Flutter splash screen Xcode white background for first 2 seconds - ios

Flutter splash screen Xcode white background for first 2 seconds. After that, it correctly shows the images from my storyboard... I tried everything to get rid of that first white blank screen, but I can't. Can someone help, please?
Removed Launchscreen.storyboard and regenerated.
Removed app from
device and reinstalled
Tried everything here:
Launch Screen not displaying iOS 8
Changed these configurations.
Bot nothing works at all. I am using Flutter and flutter_native_splash and generated the icons with this, but they did not help either.
Note: I noticed that I only see launchscreen and main as options in general > app icons and launch images in Xcode. Shouldn't I be able to see the option launschreen_storyboard as well?
Note: Android works fine. It only is a problem at iOS.

I have fixed the issue by restarting my device. Apparently this is an iPhone/iOS cache bug.


iOS App shows black screen after succesful install on device using Xcode 12.5

I am trying to install an app using Xcode 12.5 on my personal device which is an iPhone 7 plus running iOS 15 underneath.
I got it to work after much hassle by adding iOS 15 device support files, but, after the app installs and launches itself, I get a black screen for like a minute or two and then the app works fine.
However, if I debug it takes approximately 30-40 seconds from jumping to one breakpoint to another and it consumes a lot of time.
I have tried scouring for a lot of information on this but no luck. Any solution for this would be appreciated.
You probably disabled your Splash screen that is why black screen appears.
Go in your LaunchScreen.storyboard file, there you will find a Screen Controller. Make it story board entry point and give it a background color of your choice.

The icon of my iOS application is not displayed in iPads (but fine with simulators) [Swift, iOS, Xcode]

I am creating an iOS application for iPads with Swift 5, Xcode 13.1.
Last time I changed my icons by replacing images in Assets.xcassets. However, suddenly the app icon became not properly displayed on my iPad for some reason. Now the app icon is just a grid.
There are two weird things happening:
The icons are actually properly displayed when testing with simulators.
Then I reversed all of the modifications using GitHub, but the app still does not show its icon, even with using all files that used to show the icon properly.
I have tried:
rebooting my MacBook Pro and iPads (mini 6th & pro 11 inch.)
clean build,
made sure App Icons Source was appropriately selected
recreate new iOS app icon in Assets with Xcode
tested with other icon files that are confirmed to be working with other apps
re-install Xcode
Tried with my iPhone
However, none of the above solved the problem. I would appreciate it very much if I could know what is happening and how I can show the app icon properly.
I updated iPads and iPhones to iOS 15.1, and the problem was solved... temporally. When changing the icon files, I realized that the icons were not displayed properly with iPads but not with iPhones and. All of the simulators stopped displaying the icons properly. Further playing with Xcode, I realized that include all app icon assets was ticked, so I changed it to ticked and vise versa. This appeared to cause the problem..., But honestly could not replicate the problem that clearly!
Currently, the changing icons are appropriately reflected in my iPad Pro 6th gen, but not in my iPhones. Simulators are not showing icons appropriately either!
I would really appreciate it if somebody could explain what is happing to me.
I updated iPads and iPhones to iOS 15.1, and the problem solved completely!! Now all icons are displayed properly.
Update 1
The above solve the problem... temporally. Then, further playing with Xcode, I realized that include all app icon assets was ticked and this was causing all of the icon problems.
Once I ticked off include all app icon assets, I was actually able to change the image files from Assets and reflect it on my app.
Update 2
When I reopened Xcode again today, for some reason, all simulators displayed icons properly. iPhones and iPads are working fine as well. include all app icon assets does not SEEM to have influence now...?
I honestly have no idea.. But, I could say if somebody is struggling with the same icon issue, updating everything might change the situation...

splash screen logo image not shown using xcode 10 in swift

I am updating my code Xcode 9.2 to latest Xcode 10. all things working properly but splash screen logo image not shown when apps running . is there any solution for it.
I got solution for my problem by restarting testing device.
See previous answers here: iOS Keeping old launch screen and app icon after update
You don't specify in the question if you're running on a real device or simulator, but if simulator make sure you do 'Erase All Content And Settings' from the 'Hardware' menu. The simulator is not an emulator and doesn't always behave the same as a real device.

iOS Simulator displaying white screen (only in simulator, screen shot shows UI)

After researching previous topics on this issue, I can't seem to find an answer for my problem.
Xcode Version Version 6.1.1 (6A2008a), OS X Yosemite Version 10.10.2 (14C109)
I just finished creating my first simple application in Xcode using the Single View App template, but cannot get the iOS simulator to get past a blank white screen, no matter how long I wait.
Here's a screen shot of my main.storyboard UI/Assistant editor:
It will however sometimes display the copyright information.
Here's what I've tried already:
Made sure my Main Interface was set to Main (main.storyboard)
Waited for an hour+ for iOS simulator to load and it never did
Tried Reset Content and Settings in the iOS simulator and then tried simulator again
Tried different devices besides iPhone 6 as target devices to simulate and I was able to get the iPhone 5s simulator to display the button, but only the button.
Uninstalled Xcode by moving to the bin, emptied trash, reinstalled from App Store
Now it gets even more strange, If I run the simulator using iPhone 6 as my target device and take a screen shot of my simulation, every object appears normally in the screen shot but NOT in the simulator (still just a blank white screen). Here's that screen shot:
Any help will be greatly appreciated.

Splash screen still displayed although I removed the Default.png

I don't want any more the splash screen, I have removed the Default.png from the resources file, also I have removed the sleep function. However, when I run the app, the splash screen is still there, can you help me to figure out why it still displayed? Thanks in advance :)
Did you clean the targets after you removed the image? Xcode sometimes requires a clean between builds in order to notice changes to your images. And if that does not work, uninstall the app from the simulator and rebuild.
Try cleaning the targets (Cmd+Shift+K), and if this doesn't work try to delete the app from the simulator/device and to reinstall it.
iOS always displays a "splash screen", AKA launch screen. When you don't provide an image, it initially shows a black screen. When the quits the app, iOS takes a screenshot just after your code return the applicationDidEnterBackground: and uses it as the new launch image (as long as your app doesn't quit).
I experienced the same issue and none of the cleaning activities nor uninstalling the app from simulator helped.
From my point of view there was a bug in xcode 3.x which is now properly fixed in V. 4.x
