypes) {
// just to see what is going on...
this results in this output printed to the console:
rather than
[click, click, dblclick]
If I slow it down there is a clear delay before those three event types are printed together
The bigger question is
'What is the darty way to distiguish between single and double-click and perform a different action for each?'
The other questions are:
How do I fill a buffer with successive events (and later clear it down) - or even how do I use Dart's Stream of events as a buffer...
What is the real way timeout before examining the contents of the buffer?
(and I guess the final question is 'should I abandon the effort and settle for a conventional set of buttons with glyph-icons?'!)
I'm not sure if IE still has the event sequence explained here (no 2nd click event)
If yes you can use a slightly deviated variant of Roberts solution:
library app_element;
import 'dart:html' as dom;
import 'dart:async' as async;
Duration dblClickDelay = new Duration(milliseconds: 500);
async.Timer clickTimer;
void clickHandler(dom.MouseEvent e, [bool forReal = false]) {
if(clickTimer == null) {
clickTimer = new async.Timer(dblClickDelay, () {
clickHandler(e, true);
clickTimer = null;
} else if(forReal){
void dblClickHandler(dom.MouseEvent e) {
if(clickTimer != null) {
clickTimer = null;
void main() {
or just use Roberts solution with the mouseUp event instead of the click event.
The problem is that your variable is not global.
var eventTypes = new List<String>();
void catchClickEvents(Event e) {
Duration duration = const Duration(milliseconds: 300);
var timeout = new Timer(duration, () => processEvents(eventTypes));
void processEvents(List eTypes) {
There also is e.detail that should return the number of the click. You can use that, if you don't need the Internet Explorer. The problem with your list is that it grows and never gets cleared.
Let's take into account what we know: You get click events and at somepoint you have doubleclicks.
You could use a click counter here. (Or use e.detail) to skip the second click event. So you only have click and dblclick.
Now when you get a click event, you create a new timer like you did before and run the click action. If you get the dblclick event you simply run you action. This could like this:
DivElement div = querySelector('#div');
Timer timeout = null;
div.onClick.listen((MouseEvent e) {
if(e.detail >= 2) {
} else {
if(timeout != null) {
timeout = new Timer(new Duration(milliseconds: 150), () => print('click'));
div.onDoubleClick.listen((MouseEvent e) {
if(timeout != null) {
timeout = null;
This is the example code that works for me. If you can't rely on e.detail just us a counter and reset it after some ms after a click event.
I hope this helps you.
Regards, Robert
Your page should react on user inputs as fast as possible. If you wait to confirm double click - your onClick will become much less responsive. You can hide the problem by changing visual state of the element(for example, playing animation) after first click but it can confuse user. And it gets even worse with handheld. Also if element has to react only on onClick event, you can "cheat" and listen to onmousedown instead - it will make your UI much more responsive.
On top of all this, double click, from client to client, may have noticeably different trigger time interval and it isn't intuitive, for user, that you can double click something. You will have to bloat your interface with unnecessary hints.
edit: Added my solution. It should be fairly extensible and future proof.
import 'dart:html';
import 'dart:async';
import 'dart:math';
//enum. Kinda... https://code.google.com/p/dart/issues/detail?id=88
class UIAction {
static const NEXT = const UIAction._(0);
static const FULLSCREEN = const UIAction._(1);
static const ERROR = const UIAction._(2);
final int value;
const UIAction._(this.value);
*[UIEventToUIAction] transforms UIEvents into corresponding UIActions.
class UIEventToUIAction implements StreamTransformer<UIEvent, UIAction> {
* I use "guesstimate" value for [doubleClickInterval] but you can calculate
* comfortable value for the user from his/her previous activity.
final Duration doubleClickInterval = const Duration(milliseconds: 400);
final StreamController<UIAction> st = new StreamController();
Stream<UIAction> bind(Stream<UIEvent> originalStream) {
int t1 = 0,
t2 = 0;
bool isOdd = true;
Duration deltaTime;
originalStream.timeout(doubleClickInterval, onTimeout: (_) {
if ((deltaTime != null) && (deltaTime >= doubleClickInterval)) {
}).forEach((UIEvent uiEvent) {
isOdd ? t1 = uiEvent.timeStamp : t2 = uiEvent.timeStamp;
deltaTime = new Duration(milliseconds: (t1 - t2).abs());
if (deltaTime < doubleClickInterval) st.add(UIAction.FULLSCREEN);
isOdd = !isOdd;
return st.stream;
void main() {
//Eagerly perform time consuming tasks to decrease the input latency.
Future NextImageLoaded;
Future LargeImageLoaded;
element.onMouseDown.forEach((_) {
NextImageLoaded = asyncActionStub(
"load next image. Returns completed future if already loaded");
LargeImageLoaded = asyncActionStub(
"load large version of active image to show in fullscreen mode."
"Returns completed future if already loaded");
Stream<UIEvent> userInputs = element.onClick as Stream<UIEvent>;
userInputs.transform(new UIEventToUIAction()).forEach((action) {
switch (action) {
LargeImageLoaded.then( (_) =>asyncActionStub("fullscreen mode") )
.then((_) => print("'full screen' finished"));
case UIAction.NEXT:
NextImageLoaded.then( (_) =>asyncActionStub("next image") )
.then((_) => print("'next image' finished"));
final DivElement element = querySelector("#element");
final Random rng = new Random();
final Set performed = new Set();
*[asyncActionStub] Pretends to asynchronously do something usefull.
* Also pretends to use cache.
Future asyncActionStub(String msg) {
if (performed.contains(msg)) {
return new Future.delayed(const Duration(milliseconds: 0));
return new Future.delayed(
new Duration(milliseconds: rng.nextInt(300)),
() => performed.add(msg));
